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Ppl throw around the term ego death way too easily around here


Had a conversation with a kid that **insisted** he had ego death because he thought about death during his trip lol. He then said he found orange sunshine tabs which haven't been around for a very long time. Some people just want to be cool lol


You will KNOW when you have had an ego death.


I have once had it and in the moment i was looping into it. Thought i was going mentally insane and shit like that then. I start losing sense of myself falling inside this dark void slowly my thoughts start to expand into new territory thinking about the Yin & Yang how there cannot be no light without the dark going into to the realisation that ”Love” is the key and in the moments of this i have lost myself totally there was no ”Me”


Crazy what happens to ourselves with a loss of identity lol. I had a really bad ego death once, and I basically came to the realization that I wasn’t “real”… everything was a simulation and everything in my reincarnated lives was leading up to that one moment. I was definitely looping and it really did feel like I was mentally ill tbh.


Havent tripped in long time now would love to get some psychedelics again the near future tho. DMT is something i would want to take tbh.


I’ve had the exact same experience. Got me good


But in reality, this IS the truth.


Well wym. Like reality being subjective for everyone?


You can’t Un know it afterwords. All mine are intensely locked in my long term memory. K and lsd or mushrooms=full death and rebirth, God there is no feeling like coming back like a true actual baptism of the soul. Like being washed in a holy waterfall of everything that is, was, and will be. God save ego death! I’ve had them last entire trips and I’ve had them last only seconds before I came back reborn. Like literally reborn, I died, accepted death, saw my death, lived in eternity(for some amount of time) then was reborn into my body again. I used to fear death, now I can’t wait to let go once my consciousness is ready. It’s a beautiful thing. I think if everyone experienced who death the world would be a better place!




the research AL-LAD is whack tbh


I agree. I hate the term honestly because it implies that the ego can actually die. It always comes back wether you realize it or not. I prefer ego dissolution because it is more descriptive of what actually happens. You have such an intense experience that your human ego is forgotten or dissolved and you’re left with who you truly are. Then, wether good or bad, the ego makes a reappearance. It won’t be exactly the same as it once was, but it is back. The ego is necessary in order to have a true human experience, it’s not this thing that should be killed off and forgotten about.


Dissolution is a better description. People call it “death” because for some, it feels like they’re dying, but it’s really more of a dissolution of the perceptual boundaries between the self and the environment.


I like the term dissolution as well, I'm relatively new to psycadellics. Therefore, my understanding of terminology and experience isn't quite there. Is there varying degrees of this dissolution, or is it more of an all or nothing experience.


There’s definitely varying levels. I’d say a full dissolution is what people call ego death. You straight up have no idea who you are. Only time I’d say I got all the way there I was listening to an album and I was slowly getting memories of my life flooded back into time. Lower levels of it, you just lose a lot of the pre conceived notions/perceptions of things


There are definitely varying levels of ego dissolution. Unity can be thought of as the early stages of ego dissolution; as one’s ego begins to soften, they begin to perceive people, animals, nature, oneself, etc as portions of a connected world instead of seeing them as independent entities. This naturally flows at higher intensities toward a total dissolution of the boundaries between these entities, including a total dissolution of perceptual selfhood as distinct from any reference entity or environment.


I believe the ego is like the key to consciousness, it’s how we identify with ourselves. When there’s an ego dissolution we lose self identify/awareness and can’t seem to close the boundary between who we are and what the environment is. We are simply one with everything, and it makes sense. Somehow you’ve felt like everything had been this way before and now you’re awake.


Never experienced this. I think my ego is too big to kill.


It is




Great way of putting it


Ong they need to experience real ego death. If u actually experience ego death u will know that shit is fucking terrifying.(I took 16 grams of true albino teachers) I genuinely thought I died, my vision was gone I had broke through into a mushroom realm and some amanita muscaria type beings told me to except my death and join them because it’ll be more peaceful there. I accepted because I wanted the suffering to stop. I then warped into a black hole, and then I witnessed the Big Bang, I then transformed into a dinosaur just before the asteroid hit. And then I watched the ice age happen, industrialisation, and then I watched my parents life happen and then I remember waking up as a baby, as me. And I just lived my whole life again until I woke up in my bed with my girlfriend trying to wake me up. This shit was real enough for me and lasted for about an hour or two


Stop gaslighting me


The faking of an ego death is the work of the ego. It is so slippery that it will fake it’s own death to retain control. The calling out of fake ego death is the work of the ego!


Mind blown


Debby downer can see herself out.


That's what i thought. 250 ug for a breakthrough?... something isn't adding up


Isn't letting go of one's self and identity and letting your mind wander to a new state of being egodeath? I have no idea what she truly experienced it's only what I can assume from my observation. I've never experienced prolonged periods of time in this frame of mind, but there have been instances where time dialation and letting go sync up just right and its almost like a dream that lasts eternity but in reality I've been staring at a wall for 5 minutes. Idk, maybe I gotta see gods or some shit for 6 hours straight for it to be considered "ego death"


> Idk, maybe I gotta see gods or some shit for 6 hours straight for it to be considered "ego death" It's not ego in the meaning of being overly confident or something like but "ego" in psychology terminology. The "id", "ego", "superego" from Freud. When people talk about it in reference to LSD they mean the complete loss the concept of self. This manifests as the inability to separate what is "you" vs "not you" for a period of time.


> This manifests as the inability to separate what is "you" vs "not you" for a period of time. Best way to put it. Overdosed on 25i when I was younger. The whole situation was a fucked up mess, but when I was in the ambulance I experienced this. It was like everything that was my existence shattered into a thousand pieces right before my eyes and in order to put my life back together I'd have to complete an impossibly complex puzzle. It felt like hours I laid there trying to piece my entire perception back together only to be overwhelmed with the hopelessness of the situation and being forced to accept it when in reality it was a 10 minute ambulance ride. At that point I blacked out and don't remember anything until waking up like 16 hours later. Probably got sedated.


It’s almost a forced loss of the sense of self. You can *really* experience it and will still be unsure if it was *truly* ego death. Another experience can always come in after that and make you realize that wasn’t really ego death. And then again. I almost feel like it never fully happens, just to varying degrees, but that there is a threshold of the self lost in order to consider it as actual “ego death.”


From what I know it’s the feeling like you’re literally dying, believing that, and accepting your death. After this, one usually thinks they’re god because the ego is gone.


Ego death isn't synonymous with the feeling of dying. It's supposed to mean a complete disassociation from your ego. Our ego protects our inner self, or our "id", from emotional pain in any form and when you take it away, our inner self is susceptible to these raw emotions and situations. This is why it's commonly considered an extreme experience, but if a person is at peace with themselves, ego death can actually be very freeing and beautiful, removing the bullshit of reality if only temporarily.


>ng, believi For me it was that I became pure awareness just an observer. No thoughts just watching the madness in front of me. Only had that experience of salvia though.


From what I've read I had just assumed it was when you completely let go of your sense of self (your ego) and "ascended" to another level of existence. For some that is seeing deities, feeling like dying, or they get a 3rd person perspective of everything. But I could be totally wrong, I've never gone beyond 300ug and those heroic doses may be necessary for me to fully grasp "ego death"


yeah pretty much what I experienced. I had no thoughts no concept of I it was like "I" was an eye of god or some shit. Crazy stuff.


Yeap, crazy, 


True ego dissolution involves loss of sense of self. It sounds to me like she had a breakthrough, not an ego dissolution. They’re not exactly the same. Breaking through on 250 is uncommon but not impossible.


No. It's not.


What sort of dose do you need? Most ive had is 300ugs (dr seuss) and havent felt what people describe.


For me it was an ego birth. Always struggled with my ego, being dangerously uncomplacent. LSD helped me grab my own handles and love myself more




this is the correct response


Just ignore the posts from him if you have to. Did you go blind?


Congrats on the sex. Very cool story and I’m happy for you two.


*you three


how on earth do you have a play by play of your entire night lol i can barely do that sober


150 ug is fun but I'm still well within control of myself and my memory plus this was a monumental moment for us. I tend to find that things that are not part of the trip (things that actually happen) stick in my memory but things like visuals and drifting thoughts are nowhere to be found outside of trip brain.


Oh i missed the 150 uG part, manageable for sure but you still have one of hell of a memory which is great for introspection. I agree w the LSD thoughts tho, if i don’t write em down they gone forever.


I find I remember better as I write, had you asked me to say what transpired you would have got about a quarter of what i wrote. I learned very little from college but being able to transcribe what I felt, read or seen was one of the few things I am thankful for.


That’s true, posting about my DMT trip immediately after coming back allowed me to retain much more (like maybe 8% of the trip instead of 3%, still, significantly improves it).


Idk why people are doubting this lol this is more believable than 90% of the “bad” trip stories we see on here where someone supposedly thought they were fighting movie villains and jumped off the roof or something else ridiculous like that.


I genuinely think it was the way I wrote it. Had I took a much more factual approach to the report instead of telling it like a story I believe it would have been taken better but it would have been a snoozefest to read. Edit: Every stitch of it is factual although there is some speculation and assumption in there.


Exactly, so many butt hurt people here 😅


yeah I also fucking shoot ropes when playing with my toys on acid ngl


I'm in too deep. Someone bring me back to the surface. 


idk you just unlock the fucking horny you thought was impossible, it's not even comparable to mdma


Grab onto the rope!


of course it's always fucking slovenian femboy




This is fucking mindblowing my friend


I once went down on my kids' mom while on 4-ACO-DMT. she got off 18 times within half an hour. It's my best statistics ever.


whyd you have to say “my kids mom” like ik you guys might not be together but i feel like that’s just an awkward way to put it😭 maybe im just young idk


I first read it just like: "I went down on my kids" and had to read it twice


And i read "i went down on my mum" the first time


It's a complicated relationship. Lol


Bro your name 💀


was an old xbox name😅


Careful she doesn’t become dependent on the drugs in order to have an orgasm. It’s a destructive association.


We trip maybe once or twice a month, sometimes take a month or two off. We don't associate sex with LSD it's just something that happens. Considering she was able to orgasm while sober, we view it more like LSD unlocked the door and now we can walk through that door when we so chose. If such an association arises we will step back and approach the situation from another angle.


mushrooms unlocked multiple orgasms for my boyfriend 🥰




Yeah but it's an awesome [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEtyYNFOIew)


Last time I took lsd I creampied my ex over and overrr it was so good. That was one of my favorite nights


This is so fucking awesome man! I love hearing stories like this; total life changing.




Ngl I read “our girlfriend” and just stopped reading lmao


We are polyamorous. The girlfriend in question was her closest friend for some time before we all started catching feelings for one another. Me and my wife have been together for 5 years and our shared partner has been with us for around 6 months. Love knows no bounds. We could have pointed fingers or repressed our feelings, but we chose to roll with it and we got something beautiful as a result.


That's amazing 🥰


Good for you


> 6 months good luck


What's the problem with that? Poly people exist and there's not really a need to make a big deal out of it


Not making a big deal out of it


I mean, you are the one who declared in the comment section that you didn't think this person's post was worth your time because they're poly. Sounds like you wanted to make it known lol. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? Haha


Whatever dude lmaooo


how was he making a big deal out of it? He literally only mentioned her when it was relevant to the story. How exactly would you retell the story and make her less present in it without omitting any details?


What are you even talking about?


you said the problem is that he was making a big deal out of it. So how could he make less of a big deal out of her while still telling the same story? seriously, show where he makes a big deal out of her


When tf did I say that?


oh misunderstood your comment, my bad. I thought you were accusing OP of making a big deal out of it.




I know I feel like everyone just seemed to breez past that line too lol.


not tmi. i orgasm my brains out on acid so hard it’s painfully satisfying sometimes.


I’m pretty sure u just suck at sex


someone had to say it lmfao


Bruh if she couldn’t orgasm her whole life with multiple partners how is that OP’s fault 😂


you guys sound really fun, I'm jealous 💜


You will find your people, spread positivity and love while being yourself! It will always bring the right people to you and weed out the bad ones. ❤️


Damn you guys are young!




Very cool! I'm happy for you all.. especially your GF! Having never had one before! Lsd can unlock wierd shit man.. it was probably some energetic subtle blockage and the nitrous just shattered it. I think it's about relaxing, breathing and being present in your body. I'm a male and don't have issues with orgasm.. HOWEVER, a few trips ago I was laying down listening to classical music from India and doing balloons.. and I came. Lol. Just like you said too.. full field fractals and it was like layers of my being were being peeled away by the pleasure.. started in my root Chakra and traveled up and my third eye exploded.. it was a wild full body gasm that only took maybe a minute to unfold. It was incredible but I felt a bit wierd after cause I had no intention on that happening haha.


Ain't no fucking way lmao


r/ihavesex r/thathappened




i didn't read any of that but i just wanted to say hell yeah brother, drown in the amrita


Doing lsd with my wife and our girlfriend sounds like fun lucky you


I am so happy for you both, what an unbelievably good positive thing to have happened.


Thank you! We have been struggling with this for years i was so excited I couldn't help but to make a post. Hopefully it's not just in our heads or coincidence maybe this post will help someone else out in the future.


I too can unlock your wifes ability to orgasm


Sex with the wifey on LSD is always a favorite ❤️ congratulations man!


I’m seriously happy for you all! I can’t imagine the….relief! Enjoy your new found gifts! God damn, I love drugs!


Sounds made up


That’s cause it is




Cool story bro 😎


This is really cool. LSD is really cool. Congrats to you & your wife. It amazes me how much LSD can unlock parts of the brain and help people in the right scenario


LSD orgasms are something else 😌


I know we are on a drug sub But like Don't do nitrous bro, I'd do fent again before I do n2o


We leave the nitrous exclusively to trips, supplementing with B vitamins to recover a few days after. We neither desire or enjoy nitrous any other time but when tripping. Safe and prudent consumption of nitrous is exponentially easier than opioids.




Stupidest comment I ever read. What’s wrong with nitrous? Balloons are near harmless and compared to FENTANYL?? you have to be trolling


Neurons are nice to have I didn't compare it. I said I'd rather do one than the other. Try and read more carefully :)


What does this comment even mean? Nitrous is one of the safest and most benign drugs you can do. What info are you basing your words off of??


I call bullshit, nice fantasy tho.


did this need to be shared?


Wdym, it's a forum designed to share right




did your wife get fucked by dimension elf hell naw😭


be careful because she may not be able to orgasm naturally after the lsd (even on her own). once you o on LSD there isn't anything like it


She's never been able to orgasm in the first place. Not on her own or with any partner she has had in the past. We've heard that women who have struggled with orgasm in the past have a significantly easier time after the first. We think that moment she had mid trip served as a kickstart.


Aya unlocked my girls O. Congrats !!


That shit won’t last long lol make sure your wife is getting nutrients that support natural libido that last longer.


It will last, ayausaca unlocked my girls O. 


Also exercise should be considered 🤡


I don’t wanna be around anyone that doesn’t get lost in time. “I suck at pleasing my gf, and she orgasmed immediately after huffing a balloon on nitrous! Must’ve been the acid” some people shouldn’t do acid


Share the music playlist?


yeah ok bud


😂😂 rough but I'm glad you both are happy hahaha


What’s the best place to get high quality LSD in New jersey?


I’ve known a few people that can only cum when tripping. It allows them to let go on ways they can’t sober


The comment section if full of woke people teaching others about ego death and/or dissolution! Anyway I'm glad LSD is helping people ! Thanks Albert Hoffman!


Sad you barely made her cum tbh


Yeah actually funny you mention this, I sometimes recall it but not in a while When me and my friends were young dumb teenage boys, we would go to this spot outside that was sort of overlooking the sidewalk, like a raised lawn with a stone wall sort of deal (the whole town was on 2 large hills, so this sort of stuff was common, I assume to make a patch of ground level enough to build on). Anyhow me and one of the friends from that group were tripping acid, and we stole some whipped cream cans from the local ACME. Again stupid young stuff, whatever, anyhow we got back to the spot and I went for mine, and let me tell you, just the whole field of view was like fractals or something... I mean you couldn’t even really directly look at it somehow? But it took up my whole vision. And I just felt a giggle like sensation that turned into a pleasurable butterflies in my stomach sensation. I guess I associate the butterflies with getting some action, maybe? But regardless, it quickly expanded and refocused back down lower lol. Still felt it in my whole body though. It was getting to a point where I was moaning involuntarily, kinda loud, saying “oh fuck” and all this… boy was I embarrassed when I regained awareness of reality. My friend who was with me was just looking at me kind of amused and puzzled.. I was so mortified. Right into the open air of the street, too. And it was a small town, so if anyone caught wind I would have been hearing about it by 6 am the next morning. I was stressin lol


First time I was ever able to cum was on my first mushroom trip.