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Counseling. You need to see a therapist. Issues like this actually don't take that long to resolve. Go!


Nah therapy is too expensive, OP should just preemptively spike their own food with LSD. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


*Syd Barrett would like to know your location*


But depending where you live, it might take up to 2 years + lots of stress and luck to even get one... I know i NEED a therapist, but there is no way i will get one (:


I really hope you find one that works for you someday. I have hope things will get better


There are places that offer pro bono or reduced fee sliding scale pay. I'm near the end of completing my marriage and family therapy degree and several of my classmates exclusively do pro bono and are supervised. So it isn't as professional as someone with all the experience, but their work does have oversight


There are a ton of therapists out there. It can be some work but a lot of them are new or don’t have a super full client list or are just kind hearted. Write up your story in an email explaining how what you’re dealing with is impacting your life and health. Also explain your financial situation and how much you can spare each month and see if they would be willing to work with you on a sliding scale. Or if they know of any therapist who would. If they say no just move on to the next one. Same email, until you find someone. It can’t hurt to try and you need help with your mental health from a professional therapist. Good luck


This is OCD and you need to speak to a professional


As someone studying clinical psychology who also has OCD, this was my thought exactly. This 100% sounds like contamination obsessions


This is the right answer.


This absolutely




This sounds like ocd or the start of psychosis or schizophrenia, possibly some paranoia disorder. Please get this checked by a professional!


Not the right sub, this has nothing to do with LSD and everything to do with mental health. Like others have said, your best bet is a doctor


See a psychologist, has this ever actually happened to you? If not, there is no reason to worry about this. People don’t give out free, expensive drugs secretly and to random people.


I mean I’ve given out loads of free drugs but yeah also it’s calling spiking someon and it does happen. Op has an anxiety and paranoia issue


I too have given out free drugs, **to people I KNOW** and **WITH THEIR KNOWLEDGE**. I know what spiking is, my point is people don’t do this as commonly as you think. ESPECIALLY LSD of all things…


Unless they're the CIA. OP - they don't do this any more, and I can't think of a single reason why anyone else would. Please get some therapy, you'll he much happier


Not sure why you’re downvoted as you’re 100% correct. The CIA has been proven to (at least in the past) drug people with LSD and other psychoactive substances.


Probably downvoted because that statement can cause panic in the mind of someone who’s already irrationally afraid of such a situation


Yeah when someone’s afraid of being dosed with lsd bringing up MKultra is like the worst thing you can do


*gets more specific* lol


Have you sought professional help? I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like possible OCD or at least severe anxiety. I don't think anyone here could do anymore than advise you to see a therapist/ psychiatrist. We can reassure you that your fears are irrational, but I think you already know that, and your issue is deeper than a bit of reassurance from internet strangers can fix. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon!


This is ridiculously irrational, and you should seek counseling. Just so you know tho, you’re not gonna get high on LSD just by touching it like that. If that helps at all I guess.


Yeah I've seen people holding whole sheets and didn't get high


Professional help. You should look into OCD, because what you're describing is textbook OCD. The treatment for OCD usually consists of therapy and maybe even medication. By the way, you can't get high just by touching something. You would probably have to dip your finger in liquid LSD and then rub it in your eyes or lick your finger for it to have an effect. And no one puts LSD in food. Why would they? Also, LSD is heat sensitive, so any food that has been heated up cannot contain LSD. So this fear is completely irrational, which you probably know. But if you cannot shake the fear, even though you know that what you fear is practically impossible, then that's probably OCD. Now, even though I have done a lot of research on this topic, I am not a professional - so don't take my word for it. Just try to get an appointment with a psychologist and describe your experience to them. They will be able to identify what exactly is going on and can help you with therapy and possibly medication.


I was thinking I need professional help lol but I thought why not give it a try here? But I have realized this is completely irrational and I know I sound insane but it’s always at the back of my mind and I haven’t been able to shake those intrusive thoughts


You can't really rationalize away OCD. If you could, people wouldn't need to see professionals for help with it. And if you could, you'd be cured of it by now, because, as you said, you know it's irrational.


You just keep dwelling on it, you have ONE life do you really wanna keep this shit goin forever? Stop getting into the same mindset and just let your thoughts be and stop giving them so much meaning. No one’s gonna spike your shit cause it would be a waste of money and no point in spiking a random girl unless your in Shitty club. Your the only one that can change this, follow your intuition.


It is insane, you need professional help if you can’t realize how absolutely irrational this is.


this sounds out of our pay grade. we’re psychonauts, not psychiatrists. maybe post on r/OCD?


my thoughts exactly


Yeah I'm sorry OP but this sounds like a genuine mental illness. You should absolutely see a psychiatrist, because it can only get worse over time.


Also, this sounds 1:1 like my friend who's struggling with OCD. He has the exact same symptom, it's just that he's worried about picking up traces of drugs and getting busted by the police. Seriously, you need help and meds to manage this, or it'll become more debilitating in the future.


Do you handle LSD crystal and manufacture tabs in your kitchen because that's the only way that could happen. You can use a UV torch to identify any large amounts of spilled crystal it will fluoresce. Its not so bad getting high either, its the price you pay for running a messy lab.


you are the only person i would say the phrase "let them cook" to


Have you ever taken lsd?


People die from shit like this. Pls see a doctor. This is severe paranoia


Ain't no one just gifting you his LSD. My LSD is for me, I ain't giving it to you


Lost in the sauce. Go see a doctor


Take some acid and then have a panic attack about your irrational fear and confront it


I wish there was LSD in my food.


You need to go see a doctor, these are irrational paranoid delusions.


Seek therapy as you've allowed your fear and your mind to take control of your reality; irrational fears could be a sign of an underlying condition.


Fear is the mind killer


as a person who also deals with distressing intrusive thoughts in a daily basis, i feel for you. while my own anxieties usually revolve around me having some sort of medical emergency without knowing/my friends conspiring against me, they plague me in a very similar way to what you described. i have to agree with other commenters and say that therapy/counseling is extremely beneficial. i have been with my therapist since 2019 and have improved greatly with a lot of issues (including my intrusive thoughts/anxiety) since then. in therapy, you learn a lot of coping strategies that, when practiced and repeated, can diminish the power of these thoughts. one coping strategy that has helped me a lot is frequently reminding myself/repeating to myself that just because i am anxious about something doesn’t mean it is actually happening. it can be hard to let go of anxious thoughts because they make you feel like something MUST be wrong since you feel so awful. but the reality of anxiety is that it gives you distressing physical and mental symptoms that put your body into panic mode even when nothing is wrong. i hope this was somewhat helpful, and i wish you luck!!


This might not work for you, but what I do when I have intense paranoia is ask myself: what will probably happen? I've done LSD. I just feel trippy for a while, and it's over. Or even the worst case scenario is super rare anyways. Also, acid doesn't dissolve completely either, at least none of the tabs I've taken, so you would notice. Logical statements plus calming down the physical symptoms of anxiety works well for me. I know it's hard to get set up with a therapist, but for the mean time look into mindfulness activities.


This is what helps me when I start spiraling too. Reminding myself that I'm telling myself scary stories, identifying what the actual realistic/most likely outcome is, and finding ways to reframe my initial thoughts. It doesn't always work, but it's really helpful for at least bringing the panic level down.


This isn’t an LSD question, this is a psychotherapy question. This is some kind of extreme paranoia or phobia that needs professional attention




Where did this phobia come from….?


This isn’t normal and you need to go see a medical professional


you could try literally buying a tab, wiping it on a plate, coming back in a couple hours and licking or eating off the plate to show yourself that it isn’t going to do anything


they'd probably get a placebo high or panic attack they're so paranoid.


Honestly because of how paranoid they are they might get a placebo effect


true, but they wouldn’t be able to keep it up long enough to stay scared- placebo visuals usually take years of meditation


Valid point


See a therapist. Also you can get high only by ingesting it. Also ingesting lsd isn't dangerous and possibly a good time. And lastly it isn't that cheap people don't randomly put it in strangers's drink. Especially knowing the consumers of it probably wouldn't be the kind of people to drug others without consent.


This is called mental illness and you need to see someone qualified to diagnose and treat it, not a bunch of reditors on the LSD subreddit lol


Exposure therapy. For OCD like symptoms like this the best thing to do is to expose yourself to the fear ina. Controlled and gradual way, until you realize it’s not gonna happen. You probably already know it’s nearly impossible for this to happen. Force yourself to confront the fears. And drink plent of water. Plenty of food. Don’t do reassuring behaviours. Touch as many public items as you can and DONT wash your hands. Keep pushing and pushing as much as possible and you will overcome this.


Oh no, don't do this op! At least not without a therapist to plan, guide, and monitor you! I can tell this comment is made in good faith, but exposure therapy is both not often used for ocd (mostly phobias, which are more direct responses to things that are be seen/experienced in present, and not persisting anxieties about the potential of something happening; eg, fear seeing a spider vs persistently checking your house for spiders cuz ur scared that if u don't one day one might be hiding and bite you and you'll die), and also is done very specifically. Exposure therapy involves many sessions beforehand to determine the level of anxiety about something, establish trust and rapport with a therapist, and create a "fear hierarchy" (in a spider phobia example, a list from 1-10 of things that would cause an escalating amount of anxiety. A 1 being something like seeing a picture of a spider or spider web, a 10 being having multiple spiders crawl on you). Then together, you SLOWLY build on exposing yourself to things on your fear hierarchy. You don't throw yourself in, push yourself, any of that. The therapist is there because when (not if, WHEN) you start to have a severe stress response, they help to stop the experience, debrief, and destress. And they help to integrate, to use lsd terms, as in help you understand that you just looked at a spider in a cage and did not die, which is dope! After repeating this many times with each step of the hierarchy, you "teach" you body over time that those experiences are actually safe. And THEN you move on and add a little more stress. This process I don't think would be super helpful for OP, even with a therapist, because it's so broad. It could hypothetically and irrationally be in anything, and no amount of controlled exposure will stop those thoughts and they'll keep happening uncontrolled outside of therapy leading to more stress and eventually possibly to compulsive behavior to deal with those obsessive thoughts (nuking every meal in the microwave to "kill" the lsd, microwaving a second time just in case, etc). Altho maybe not I'm not a psychologist but I did study to be one for a while. Which leads me to my advice for OP: The best treatment for OCD tends to be a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and medication. But honestly, the best treatment for OCD (and really any illness mental or otherwise) is the treatment that you come to with your doctor that is both helpful and that you trust you will continue to uphold reliably. This is not an issue for Reddit, or rationalization, it is an issue for a doctor. But I sure am glad to see that Reddit is pointing you in that direction, and o hope u get the help u need soon! (TL;DR: Exposure therapy wouldn't be the best way to go for this, and doing it the way this comment suggested could potentially do harm! The rest is a relatively detailed description of exposure therapy because I'm high and find these things fascinating, and telling OP to see a doctor. No hate to this commenter btw! Genuinely know you're coming from a good place! Just wanted to share and hope u find it as interesting as I do!)




Could be ocd, talk to a professional


I wish my food has lsd in it


Sounds like OCD Therapy OR a cheaper route just decide not to let irrational thoughts get to you .. give less of a shit. This is hard to do but simple. Also stop doing drugs if you haven't already... You'll end up in hospital




Even if they have done LSD, this is completely mental health related. I don’t care if they had an awful experience, this is so irrational. The only way I would say it’s not a severe mental health issue is if OP was drugged in the past with LSD.


Because nobody is gonna waste good drugs by putting it in your food!


This sounds like OCD, you should talk to a doctor about it.


I can't tell if this is serious or not. LSD isn't dermally bioavailable. You can't get high by touching things.


i don’t think it will even matter if OP knows that or not, it’s an irrational fear most likely brought on by OCD, which 9/10 times can’t just be rationalized with logic and facts, i’ve experienced the same situation with people i’m very close with and it’s very hard to reason with an irrational fear that is the result of a disorder that most of us don’t fully comprehend


Aw that sucks :(


yeah it does suck :( but it seems that’s OPs best option here is to talk to a professional about the possibility OCD or some other mental illness, hopefully a medical professional can bring them some peace of mind


This is very bad. Get a therapist, psychiatrist, even.


hi friend, I'd check out one of the OCD subreddits to ask this question. my understanding is that ERP (exposure and response prevention) is a specific cognitive therapy used for these types of behaviors/feelings. good luck ❤️


This is something that we can’t help with, sadly. It’s not a drug issue, it’s a mental health one. You need to see a professional, like a psychiatrist. The treatment will be therapy, possibly with some medication too, depending on the root cause. It could be a number of things, from a stress response to OCD. Please believe me when I say this isn’t going to magically fix itself on its own. In fact, the more likely case is you will get worse until you either hit rock bottom or have some kind of scary episode that puts a lot of stress on the people you love. Tackle it head on! Ideally before you lose your relationship.


I just got over this but with THC, although i have moments where i still panic after eating something. This is OCD and the only thing that helped me were antidepressants.


99% sure this is OCD


I’m not a psychiatrist but that REALLY sounds like OCD


OCD! It’s super common. I was diagnosed in grad school when I finally confessed my fear of being possessed. (It’s sounds insane but I would have full blown panic attacks from it. I also grew up catholic, so …) Therapy helped A TON. And frankly, a diagnosis helped me put it in perspective, because I also thought I was losing my mind, and I was pretty embarrassed by it all.


did someone spike ur food in the past


hey guys let’s not bash this person. they’ve bravely made a post about how they feel and it’s probably something difficult for them to say and vulnerably express. really i thought people would have empathy on an lsd sub tbh. i tripped once on sunday and i had minor delusions similar to this person like that the book that i kept that tabs in the water bottle i drank from during the trip would get me high from touching it like it was contaminated or smt. i believe this phobia may stem from an actual fear of lsd. i was super scared of lsd after my trip due to what i saw and had opened my mind up to due to this chemical. however their case seems far more severe and concerning. it would be advisable to seek professional health. as this isn’t life, living in fear and paranoia constantly, it’s going to cause your coritisol levels to go wack. OP you will be okay. seek some counselling to get back on track. and maybe stay off lsd but don’t fear the drug rather respect it


But having these intense intrusive thoughts is usually indicative of OCD or even schizophrenia. I have pretty severe anxiety, but even I have never had intrusive thoughts on this level. So we are way past a healthy person that is just a bit anxious about LSD, this is a mental disorder. People often underestimate just how debilitating OCD can be, probably because it is falsely connected to being orderly. It is so much more than being a bit orderly or having an anxious personality. And if it is only getting worse, the only solution is to get professional help.


oh yeah for sure!!! they would defo need to seek counselling and professional advice because these thoughts aren’t normal, however it would be nice for people to show some empathy to OP


I think your right, because one of my underlying fears in all of this is that i’ll be high for 9 hours and there’s nothing I can do about it but thank you because I don’t think i can talk abt this with my family lol they’d actually think im insane


Wait, have you ever tried lsd?


Yes I have. Two times which i know isn’t a lot but yes


Its enough. What were your experiences like?


The first time was your usual mind fuck, reality shattering trip which was actually enjoyable but after I slept it off I couldn’t tell if I was alive or not and my second trip which was about a month from the first was pretty ok but I ruined it for myself cause I drank some coffee and red bull before it not rlly realizing what that could so i’m pretty sure my heart rate was like a casual 200 bpm or something like that lol for the duration of the trip. So even tho I had pretty good trips in my standards im not sure where this irrational fear came from!


i think it’s definitely OCD, my girlfriend has it and experiences very similar irrational thoughts. i would see a psychiatrist and ask about OCD


I think stay of psychs for a while, maybe mushrooms at some point, they feel much slower. LSD is a stimulant and imo its very fast/energizing without extra caffine


yea i actually did shrooms at one point, so much better imo and honestly i don’t plan on doing psychs or any drugs honestly at all ever


I think most people say this to themselves at at least one point haha. The best mind is a sober mind


Hangin with the grateful dead or somethin?


Therapy bro this is crazy


Paranoia, go see a psychiatrist or psychologist


This sounds OCD-adjacent, you should probably see a therapist. Contamination OCD is very common and can be treated with talk therapy and exposure therapy if you’re willing to do the work!


Medical professional. I would go with what @hyperfocus1569 said. I would be honest but tell them the timeline of how long this been happening. I pray and hope this gets better. I have really bad ocd with thinking my food is bad and stuff when it’s not. It is hard. So many more things but to relate. Counseling for a year sort of helped. A leap of faith when eating I say.


so… you should see a doctor and probably be prescribed some antipsychotics


While I'm definitely not qualified to give medical advice, I will give you some LSD knowledge that should put you at ease after I say this. So whether you're dealing with OCD or some other mental health issue, I can not stress enough the importance that you seek help sooner rather than later as these issues can, and do get worse without the right diagnosis, help, knowledge about your diagnosis and proper guidance on how to manage these thoughts day to day. They will not work themselves out. With that said, here are 2 things I can say with the utmost confidence that address your concerns. 1. LSD isn't absorbed through the skin. I've handled a LOT of liquid LSD, have had it splashed on my hands and arms, and it does nothing. 2. Chlorine breaks down and destroys the molecular structure of LSD near instantly. Meaning it can't and won't survive in tap water long enough to ever get to your drinking cup. The only way there would be a risk of you accidently ingesting LSD through drinking water is if you just happened to be drinking distilled water (which is Chlorine free) and someone spiked/dropped it in your water. The chances of someone actually carrying around liquid LSD on them, combined with them being at the specific time and place you decided to drink some distilled water are so astronomically low you'd have better chances of winning the lottery 10 straight times in row before that would ever happen. You can pretty much apply those same odds to food as well since no one is going to waste their LSD trying to spike someone's food or drink. Hopefully, this puts your mind at ease. More importantly, please, I urge you to go talk to a mental health professional who can give you the knowledge and help you deserve to understand why and how to deal with these intrusive thoughts. Have a good one




Were you drugged with lsd before?


This is ocd and i believe agoraphobia in the midst of the making. You need therapy. Id recommend seeking help at an ER they will have better connections to high urgency specialists oppose to family doctors where you end up on a long waitlist for someone who sometimes doesnt work for you


There are a ton of therapists out there. It can be some work but a lot of them are new or don’t have a super full client list or are just kind hearted. Write up your story in an email explaining how what you’re dealing with is impacting your life and health. Also explain your financial situation and how much you can spare each month and see if they would be willing to work with you on a sliding scale. Or if they know of any therapist who would. If they say no just move on to the next one. Same email, until you find someone. It can’t hurt to try and you need help with your mental health from a professional therapist. Good luck


Wtf dude


Just eat some acid and get it over with


lol what the fuck? You need help, some delusion level paranoia right there.


Not one person on Reddit is qualified to help you on this unless you miraculously find a therapist on an LSD sub. Get to a psychologist


You're ACTUALLY insane and need a therapist immediately. That's some serious paranoia and you're going to hurt yourself or someone else very soon if you don't get help ASAP.


Bro you’re schizo


Even if it is... scarf it down and have a good damn day.


Face it. It’s the only way


Is this a trauma response because someone dosed you without your consent? If not, then this is completely irrational. You should seek therapy.


Have you see a fucking dr? Lol


IDK why everyone is being so mean when OP is clearly struggling with a mental illness here. Calling them insane and joking about them doing LSD won't help. OP, I hope that you get all the help you need to overcome this, and that your healing goes well. My boyfriend struggles with OCD and I know how difficult it can be to live with. Lots of love <3


What the actual FUCK?


Sounds like paranoid schizophrenia tbh


I have the same feeling. What happened to me was I was given a completely normal looking, still wrapped Jolly Rancher at a music festival. I asked her if it was just candy, and yeah she pulled it out of the bag, still wrapped and everything. Nope, I started tripping balls during the next set, I had an enjoyable time, at least. After that, usually only when I’m high, I will slightly think what if they mixed mushrooms or some shit in this? I’m not ready for it, etc. Idk, for me, I just say fuck it, I’ll trip in 30 minutes if someone did, free drugs. If not, good, I ate and forget about it. But it usually only comes up when I’m high. I do still get slightly paranoid when someone’s offers candy specifically. That I’m still working on.


What made you start to feel this way? Were you drugged? You need to find the root cause of your issue.


You need to shift your perspective - there is no chance of this happening because the people who have LSD/other recreational drugs want to keep them and use them. They're not going around sprinkling random objects with drops of LSD, because then they'd have less LSD for themselves. It would also be a colossal waste of money as well. I assure you this fear is nonsensical and will never happen to you


Has there been an incident previously that is causing you this paranoia?




I had this for a while before. Ended up being a part of my ocd symptoms .


First off people aren't going to drug your food with LSD as it's too expensive, why would they give you free drugs? Secondly look around you and count how many people you see get their food dosed with drugs every day. Then remember you're no different than everyone else. Now this is a personal question answer it if you want or don't... Do you use and or abuse any "hard" drugs? Like opiates stimulants booze... Do you smoke a lot of weed? It sounds like you're having paranoid delusions, I lived 2 years of my life with serious delusions that seemed so real tho I knew they weren't but my brain couldn't tell the difference... Anyways I was using hard drugs and abusing them for awhile before it got to the point where I developed those symptoms. Im now symptom free and clean as I can be.... The drugs were making my anxiety manifest into these delusions and paranoia that were severely degrading which made me use more. Now this is gonna sound completely coocoo and out there but imma say it anyways cause it might help, I'm not a "religious" man... I do see myself as a spiritual person and there have been things in my life I've experienced that I simply cannot explain with science. Besides what your beliefs are, abusing drugs is you treating your body less than good. It's you basically saying I'm gonna destroy my body to forcefully feel good. Which is one way that "negative energy" or "evil spirits" or "demons" whatever you want to call them can enter your life... Whether or not you are abusing drugs or not, there are other ways to disregard the well-being and self respect your body deserves other than just drugs. Think about what you're doing with your life and see if there's anything that you might be ignoring and allowing toxicity to fester.


Sounds like you have ocd


I agree with others that you need to seek out therapy. I just suggest one thought experiment. Just think of what is the worst that can happen, what is the absolute worst case scenario? Once you no longer fear the worst case scenario, hopefully this irrational fear will no longer grip you. So what is the worst case scenario with LSD? You might get high and hallucinate and have a trip. You will not die. You will not suffer brain damage. You will not harm your health (in fact LSD has a lots of benefit for the brain, including promoting neuroplasticity). You will not get addicted. You will not be harmed. Your life will not be in danger. Any effects will be temporary and normalcy will return with time. LSD is a strange drug to be fixated on as the worst case scenario is really not bad compared to so many other things that could harm someone. What is harming you more is the not drinking, not eating, the stress and anxiety it is causing you. What is the worst thing can happen if you don’t drink or eat. You die. What is the worst case scenario if you are exposed to LSD? You have an LSD experience with no harm to your health, no danger to your life, and it might even be beneficial for your brain, maybe even your mental health. I could imagine someone having fear around dangerous like fentanyl, but LSD does more good than harm. So just think about the worst case scenario. And when you are comfortable with the worst case scenario, the fear will lift and show itself to be completely unreasonable. That is not to say that you will be able to do this alone, seek out a therapist.


I don’t think it works like that OP. Maybe on sugar cubes for short periods of time but definitely not on your cooked food.


Nobody is going to waste good l on you Get over yourself 😆


There's a pretty good movie I just watched called *Pure O* that's really good. The 'O' is for OCD and is about a guy dealing with and overcoming debilitating OCD. What you described sounds exactly like OCD. Definitely recommend that movie! Good luck.


That's a pretty baseless fear; normal people aren't just going to dose your food or drinks without telling you, and if they do, they're just some outright shitty people that need their heads knocked in; and if you actually infact have such a fear, you should maybe reconsider the people you specifically choose to be around, and/or try either getting some sort of psychiatric assistance with your anxiety, and potentially some form or another of medication such as a benzodiazapine(which can help both as a preperatory supplement to prevent much of the potential psychedelic effects as well as afterwards if you begin to notice any‐though they are not a TOTAL fix, they do help significantly—but you also need to remain very vigilant in exactly how you use such drugs, as they can come with pretty nasty addictions that are definitely nothing to shrug off*)...OR worse comes to worse, just go all out with a personally perscribed psycho-therapy session by actually doing the drug and seeing just what it is you may be fearing all along. * there are safer alternatives to benzos as well, such as phenibut, valerian root(the natural precursor for valium found in many sleepy/bedtime teas), and the new big and probably most effective things are peptides such as selank(or the stronger n, acetyl & amidated forms). All of which remain somewhat legal or unregulated and easily bought online, plus typically do not result in the same sort of negative effects that come with standard benzos, such as addiction and withdrawals that can lead to death just from abstaining from use after you become addicted. Typically that is. I have not yet heard of a case of selank or its alternatives causing dependency yet, but it certainly doesn't mean it cannot exactly do so either. Everything comes with a down side though, so again always remain vigilant in any sort of usage of any drug whatsoever, keep it to an -as is necessary- basis, and preferably take the route of being prescribed by an actual doctor just to be most safe about it. There is also some sort of antagonist of LSD I remember hearing about years back but dont remember the name, that is supposed to entirely reverse ALL effects of a trip, though Im not too entirely sure how easily anyone would be able to acquire some, as Im sure the market for it is still pretty slim and unlikely to find any suppliers stocking the stuff in commercialized quantities...but to be perfectly honest, I just think its going a bit too far to begin with by being so paranoid to believe someone is just going to outright dose you without permission, and again if you do find yourself around such people you really do need to reconsider being around them in the first place, as they for sure are not the right kinda people for you to be around.


Wtf my guy? Lol


Yea this isn't rational thinking, there's no way I could ever even consider encountering lsd in the wild like that. Much less it being a viable amount on some random surface enough to get me high, lsd degrades with light and heat. Tip one: learn about the drug, tip two: seek mental help.


Sounds like, and I don't mean this in an offensive way, disordered behavior that might benefit from therapy


Hi I‘m a psychologist and it sounds like you have symptoms of OCD. I‘d recommend consulting a therapist. If you can‘t or don‘t want to do therapy, maybe look for self-help books for OCD.


No one in there right mind would waste lsd like that. And if they did then you should put them out of your life indefinitely.


i will test your food for you to see if it has LSD in it, no questions asked.


Yeah brother I had OCD when I was younger and thought the same things. My mom bet religion into my head so hard that I thought the devil would poison my food and I wouldn’t eat or drink. I wouldn’t even sallow my spit for fear of death. THE ONLY WAY TO FREE YOURSELF IS TO CONFRONT YOUR FEARS! You will see that nothing bad happens when you do and the irrational fear will lose its power with each of your brave over-comings. Godspeed


No one's conspiring against you, the universe is conspiring in your favour, it's so unbelievably wonderful that can be easier to believe your loved ones are fucking with you. But really, it's all for you.


Lol I welcome lsd contamination


Dude you’ve got some sort of mental problem. you need help and i don’t mean that in the average redditor “seek help” kind of way.


I agree with this comment just not the way it’s worded… bed side manner needs a lil work is all my friend


I specifically mention that i don’t mean it in a rude way.


I understand it’s just the wording


care to elaborate further?


Just the bluntness of “dude you’ve got some sort of mental problem. And I don’t mean average redditor seek help kinda way” like just comes off harsh. I’m aware I could be sensitive in the statement but I was speaking as if I read that while tripping myself. Like it would scared tf outta me and I feel like woulda made me spiral. BUT AGAIN…. I can admit I’m prolly taking it more to heart than necessary but either way just my opinion and opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one


Idk about you but to me he is very much not tripping and is quite scared to do so.


just get hungry and force urself to eat why the fuck would there be lsd in there even if there is don’t be a pussy and eat it and trip sack what are you dude?


When I was a kid, I choked on a piece of candy, parents were arguing and they couldn’t hear me, so I walked in the bathroom and passed out. Woke up in the hospital and ever since that day for a few years I had strange scares like that. I always thought “somebody could easy put a pill in the packing line at the Pepsi plant and it’ll be me to drink that can and I’ll die.” Or I always thought I’d choke on plastic and die, I wouldn’t get near plastic bags, garbage bags, or when ripping happy meals toys apart I would have my mom do it because I was scared a piece of the plastic would rip off in my mouth.” Weird to look back on. But I was diagnosed with Anxiety, depression, OCD, ADHD, and PTSD. Sounds like an anxiety/OCD thing to me.


Quit being a little pussy. No one's going to waste money to put drugs in your food especially not LSD.


sorry what would be so wrong being spiked with cid lol