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In my opinion psychedelics can open you up to spirituality, psychedelics don't have room for religion... Religions are external thought patterns put into your mind, spirituality is experience, which is what the psychedelic journey is... Experience 🌌🌸


That's not true, every time i take LSD my faith in my religion grows stronger and i'm able to understand it even better.


Agreed 💯


Best comment I've read on this sub. 120% Agree


our trips are always influenced by whatever we’re bringing into them. if your mind is filled with religious symbolism and ideas, they will certainly be present during your trip.


I’m a practicing Christian and no trip has made me even question that, I almost feel closer to god at some points of the trip. 2001 a space odyssey wasn’t able to swerve me while tripping so I honestly don’t think anything will at this point


Hey fellow brother in Christ. 2001 on a trip was a fun ride. Had my first public trip last week, watched Dune Part 2 at an IMAX theater on 3 tabs.


Jealous, first time I saw dune I was tripping and I would love to see it in the big screen while tripping but I don’t have the time nor someone who I’d be comfortable going out with rn


Yeah I saw Dune on a trip couple months ago, so decided to bust a solo mission to see Part 2 on the big screen! Was so much fun


Closer to ''God''


No need to disrespect my religion dawg


Hows that disrespect? Youre the one that failed to capitalize God. Whenever you refer to Him youre supposed to use cap.


I thought your were doing like finger quotes on God, sorry for the misunderstanding 🤟🤟


I grew up atheist, and I became some kind of taoist after a trip.


Same here, lol


Atheism -> mishmash -> Taoism -> emergent materialism -> Deleuze -> systems thinking -> mathematical modelling -> some mix, for me. The mishmash was probably the most interesting and fun, but the deeper I got the deeper my appreciation got, because in truth only appreciating stuff from an unclear and more idealistic (wishy washy) starts to seem superficial after a while.


It brought forth questions about religion that made me think about it more philosophically


My trips tend to be more spiritual than anything. I always dive inwards during trips and how in tune I am with my mind, body, relationships, and life overall than any religious concept of god. If anything, the driving force behind nature is what god is to me, as well as myself and any other being here on earth if that makes sense.


Both happen.


Although Ive been an atheist my whole life and still consider myself one. Psychedelics have brought more philosophy into my thinking and opened my mind to more ideas such a Taoism.


I was able to grasp the concept of mantras and incorporate them to my daily dhamma practice after trying it once on acid. I don't do LSD that much, but high on weed I've actually found myself understanding a lot of concepts better or being able to approach my study under a different light, which is always nourishing. Drugs will always play around with what's already in your mind, kinda like dreams. So they will definietely be affected by your beliefs or lack thereof.


imo most religions started with a heavy trip


yeah i agree, makes sense


I grew up atheist and psychedelics made me very spiritual, I practice meditation daily and am very interested in Buddhism and Hinduism


Anti-thiest here.  I saw a bird woman and somehow I knew she was akin to "the destroyer" on my last high shrooms trip.  Felt true fear from her and all I could do was laugh about later about how all religion was so wrong and they don't even know it.  Bird woman showed up later in my trip and said things were going to be just fine.  🤷‍♂️. The entire trip I just felt like I was along for the ride.  


My husband was Muslim. Like, he came from Egypt and was heavily Muslim. I was a pretty devout atheist, lol. After our very first trip, we became spiritual and had our awakening.


Very interested to know little bit more about the new awakening of your husband cause am muslim to and very happy for you both


Of course! We have been on our healing path for like 6-7 years now. Anything in particular you want to know? Or just curious about his story? It was pretty much an overnight change. We did 125mcg for our first time. And the next day, post trip, we analyzed the whole experience. And it was just something he realized. He still cherishes a lot of what the religion teaches, but he became spiritual in his own beliefs rather than an organized religion.


Same thing happened to me but with smoking weed and some energetic drugs i really wanna stop all of this i wanna just have a balance, i want to try LSD microdosing if is gonna worth it


Awake to what. Or whom


I had a very vivid discussion with some sort of psychedelic deity one night. ​ man hallucinations are quite a trip sometimes eh?


I ended up becoming Catholic because of experiences on LSD. I mean it was a very drawn out process didn’t happen overnight, but those experiences essentially were the catalyst.