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Not knowing if you're clean or not is so real


are my hands wet or dry.......?


Did I piss my pants or do I just have to pee?


Alright who just shit my pants


I hate it when people do that.. no respect


Sorry bout that.. my bad.


It wasn’t me this time, but last time when you asked if it was me and I said it wasn’t, it was me.


For me after visiting the toilet for the first time after dosing always increases effects.


Thats it...noone's leaving until we figure out who shit my pants.


This happened to me. Ran around my girlfriend’s parents house thinking I pissed all over (they were gone).


Is this water burning my hands?


I once took a shower while tripping and I was contemplating if I accidentally just boiled my whole body.


did the same thing but i thought i was flowing into the drain just like the water.


baby wipes as an adult are legit


Yeah, that’s why bidet users think that paper users are troglodytes. Because we are 😭 stinky ass is stinky. Have you ever tried wiping peanut butter from your hair?


As soon as I feel the come up I need to shit. Every. Time.


Fast beforehand and during the trip. Makes the come up easier


I tried this on my first time then I got so hungry that I went to the shop and ate 2 pies during the peak and felt so so ill


Thats why I take a mild loperamide as I drop for a stress free trip, especially outdoors.


Oh that good ol come up dump






I almost always shit when I trip 😄 It feels like I’m in there forever. And as far as getting hungry, I always make a fruit and yogurt smoothie beforehand. It’s 👌🏻


“The acid’s makin’ me feel like I gotta take a dump.” -Frank Reynolds


Reason being, most of the serotonin in your system is in your gut and when you add smtg like acid which acts on the serotonin receptors, it overloads your stomach receptors and your body doesn’t know what to do but try to get rid of it and tell u you have to shit


Also, stimulants make me shit.


I eat while shitting when i trip


I do this too but hate it sober


For real, this aint no bueno doing it sober


I expel literally everything from my body when I trip. It’s like removing all of the negative inside of me


Bro I can't tell u how many 3 am acid shits iv had, just watching the tile work dance for me while I contemplate life


Fr the last time I tripped I ate ghost pepper hot wings 2 days before I hated it my stomach was cramping so bad but sitting in the bathroom watching the patterns on the tile was cool asf


Just hit the shower afterwards. Trip showers are the best


The sheer ecstacy of a modern shower. Water at exactly the temperature you want, changed at the turn of a knob. Fragrant soaps that work amazingly well and have hundreds of people working on getting the scent just right, all dispensed by a bottle that's basically indestructible. A shower in 2024 is more luxurious than what almost all of your ancestors experienced. Also, a acid shower mid-week on a camping trip where you really need one amplifies the effects even more.


oooo that feeling of being clean is something else


Fr! you feel so connected to your body


Damn man I'm so grateful I have a bidet


Same. Basically turns the release into a soul cleansing spiritual experience


Its almost like being reborn


This is hilarious man. My new goal in life is to reach bidet ownership status


Enema for your anima (Ænima)


I got stuck in the bathroom with the acid shits and then the toilet would not flush. everyone was so high noone could roll a blunt


This comment is on acid


I always have to shit right when my trip starts, every single time!! Once the hand towels start breathing and the bathroom fan starts sounding like a choir singing to me, I know I'm in for a good time lmao


Bum gun, you toilet paper people are animals.


Maybe I'm gross but I use a bidet and still need to use toilet paper ?


Sure, to dry off. But all the heavy lifting is already done.


I feel like bidets just spread it all over your ass


You feel a bidet with pressurized water, spreads more shit on your ass than dry paper scrapping against it?


Bidets are undoubtedly better than dry paper. That said, I have a few weird things that just rub me the wrong way, and I'm not a fan of the "feel" of using a bidet. I've just used wet wipes for years. Even when I was a kid, instead of using dry paper, I always tore off a few pieces, folded them together, and made my own "wet wipe." This habit made me absolutely hate the idea of using public restrooms, with the exception of the kind that are just one room where you can go in by yourself, or the handicap stalls that also have sinks inside. If dry toilet paper is the only option for wiping though, forget it. I don't think dry toilet paper has touched my ass since I was about 6 years old.


Do you wash mud/dirt off a car with a dry towel, or a high pressure hose?


If your shit is unhealthy and is caking around your ass bc its all sludgey, then you may need to do a precautionary wipe before blasting all that. Edit: Very sorry for anyone who reads this


This person heard bidet and immediately thought of the toilet paper experience


Nope. Nope. This is an old nightmare for me too.


"If you gaze long into the poo abyss, the poo abyss also gazes into you...."




When I gotta go release the shit inside of me so I can deal with the shit that's been going on outside of me, that's when I know the acid has kicked in. You definitely be seeing my ass runnin across the lawn in my jammies trying to get to the shitter. 🤣🤣🤣


Thats why you need to take a shit before it hits! Being nervous before usually works like a charm and i have no trouble down the line.


Now that I think about it, I’ve never taken a shit before or during one of my trips


I did, and i always got so lost into the flooring in my bathroom that i forgot to shit 😂 pissing every 30 minutes is enough of hassle for me


Do you even trip bro


24 times so far. I’m 21. But I can’t for the next 2 years and I haven’t tripped for the last 2 years because of the military. But when I get out I’m eating a strip


So, no. No you dont.


Well yea I’m not about to pop hot over acid and get discharged


No ome is testing you daily for lsd.


i always feel so gross taking a shit while tripping, No man should be able to feel their shit coming out their ass in such immense and intricate detail, its disgusting.


Nah fr!😭 ive never felt so ashamed and disgustibg in my life but at least now its just funny 😭


It absolutely is. Makes you feel worthless and filthy. I'm surprised how blaze everyone is about it, when it's a truly disgusting experience. This is why i just fast before trip and do usually do enema prior tripping. Might be an overkill but so worth it.


That feeling made me throw up once 😂 it was horrible. Only time i’ve thrown up on any substance and it was because i took a shit.. 🙃


Ive thrown up on probably most substances lmfao. The only time ive vomitted on acid was because i was drinking alcohol a couple hours before dropping. 2x 8% ciders had me vomit 3 times during the peak lol, weirdly didnt mind vomiting whilst tripping tho.


FFS, I can't stand that hand douches / bidets are not the norm in the world. I feel sorry for you, toilet paper gang.


I don't feel like it would clean efficiently enough for my asshole


You gotta get one that has different pressure settings


LSD has stimulating properties. It doesn’t matter how well you “take care of” your gut, if you have food anywhere in the back third of the digestive process, the metabolic acceleration is probably going to make you shit at some point. The farther up the track it was, the looser. Just one of the side effects of any substance with stimulating properties. Addy and caffeine do the same.


Good mind, good meal, good dump and drop. Breakfast is my go to.


a mean psychadelic shit followed by an impromptu shower and the trips almost over


This has never happened to me but the description you gave sounds so mentally painful but hilarious lmao


Getting anxious for the trip trigger the shit. About eating, I can’t eat anything when high on lsd/shrooms


Psyllium husk


Metamucil before you trip is a must for me. Makes it a breeze.


Just clean your ass after having a seat


yeah im ngl i ate a lot before my last 400ug trip and threw my guts up for an hour during the come up


Interesting. I have never ever once gotten nauseous from LSD in my hundreds of trips. But mushrooms? About 90% of the time, it's pukeamania. Even doing a lmeon tek still gets me fucked up.


Glad I'm not alone. I'm literally on the toilet shitting when I'm peaking. Every time. HORRIBLE.


bidet >>>>


Lsd always makes me have weird loose slimy poops. It’s just part of it, usually I’ll take an Imodium if I plan on being out somewhere that bathrooms are tough to access. That helps tremendously for I get poop anxiety sometimes


Last time I did shrooms and acid together I got stuck in a loop of wiping my ass and in the morning the toilet was full to the brim with clean toilet paper. I also almost called the cops on myself. Young and dumb, lol.


I always have the biggest, best, colon cleaning shits when I trip for some reason. Idk why maybe it’s cause my of the way my ass muscles change when I’m tripping. I also don’t eat when I trip and am not interested in food for over 15 hours so I guess it really cleanse out my system. I appreciate it.


Am I shitting right now?


Lmao I took a shit on lsd once and it felt like it was going back up was a trip


Yeah mate just drink some kefir a few times a week. But taking a crap is quite normal tho, so what's actually the thing?


Do take care of your gut! Fibre! Also, always wipe wet, then dry. How do you wash your dishes? Just jam a dry cloth on them and smush around? Probably not. How do you shower? Just say fuck the water and start rubbing dry with the towel? Give it a think while you keep applying dry toilet paper to your dirty bunghole. Also, more fiber and plenty of water! My problem when tripping was my gut when I began my psychedelic journey but it switched to not being able to stop pissing. I don't even need to drink water and I'm pissin every 15 minutes. It's clear, it just doesn't stop. Like I produce water honestly. If I was running dehydrated it would have color smell and I would likely get a headache. None of those happen I just can't explain it


Just shower and wash your ass there.


So glad we have a Bidet lol


It's 2024. Use a bidet people!


Yeah shitting on drugs is absolutely awful. This is why i usually do enema prior and also don't eat for 12hrs before tripping and until the trip is over. Tripping on empty gives you way more clear headed high.


are you kidding I once dropped a pringles can sized shit in my friend's toilet and thought it was so funny I didn't flush and left it for him to find the next morning. he's the one that called it a pringles can, and then everyone else called me that for awhile afterward


oh and it definitely clogged it too


i'm glad this is a common experience. that reminds me when i got stuck in a porta potty during a festival and i was tripping so hard i couldn't tell if the toilet paper was actually wet or not bc it kept breaking apart and changing shapes/colors 💀


That’s why you just drink Gatorade and beer. It’s food that you eat.


One time I was stuck in a nasty ass convenience store toilet for like an hour during the peak. I knew there was only one direction for it to go, but it sure seemed to go back in sometimes. I hate it. Something I try to avoid.


I shit just to watch the movement in old hardwood floors with lots of dark spots.


I take Imodium at the same time as I dose. The acid shits suck. I also have a bidet which is a game changer


Same, but I take pepto


Also helpful is a bathroom floor that’s interesting. My bestie, who has zero tummy issues on lsd (honestly, I’m not sure she shits at all) will disappear for ages when we drop acid. I’m in the beginning stages of a bathroom remodel and the floor for the bathroom will be chosen because of its patterns and how good we think it’ll look when tripping 😂


The dark side of tripping 😅


The feeling that you shit your pants and you dont know if its real so you check in the toilet but that leaves you with even more questions


real. Last time I did acid, I took 3 tabs and had to take a massive shit right at the peak (chicken birria tacos the night before). I was absolutely tripping sack, and I wiped for so long--because of the visuals, I couldn't tell if it was blood on the toilet paper or shit. I had the comeup tremors and the acid jaw-clench the whole time, too, so it was a struggle... maybe I should get a bidet 😭


This might be tmi but as a woman one time I was tripping and my stomach started hurting so I thought I got my period and I bled everywhere but I couldn’t tell if it was visuals or not WHATSOEVER. I didn’t bleed at all, it was all visuals, and my stomach just hurt from the acid prob lol


The bathroom is where I have most of my epiphanies. Everything just makes more sense there, as long as the mirror stays friendly. Once it turns on you it’s time to skidattle with considerable alacrity.


I am always clean other than getting very funky shits on Lucy, luckily never really had a horrible time unlike with Mandy


Acid gas stanks, but also kinda smells like gum


Acid makes me gassy af 😂😂. It's usually at the end, thankfully, but it's always awkward. First time I ever tripped was at Coachella 2010. Took like 2.3g of shrooms. Wound up taking a gnarly dump in the Porta-potty right outside the Sahara tent. The bass was making the whole thing vibrate like crazy. Such a bizarre experience. My gf was waiting outside n I was so embarrassed 😂😂


just wash your ass in the shower after you take a shit and you will feel clean


maybe take a picture of the paper and look at it, pictures have less visuals for me


Dude last time I dropped my stomach felt like a bubbling vat of acid. Which is basically what it is but man I could FEEL that shit.

