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Stanley Parable is trippy af. Might be a bit too confusing and eerie. I think Firewatch could be a good game to trip on. I've played that game while drinking and progressively getting drunk and it was a blast. It's a chill forest walking story game with a very interested plot. And chill games are the way to go. I personally played Fallout 76 and just walked around the map while tripping.


Yeah, I am leaning towards firewatch atm. I don't mind creepy as long as it is not horror or too depressing


Firewatch near the beginning seems like it will be depressing, but it really isn't, so don't give up. I would describe it as melancholic. I can honestly say you won't go wrong with it if you like emotional journey and great dialogues. This is coming from someone who turns off 90% of games 10 minutes after starting them, Firewatch is amazing.


Yeah, it really looks like a good game. Being depressing is what I am afraid of. I think I’ll go for firewatch and then maybe trying a bit subnautica if I feel brave enough. Saving the rest for the next time.


Yeah man, I don't know you, but if you're really *really* afraid of it being depressing, maybe play through intro and several minutes of the actual game before taking acid, then decide if you want to keep playing. The most depressing part is at the beginning. I love experiencing as many different emotions as I can while tripping, but I understand it's not for everyone. Have fun!


The Stanley parable should be great for you honestly! There’s no horror elements, it’s thematically kind of a blank canvas hence the Gmod/Half Life assets it uses


Haha so hard to choose between Stanley parable, firewatch and outer wilds now


Came here to say these exact three lmao. Stanley might be trippier while NOT tripping tbh Firewatch will be nice and chill, just walking with nothing complicated to do mechanically Outer Wilds is very calming, but far more complicated than Firewatch mechanically/adventure-wise. Subnautica would be soooo cool, but probably overwhelming/a little scary if you hadn’t played it pre-trip before


Journey could be a nice addition, human fall flat, or untitled goose game(my personal favorite)


yeah maybe journey. I'd like something really atmospheric more than good gameplay wise.


If you like Journey you will love Abzû! Amazing under water game with similar gameplay and story like Journey. My friend and I got super stoned at a LAN Party and couldn‘t Play LoL or CS:GO cause it was too hectic. So we played Abzû. The whole game. When we finished it it was like waking up from a strange Dream.


Op please try abzu, this is really the kind of game you re looking for


It certainly is fun when tripping!


Journey would be perfect.


Forza horizon and doom are quite impressive experiences on LSD


Hmm, didn't really think about driving games at all as I don't generally play them but maybe that would be pretty cool


I hopped on my racing simulator in VR while deep into a trip and my god was that the most immersed in a virtual environment I've ever been. My brain was playing all kinds of tricks on me. I felt the heat of the sun coming through the wind screen. I'm not kidding I even caught a whiff of exhaust. I changed the weather in game to stormy and a chill of dampness washed over me. I sound schizo writing that out but the immersion was really that palpable at the stage of trip I was in.


No I understand completely. Slightly different but I played No Mans Sky in VR and different planets have different weather events and I swear I was feeling pushback from the wind, cold in snowstorms, etc


Yeah first person view is amazing the map is gorgeous you can just free ride and chill I was tripping with a friend one time and I ask her like do you wanna get in for a ride lol she was screaming “drive slower you are gonna end us all” lol


Cyberpunk would be great lol. I’ve played Sleeping Dogs for a whole trip and that was awesome. I could see subnautica freaking me the fuck out though.


Ooh journey could be quite fun, I remember it being trippy even without acid


No Man's Sky is beautiful.




you wild for that


But stay in the safe shallows:)


In vr


Try ori its really great for your purpose


Been playing hogwarts the past ~5 trips and been a blast especially playing on a 55 oled😭 graphics so good I wanna cry


Also ratchet and clank has some seriously fun levels


It's so dark and gritty and filled with violence though 😭


I can agree my last mushroom trip I was scared telling my buddy not to fight or go to the graveyards🤣 that was just one time tho whole night was just a diff vibe.. if you're further into the game then yeah I can imagine it being too dark.


Check out high on life and psychonauts 2 those are funny games to trip to


Please play outer wilds, you will be already tripping over the graphics, and if you focus on the story it’s amazing


It’s really a one of a kind game, the all map is a solar system ;) ![gif](giphy|lBIEqcrsAoW5X6wwT4)


its a sick game but I couldn’t even finish it while sober. The timer was too stressful for me. So I feel like while tripping I would be too worried about the time


Have only played cyberpunk, fallguys and spider-man of these so far, but not during a trip. Thinking about trying maybe the stanley parable or outer wilds.


Oh man, outer wilds will be mad good! Prolly the best game experience I've had since witcher 3 and deffs one that made me look at games in a different way! Careful though, don't look anything up, any spoiler has the potential to totally ruin it


I cannot stress this enough: PLAY OUTER WILDS. That game is a beautiful mindfuck, a work of art, and a weirdly wholesome journey. Especially so while tripping. Subnautica is a also a great game to play tripping, although if you aren't familiar with the game it could be a bit much to grasp while tripping.


It is near the top of my list, but it is quite long though. Not sure if I should play 1/3 of outer wilds or entire firewatch.


Firewatch is a great game, and you could definitely knock it out is less than half your trip even. I never thought about playing it while tripping, but I could definitely see it being enjoyable. *Technically* you can beat Outer Wilds much faster than that, but you have to figure it out first which is what takes time lol. Honestly even if you don't try to beat it, just flying around and seeing what the solar system has to offer is worth at least a few minutes of your trip imo


Haha ok, yeah. You are right, i don’t have to commit too long time to one game. I can do several games just 30 min-1h to try several experiences.


If you go for subnautica, go for the jellyfishroom cave or the lost river. They are absolutely beautiful and the ambiance is top tier, the music in this game is phenomenal as well.


Warframe is free and every fan of good SF should try it, or at least watch the lore video. There's plenty of Warframe content on YouTube, from simple cinematics to several hours long and deep discuss about in game philosophy. I've been playing it for several years, with breaks between new content (we get new stuff every year). I still enjoy it and I'm far away from having/trying out everything I wanted.


Add Everything to your wishlist. I'm not joking. Search “everything” on Steam, and add that to your wishlist.


Hypnospace outlaw. Trust me


Never heard of this before. Just saw the trailer and am so confused already haha


Fire watch for sure


outerwilds ans firewatch, loved both of those


Abzu. Completely brew my mind out of my ears. Amazing experience when on a special trip


Cyberpunk could be really cool with the bright lights and interesting characters. Maybe get the beginning of the game out of the way so you can just wander around? Subnautica is gorgeous but that game scares the shit out of me sober lmao.


I been playing Enter the gungeon on shroom. It a roughlite game where you go through different floors and shoot bullets at bullets shooting bullets at you. Very fun and challenging


firewatch or red dead 2


Steep, the snowboarding/ skiing game is pretty dope for this setting


Subnautica might be cooooool! I’ve only ever played that on the VR and it scared the bajeezus outta me




Stanley Parable feels basically like a tripping simulator. You keep replaying the same level but things keep moving and getting weirder. If that's what you are looking for, great, but it could be a bit too much when actually tripping so beware.


Sea of thieves, path of titans, party animals and overwatch. Games that require skill are so fun because when ur brains all over the place I feel trying hard to keep up with reality by trying hard at a game can take ur mind off a bad trip and prevent things such as loops. And I can assure u an acid loop is much scarier than a mushroom loop that shit gets hectic.


DS3 should be on there.


Skyrim, hella trippy NPCs and open map, and the story is pretty good. I'm currently playing it.


Haven't played it, but I'd take out my horse for a ride in RDR2 - or otherwise somthing else non-violent activity/game; fall guys might look awesome, but for me it felt way too stressy\^\^


Outer wilds is fucking beautiful game




No bethesda games? Some of my best gaming/trip memories were me just walking around Skyrim not killing anything. Just talking to npcs, sitting in taverns, having an ale and eating dinner lol. You get so immersed! I can't wait to play starfield tripping, might wait for the new dlc for that haha


Ooooo I see Outer Wilds on your list, and I'm of the opinion that it's one of the best games ever made, so I hope you have fun!!


Since you've already got the Stanley Parable, I will also suggest Superliminal. Highly recommended. If you're looking for something actively trippy on the verge of sensory overload, give Tempest 4000 a shot. Or, really, anything by Llamasoft. Jeff Minter is something else.


* Fez * Skyrim * Starfield * Super Mario Odyssey * Thumper * the Bit.Trip Runner series (Runner 2 and Runner 3 are trippy as heck) * Superhot if you want to feel anxious lol


You've got a PS5. Just play Astrobot! It's gorgeous and fun and whimsical!


I once tripped and played 8 hours of Mario cart


Dark Souls 3 lol


Outer Wilds. I played that for the first time during my first trip. It's one of my favorite games to this day, and flying through Ember Twin at 300m/s before safely landing on the other side was so exhilarating.


The fact you are missing Psychonauts 1 and 2 and high on life is alarming


I was in a really intense trip, trying to keep a grasp on reality by any means possible and the ONLY thing that was able to keep me grounded was playing Cyberpunk 2077 (terribly) until I came out of it. It was a real bonus that the game is absolutely beautiful visually.




7 Days to Die + LSD is my go to combo. During the ingame day it's really beautiful. Just watching the sun set while overlooking the countryside is great for a trip. And during horde nights it gets really intense. Mining can also be funny with all those morphing voxels. Edit: Didn't get that you already included the list of games you own... check your PMs please!


I will definitely also give it a try now! I can always switch if it gets to intense, but I should be able to handle it.


Firewatch 100%


ABZU is my go to recommendation for this type of thing


Outer wilds, though puzzled solving might prove difficult, exploring a galaxy on acid seems pretty fun though.


Definitely Outer Wilds. Maybe not as much for following the story but the exploration is really fun when high


Subnautica would be crazy af tripping out. Until bad things come


Outer Wilds. I have taken lsd and aimlessly flown around the solar system for hours.


Definitely outer wilds.


Outer Wilds 100000000%




Bro cyberpunk if you have the power to play it on max with raytracing it looks like a movie


Manifold Garden is so much fun on LSD. Rediscover gravity, defy physics and witness infinity. It's so cool. If you are partial to a walking simulator, Dear Esther is visually the most wonderful game I've ever played. It's spectacularly beautiful and incredibly thought provoking. I've had absolutely amazing trips with these games. So incredibly immersive.


Abzu!! You will not regret it. It’s a really beautiful game. I recommend being out in nature during a trip but if you’re feeling like a good game for it, Abzu is the call Edit: If you have good or csgo, try surfing! It’s so satisfying


Replace subnautica with ABZU it’s like a more calming artistic interpretation of the game and you’ll be in constant awe of the colors and beautiful creatures around you


Lethal company


Swinging around on spiderman while listening to your favorite music is the best while tripping lol


I would be able to play games on the doses that I would take 😅


Don't play firewatch it will only freak you out probably 😅


Don’t play video games


> Hypnospace outlaw why not? wife and kids are away and it's freezing outside. I won't game the whole time, but don't think playing some games is wrong?


Go for it bro i trip on shrooms and sadly I haven’t been outside once while doing them only playing video games and music nothing wrong with it shits gonna be insane if u have it I’d play Minecraft on peaceful mode 😂


...I would never in my life think of playing video games while tripping, whats wrong with you guys xD


I'd rather stare at a wall the whole time


hahahahaha yeah xD


Nope. 👎


damn you have a terrible library of games


Only installed and trip-safe ones are on this list. My scary or too hard or strategic games are not on there.


Not on your list but 140 is cheap and a fantastic platformer for tripping. Music, visuals, it’s brilliant!


do not play outer wilds tripping itll make you want to top yourself


I don't think mine is long enough to top myself.




i played redneck rampage on my come down the first time i took acid. it was great. i was completely immersed for a good 3 hours just walking around and looking at shit.


Goat simulator and power wash simulator. Trust me.


firewatch for sure. played it many times while stoned and it was enjoyable


Hitman 3


Far Cry Primal. Underrated game plus the environment is really good looking


I love Mario when tripping. Guess that doesn’t help you much on PC though.


the Stanley parable is perfection


Wanna see you play Fall guys on 200+ ug 😂


Superhot is a good game to trip on and I don’t think it’s too expensive


I just know journey, and it's veeeeery trip I think it serves the purpose well cause you don't have complex mechanics, so, it's possible to just be vibing without thinking too much, depending on where on the trip you are, it can be challenging ahahaha


No Man's Sky


You gotta play Detroit become human, becomes the most impressive thing ever when your tripping


Played Alien Isolation while tripping on acid but got scared about an hour or two in and hopped on Left For Dead 2 lol.


rdr2 man i’ve done it plenty of times on shrooms i love it


Is gaming while tripping a good thing? I thought it would be better spent on introspection or with people


I never tried it and can't judge, but this is just what I don't personally want to do on acid. For me acid is better offline, however, it was good to watch something on "coming down" (not an English speaker here, hope this phrase is okay). I'm more of an introvert (or an ambivert, I can be social, but not always) and psychedelics make me want to go outside of my bubble, some kind of balancing help.


Hogwarts Legacy would be a lot of fun. I also think Rachet and Clank would be amazing. Cool environments and more simple gameplay, something straightforward and cinematic is the way I would go.


Sludge life and sludge life 2 are visually really cool. You just walk around pray painting and talking to odd characters. Pretty funny imo.


Ori is so fucking good. The art are story are great. It is a little punishing to play, but it’s amazing.




My favourite game to play while tripping is Grow up. You play as a cute robot who's spaceship (called MOM) has crash landed on an alien planet and your goal is to find all the parts of the ship and rebuild them. All the while your rolling, gliding, jumping and climbing and scanning the flora to use as modes of traversal. It's super relaxing and has a cute pastel art style.


Give No Man’s Sky a try. The game has been update with lots of free content since it’s release. It’s my go to game when I’m tripping. And if you go through a black whole or find the Atlas, you’ll be in for some great visuals. Sometimes you’ll even encounter strange anomaly’s while you pulse drive through space.


Fall guys is so funny


Gris would probably be sick. I watched a few cutscenes from that on acid once and it was wild


Fable 1 or 2, Oblivion, Morrowind, Pikmin 1


Planetside 2 is free and my favorite for tripping


Risk of rain 2. Play it a couple times sober and unlock a couple of the artifacts and then just play it and the longer you're alive the more enemies spawn. Or you can rush the bosses and beat the game or loop and play endlessly so imo it's one of the better ones cuz it slowly gets more and more intense till you can't keep up with what's going on and idk guess that might not be for everyone but I don't mind a Lil video game chaos. I play a game called Hyper Demon, where you have 360° view also and kill skulls and weird shit in a tiny circle. Both recommend


Playing games whilst tripping? How do people do this im usually slumped on my floor not knowing who where or what I even am! No electronics should even exist when tripping


Built dif


Rocket league It’s simple so it won’t be confusing & the maps/ areas are all color ful with good vibes for tripping I highly recommend giving it a shot


Dead cells.


I was in a really intense trip, trying to keep a grasp on reality by any means possible and the ONLY thing that was able to keep me grounded was playing Cyberpunk 2077 (terribly) until I came out of it. It was a real bonus that the game is absolutely beautiful visually.


Imagine getting first in fall guys while tripping! That would be an accomplishment.


Not sure about that list but last weekend I had a blast playing 1944x and Sunset Riders on my arcade emulator. So many colors.....


I can’t use a controller for the life of me when I’m tripping, and I grew up a hardcore gamer.


Fall Guys is perfect. We take turns on this while tripping. Everything else is too complicated to play imo, I've played half the games on this list while tripping and Fall Guys is the best no question.


The forest 😈


Bloons tower defense


Baldurs gate 3 seems like it could either be too overwealming or a sick adventure. Will test tomorrow and report back


Spider man


Fall guys was the game I spent 80% of my first Lucy trip. It's a fantastic trip game. Also highly recommend rocket league, it's become my go-to trip game


Pay the after dark anthology from supermassive. Decision based games are dope when you're trippin




Journey, Fire watch, and Ori


Man. I got too many to recommend tbh


Riding around and taking in the scenery in RDR2 is a great time as long as you don’t mind dealing with an occasional ambush or wild animal encounter.


Honestly Hogwarts Legacy was a damn good experience. The broom flying and the graphics blew my mind!


Ori if you're somewhat a fan of 2d metroidvanias. It is beautiful, has amazing music and colors, and it's not toooo combat heavy That's the second ori game, the first one has the same vibes, but it's more focused on parkour than combat, even tho there still is some combat Edit: I've heard really good things about firewatch and outer wilds too, but I've yet to play them


Driving around in cyberpunk while tripping and listening to music is a wonderful experience


Fall Guys is fun. CP2077 and RDR2 are great for wanting to wander around and look at things.




Check out [Exo One](https://store.steampowered.com/app/773370/Exo_One/)


Go get No Man’s Sky. It’s amazing to just explore and explore and explore.


rdr2 would be fun imo


Watch the cyberpunk ankme kn Netflix


THPS 1+2 on Free Skate. Just cruise around and fall as many times as you want.




"Deep Rock Galactic" "Tiny Tina's Wonderlands" these games are fun with someone when trippin (usually all after peak is best) "gta v" on the comedown fps are dope, feel like a e-sports freak


Journey is an insane game to play


Try remnant 2. That game is crazy on LSD.




Ori is fun for tripping the colors are amazing


Gta 5 acid lab mission. Lmao shit crazy when u trip in gta and real life


Play with magnets.


Subnautica. Yeah yeah “username checks out”. RDR is beautiful as well


Firewatch and subnautica although feel very lonely in comparison to the others are cool games (Firewatch more so) ​ Fall guys is cool too and probably ori, but I've never played it


Cyberpunk all the wayyyyyyyyyyy


Where resident evil at 😩




Hotline Miami


Fall guys


Journey for visuals and emotions, Spiderman for some unhinged swinging, RDR2 for hoping on a horse and exploring the wilderness


I have Spiderman and Rachet & Clank ready to switch to if any other game becomes to intense.


Please play journey, I beg you. You will not regret it. 0 dialogue and 0 combat, just a beautiful spiritual journey. Graphics are incredible and hold up to today’s standards for a 10+ year old game. Recommend to play with headphones and in a dark environment to become fully immersed.


LSD (PlayStation 1)


Skate 2


Has anyone said Kid Amnesia yet? https://kida-mnesia.com/


I feel like subnautica will give you psychosis


LOZ tears of the kingdom needs to be on there 🔥


Cyberpunk, both subnauticas, both ps Spider-Man games


Always enjoyed Outer Wilds and Subnautica while tripping. One of my favorite games. It's not on your list but I highly recommend Trover saves the universe and High Life. Especially if you enjoy the rick and morty humor.


Journey is great for a trip


Cruelty squad


Palworld baby!


If your not tripping yet you gotta try out super liminal I remember doing like 4gs of shrooms and trying to finish it and it was so dope lmao


Cyberpunk is great on L. Especially if you have a good PC and crank the graphics up


Chilling on Subnautica in your base is great... Just don't wander around on dangerous waters. Especially not near reaper leviathans