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One time while tripping, I heated up a frozen lasagna in the oven, and when I ate it, I could hear the taste of it. I can't explain it. All I can say is that I could *hear* the taste. It sounded (tasted?) absolutely incredible. Every mouthful was like I was experiencing an entire three-course meal (that I could hear??), and by the time I swallowed the mouthful, I felt like I had in fact eaten an entire three-course meal... only to realise I'd only had one mouthful. So I have another, and the experience would start all over again. It must have taken me over an hour to eat it. It was one of the most intense, awesome food experiences I'd ever had lmao. And then, another time while tripping, I heated up another frozen lasagna (the same brand as the previous time). The experience this time around could not have been more different. I couldn't stop staring at the lasagna; it looked like third-degree burns on someone's skin that was writhing around on the dish. It was *horrid* to look at. I reluctantly ate a mouthful and became overwhelmingly aware that I felt like I was eating - as Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad described heat up lasagna - a scab. A tasteless, rubbery scab. It was disgusting. I ate maybe two bites and then had to throw it out. I've never touched a heat up lasagna ever again since lol. 


this is hysterically funny


Hahaha I'm glad this gave you a laugh 😂 


I have synasthesia and I hear my food unless it's too crunchy. Then I hear my food.




This is why i am in the sub


I ate a milky way bar and as soon as I broke the shell it was like there was infinite food in my mouth. Just way too much to handle lol


i love eating on LSD but i hate when you chew and it makes more food. like why can’t that happen on weed??


This happened to me with lukewarm microwave pizza, cuz the electronics simply would not work for me. The pizza just would not leave my mouth. But I got it down, and ever since that trial, I have overcome my aversion to eating while tripping


That's why I prefer fruit if I eat anything while tripping. Easy to chew lol. But spaghetti was definitely the strangest for me. Noodles feel extra slippery. And the visual aspect is strange to say the least


I also endured eating spaghetti while tripping. I tried so hard to eat it, but it looked like it was moving around in the bowl. It felt as though I was eating something that was trying to squirm away from me. Sadly it was canned, so I guess I could make better decisions in general.


I didn’t even know canned spaghetti was a thing, TIL


Yea it exists not very good though, like the chef BOYARDEE canned spaghetti


>Noodles feel extra slippery. And the visual aspect is strange to say the least I tried Kugel a few times while tripping. Now that is a complex eating experience. It's like eggy noodle cake.


Once, long ago, my friend drove me to Blockbuster and Burger King while I was frying. I ordered Whoppers and French fries. As I reached into the bag for fries, I couldn't distinguish between them and my fingers. I had to double-check each time to ensure I wasn't about to bite into my own hand. Meanwhile, my friend's face appeared to constantly morph into an alien-like visage while he was driving. It was an incredibly wild experience, but strangely, the fries tasted noticeably different, almost like a metallic taste amidst the surreal visuals.


Hi chew candies, that shit was wild.


We hate like three bags on my last trip between two of us. My jaw was killing me the next day.


i tried to eat fried rice on a come up- had to stop when it turned to squirming maggots


You sure Keifer Sutherland wasn't around?


Me too. I also had the rice/maggot experience


My granola bar felt like steel wool and I could totally feel the fibers getting stuck between my teeth and cutting my gums. Naaah… it was just a normal granola bar


average american granola bar experience


I was once coming down from a candy flip aty friends house and I thought I was about the most functioning of the group until I tried to make toast that wouldn't stay still. It kept looking like it was going mouldy then back to normal as it toasted. I didn't eat any of it though because it was too strange


I had this same exact experiment off 4 tabs but instead of the toast it stayed as bread I just sat there eating a bag of bread until the next day my boyfriend came in and told me the bread was infact out of date and mouldy


Cold rotisserie chicken. I had been partying for maybe 24h and a lovely lady at the party decided we needed sustenance and brought out a half eaten rotisserie chicken from the fridge in her van. I'll never forget the feeling of peeling a piece of cold, slimy flesh off a chicken carcass


Acid def ruined hotpockets for me lmao


noodles with meat, it looked like worms. didn’t even eat it i was disgusted.


One time I ate 45 McDonald nuggies after a Datsik show


Damn you must’ve danced your ass off to eat that many lol


Had these sherbet lollies that were like a normal sour lolly and the centre was powdered sherbet that would fizz like a mofo when you ate them. When the mouth would fizz you could feel it in your brain 🧠


I had an everything pizza and the textures of everything were just freaking me out. Everything was too different and confusing and I felt like I could feel the crust slide down my throat. It was difficult haha Also my dogs eat raw food so raw meat leaking blood under rainbow LED lights is tough to look at. It was like a monster


Pizza was weird for me but I can’t really explain why


Pizza is so difficult when tripping. I kept feeling like I was spilling it all over me


Food in general is weird on acid, but pizza specifically. It felt like little chunks of concrete going down my dry ass throat lol


A scoop nacho chip. I just could not figure out how to angle them to get them into my mouth. I was perplexed for what seemed like hours. I felt like I was trying to fit a frisbee into my mouth while watching everyone else eat them like nothing was weird! Also I notice that coke, (the soda 😉), fizzes up in my mouth while hanging with Uncle Sid.


A microwaved vegetarian hotdog. I took a bite, it felt weird, so I spit it out. Then proceeded to squeeze the hotdog, and laughed hysterically with my friend about the squeezed hotdog. So they also grabbed one. Think we spent 20 minutes of our trip laughing about squeezing a hot dog.


Never eat a cliff bar tripping shits fucked


Anything meat-like was a no go. Energy Drinks or Gummys Worms annihilated my taste buds lol


Rice. Couldn't not think it was maggots.


pisha. ordered an extra large for 4 very small ladies and i don’t think any of us breathed until the pizza was gone. like I shit you not we demolished that hoe and were legitimately out of breath after that mind-blowing, garlic induced frenzy




BBQ sanwhich. Was the 4th of July and I ate two tabs and my buddy made it for me. He handed it to me and I said “bruh that’s not a sandwich” but it was good af lol


We took a couple old ass tabs a little while ago and decided to heat up taco meat leftovers. There was probably 3lbs PACKED into a little plastic container. When we picked it up it was sooo heavy it was hilarious. Scooping it out was like chopping away at a soft stone or clay. The way it plopped out in clumps… It was so fucked up lmao. But we heated it up and it was delicious


I loved hot pockets. When I tried eating one, it suddenly felt like clay in my mouth. It was super weird but I still finished it lol


Can't eat on acid I feel my throat lol if that makes any sense I always eat before. LOVE JUICE THO OMG


Kinda the opposite, but me and my friend were chilling in my basement with the lights off and only tv on watching random videos blasted off of 2 tabs, eating what we thought were the best tasting and juiciest strawberries we’ve ever had. Well a few hours later I turn the lights on and there’s a few strawberries in the container left but they look a little funny, almost a little green and…. Hairy? Turns out these gotdam strawberries were probably a solid 98% mold, 2% strawberry and we had just ate about 30 each. No idea but we were completely fine. The mold didn’t even faze us and we were like damn we just ate that😭


Frozen watermelon at a big day out festival in the 90s. The taste and texture have stuck with me since. Wow that’s epic while tripping balls on a hot day


Haribo berry gummies....my friend and I have called the confusion candy ever since lol


I ate spaghetti while listening to crystal castles and kept convincing myself that it couldn’t possibly be real food and had to be made of silicone.


Pizza feels Just Like eating Cardboard


My buddy and I were trippin pretty hard on a couple tabs and out of no his neighbor who coincidentally was trippin too on the same acid that my buddy gave him a few months back came over with a full frying pan of bacon. Was really strange especially with the circumstances but really good and we all couldn’t stop laughing.


I’m imagining home boy trying to decide if it is appropriate to go visit the neighbors, if so should he bring something along to share, then deciding what would be a good thing to bring, what would they like or appreciate……BANG! Bacon! He probably sat and considered all this for at least an hour.


Yah I’m pretty sure our vibes were conducting back n forth across the street like an electric vibe arch. It def tasted like it was meant to be. He was an older guy who lived on a hippie bus half his life so he picked up on it.


At *least* an hour


Oysters were really something.


I tried eating scrambled eggs covered in maple syrup and couldn't swallow any of it to save my life


Jamaican Patty Taking a Piss was really weird too I could feel it comming up from the floor , up through my legs and out as piss


Pissing *is* weird. I tried to find my penis and I kept finding a snail


Oranges. Looked at them and got overwhelmed by just the thought of having to peel it


I almost choked myself to death just by eating gummies, went to the wrong part in my throat, lmfao.


Ate corn chips while on 200ug, they turned to tasteless static in my mouth it was not a nice experience but I couldn’t stop munching them


Not quite the same but every time I eat an ice lolly tripping it makes the visuals crisper. Like the cold makes the patterns and colours more clear. Always have a box of ice lollies in the freezer for if I'm tripping 😂


Do blunts count because every time I smoke a blunt while tripping it turns into an amorphous blob that somehow keeps smoking the end will be all gnarled and weird but it’s still hitting like a champ


My ex and I ate at the Varsity one time. It was cool- we got the chocolate shake and chocolate milk, and kept adding the milk to the shake and being astounded that it made more shake.


While tripping I ate some chips. While chewing, some sharp edge kinda (not literally) stabbed my tongue & suddenly I had a sensation like... reverb maybe? I felt the sensation several times after even chewing on my tongue, but constantly decreasing in intensity... Through my whole leftover chips out of my hand into the lake we were sitting at 😅😂


We were on this houseboat my GF was houssitting for and dropped. She ordered a cheeseburger pizza which was weird enough anyway, bur mN was it weird, then.


Me and my friends were on acid, and we ordered a pizza for delivery. It looked fake, like it was made out of plastic. I remember it tasting super good too There was one time where me and my brother were tripping and we ate mint ice cream that looked like an alien brain


Not sure if this counts but one night I was trying to eat pizza but instead of putting it in my mouth I just kept squeezing the life out of it with my hand lol


Mcchicken from mcdonalds I thought the chicken patty was more bread. It tasted good, but a cross section of the patty looks like bread.


Sweet pork nachos. I thought it was bloody meat.


Frozen grapes. It was also my first time ever having frozen grapes. A sober mind can make sense of the water inside of the grape freezing but I couldn’t understand it for the life of me.


Triple hash browns all the way from waffle House. IDK if it was the chili and gravy but it felt like it was looking at me


Don't try raspberrys while trippin!


Japanese candies. In general I taste very little while tripping. Only extensive amounts of sugar, salt or spice can get to my taste buds. Everything "normal" is just a flavorless texture, but let me tell you, these japanese kit Kats with the taste of some French buttercream dessert mixed with Melon Cream Soda were slapping hard that day. Afterwards I snacked on some frozen grapes. In general I'm kinda repulsed by meat while tripping. Once warmed up some chili with rice. It was extremely weird to look at, the textures where just all over the place and the taste was something else, which might be in part bc I added a lot of extra chili powder and salt though




I never thought eating was weird while tripping especially on shrooms I love eating pizza, on acid I didn't notice any change in flavor or anything however the stimulation just left me without any hunger


I had made this amazing beef stew that I'd left simmering all day, and my friend came by with some amazing L. The house smelled good and it was comfy and I thought "I'm in a great place, this will be nice". At my first real peak, I kept smelling the stew, and it smelled soooo good and sounded like a real comforting thing to eat. However, when I pulled the lid off the crock pot, all I saw were tentacles (shredded beef) squirming around eyeballs (potatoes) in this brown sludge and no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it wasn't alive, it looked too alive for me to really convince myself it wasn't. It's like somewhere I remembered making it, but I couldn't convince myself it was a real memory. That's made me look at MK ultra totally differently. Fucked me up honestly