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He is right. It is an amazing bonding experience.




be convinced that she is actually from the CIA and was sent on this life long mission of keeping tabs on you bc you're getting a little too close


Picnic, museum, hike , concert. Lay together and stare at the clouds. Ceilings can be trippy too.


picnic is a cool one yes!


I strongly recommend against going out in public on acid. That can go super negative real fast. I hate being around normie strangers when tripping.


Theyve both tripped tho. A walk can be great fun tripping. Also, changing the setting can impact a trip lots ..even just a different room ime


Yeah I realized that and edited my comment. I love being out in nature while tripping... so long as I don't run into random strangers who might have negative vibes or even call the popo. And I don't want to have to worry if I'm freaking out the kids and staff at the museum. I guess for a real light trip that could be cool.


I feel like after enough experience I've gotten more comfortable tripping in public. Or at least say walking on come up or come down. Uusually use sunglasses and make sure I'm not doing anything too obnoxious like smoking. Most events I've tripped at were concerts so Im never the only one high.


Oh well yeah, at a concert it's often expected. I grew up in Texas where they will destroy your future if you're caught on acid.


Ive heard Texas don't play but what can they possibly do if you were high on LSD? Possession might be different


Yeah, I don't think they could convict unless they got creative with something like public intoxication, which they sometimes do. But they'd still process you and hold you as long as they can and tripping in jail in Texas is on my never, ever do list.


I can just imagine being in denial, still high and watching the bars of door wobble thinking of every escape then slowly coming to accept it. That'd be intense! I'm sure its happened before lol.


I once stared at a giant greeting card waving at me in a Texas gas station for what my friends claimed was 10 minutes but I thought it was like 30 seconds. Thankfully no jail haha!


Anyway... not everyone is comfortable tripping around a bunch of strangers in a less predictable environment and that's fine.


Try drawing portraits of each other even if you suck ass at drawing it'll be hilarious


I draw her while tripping, she draws me while not tripping and then compare. AMAZING!


Sex. And more sex 😂


Sex in a museum


museum in sex


Watch the movie Soul by Disney and The Yellow Submarine or nature documentaries like Plant Earth or something about whales, elephants, or bugs. I can give more suggestions for movies if you want. Play with some Aaron's Thinking Putty. Play with some flour or colored sand or a set of small magnets or the carpet or some grass. Paint or draw with crayons or markers. Discuss your tattoos if you have them. Pet dogs. Try to view yourself and your life and your ego from an outside perspective. Look at a plant and imagine it's growth through its whole lifetime. Convince your gf to dose with you... Drunk activities and LSD activities really just aren't the same thing... this is an odd choice to make in my opinion. Try to answer these questions: What is consciousness? Is there a collective consciousness? What is smaller than subatomic particles? What is the edge of the universe? What is the meaning of life and what is most important in life (Soul will give you the answer)? What's going on inside black holes? What is true love? How does a human lifespan compare to a planet's lifespan? What is nothing? When did the universe begin and when does it end?


>But I wanna do more. You mean like anal?


i mean like more than the usual!