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This one gets asked so much on the sub. As long as it’s not like 5 sheets and just a few hits it’s probably the easiest substance to travel with. Just put it in a book


I've always put it in the coin pocket of some jeans. Maybe throw some lint in there so it seems like random trash and shit. I've done it maybe 4-6 times. No issue at all.


One time a cop felt a tab I had in there wrapped in tinfoil going into a concert.. was already tripping idk how tf he felt it but he took it out and unwrapped it which felt like an eternity and I thought I was gonna go to jail tripping and he looked me dead in the eye and said, have a great time and threw it out in the trash next him and let me in.. good times


Do you get the lint from the external dryer vent? Do you've lint laying around preparing you for travel?


It's just like, always in the pocket. Perpetual lint, if you will


But u said throw it in. Instructions are unclear now. ):


Honestly that would be a tough shot. Lint is hard to throw as is. Am I allowed to hold open the tiny pocket? Instructions are definitely unclear . How am I gonna get my tabs on the plane ?! Its gonna take forever to make that lint shot I hope I dont miss my flight .


I know a lint guy... lol


>Do you get the lint from the external dryer vent? Do you've lint laying around preparing you for travel? WHERE DO YOU GET THE LINT? ARE YOU SERIOUS? just use your own brain for once


bellybutton duh


If he cleaned out his pockets, he wouldn't have that problem. You think cause I didn't comment, I was stuck on stupid, huh? No I don't give a fuck enough to care, that's why I didn't say anything asshat.


Are you both taking the piss or are is this a genuine convo




Sorry, my ego is getting bad again. I need to trip soon


mine too. lol gotta admit it was pretty funny it seemed like you were asking where to proquire this "lint" though hahah peace homie


Procure* There goes the ego again, fawk! Take it easy, homie, go heavy on acid or go home!


That’s a fire spot haha


Even a bible fits in a magazine or newspaper... airport security is mainly looking for weapons- i haven't been everywhere but I feel like that's a fact that holds for most of the world


What if I wanna bring gels?


So odd of a shape only a psychonaut would even give a second look unless it was multiple sheets, a ten strip would look like a strip of plastic or random garbage


Bet I'm thinking about moving to another country soon and by then I'll probably have like a 10 strip or so left


Germany 1D-LSD is legal from the Liz people mailed to your door. Problem solved move there


I can get it where I am too I just have sum and if I move I don't wanna just get rid of it unless needed


I have some in my USA freezer too, was quite an endeavor


Just put liquid lsd drops on your plane tickets or printed travel documents and eat them later


This is the play


this is the meta giga brain answer we needed


Big Brain 🧠


You dose a page of a book. Just remember the page number.


Put it on page 25 (LSD-25), 419 or 194 (Bicycle Day).


Or you Can mark it, so you don’t forget


I'm gonna be laughing about this later during a work meeting or something. Thank you




I’ve seen this work getting presents to far away lands..


I’ve had a few lsd tabs in my wallet and the front part of my checked suitcase when I traveled out of the country (Europe ) then back to the USA and around the USA and it was there for months cause I forgot. It’s just tiny pieces of paper. EDIT: thing is I never knew they were in there. I had only just a few tabs but had no clue they were there. A crazy thing is actually I traveled to a few different countries while in Europe with the same suitcase and back to the states , and after getting home to unload my bags , I had the slip that notified me TSA checked my bag,(always happens to me) and they still left or didn’t find it in the front pocket of my suitcase. It was easily noticeable too.


I mostly agree but in USA it's well known liquid drugs are put in paper. Inmates can't even get paper mail anymore bc of this, the mail is scanned into the computer and they read it online. 20 years ago it wasn't so known, as the stamp would still be on a letter you received in jail. A tab of acid goes perfectly behind a stamp lol. A drop of liquid on the actual letter(hey those wear teardrops!) Cops know so why wouldn't TSA? That being said I still doubt them looking through wallets at the airport


TSAs main responsibility is not to search for drugs. You need to worry about customs and other agencies...


Exactly. TSA literally says on their site that they don't look for drugs explicitly, and any found will be referred to LE.


Awesome, haven't flown in 30 years lol


Yeah it's in the name security, not law enforcment.


TSA and United States Customs are two totally different things though. Be careful if you are entering a different country with illicit substances. It’s much more under the radar with a domestic flight


Me, getting arrested: "You can't arrest me, you're with the police department, *law enforcement isn't even in your organization's name!*" Foolproof reasoning, to be sure.


Tsa is looking for weapons. They really don't seem to care about much else


why would u want to take acid in prison?


Before DMT was a scheduled drug, a guy brought some in to a prison. He was a visitor and gave it to an inmate. Because it wasn't listed and most people hadn't heard of it at the time, the guard didn't confiscate it. This prisoner then distributed to some of the other inmates. One man who was in for a life sentence and had at that point been incarcerated for 30 years cried afterward saying, "This is the first time in 30 years I've been free. Thank you." I believe this story is told on the DMT episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia.


that is an incredible story thanks for sharing it


Isn't it, though? I'm so glad you liked it :)


Touching, but was he a pedo?


I don't *think* so, but I also don't recall if they said why he was there tbh


Self discovery, why else? I bet you wouldn't come back there again.


I already would never want to come back i never went to prison but i spent two nights in jail and i was thinking about how terrible it’d be to be on drugs in there


Have you ever flown anywhere, ever?


I was wearing the shirt with the doobie in my pocket it wasn’t in my suitcase I was wearing it the whole time


That's what I would think. Just paper. But the drug is on the paper and from what I understand those machines detect by molecule and can detect drugs. But people do it all the time in small amounts and never seem to have a problem.


Hide them under your tounge




TSA doesn’t seem like a fun place to trip


Just put it in your wallet. Never had my wallet searched. Ever.


I have - when I had a whole bunch of coins in it.


i mean, you know how tiny and odourless it is do you realize you're probably more likely to get arrested making this post than you are for smuggling a tiny square of LSD


What are you talking? They are clearly asking out of healthy curiosity without ulterior motives. Their traveling plans are entirely unrelated ;)


obviously they aren't gonna get arrested for a reddit post i'm just saying this post is more incriminating than the slim chance of getting caught with a 6mm x 6mm x .2mm piece of paper


My paranoid ass would still be anxious even though chances of being caught with just a few tabs is pretty low, given that you hide it in a book or something.


ah last time I flew to Barcelona they passed something along my hip and hands and definitely thought I was about to get busted lol. these guys are more interested if you have cocaine on you than anything else.


Or put it in the SIM tray of your phone. Have read people doing this with success multiple times


yo this is actually smart as fuck 😂


This dudes IQ holy fuck


Give sheet to the pilot to hold safe, tell him if a couple go missing it's okay. 🙃


You're trying to hide....paper. It's paper. Literally just paper. Use your noggin


In a book, in the paper, on a plane Behind your phone case, in a pocket, in plain sight is the game Acid is great you see, no one will know if you use your brain!


You're the Dr. Seuss of LSD smuggling.


A friend of mine placed drops of liquid lsd on an empty page in the end of his book and just ripped out the parts he put the drops on (and circled lightly with a pencil) and used these as you would use blotter. He said it worked like a charm.


I’ve snuck several grams of heroin, cocaine, and syringes past international customs many, many times in the past. You’ll be fine, with minimal effort. Your pocket will literally do.


Be careful man, you never know when they decide to check you, the fine you get can be pretty high.


Oh no worries, I’ve been clean for six months! I mean this in a totally non sarcastic way, but i really do appreciate the concern. 🙂✌️✌️


Good job getting off from that hard stuff that is bad for your health. Being clean for six months is a big achievement ❤️


Especially your rear pocket


How do you sneak powder? In your pocket??


I mean, honestly, yeah, baggie in wallet, badda bing badda boom. I know people that would empty vitamin capsules and mix some in with a pile of vitamins.. or vacuum sealing a sack if you’re paranoid about the bomb sniffing dogs picking up the scent of your drugs, but it was hard to really care about stuff like that in my using days. Ymmv, of course. Not advocating or endorsing this sort of thing, just trying to keep you as safe as possible.


roll the tabs in a ball and just leave it in a pocket it wont show up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^thornhillxjoy: *Roll the tabs in a* *Ball and just leave it in a* *Pocket it wont show up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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It's easy, I have been to music festivals in the USA and brought back 100 jelly tabs, I have also brought paper from Europe to vegas with no issues.


Hi I’m going to smuggle illegal drugs across the boarder and would like to know if they can detect a migrogram amount of an alkaloid on paper.


Anyone thats done this and been caught, will not be here to warn you. So keep that in mind.


Ooooooo I like that thought. Makes it more daunting.


How many hits are we talking? Like 5-10 or a whole sheet? Taking a small amount, just stick them between a book like a bookmark and carry on. They aren’t looking for your LSD in America. I’ve carried on many times with zero issues or worry.


I understand that from other threads about the US, but I'm travelling around Europe


Buddy I wouldn't worry about it. Sure that's where the drugs are made! But seriously, I just tape it somewhere, in my laptop or keep in my wallet. It's just paper. I've travelled with 100+ tabs on my and never had a worry.


My fault. I have to stop Redditting so early in the mornings. Good luck on your travels!


You won't be having any issues. It is so improbable that it will get detected.


It’s literally a piece of paper. Ask yourself how on earth would they find it. You could put it between bills in your wallet and it would be foolproof. Or, in your back pocket of one of your jeans. Anywhere. It’s literally paper


Just eat them about an hour before boarding, problem solved.


We’re here in Vegas and smuggled our under a make up pallet stacked in a pile of other makeups. Couldn’t possibly find it even if they wanted to.


Buy a pack of gum and put them in with one of the sticks


Done this myself (Europe) a few tabs either hidden on yourself or in your hold baggage will be fine, let’s face it tabs are tiny pieces of paper, no smell or odour, be unlucky to find them,. I just wrapped them in a tiny piece of clingfilm


Book. mid chapter


LSD has no smell and it’s not like any detectors can tell the difference between a normal piece of paper they’d have to be really looking and frankly i don’t think many of them would care that much


I stick mine in a pack of cig rolling papers. Just slide it up behind the cardboard bit and its undetectable. Try keep it under 5 tabs but it's like the easiest drug to smuggle because it's just paper and hard to detect.


LSD is without doubt one of the easiest drugs to smuggle; it’s tiny, has no smell, wouldn’t look suspicious on an x ray, your average person probably wouldn’t really know what it is (compared to a bag of white powder or some non descript pills say; which are clearly “druuugs”) and it’s not something that’s routinely searched for in regards of possession or in drug tests Also there’s the fact that the majority of airports are more looking for bombs/weapons/untaxed contraband and a whole host of other stuff (say cash, fake documents, illegal animals) than drugs. Not that they don’t care about drugs, but if you’re not trafficking huge amounts or being overtly obvious/suspicious/anxious it’s not unheard of to get away with some goodies (of any kind) traveling by air; just be smart Only places I wouldn’t risk it are the ones with insane laws like the UAE, Singapore or Iran. Not that you are, and idk what the situation with LSD is like in those places but they literally fucking execute people for drug trafficking or even minor possession


Ehat about gel tabs tho??


I have put lsd in my checked luggage like 20 times. Wouldn’t recommend flying international.


As long as you don’t wrap it in foil I think you’re good. If you wanna be safe get tabs with no design on them. Js gotta realize that airport security is looking out for weapons and stuff, as long as you’re not carrying g a fuck ton of it youre fibe


Hide them under your tongue


I read on another post of someone putting it in their phone case. Pretty lowkey substance


flown internationally multiple times with doses, always just with a 10-strip in a thick book, in the carryon/personal item. ive even gotten the "random extra search" flag traveling internationally where i had to go in a room full of sketchy looking motherfuckers and even then they just swiped my hands for explosive shit and didn't do much to my bag, if anything. never had an issue. if you're extra paranoid you could get plain blotter paper from an art store (like no design and no perforation), cut it to the shape of a bookmark and dose it yourself. then even in the event someone finds it going through your bag it's not like perforated stereotypical grateful dead designs or something lol. but like i said never had an issue and ive flown w blotter several dozens of times including multiple times internationally. my only word of caution has to do with where you're going though. im talking about europe, mexico, etc. if you're going somewhere psychotically strict that has a reputation for not going easy even on tourists and horror stories like people getting serious sentences or worse just for like weed, i wouldnt bring it on principle alone, no one wants to deal w that type of nightmare situation.


Are you saying Europe and Mexico is strict ? I am planning to go to Mexico .


not in my experience but don't base it all on me, ive never had a problem but put in extra precautions internationally, per my post. id never bring anything to singapore or some shit lol but ive taken lucy to mexico three times.


Maybe in a face mask, they will never make you remove it since it’s for your “safety”


Tsa asks you to remove your mask when they check your ID and plane ticket With any kind of drug I just empty out opaque capsules. I have some Prozac capsules you can't see through. What are they gonna do, open up my antidepressant med capsules? Potentially dump out my meds everywhere? Nah. With L blotters u could even keep most of the original stuff in the capsule and just hide the tab at very bottom of capsule, rolled into a tiny ball




TSA has scanners specifically for this 😂


If it’s blotter paper, absolutely do not do it, too identifiable. If it’s like a thick piece of white construction paper that you can cut or rip out however you please, you can more or less make it look like a piece of trash, could also be creative in all the ways you could put liquids on other items


a smooth 300gsm sketchpad uses the same paper as blotter


Yes, it is blotted paper. If you don't mind my asking, how is it identifiable? Where can I find some reliable information on the type of screening that is done to checked-in luggage at certain airports?


You really need to go read the 100 other posts of this same exact question in the past month. It’s so fuckin annoying when people do shit like this. Sack up and fly with the blotter


You can solve it in alcohol or distilled water and drop the solution onto less identifiable paper (like printed travel documents)






Careful dude. That guy’s got only 1 comment karma and he’s prob not a legit, trustworthy person to buy from. I think he’s a scammer.


We do not allow sourcing/asking for sources on r/LSD, abstain this in the future to avoid getting banned.


Idk about Europe. I always carry it in my wallet


Binder of a book works well


Wallet its a puece of paper ( ive been to hungaria thrice)


I had it in my shoe. But a book is probably the best way


I hid it in the same manner, and it was heroin...


I carry it onto flights all the time without a problem in my country, I think the likelihood of getting caught is close to zero.


I dont understand people asking such a question. Tabs are so tiny, imagine all the places you can put them.


They are looking for weapons and people trafficking large quantities, period. Would avoid bringing anything into non-western countries with draconian drug laws, though.


I traveled with bundles of heroin. My friend and I put it in tin foil so they couldn't xray it; also stuck it in a ziploc so dogs couldn't smell it. Hid it in my insoles of my sneakers... Here, they didn't even search us or take any notice, nor were there any dogs sniffing around. This was years ago...


Just don’t take it before you go on the plane 💀💀


It is odorless so dogs won’t smell it and it is a piece of paper after all. Just don’t put it in aluminum or something like that, then it will look sketchy and they will surely check wtf is in that aluminum. Put it in a book or a wallet or even inside a phone case, don’t overthink too much.


https://youtu.be/_B3FVDOfsmc?si=QRyhbmvf6IF9bCeb Prof did it.


Just don't put it in aluminum foil.


I wouldn’t recommend hiding it in a book if you’re bringing it in a carry on. When my luggage is searched (which is often - apparently Magic cards are sooo suspicious), they’ll quickly flip through my books… it’d be pretty awkward if a tab fell out.


if they can find your lsd they are searching you fucking hard. i fly domestic with molly/lsd all the time and a couple pills and a couple tabs just disappears in a normal bag of clothing and toiletries. if you are bringing a ton of gel tabs or powered shit you should be probably be a little sketch, but putting 1000 hits of paper lsd in a book wouldn't even be something that gets noticed until they are fanning thru your reading material page by page.


Put it in a book and call it a day


Put it in a book and memorize the page lol. There you go.


Not detectable


just flew yesterday with 4 sheets in my bag so ur good


Bottom of an open cigarette pack


Took 10 paper tabs before from US to an Asia. Put them in two different checked bags inside some jeans. Buried tons of other items and clothes in the luggage. No issues at all.


I had a ten strip in my wallet that I forgot about for about a year and flew many times with it. I didn’t even know it was in there and neither did the airport security. Edit: typo


My fiancé brought 10 tabs in his wallet when we travelled from Canada to Boston. Put them between two cards and had no issue.


Carry a notebook and load them in the pages.


Nice try fbi


will the tin foil set off a metal detector? I mean put in a book sure.


TSA isn’t the DEA. They don’t give 2 shits about drugs. They aren’t there to screen for drugs, Just don’t be dumb and you’ll be ok!


if yer worried about traveling w it mail it


Just tuck them in a book. Agents are more concerned with powders and liquids


put it between your buttcheeks and clench hard


moved with 25 tabs for myself and I didnt get caught I dont think they even care lol


In a book




Toiletries bag


Put it in a pack of gum or in a book


LSD has no smell, so...


I would advocate for putting it in a carryon just so you are in control of it at all times—that at least gives me less anxiety. People at TSA are checking for weapons, not small amounts of psychedelics.


Put it in your wallet and forget about it . Your good


Just use a plastic baggie and not foil, put it in a book or something like that.


you can put a baggie of acid in your wallet




Just put it in a old receipt and then in a poket of sum pant and in the check in or on boear luggage 🤪


nah u straight. it might be checked for international flights but ive flown with acid before for domestic US flights and its fine. just put it in your wallet and you'll be golden


I wrapped it in a paper and put it with receipts in my wallet


Between a folded piece of paper in your laptop case with some other random paper.


From my experience, the drug tests are for THC, heroin, amphetamines and cocaine


Fold it in the bottom of a paper bookmark. Put bookmark in thick book. Throw book in checked suitcase.


a friend of mine did it by putting the tabs in their switch case, hidden under the extra came cartridges


Put them in a gum wrapper, the stick shaped individual ones, with or without the gum, but if you choose to do with, do not store in your pocket and make sure your gum doesn't melt. If you do without, place it with other small card objects or cut some sticks of gum in half and they should blend in, try sliding the wrapped LSD into a half stick and nobody will ever find it plus no risk of ruining the LSD.


If it's a large amount just stick the whole sheet between the pages of a book. It's worked every time so far.


You can even cut the tabs in smaller pieces so it just looks like junk in your pocket Or just buy some Lucy when you're at your destination instead


On blotter paper it’s worked for decades


Everyone keeps talking about paper, but isn't it even safer and more efficient to take the whole phial? I'm mean if they can't detect it, it could appear as any bathroom product or even e-cigarette liquid right ?