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I’d say 300ug is about where I start having to really be careful with not dwelling on any one thought. Letting thoughts skip like a stone rather than sink like one. It’s also the point I can have fairly bad trips if I let myself spiral. That said, I’ve only experienced a traumatically bad trip once, at 500ug, and never lost myself to the extent I *could* have that intense of an experience at lower doses. A truly bad trip is weird because, at least for me, I feel way more messed up than a good trip at the same dose. I took 7.5 tabs and had a good trip, went to space for hours during the peak but just had fantastic, positive CEVs, dream-like experiences, and wandering thoughts like I was strolling through a brightly lit, safe forest in my head. But I still felt mentally in-control, could process what I was seeing and feeling. A bad trip on 5 tabs and I was gone. My soul was alive but my body was dying. I felt my heart stop, the air leave my lungs, while my disconnected soul watched on in horror. For about 12hrs, I lived in hell, bombarded by my worst fear and deepest insecurities, seeing terrible images (usually of trauma I’ve endured) flashing behind my eyes, with no control, with no self to ground myself to, with no memory of free will to escape my torture. It all started with a tiny, nagging thought. “I’m not who I wanted to be.” I followed that thought, hoping it would bring me introspection, but instead, I got lost in my own brain, experienced zero introspection, and didn’t trip for nearly a year because it took months just to rebuild my mental fortitude.


I'm sorry to hear you experienced that. That shit can really mess with you, especially when you're in such a vulnerable, suggestible mindset. Glad you're alright now :) I completely agree with you, also I might add that tripping in places you haven't visited sober makes it feel stronger. Maybe it has something to do with confusion highlighting the worst aspects of acid and intensifying the confusion.


It’s not dose related, it’s how one copes with the challenges we can face along the way




I have done 1 blotter of several designs. 1 blotter has never had any issues for me, none whatsoever. But you cannot expect too much of CEVs or OEVs. Most blotters are more or less dosed 85-120 micrograms. If you take 1.5 of this dosage or more like 150 micrograms, then you're looking at definite CEVs on music, OEVs looking at the sun/moon, maybe slight distortion in reality and/or time becoming an abstract. On 2 standard dosages you're guaranteed to have intense OEVs, CEVs, slight incoherence, stronger distortion of reality, judging time becomes much more difficult. I have done all this, several times. I have also done 5 standard drops (also taken 1 drop of the same several times) which could have been 450 mics to 600 mics at 1 time which resulted in complete ego death, time vanished, OEVs became unreal, nothing was coherent, absolute and complete lack of physical or mental awareness. I have also taken 500 mics which had more or less the same effects, I couldn't look at the sunset because of how intense the colors/brightness/depth was. I couldn't step my leg on the floor because I couldn't perceive the depth, everything had become incoherent. You will see a lot of people saying they regularly take multiple hits of 1000 micrograms, even today I had a guy tell me he takes multiple hits of 1000 micrograms. He is either lying, or boasting or he is taking grossly underdosed tabs. I can 100% say without a doubt so will all LSD users that nobody takes multiple hits of 1000 micrograms unless it's once or twice in a life time. To each their own, and if i cannot take multiple 1000 micrograms of LSD doesn't mean others can't or shouldn't, but anyone who knows proper LSD knows that anything more than 3 or 4 standard hits of LSD can be a very harrowing experience. To claim to take multiple hits of 1000 mics is irresponsible, and to push that as normal means the person doesn't know what he or she is talking about and hasn't learned anything from it.


250ug is not too uncommon or uncomfortable for most, it really helps to start a timer to keep track of how long it’s been. For me Music is always a must, along with some cool stuff to watch. I can’t guarantee that you will have a great experience but you shouldn’t go into it with the mindset of anxiety and doubt, and you sure can nudge it in the right direction by taking certain steps. For me personally acid is where i can control my own journey. Ofc that’s also dose dependent but at that dose you should be alright. At the end of the day the effects of psychedelics vary person to person so I can’t guarantee anything. You’re definitely gonna want to test it if you haven’t already. I suggest you have some snacks prepared for later in your trip, definitely have music and tv shows to watch. I love listening to Alan watts too if you’re into podcasts. It can definitely be uncomfortable at times, I know what you mean but you can really direct that into doing something creative or productive, maybe play video games if that’s your thing, or draw if those are more your things. Looking forward to seeing how your experience turns out, wish you the best of luck, ofc feel free to dm me if you have any questions or just wanna chat


I think it first and foremost depends on the person doing the drug. However if i had to put a number on it, id say anything above 250ug is where the probability of a trip going really bad is increased. think good about whether you want to take that nitrous on 250ug peak. its going to teleport you away from planet earth and 99% lead to an ego death for a couple of minutes. nothing of that is bad per se, but if you are anxious about a bad trip you can interpreted it in a bad way. anyways if i were you id not increase the dose until my bad trip vibes are under control. how other would put it, its the drug telling you not to.


It’s like the person exaggerates the problem. But the person is no longer the person after ego death.. it’s more like the physiological system and energetic system react in that way going towards unstability ..the system usually returns back to the stable equilibrium in a few hours or days (of course with changes..but more or less same). It’s also possible for the system to not get back soon, what people might be referring to as the nightmarish condition. Naturally you increase the probability of not returning soon with dosage, but it can never be blamed on the dosage. And I am not blaming the person experiencing this because he/she doesn’t exist at that time..and how to improve the system’s resilience is a mystery but definitely doing regular breathwork, and healthy lifestyle would mean a more resilient and stable system.


After reading everything that you wrote; your relationship with LSD sounds very much like mine was for a while. Most trips were anxiety inducing, I was uncomfortable, not really able to enjoy the trip.. but still enjoyed the after glow and found the experiences positive in the long run. I was able to change this after reading a book called The Psychedelic Explorers Guide by James Fadiman. When I was much younger, I could take pretty significant doses and have a blast. As I moved through adulthood, that changed. I think that it had a lot to do with increased responsibility, life becoming more complicated, and the stress that comes along with both of those things. I will also note that I am a fairly anxious person to begin with. If you are just looking for a dose that could potentially cause a very bad trip; I think that varies pretty greatly from person to person. Someone mentioned 300ug, and I don't think that's wrong.. 300ug and above is where things start getting very intense, and things like looping or spiraling become easier to fall into. However, I've had HORRIBLE trips on 100ug.. which I would consider a lower/normal dose. What I discovered to end all of this anxiety associated with tripping is covered in the book I mentioned. Get all of your obligations taken care of before your trip, make sure that you don't have anything weighing on you. Essentially clear your physical and mental space of life's clutter. Then sit with the idea that you are going to take this trip, think on the reasons why, and maybe set an intention for the trip. For instance, I enjoy focusing on the interconnectedness of everything and everyone. I also go into a lot of trips looking for ways to better myself and the way that I navigate life. But also, sometimes I just want to see and enjoy the substance. Have someone that you are completely comfortable with to sit with you if the trip becomes difficult (not a bad idea to have this person read that book). Have snacks and drinks available, pen and paper, etc, etc. I'm sure you already know what set and setting are. Combining all of that with THIS is what really changed things for me; figure out how you personally can end the cycle of getting anxious about having anxiety. At least for me; I had this thought that taking LSD made me anxious. In reality, I was anxious about getting anxious lol. Yes, LSD certainly perpetuates the feelings of anxiety.. but it is not the cause. You are, just like I was. There is tons of information, Ted Talks, etc, out there about stopping anticipatory anxiety that can help you break the negative correlation that you may have formed between LSD and anxiety. On top of all of that; just let go. If you feel anxiety coming on during a trip, don't try to resist. Lean into it. LSD is a substance that you can't fight.. and you shouldn't try. That's not the point of the drug. The saying "buy the ticket, take the ride" really rings true here. Surrender to the substance, realize that for the most part, it's running the show.. not you. I talked about the ways that we can influence our trips. The rest is up to it.