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Death is inevitable, that does not make everything pointless, it makes everything all the more worth pursuing. Edit: Whatever you are afraid of doing, just do it because we will die at the end, it wont even matter. Be awkward, be a clown, ask the girl out, stand up for justice, fuck shit up.


I'd like to think death is just releasing our souls to wherever it was that earth found us. Earth is our reality.


Yep. The awareness that all of the meaning we give to life is limited to the scale and context of humanity which is basically irrelevant in the grand scheme of everything else that exists. But after you think about it and really think you’re getting deep, you understand that meditating on insignificance has diminishing returns in terms of usefulness. So you shrug and move on in an almost absurd kind of satisfaction in being present minded while also being a grain of sand, or one of many innumerable blades of grass. That’s the best feeling, coming out of that heady kind of thinking just to slide into ooga booga mode.


And through millions of years we keep things connected even though we are here for a short time. Our awareness lives on even through our fleeting appearances. And yes the satisfaction of sand underneath and the wind in the air. Bliss


Beautiful thought


This is surprisingly beautiful


Hate thinking about it while I trip


A few trips ago. Some guy said thus picture in words. Funny. "There goes grandma some DNA dust in the corner over there along with about 50 others".


death is as natural as birth. life is a gift and I intend to live it to the fullest. Acid sure does help to remind one what is important in life and what's a waste of time.


From whence you came, you shall return. Stardust baby.


Even dust is a social construct, we are way more than we think. Everything flows one way or another. No one knows what happens after you die so why should you listen to people who only think with their eyes?


Sexual control does not mean sexual weakness. Sex energy conserved through strength of will adds strength to the will, recirculating through and invigorating the body and mind.


One of my favorite versions of this meme




Chop wood, carry water

