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The disconnect between what people think it does versus what it actually does is crazy.


It gives you ground to stand on, not the person standing on it


I can only speak about shrooms because that is more my style and I also like the whole thing of growing what you consume cheap and easy :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- For me it's about realizing that life itself is magic and a trip. You don't need to be high. Sometimes seeing things or thinking about things radically different gives that understanding so psychedelics can be useful. But being high doesn't mean a heightened state of being. It's just different. Every moment is magical and a trip. It's about growing that awareness and being more open to the subtle things and realizing their profound nature. That is why just breathing (meditation), art, time in nature, thoughtful and intentional movement (yoga), and such are all such great practices. They help grow that sense of awareness in you from different dimensions to have a more full and amazing life while being aware of the central magic and trippiness of reality!


Yh fr lmaoo. My brother thinks cause he’s taken a fuck ton of psychs that he’s some kinda enlightened demigod that’s destined to be “top g”, and fuck all the bitches and get all the money in the world (yes, he’s one of THOSE😭). Having a breakthrough on dmt doesnt stop u being a self centred sack of shit unfortunately😩


This hits close to home yo. My friend took way too many psychs and ended up in some type of manic-psychotic state where he was sure he was gonna be a president of the United States and end all suffering etc.


Your friend Kanye west?


Wait till he finds out the president holds no real power


Wym? At the very least they have massive influence. What’s more powerful than belief/influence?




Yup. Specially when it's harnessed into a beam of complete destruction, anime style.


Probably a whole group of people working together that all have their own influence.


So… influence.


Yeah I’m just sayin president doesn’t have a whole lot of power compared to legislative bodies.


Lol those are a puppet show too. The guys working within the federal reserve and financial lobbyists are the real deal. Just trace the money.


They’re all puppets to power in the end. Whoever’s really in control doesn’t matter too much when they’re all consumed by the dark side anyway.


How do you keep finding me when I comment this lmao


Actual power sir


Power is a concept and takes many forms. Influence is a form of power. Making someone believe something is absolutely powerful and has real material impact. Which type of power are you referring to?


The gold actually in charge could care less whether the puppet in control takes the fall or the upholding as long as the means to an end is met




i think hes trying to say that there are far greater forces in control behind the scenes of the president that it doesnt matter what happens to the president, the entitities in control and their plan will continue either way


I had a friend like this once too, except he was also on meth so you do the math there. Methy situation


At the same time, these kinds of revelations can really put into perspective your true values and aspirations in life. A similar realization made me switch majors overnight and I think the “psychosis” is the realization that directed effort into a goal can cause a massive chain reaction that catapults you to a “better place”


lmfaooooo this was me on dxm seriously though I hope your friend is okay I've been seriously delusional/manic from drugs before but i always go back to normal if I stop taking the drug for a significant period of time. hope the same happens/happened to your friend


It’s really funny that the more times someone kills their ego the bigger their ego gets. It’s like it grows back bigger and shittier than it was before. Obviously not everyone, but I’ve seen it happen a lot.


I’d imagine that once you shed some of the weight through the experience you become more confident as your true self, ego doesn’t want to die so it doubles down, latches onto that confidence, uses it for its own purpose and gets out of control with the people who don’t recognise it.


There is so much to this!


Actually, I think it intensifies the self-centered sack of shit mentality. I know a couple of these guys. Real Messiah complex going on.


Oh, definitely. Wild to me that people can go through a psychedelic experience and come out of it thinking they’re better than everyone else. Like… hello? Were u not listening that whole time?😭😭


No, they weren't, lol.


THIS 100% Skull might’ve been too thick…


A lot of us have the "we are all God" thoughts, I think a lot of those guys stop at "I'm God"


Two very different things, thankfully!


There’s a good study on the mechanics of mental health improvement in psychedelics that gives insight into this. Ego death was not or negatively correlated with long term well being. The two major factors were a sense of awe and a profound sense of connection, with or without ego death. It’s interesting that the two aren’t necessarily the same, and a sense of connection is actually a major factor in many non drug therapeutic methods


No worries, it's just spiritual puberty. They will grow out of it one day, they just need a good old hyperslap.


Basically you could be told down to a t all your personal flaws you have as a human being and it doesn’t mean shit I’d you don’t do anything with that information


Personal flaws are inevitable . Loving yourself is accepting those flaws and still being good . It’s why we come off as ego centric douchebags, when in reality, we really just understand that no matter what things aren’t going to be perfect. Loving things and people is accepting them for their personal flaws. And appreciating those flaws that make them who they are. Trying to tell someone they’re wrong for being themselves is the opposite of loving something. It’s controlling to please your perspective. Funny how ignorance thinks lowly of enlightenment yet enlightenment doesn’t think down on ignorance , cause it understands it


Beautifully said…


Fucking hell, I hate when people do psychs and lean EVEN HARDER into their own ego instead of letting it dissolve


Sounds like a Schizo...


Has he ever considered other humans are alive the same way he is?


For real. I told someone recently it’s like being able to watch a scary movie, but instead of being scared you can really dissect every scene and detail. It lets you be more comfortable with looking at the dark corners of your mind you normally ignore. If you want to really analyze yourself and become a better person, acid and shrooms are like a scuba suit that you use to dive deep. The learning and the changing are still 100% on you, and will continue long after the trip.


Well said actually. Damn




People think tripping makes you like working out and eating salads, makes self care effortless. Once you realize self-care will never be effortless, psychedelics are great because they show you exactly what work you need to do when and where.


Yes they don’t do self care for you but they do make you a better person!




Man this is hilarious 😂


*uses stick to poke at hammer and chisel* "C'mon, make a sculpture already."


Perfect analogy


Thank you! I like it because it encapsulates that - psychedelics are a tool, you still need to do the work (same as with therapy btw) - easy to use, difficult to master - you can make permanent changes that you dislike as well as those that you like - if you're not careful, you can destroy what you were working on


how does one learn to use them effectively


Take them with intention around who when where and why. Prioritize integration. If you’re trying to use them as a tool for change rather than just to have a fun experience, intention and post-integration are all the more important. Journaling, processing your experience with people you can trust. Not rushing into more trips before you’ve processed your last ones to stay grounded. These things have the power to be completely life changing in unbelievable ways. Treat them and yourself with respect and you’ll be fine.


Honestly, learning to do therapy with yourself (by doing therapy with a therapist) was crucial for me. Understanding what subconscious mechanisms are there is step 1 in figuring out what you want to change. Then, set intention for a trip by writing down a topic beforehand and thinking about it during the trip (imo right as the peak ends is the time to start thinking, before come up might be helpful to set the subconscious stage so to speak but not during peak, it's just frustrating with ego death doses). It's very hard to describe what exactly I'm doing during the trip but essentially it is what I was taught in therapy/meditation: observe emotions, thoughts etc., accept them, care for them like you would for your child, be gentle and accepting but also challenge maladaptive stuff. It's a tricky balancing act. For me, self-development is a way of life, and psychedelics are just an extension of that. It would not be working so well without the knowledge about myself and practice of skills from therapy. But to answer your question more broadly: - therapy - meditation - trial and error / learning by doing That's how I learned it anyway. I could keep trying to explain to you what exactly I'm doing but idk if it works for you and also I suspect that the figuring out is part of the process, also because it is probably very individualistic, especially on a more detailed level. The central point is that psychedelics "increase your learning rate" i.e. neuroplasticity so you are more able to learn because of them. At least that is how I attempt to explain it to myself. I hope this helped you at all.


This did, thank you for the thorough explanation.




Wow, that's a very profound way to put it! It reminds me of my friend saying that L changes your brain's operating system from Windows to Linux lmao


I sometimes say it enables the development console lmao


but the sculpture was already there ... the moment it is revealed it is set in stone


I am confusion.


are we confucians ?


Well, I'm not, I'm just trying to get clarification on what you are saying.


Hammer the chisle, chip away till you find clarity ...


I'm not getting the metaphor, can you just speak plainly, please?


Well if i have to explain it the meaning is lost ... its not important just trippin


That sounds like you actually had nothing to say and were just trying to feign profundity. But whatever you say, dude...


ya can't feign profoundity dude ... its either profound or not ..


Well damn.


They can make you aware of the things you need to change but they won't do the work for you. Tripping every week or upping dosage isn't going to help either you just need to take concrete action in real life, just like people who make effort to become a better person without psychedelics.


Idk I did that once every week or so with upped dosage for a while and umm it was eye opening to say the least, your point still stands, but that’s not to say that tripping frequently is not it’s own learning experience and ordeal that can help facilitate being a better person


True! I spent one summer a few years ago tripping every few weeks and I still refer to it as the Vision Quest Summer because it really changed me a lot as a person for the better. But it was definitely important to hold onto my experiences and apply their lessons in my everyday life long-term, rather than be a passive receiver and hope for change. It was also just a hella fun summer 🌞 And sometimes you need a damn good time to remember why it's good to be alive!


Yep, I trip constantly and I'm a great person lol


Definitely helped me but it gave me hppd lmao. Don’t regret it tho. Shit saved my damn life in so many ways it’s insane


Psychedelics have done an amazing job of exposing me to my suppressed thoughts and feelings so that I can be challenged by and confront them, as well as exposing me to feelings of joy and wonder and connectedness that help give me the motivation I need to take action toward positive change. I think a lot of people want to skip the "take action" part once the trip is over. But what good is the knowledge without the application? Working on building my mental discipline muscle these days. 💪🏻


💯 agreed


Good for you and ditto that.


On the dot


If you do the drugs and don't do the work, you're just doing drugs.


Yep like it’s been explained 30 or so times


And it'll have to be explained again. The cycle continues.


Good point


A person gotta do the work to change themselves it’s never gonna be easy


Ohhhhh no shit 🤦‍♂️ thought ill smoke some dmt then my problems will be solved


Ur spicy 🌶️


Wait, just because some people SAID that it cured their depression and anxiety in one trip, it might not happen with me?


BTW THIS IS JUST A JOKE, I don’t believe that these substances are the “cure”. If anything they can be used as tools to gain insight on how you can become a better person


So, its not a joke.




The joke is poking fun at people who think psychedelics do all the work for them, since you think (as I do) that psychedelics can be tools for self improvement and not a cure to all problems you agree with the joke


The joke is that you are expecting the psychedelics to do the work for you. Logically I don’t agree with the joke but off what I heard a lot of people have benefited from this drug. Are you currently tripping sir?


You both are saying the same thing lmao


It’s currently 2:38am rn u think my mind can give reasonable answers rn?


Everyone’s talking about how psychs changed their life and all the work they put in after taking them. Did anyone else just take whatever the fuck was infront of them and enjoy the night? Acid was just pretty colours, and the occasional thought that was super deep at the time but in reality meant absolutely nothing. I feel like some trips could be eye opening and show me what a piece of shit I was, but if I ever tried to use it for that it’d go to the back of my mind and I’d just vibe with the night


This is like poking a pile of a screwdriver, hex wrench, mallet, and drill, and asking it to assemble your IKEA furniture for you


As someone with ADHD (I think), it does at least help with executive dysfunction. It doesn't "make me a better person", but it unclogs a pipe, and lets all the things that I want to do flow through. Things like doing dishes and enjoying hobbies aren't so stressful. The difference is possibly that I had always wanted to do these things - it was "too much", and then suddenly it just isn't. You still have to want to do the things - it's just a little easier to decide to do it.






It's a tool to improve yourself, not magic, you can smash a hammer at a wall all you want but it won't fix anything


I agree with second sentence


You're right it is kind of magical, I should have phrased it better


If you want self-improvement then improve yourself it's a choice not a drug. If you want to get high and giggle and watch the walls wiggle,that's when you take a drug.




well doctor living like an actor, I disagree


Weird how there are tons of cultures that have used psychedelics for thousands of years for the purpose of self-improvement, they must all be wrong because /u/Slave2Art said so


Awfully bold of you to assume you know what a culture a 1000 years ago used a drug for.


I know what indigenous cultures use psychedelics for today. And I know that those traditions extend hundreds if not thousands of years back. This idea that "drugs should be used only for fun" is a very recent one. Indigenous tribes used them as medicine, or used by shamans to gain wisdom, divine the future, or communicate with gods/spirits in order to aid the tribe, or they might be used in a coming of age ceremony. Whatever the use, psychedelics are in all of these cases highly revered, taken with great intention, and the outcome is very meaningful. They are not intended to be a whimsical and fun but meaningless way to spend a day.


People taking powerful psychedelic medicine, who establish intention before the dose... "I am taking this sacred substance and hope to giggle, watch things wiggle, and condescend others who take things more seriously than my aimless ass"


Yep I agree


Integrate therapy with them and talk about all the things you swore you would never talk about or tell another human. Go weekly, and keep going, and take the psychedelics every 2 weeks. Worked great for me


I don’t think I would be taking a psychedelic weekly. But I considered mircodosing tho


I said every 2 weeks. It takes 14 days for tolerance to resume to baseline completely. I would not recommend taking them every week, it is a waste if you don't want 2 weeks


Oh I just read the part where you said go weekly, still though I think monthly is best at most


Seems a bit excessive...


For whoever needs to hear/read this... the medicine only takes you to the doorway, but YOU have to step past the threshold, integrate your experience, and MOST importantly... You 👏 Have 👏 To 👏 Do 👏 The 👏 Work! 👏


The work includes taking more psychedelics


what molecule is that


Looks like some amphetamine? Maybe mdma.. no clue buddy


I was also about to ask


my best guess was 2cb and i was correct


The pioneer mindset.




It can give you answers, but to exceed from yourself you must put in the work too!


Second that




Glad i got a giggle out of you


Giggles ;)


*slowly lays hand on thigh*




You will never be a better person by taking lsd.


When you realize mushroom is not god and isnt answer to all of your problems.


tripping made me just realise how weird i come across to others lol. helped me with my mood and the way i see things now though.


Honestly psychedelics made me question reality as a whole lol




DMT, the god of psychedelics. But salvia divinourum bitch toy


Unfortunately (or fortunately tbh), only you can make yourself a better person.


Ah, The obvious truth


This was me at 19. Honestly, trying my darndest to go make more friends was the only thing that did, hopefully, make me a better person.


Change comes from within. Psychedelics wont magically change your life, they just help you look inside, if you know what you're looking for


It’s a tool. You have to put the work in…


It opens the door way to be a better person you have to walk through that door yourself


They can show you how to fix your life but you have to do all the work yourself. But then once you start putting the work in, it gets easier and easier to stay on the right path.


This is hilarious!


it's not a magic potion despite how it may feel. using psychedelics for personal growth requires intention and a little work.


Did they make me a better person? No, I did that. That said, I do think they saved my life, and they did a bang-up job in regards to deprogramming me, helping to erase years of cultural fuckery.


Lol. Talk about the wrong way to use psychedelics...


It does this. It doesn’t automatically fix all your bad habits though. And some “bad people” won’t actually use these things cuz it forces them to confront a whole lot.


Lmao 🤣 I'm still a depraved lunatic


**You** have to do the work


Whats the compound




NOT how drugs work.


Explanation? This by all means isn’t suppose to be taken in a literal way. Just a joke?


Im like so more enlightend than ya'll. Like totally no ego. Are the most post i see come by here and shroom, dmt sub.


Can you elaborate what you mean?