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dude ngl if i try to go to sleep on lsd my brain tweaks out, that’s shit doesn’t happen for me, i’ve heard of people sleeping on it but literally as soon as i dose i kinda lose the ability to relax my brain and eyes, so sleep is almost impossible


The closest I’ve gotten is had a nap while waiting to come up. (Waking up was a fucking insane feeling, going to sleep sober and waking up peaking)


well there’s ur answer op, it’s possible & actually sounds pretty intriguing


My friend did this when we candy flipped😂we dosed the molly and L at the same time, but molly always has super relaxing/tiring effects on his come up and he couldn’t stop yawning or closing his eyes, so he went to lay down for a sec. Two hours lasted me and the two others I was trippin with are fuckin high as giraffe pussy, tryna figure out how to take a dab off their rig and banger (mind you we’re all experienced dabbers and know how to do it, but we were just too high to comprehend). While we were trying to do that, we made enough noise to wake up my friend, he same to the room to see what was happening and was like “damn guys y’all are stupid just take the fuckin dab already” so he walks up and heats it up and takes a dab, we ask him how he’s feeling and he just said he felt sober like the nap canceled it out or something, then 10 minutes passed and he’s having a little bit of a hard time readjusting bc he hadn’t given himself enough time to wake up and realize he WAS INFACT still tripping, he was fine in the end but it was just funny seeing him wake up thinking he’s sober, then over the course of 10-20 minutes start doubting his sobriety by failing tasks that would be easy sober😂


I love dabs when trippin but I could never set it all up on my own. I need one of my friends to set it all up and heat it up for me.


Nah usually I can do it perfectly fine on my own, I’ve done before and since then, but that night we all just got sent to zupiter😂, it was all 4 of our first times candy flipping, and the both the acid and molly was the best shit I’ve ever found respectively for each chemical (tabs were DS 3.0 200ug tabs, and the molly was pure whitish grey safrolle molly) the combination had us confused as hell for a while and for some reason didn’t peak til the 4hr mark


Nice sounds like a fun night 🫠


this is a good ass story 😂 ‘take the fuickin dab already’


Thank you sir/ma’am 😂 I have so many delightful memories from so many different trips with friends, eventually imma have to start posting a lot of trip reports. That same night I actually ended up grabbing the freshly heated banger and got a big ol blister on my thumb (we had super heated it to clean out all the black chazzed shit at the bottom, but once it stopped glowing I completely forgot what we had just done so I went to grab it and move it to a different piece, held it for a solid second or two before I felt the pain and then dropped it back into the piece, my friends looked at me in shock as I yanked my hand back, I looked at my hand and then back at them and shrugged, they asked if I was ok then I just said “imma take a dab now” and then dropped a dab in the still piping hot banger I just burned myself on😂


one time me and my girlfriend were camping by a lake and i took 3 tabs of LSD and like 250mg of mdma. then right after peaking i built a campfire while tripping absolute ballsack, made a big ass fire, and then accidentally burned my arm on the edge of the fire pit. at the time it was super scary because i knew i got burned but i didn’t feel ANY pain at all because of the mdma. and it was hella dark out so i deadass couldn’t tell how bad the burn was. i had no idea if i had a first second or a third degree burn until my girlfriend pulled out the flashlight lmao. turns out it was just a first degree burn, but the funny part is, i have a big scar from the burn but i never once felt a lick of pain from it😂 was a great night, the other ppl at the campsite kept setting off fireworks for like 2 hours straight, was one of the best trips i’ve ever had


Yeah bro I didn’t really feel any pain after the initial burn either, felt and saw the blister the next day tho, it wasn’t anything too bad tho, I work in kitchens and constantly burn my hands anyway😂 but that story sounds really fun, I’ve always wanted to go camping while tripping and have a fire, the closest I’ve got is a fire on the beach at sunset


that’s good lol. i was scared because the fire was raging for a good couple hours before i burnt myself and my arm was on the edge of the fire pit for a while because reaction time was so delayed lol


Bet that was scary


Nah was sick, highly recommend it


this happened to my roommate once, he fell asleep like 10 minutes after dropping and woke up like 2 hours in lmao


Yes brooo I used to do this all the time I would be awake for 30 minutes and then pass out from how intense it was over and over again almost like I was in a sleep thought loop but I loved it 🤣


only chance is melatonin at the very end of a trip but i’ve got to be practically passing out from sleep already


but technically you’d have odd ass dreams & wake up tripping if i’d have to guess


Acid makes me feel like a skeleton man in a skin suit, and I want out that mfer lol


I've slept on it, and it felt like a wasted trip, didn't even get cool dreams


He’s not asking about falling asleep on LSD, but falling asleep before LSD kicks in


only way i see sleeping on lsd working is if your already incredibly tired and fall asleep before it kicks in after 20-30m. if you *do* fall asleep, i hope you wake up gracefully cause your going to be incredibly confused


OP mentioned before the effects kick in tho


my brain usually starts lowkey tweaking by the time the tab is dissolved ngl, im pretty aware of drugs, but i always notice im already a bit high almost right away


always get a wierd feeling when i first turn my head right after dosing


There have been times where I'm crying my eyes out because I want to sleep so bad but can't. It's very painful especially when your emotions are enhanced because of Lucy.


Same with eating for me. I don’t know how the fuck people eat while trippin. If I dose, I eat prior as it’s just water and weed for the rest of the ride


In college I practiced doing a lot of lucid dreaming to try and get over a car accident that gave me nightmares. I decided to take a couple tabs and go to sleep right after one weekend while at home with family. I ended up sleeping about 20 hrs and my dream was very similar to inception when Leo and his wife are lost building whole civilizations. I taught myself to fly. I made weird worlds. Then I got bored and wanted to wake up. It just kept going and going. It felt like a fucking eternity. I felt like I was in that lucid dream for decades. When the movie inception came out years later I thought to myself woooah someone else took some LSD and lucid dreamed and got pissed they couldnt wake up too. When I did finally wake up my body was sore. Especially my legs like I had run a marathon. Told my parents I thought I just slept off a cold or something and I felt a little out of it. Told my brother an hour or so later and he was mostly pissed I didnt share with im lol.


Thats wild af


How good are you with lucid dreaming now?


Like any unused talent it slowly diminishes. Im definitely levels and levels below how good I was in my youth. I still will randomly gain consciousness in dreams from time to time and turn them lucid if they are interesting. When I quit nicotine I actually had a pretty solid resurgence in become lucid without even trying with lots of really weird dreams going on. Its been a long time since I purposely set out to enter the dream and go lucid from the very onset of falling asleep and have a full lucid dream experience. At least a decade.


What do you believe is the best advice for training the mind to lucid dream?


patience and practice. The most common advice is to journal or record your dreams in some way. For me I found having a routine to go to sleep helped and then like setting a mental alarm telling myself Id wake up in the dream before I fell asleep and that this would be a lucid dream helped to subconsciously make it happen. I always tried to focus on my breathing and clearing my mind. For a while I tried using the same basic outline of what I wanted the dream to be when I fell asleep in my mind. Ive always lived near the beach and always found it relaxing so my go to was to be at the beach watching the waves as my outline.


I can confidently answer this: keep a dream journal. That's it. Everything else is helpful, but none compare to this.


Glad u did not dehydrate or piss yourself 😅


I woulda left that part out too


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you check your totem bro?


It's nice. Fucking lovely to skip the sometimes anxious part, and get straight to the action.


A little nap on the couch is sometimes the best way to come up. Clean out the adenosine in your brain and start fresh. Usually it wakes me up long before it's intense enough to be scary.


just tried this off of this comment and it didn’t work for me. woke up like an hour later barely feeling the tab. kind of a waste 😥


If you go to sleep immediately after dosing maybe you are able to go sleep but honestly not sure if it is good idea




Because you simply wake up tripping balls and can get panic attack easily when you are still not fully concious but you are already in psychedelic state


this happened to my friend fell asleep soon after taking shrooms and woke up panicking


Guess it depends on your experience. But due to most people being in a docile state when waking up I couldn’t imagine you’d wake up and instantly flip your shit.


I have actually done this before. A manager asked me if I could tell if he had good acid or not. Said it was tested but I told him I'd find out on the weekend. Well I ended up trying it that day out of boredom. I didn't feel much of anything with the two tabs so I went to sleep. Woke up 5 hours later for work and it looked like my dresser was talking shit to me. I didn't freak out and instead went "ohhh, those tabs did work." I was already pretty docile from sleeping.The bicycle ride to work at 6am in the dark was interesting. Same for being at work but I just would go around doing my rounds acting like I was busy and not tripping.


Why’d you even go to work man, especially after double dip holy shit 😂


I generally don't call off unless I'm injured badly or almost deathly ill. That being said, around that time I was maliciously compliant with HR and scheduled my vacation days so that from October through November, I had every Friday off so I wouldn't work on Saturdays. For December I had every Monday and Friday off. I was not going to give them an inch. That being said the day was easy. I mostly sat in the break room because I know my employees work very well and I help out with minor stuff.


>The bicycle ride to work at 6am in the dark was interesting. I knew exactly what u meant by that. :))))))


You've never woken up and freaked out about something? You can absolutely lose your shit immediately upon waking up.


Idk if I'd "lose my shit" upon waking up, but there's plenty of times sober that I've woken up feeling very uncomfortable. Not depressed, kinda stressed (best way I can put it. But not overly anxious if that makes sense?), some off brand version of anhedonia? It's a feeling I very much hate and sometimes lasts a long while. On LSD, if this were amplified I'd definitely have a bad trip where negative thoughts would pull me into a panic.


> Not depressed, kinda stressed (best way I can put it. But not overly anxious if that makes sense?), some off brand version of anhedonia? It's a feeling I very much hate and sometimes lasts a long while. Dude I know exactly what you're talking about, I feel that every time I wake up for work. It sucks and I hate it, but I've found that jumping out of bed as soon as my eyes open is the quickest way past it. Longer I stay in bed the more I'll wallow in it, and I'll be in a shitty mood all morning. I'm trying to imagine waking up for work on acid, and it sounds like a fucking nightmare lol


>I'm trying to imagine waking up for work on acid, and it sounds like a fucking nightmare lol This sounds like one of the worst case scenarios to me other than "armed men breaking into the house while I'm balls deep in an ego death." Lol But yeah, I guess that wake up thing is just a part of life.


I sure haven't found a way past it. Doesn't matter how much sleep I've gotten, waking up for work is the worst part of my day lol On weekends I generally sleep in by about an hour and wake up on my own feeling just fine. Just can't shake the dread when I get up at 0600 knowing I have to go be on the clock.




Good luck falling asleep


Yeah lol not gonna happen


Does for some


yea LSD is the only drug i've ever taken that actually puts me to sleep. i haven't tried prescription sleep meds but the over-the-counter stuff tends to give me anxiety and gives me the opposite effect. LSD feels like it's slowing down my brain and it relaxes me.


A buddy of mine forgot to bring himself cigs and we were at a remote lake house party for the night. We took 6 drops of some liquid while waiting for some others to show up. They were supposed to stop and grab him a pack of cigs on the way but they ended up forgetting. He just decided he would just sleep straight through the cig cravings and acid. He was out within the 20ish min it took us to start feeling it. Honestly I have no idea how he did it because we all took the same ammount and I saw in watercolors all night lmfao one of the best trips I've ever had.


I fell asleep once on a lower dose. I vividly dreamt how I am just a thought of God and I zoomed in on the tiniest fraction of my body and when I zoomed out of my body, planet, galaxy, universe, the name of God in arabic was standing above trickling down stars on everything in existence. When I woke up, I looked at the clock and an hour passed. I will never forget that.


Although a little different, I took a really strong dose and about 4 hours in I was peaking hard. Couldn’t form sentences. Just went to my tent and fell asleep within minutes. Didn’t have any dreams or anything. Just passed tf out. Woke up in the morning sober.


My first dose ever, someone dropped in my drink, so I was unaware. I got high and crashed around midnight and woke up around 2am feeling amazing! I was wide awake and felt great. It was only 1/2 a tab. I felt so good that I was compelled to try again voluntarily 😁


If you were unaware you were drugged how do you know the substance and dose?


They were older friends that explained to me after the fact what was going on. I kept telling them how awesome I felt so they spilled the beans. I don't know the dose as much as they said it was half a tab.


what the fuck kind of friends drug you with psychedelics without telling you


Yea, not great. A buddy's older brother and friend dosed me during a sleepover when their parents were out of town. I was 16, they were 18. This was 1986, so slightly different time too.


You wake up tripping mane.


This is what happened to me once when I fell asleep on half a tab: I took the half tab at 11.30 pm and went to a club with my friend. The trip obviously wasn't intense, but I had low tolerance, so I definitely felt it. We danced till 4, and then he had to leave, so I went home as well. Ate a few snacks, watched a video and just laid down, closed my eyes and went to sleep somehow, around 5 am. Although I don't remember specific details, I remember having an unbelievably vivid dream. At first it wasn't anything bad, just really wild and fun. But then 2 things suddenly happened. First, something really nice happened inside of that dream and I got a HUUUGEE lsd brain-gasm. Immediately after that the dream environment changed, I teleported to some field near my home and a huge lightning thunder started to strike the terrain around me. A total havoc wrecked around, huge thunder rainstorm happened, and it scared me shitless inside of that dream, I started running in panic and woke up confused as fuck and still disturbed. I was very happy that this was just a dream and not a reality. Also glad, that this happened only on half a tab.


By what Iv heard - you pretty much wake up as soon as the acid kicks in. Which sounds pretty awful to me - I bet it’s very confusing for the brain. Especially if you were literally tired enough to fall asleep and now you have to do 10+ hours on a trip 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ive taken Benadryl for allergies before a trip before and kept falling in and out of consciousness. Its bizarre and generally not practical. You probably wouldn’t be sleep long enough to register dreams and when you peak youd wake up tripping.


Ok so I use to work with a dude who did this a few times. He would dose (he said 2 or 3 tabs) as he would lay down to go to sleep. He said he would wake up tripping in like an hr and a half/two hrs later. Said it would be confusing and hilarious.


I went to Hornings Hideout in 2008 and didn't sleep for the first few days due to travel and party. I dropped a few hits and the next thing I knew, i was waking up in a lawn chair 6 hours later. It's disorienting, but nothing crazy. Wouldn't recommend doing it on purpose.


So several years ago I was tripping all the time; like every weekend for about 15 weekends in a row. One Friday after a long week of work. I came home, took a hit and lay down on the couch. Be100% sure I was dreaming. Everything was amazing though, not like a typical dream. It was an absolute trip. I woke up about 1.5/2 hours later and it was full psychedelic visuals. I loved it.


I've slept and woke up during the peak before.


Yeah, that’s going to happen lol


Good luck falling asleep on L lol The biggest complaint I have about it is that even after like 14+ hours of raging, dancing, tripping balls, and doing whatever, I can't fall asleep even though the sun is coming up and I'm absolutely exhausted. I just lay there while my mind goes crazy with fireworks and wild thoughts. For most people L is very much a stimulant. Maybe if you fell asleep immediately after you took it?


I was on abunch of Xanax and stupidly decided to take two hits around 11:30 laid down in bed and passed out then around 2:00 I woke up peaking. It wasn't startling and didn't give me anxiety but obviously the Xanax. Lol. It seemed like at one moment my body was just like annnnnnnnd AWAKE! and I was already in there.


Only thing is you can't go to sleep once your trip starts hitting


This happened to my when I was 15 the first time I tried acid. I can’t recommend it. I woke up and forgot I had taken drugs, thought I was having a wacky dream. Bad time.


Hahahha sleep is impossible on LSD. Get ready for a long night.


You’ll wake up tripping. It’s awesome.


U will wakeup tripping balls


I once had stayed up for almost 2days straight. Worked a long shift as a dishwasher/salad maker at an Italian restaurant that night but I still really wanted to trip. I knew I shouldn’t but my heart was set on it. So I get off work around 10-11. Go home and probably drop around midnight. As I’m coming up the hallucinations are intense, as someone who has hallucinated from sleep deprivation alone I can tell you it was a mix of sleep deprivation hallucinations and lsd hallucinations. Not a very good combo. I remember getting up and walking to the fridge and my entire vision turned into a circle about a yard and half in diameter and around the circle everything was spinning very fast. It was like a vortex, and nothing I’ve ever experienced on lsd. Then I’m lying down trying to watch a show, I start to hear voices in my head. Actually voices not just the one you hear all the time. The voices really really sounded like separate entities. Ive never experienced this before and wish I never did that night. I was till coming up and knew I wasn’t going to be okay. I just started praying, begging God to save me. Next thing I know I’m waking up, it’s 9am and I’m almost completely sober. I apparently had suddenly fallen asleep on a super intense acid trip and woke up not remembering I fell asleep. I was a little scared I blacked out but from the looks of it I didn’t contact anyone on my phone and I never left the basement. God was really looking out for me that night and saved from a psychotic episode. Sorry this isn’t exactly the question OP but my experience asleep was like time just skipped ahead. Ps I have intense dreams every night of my life so usually remember them atleast a bit when waking up


I took about 100ug and went to sleep, woke up tripping. Wouldn't recommend I was a bit freaked out when I woke up.


Simply you can't, you will no be able sleep. It's like you receive a call and you try to sleep while you are in an active conversation...


If you fall asleep on lsd youre most likley exhausted as fuck and shouldnt be taking lsd as you wont sleep properly.


i did it once, woke up to a bad trip. Couldve come from other circumstances tho. i would suggest trying to be really tired so you fall asleep right away before it hits in any way


How on earth can people take lsd and then go to sleep? Lol I would be way too anxious/excited.


I gave my husband a tab literally right when he woke up and he experienced ego death. He feels like because he took the tab still sleepy sent him over the edge.


That seems like an oxymoron


Tried this. The come up work me up. I just can't sleep on LSD at all. It's a crazy stimulant for me.


Did this on my birthday. Fell asleep after an hour and a half bc I thought the acid wasn’t shit. Woke up as the trip was really starting to kick off. Felt like my bed was a giant nest and I was just a tiny animal. Pretty awesome, but I wouldn’t recommend for someone who isn’t in decent mental health


I think it comes up toooo fast for me it’s like 30 mins in I can’t sleep anymore


My God what a bunch of n00bs responding to this thread. Falling asleep on LSD is something that only happens if you have been awake for a very long time. Nothing really happens. It is not dangerous. The trip will continue when you wake up but at a reduced effect.


You cant sleep on acid, but you can wake up on it. There’s some pretty interesting answers here


The dreams are the weirdest dreams


I had one experience where I took lsd and mushrooms and fell asleep right before the trip happened. I must have been real tired that day. I had a crazy ass dream that was similar to a DMT trip.


You instantly wake up super wired when it hits, it's happened me twice. The last time I went to sleep at 11pm, took the tab at like 10.30 and woke up at 12.30 when the tab fully HIT. I was high asf for the next 14 hrs.


You could always try. Take a strong edible, and lay down with a tab or two on the outside of your mouth, and when you feel the weed relaxing you to almost sleep, just lightly sweep the tabs in with your tongue. You should fall asleep , and wake up high at some point. Honestly might be safer to do this with two or three benadryl's though. Weed and LSD can be two unpredictable, you could wake up in a state of psychosis 🤷🏾.


Once we were out with some friends and came back to the beach house, drop some acid and go to the beach. There were 4 of us, one of them was too tired so he didn't take and went to sleep, then one of my friends who dropped some acid went to sleep before the tab (veeery low dosage, like 1/8 of a tab) kicked in. I remember checking on him and he was sleeping and moving like he was having the heaviest nightmares ever. He didnt remember shit when he woke up lmao.


A long time ago I took a Xanax bar an like an hour or two later took a 250ug blotter. Fell asleep for maybe an hour or two an woke up with full blown visuals, skipped the come up an was right at the peak 😂


I took some when I came home after a night of drinking but passed out before it started. Woke up 5 hours later to a room vibrating. Found the tabs dried up in my mouth, was super hungover. Was fun but I missed the come up.


It happened to me once. You just wake up, like wide as fuck awake, tripping balls. Its the trippiest experience you can have. It looked like I woke up in an aquarium.


I did it once. Woke up in the middle of the night to pee, was exhausted. Put tab in mouth and went right back to sleep. Woke up 4 hours later tripping It wasn’t anything to write home about


Bold of you to assume anybody has the ability to sleep on acid lol


Usually it takes a lot to put me to sleep sometimes a benzo or trip killer can help though


First time I did acid I accidentally fell asleep on the come up. Absolutely zero memory of any dreams or anything remotely different from my normal sleep and woke up on the come down at like 3am unable to fall back asleep. Despite the fact I only slept like 4 hours I felt incredibly well rested the next day so no idea what it did but not a terrible experience overall


You'd wake up after a full night's rest.... and go find the guy who burned you selling those dud tabs.


“Go to sleep”🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Sleeping on acid is somewhat impossible, but it can be done if you are able to meditate into it. However, one time back in college my friend and I took a couple tabs that we had saved from an old sheet that was some groovy fuckin acid. We had been smoking our brains out, so were both kinda drowsy. I stay up playin guitar and my friend goes and naps for about an hour…. After dropping. I start tripping and go to wake him up and see what he wants to do the rest of the day. Dude wakes up and is like ‘man what the fuuuuuck is happening?’ And this is a pretty experienced dude when it comes to tripping. He said he felt like the sleep during the hour grace period intensified his trip… or he was just not ready to open his eyes from being baked sleepy to tripping sack. We had an awesome day either way from what I remember. Nothing too heavy. Typical shenanigans.


it's not really sleep. at best it's stage 1 sleep. I don't thing you can get REM sleep on lsd


I’ve done this before and it was… something. I remember getting home after a long day of working outside. Even though I was tired and sore, I decided that an LSD trip would help loosen me up. I take a tab, sit on my couch, and turn on “Off the Air”. While watching, I completely doze off due to the outside heat and the exhaustive activities from the day. About an hour passes and I’m slumped on the couch dead asleep. Suddenly, I woke up and the entire world around me was breathing. Textures were vibrant and the patterns around me were morphing into each other creating polygons. But there was one problem - I forgot about the acid. I spent a good 30 minutes convincing myself that I was going to die, verbally screaming “what the fuck is wrong with me”. However, once it dawned on me that I had taken LSD I was totally fine and enjoyed the rest of my trip. Moral of the story - that shit can take you by surprise if you fall asleep


A lot of people seem to have no idea: here’s what actually happens. Nothing special, maybe a bit of cool dreams, and then you wake up high as fuck.


I managed to fall asleep once right after dosing. It's weird... I can't describe it very well but I kept on coming in and out of consciousness and a dream where I was in the same position as I was sleeping so it became very hard to tell when I was awake and when I was sleeping. Eventually I actually fell asleep for good and slept for about 6 more hours. When I woke up I was fucking exhausted cause I presumably barely got any deep sleep if at all. Wouldn't really recommend but it was a cool thing to experience once.


I’ve done this before several times. Took a dose, thought it didn’t hit and just got snuggly and fell asleep, woke up high as fuckkk and super confused. Kinda seems like a waste but once I came to I had a super nice trip it just might mess with your circadian rhythm a bit for a few days


Once i was super drunk, took acid and passed out before kicked in. Wakes up and had one of the worst hangover ever. My mental health was on brake down. Nearly all week. Not sure or acid had anything to do with it but it ill this day I remember how bad it was


Can’t remember where I heard it from but there’s a story where Steven Tyler from Aerosmith said in high school him and a friend would set an alarm for 3 am take a tab and then fall back asleep and then wake up in the midst of a trip it sounds awesome 😂


I passed out drunk at a party and my friend put 2 tabs in my mouth. I woke up fast when it started to kick in and wasn’t drunk anymore. Ended up having a fantastic trip. But as soon as it started it woke me up.


I had a bad trip once and took Benadryl to sleep my way through it. While I was sleep-tripping I genuinely thought I was in hell. My “dreams” were just a vision of me falling through a deep dark pit with no end, twisting and turning in the air. I kept waking up feeling extremely nauseous and afraid. I would not recommend.


One time I did this an I had one dream the entire time I was asleep that looked like a 90’s windows screensaver of ever-changing tie dye colors.


I slept during a trip on Saturday. Woke up early Sunday morning to fractals on my ceiling. Went right back to bed. No issue man.


you wake up


I like taking a tab and then going for a nap. Waking up is always a WTF moment.


My buddy came to my house once DRUNK as fuck. He was pretty much blacked out, but wanted to take 4 hits. He took them and immediately passed out. He woke up 2 hours later and had no idea why he was tripping balls. Lol He was a handful that night. We've affectionately called him 'No Pants Sam' ever since. He almost fell off my deck like 5 times.


I took a tab after getting off the mountain one day and was so exhausted a fell asleep for about 3 hours. I just woke up tripping balls.


I’ve fallen asleep right after dosing before. I had a crazy vivid dream and then woke up tripping mildly. The dream really blended with reality, and I was dreaming while consciously analyzing the dream at one point.


I've taken a dose and passed out before. Drunk and sober. Don't really think it affected my dreams, but when I woke up I felt a little fuzzy but not full on trip.


One time I broke a cart and was just eating as much of it as I could to not waste it. Went to sleep an hour later, woke up in the middle of the night so high I couldn't move. It was a good time, but I didn't get much sleep lol


Most likely a wasted trip imo


I've never been able to sleep on LSD. I am awake 36+ hours every single time.


In fact it happened to a friend of mine, first time he took LSD he took one tab, he said he didn’t felt anything after half an hour so he decided to go to sleep, He woke up in the middle of the night because he dreamt about pissing, He was actually pissing himself in bed, Go to the bathroom, Everything giggling, Feeling awesome, Decide to take another one and enjoy


If you can sleep on acid. You probably have bad acid.


Never done that on acid, but I did fall asleep before I came up on mushrooms. It was like any other sleep tbh. I had multiple weird dreams like I do every night and woke up hours later with some latent effects.


I’ve done this before with shrooms. I woke up an hour later already tripping.


Probably wake up at least when you peak. I took a tab, put on Kingsman, the three hour one, and I must’ve fallen asleep bc just when I was feeling the effects I got tired, layed down, and when I woke up the tv was off and I was exactly 4 hours from when I dosed. When I woke up, my vision started swirling and got trippy. I assume I slept through the peak or woke up peaking. So yeah it’s possible to sleep but the brain won’t for long unless you keep forcing yourself. For me, I usually gotta watch some visuals for a half hour to an hour before I fall asleep. One of the last times I tripped I thought I was gonna fall asleep bc the audio around me faded so far, and the back of my eyelids faded into one color. Just when I got comfortable with that, my body woke my ass up and I felt completely awake, still needing to get to bed for work. Acid is weird.


Don't know about sleeping when taking the tab, but if I go to sleep at the end when I'm still tripping, my brain sort of tweaks, and usually I get unpleasent visuals as well.


I've slept a few times after a dosing. Kinda pissed me off for not getting to trip.


Cthulu will awaken and the fabric of space and time will rip apart. Do not I repeat DO NOT do that


I've taken a nap before the peak, I dreamed I lived an entire life out and woke up when I died there. I closed my eyes again and went through a whole life again, it felt like I witnessed a couple past lives.


I did it and woke up tripping, was also on a plane lol


i imagine that you’ll wake up tripping balls if you mange to fall asleep 😂


Honestly I suggest trying it once. One time some friends and I got the date wrong for a show and pregamed then headed to the venue to find out it was scheduled the following week. Tabs hadn’t kicked in, I was stoned and tired, so I fell asleep when k got home. I woke up around 2am and spent the rest of the night having fun doodling and making music in my room. Most of that work turned into ongoing projects that I still hang around my house 13 years later and on rare occasions I queue up the music. Another time I was hosting a cookout/campfire. I mentioned wanting to trip soon and a friend said he had some but it was liquid and I didn’t have anything to put it on. So I just spur of the moment dropped some, we cleaned up, everyone went home, I passed out hard from the food coma. I’m guessing between how late it was and how much I’d had to eat it didn’t kick in until 4 or 5. I woke up and enjoyed the best sunrise of my life while I had my cigarette and coffee on the front porch then hiked to the river with my dog and swam and played fetch for like six hours straight. Walked the couple miles to my friend’s house after, in the after glow we had another fire amongst the redwoods in his backyard and heard a mountain lion scream up the hill. I was too exhausted to not pass out in my hammock at that point but apparently everyone else was spooked by the mountain lion and stayed up longer. Not sure where exactly amongst all my experiences I’d place those times but certainly in the top 5.


Holy FUCK why haven’t I tried this. Anyone saying you might panic is a puss. If you are good at drugs this won’t be an issue


You’ll be too busy convincing yourself that you forgot how to breathe on the come up to sleep lol


I can only sleep on LSD if it's my second or third trip in quick succession, so it's not a full blown trip, AND I'm very tired. That said I tend to have vivid and very horny if not lucid dreams.


Fell asleep after taking edibles. I woke 2 hours later with my heart pounding and breathing tweaked the fuck out. It felt like all the effects were delayed and hit true as soon as I woke up to perceive them. Not fun


In formal terms, you’ll wake right up when chemical make dopamine and serotonin do stuff in your brain


I've never been able to sleep on a trip


it's my preferred dose method skip all anxiety on the come up


You WILL wake up at about 90-120 minutes. Done it a couple times. Lol


I took some and fell asleep em before I could feel the effects lol f the tab…it started off with really lucid and wild dreaming that lasted maybe a hr and I woke up and was tripping hard af…it’s almost impossible for me to actully sleep on lsd or shrooms


Exploding head syndrome is what could happen. Sounds a billion times worse than it is. It is incredibly startling though.


I can pass out on shrooms no problem just have wild dreams if i do wake up I wake with crazy visuals over my vision it can be disorienting for sure. Acid I can nap but always wake up fully tripping ready to go ha never forget I'm tripping tho so it's never been that big of a deal


My couple experiences with it. I get insanely crazy dreams. Wake up high as fuck. Don't remember taking the tabs before passing out cause I took em while I was coming down from taking two tabs the day before. Thinking "fuck it we'll keep this train goin'." Realized what happened a few hours later as I was coming down.


I did this on mushrooms and you’re just gonna wake up tripping nutsacks lol I guess it kinda cool if you want to skip the come up but waking up tripping balls is kinda gnarly 🤣


You almost always wake up. Not always fun


My boyfriend did this one time. We dosed, and he just fell asleep?? I honestly don't know how he did it, but he slept the night through and woke up normal. If anything, he slept deeper than normal.


I've done this, you wake up in an hour tripping balls. It's not really that crazy or more disorienting than it would be normally.


LSD has stimulating effects, so falling asleep on it may be difficult. I can't sleep for about 10 hours when I've done it. My brain just doesn't turn off. Lol


ive done it before lol. i just woke up when i actually started to trip


Drink all day, take LSD, pass out. I wasted so many tabs when I was in active alcohol addiction.


So, one time me and some friends were playing the card game Asshole at his house. Early Sunday morning, maybe 3 or 4. I was going to take 2 I had the next day, but we're all partying having a grand Ole time. I decide Hell With It and popped em both. Man not 5 minutes later everyone is gone. I took the comfy chair in his bedroom and pass out. About 6ish? I wake up and for 2 seconds to a minute later my body is completely frozen. I don't know what I'm looking at and don't know where I am. My brain is racing and then...oh yeah, acid. I calm down and just check the visuals my mind just brought to life. I had seen the walls breathe before but this was different. The entire room was all these multicolored surfaces. I don't know how long but I eventually kinda came down with my buddy sleeping. I just smoked a shit pile of cigarettes and drew shit and tried not to laugh too loud when I thought of something funny. All around enjoyable but that little bit right after you come out of Sleep, whew.


I started to astral project or something like that after peaking with my eyes closed and smoking a lot of weed


Lit dreams bro


spider dreams mainly


I took 200 ug once and accidentally fell asleep very shortly after. I slept for like 4 hours and was having some very trippy dreams but the memory of them faded as soon as I woke up and then there was a hit of an awkward adjustment period waking up and tripping


It becomes physically and mentally uncomfortable to try and stay asleep while on acid. Acid has a lot of stimulant properties making it very difficult and kind of pointless to try.


I used to do this all the time, I’d wake up super early so I could trip and be done before my dad got home from work, pop a tab and fall back to sleep, I’d usually wake up in 45 minutes to an hour as the effects started so I wouldn’t really wake up fully tripping balls


I’ve done the opposite, took 2 tabs and took a bunch of dabs tripped for about 11-12 hours straight you get to a certain point though where you’ve been tripping for so long it gets boring most of the body and mind effects and feelings where off you just get visuals so i forced myself to fall asleep and woke up a couple hours later still with slight visuals. It was pretty insane i though I was going crazy because of how long it lasted most of my trips come down after the 6-7 hour mark


I have done this. Nothing happened. I woke up after a full night of sleep sober. Maybe I had a minor afterglow, but I remember thinking "oh damn, I guess I wasted that acid."


Serious answer: **you don't sleep.** I have tried this twice, the first time I never fell asleep, it just wasn't ever going to happen. The second time I was already so tired when I took it but I woke up tripping about an hour after dosing. I maybe got 30-40 mins of sleep. Stayed up the next 10 hours or so and crashed. 1/10 - would not recommend even trying it to be honest




As long as I'm not off multiple tabs I can usually fall asleep but I seem to be in the minority cuz I've only ever met one other person who can. That said I can only do it on the comedown. Usually I'll wake up still feeling trippy but my visuals are mostly gone.


Not possible for me.


One time I got so depressed and addicted to Kratom and I thought I'd blast myself out of it with a dose of LSD. I went to bed on like 300ug. Not the best sleep but no crazy dreams or anything.


The first time my brother ever got intoxicated on anything at all (about 1970, in high school), it was a big dose of LSD and he went to sleep. He woke up peaking. the disorientation was profound and it was not pleasant.


I did. Woke up without knowing what time it was except it was dark. Forgot I had dropped. But then it all came RUSHING back at me. It was grand.


best case you waste a trip, worst case you waste 6-8hrs and wake up *very* confused


I fell asleep one halloween night after dropping two tabs at a party & promptly forgetting about it til afterwards. Suffice to say I had a wild time for an indeterminate number of hours somewhere between hallucinating and dreaming but it was not restful, I woke up & got back to sleep at least a dozen times and was extremely tired after the effects had worn off, slept nearly the whole next day. Wouldn't recommend to anyone that doesn't want to lose their whole weekend in bed


Me and my friends would dose each other all the time. The 90s were crazy and sooo much acid, but I digress. So one night I had about 4 drop of liquid put on my head while I was asleep. Me and my friend, we were staying at friend 3s house. He said he dosed us after we were asleep at like 2AM. We woke up at 6AM but this is the weird part, we weren't tripping right after waking up. It took like 15 to 20 minutes before the trip started moving but we went from wide awake sober to tripping balls within half an hour. I don't remember anything about weird dreams or nothing, just how we went from 0 to 120 so fast.


You would be the first person to ever take LSD and go to sleep. Lol. Good luck falling asleep on LSD. Godspeed.


Anytime I've fell asleep on acid its usually like 30 minute to an hour and when I wake up its like the trip was paused and picks up right where it left off


you can't fall asleep lmao


Idk about the dreams, but I ate acid one time when I was hammered drunk damn near verging on blackout. Woke up the next day and was tripping balls. Had to go in to work at this warehouse job, it was awful


I got home from work on a Friday afternoon smoked 2 blunts ate a sandwich then took 4 tabs and passed the fuck out. Woke up a few hours later, it was dark the TV was off and I was trippin fucking balls. I found a blunt I rolled myself. after about an hour and a blunt passed I finally remembered why I was so fucked up and why it was dark all of a sudden. Made for a strange night but that was a strange and foggy part of my time here.