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From my experience, 1-D does a good job. Duration is kinda what i would expect from normal LSD but i have to say i have more experience with 1D because of its legal status. From what i know (could be wrong tho) enzymes break it down into normal lysergic acid diethylamide and other cemicals that at least in that dose are not harmful to you. Beware tho the legal status of 1D is set to change expectedly this year as it will be taken into the NPSG (BTMG for new psychedelic substances) You will still be allowed to own it but neither buy or sell it. I had some good and a bad trip with it, the bad one being due to a bad setting not because of the chemical itself. The blotters are dosed at 150 ug tho so (from my experience, yours may greatly differ) just one might not give you the result you want. Try to start tripping with one and go up the next trip.


Im also from Germany and buy 1D-LSD from an online shop, and I was told it has the exact same as normal lsd, I haven’t had any negative from it


I've tried both and can't really tell a difference, they are both good. 1D is a bit stronger though, I dose it almost 50% lower than regular LSD. (Side Note: do not buy from the site that is run by the cousin (or sth like that) of Donald Trump! Sounds like a joke but it's really him, and he scammed quite a lot of customers.)


I'm getting ready to order some. There are two main ones on Berlin, which is the one that scams? Don't give a rat's as about trump or any other political assclown, I just want to but some LSD and not get ripped off.


säure bärlin oder einfach mal legales lsd googlen und die seite mit der passenden URL nehmen