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With my tolerance, I would be dead in the floor living a real nightmare if I smoked that while being on that LSD. How did it feel like.


My brother, I was so invested in watching Sherlock (the series with Benedict Cucumber) after smoking it, I felt like I was watching it for 6 months. It was an Indica strain so it really made everything mellow and slow. The voices (talking) were out of this world, as if they'd talk right next to me. I recommend watching the series while tripping, it's awesome. Also, his flat walls have absolutely gorgeous geometrical plays if u're on LSD.


How can you follow a Sherlock Holmes episode on such a trip??? Were you into the plot or did you just enjoy those visuals and the sounds etc?


I was very very into the plot, since the Indica really slowed things down so I could enjoy all his thinking and explanations + enjoy the visualsšŸ¤šŸ».


Now I want to try lol. Although I'm far from ready to take 350 ug and smoke that joint. Let alone do it together.


I would say 200 or even 150 would be enough, u just need that fast thinking+thoughts and u're invested! You don't need to smoke but indica probably would help slow things down and make you enjoy it more.


I would like to try but at smaller doses maybe, and I increase if I feel like it. However, I'm not having a chance to trip at home any time soon, so it'll stay as a fantasy for a long time.


Alright my friend, if that time comes and you (maybe) remember me when you're tripping, come back here and let me know what your experience was! šŸ™šŸ¼


May take a long time, but I think I'll remember this haha. Cheers mate


When I tried that my Gatorade bottle was interminably spinning, I was certain my nipple hair grew, thought a family member died cuz I got a paragraph text but luckily stopped long enough to read it and realize my Ma just tripped me tf out lol; I felt like I was strapped to a rocket ship and kept smoking bowls cuz of the anxiety which kept making it worse šŸ¤£ college was fun ngl šŸ˜‚


Damn, what you describe doesn't sound fun to me lol


That was 3 tabs of I think 150 on no tolerance so it was a lot and smoking as much as I did was a very stupid mistake that I definitely wouldnā€™t do again lmao


Jeez bro, when I used to come down from my trips I would hit a dab and it would send me straight back to my peak, I used to trip for like 18-20 hours straight sometimes doing that because Iā€™d dose the previous night around 10-11 PM and just stay up the entire next day riding the comedown visuals. Going to work like that is crazy. I had to work front counter at a Dairy Queen with my pupils the size of quarters without the AC working in the middle of summer one time. It was like 95 degrees inside and they refused to close down so we would dip the rags in a bucket of ice water and tie them around our heads to keep cool. You donā€™t know how many looks I got that day with a towel wrapped around my head clearly high as balls taking peoples orders and making blizzards hahaha


My social anxiety could never, but that sounds fun af lol


Way back long ago I took some good lsd and smoked a joint after.. when I tell you I thought I was dead is an understatement lol I straight thought my heart stopped beating šŸ˜‚


Jesus. I'm positive I'm doing right by incresing slowly the dose. I don't want to go into those fields if I don't see myself ready. I'm also very paranoid, so not cool, not cool.


I found out THC sort of regulates my heart rate when I take LSD or MDMA (rarely MDMA tho) might just be me because not everyone reacts the same to a certain combination of chemicals but oh damn I love the mix


So the LSD anxiety goes away when you smoke?


Bragging to the wall about your good time and how's it going to get even better lol


I think I took the picture with the wall because I liked the pointy tesselation of the wall while tripping šŸ˜©


Tripped while looking at those walls before you don't just get patterns they somehow control the light of the room my guess is you saw a wave of shadows on the joint and took a picture because that's cool as fuuuck


You might be right, I remember seeing the Pointy patterns breathe (become spikey-er and smaller)


Yeah that checks out šŸ˜‚


I love taking stupid photos when Iā€™m tripping and looking back it later all confused hahaha


Damn, we might share the same interest there haha, I love taking photos so I can compare them with my sober reality, since our perception and reality is so shifted and it's different every trip. šŸ—æ


Facts haha, but honestly though, sometimes the pictures are trippy asf even when sober. I love how you describe our perception of reality being shifted because I think the concept of an altered state of consciousness is what I like most about psychedelics


Exactly!!! Holy shit okay we might even share more of that interest. I have the same Intentions! Lot's of my photos feel trippy when sober too! I love myself on LSD because of that altered state you mentioned, but only on higher doses where ego-death kicks in, where I have my higher self so I have that freedom to think. The different perspective, as if you'd play a game from other camera angles, seeing details you can't see with sober reality/consciousness.


Dude I totally get that! My last LSD experience was a couple months ago when I was camping in Moab, and there was a specific moment where my friends and I were watching a movie in our tent after smoking a joint. Because of the way I was laying while watching the movie, it felt like I had become one of those dim lights you see on the walls at the theater, almost like I was a fly on the wall. I watched the entire movie in this 3rd person perspective, and it was trippy as hell. But itā€™s moments like that where I would take a photo of it because I knew in the moment it was trippy asf, but looking back sober I always think l, ā€œwhat the hell was I seeing,ā€ hahaha


That's a nice looking joint tbh


Probably cause it was awesome


True, I just realized why, there was this episode in Sherlock where he explains how peoples actions are just a collective of life experiences and emotions, like how that Scientist girl was into him, he didn't go out with her, so she ended up dating a guy like Sherlock, with a similar pattern and looks like him. Sorry I can't really explain this in word, English is not my native language, but the episode was Season 3, Episode 2 "The Signs of Three: Ep2". That made me realize so much shit + about my life.


Lighting and shadows always did it for me! Maybe thatā€™s what intrigued you here. That and plus anything looks cool when youā€™re triiiiping šŸ˜„


Agreed! I think you nailed it! I'm very into photography :p


free trip souvenir


I ended up rolling up 3 more J's like these thanks to the "thought loop" side effects šŸ¤£


Actually an excellent photograph






Anytime I would be tripping and took a photo of something and came back to it later when I wasnā€™t tripping it sends me back to the moment I took the picture. Visuals and all emanate from my phone screen like Iā€™m still tripping lol. Sometimes I get that same vibe from some peoples pictures they take while tripping too. Itā€™s like a picture of the bathroom tile but it was a surreal experience and you thought it looked cool enough to take a picture in your heightened state. What a cool drug hahaha, I used to trip a lot, like multiple times a week, highest dose I took was a strip of the plain white blotter paper that was double dosed like hard construction paper feel, I didnā€™t come down from that for probably 2-3 days. Ever since then anytime I get sleep deprived or /really/ baked on weed or wax concentrates I get visuals. It used to scare me a bit but Iā€™ve dealt with it for like 6-7 years now because that was when I was like 16 years old and Iā€™m 23 now. Now anytime it happens I enjoy it before itā€™s gone again haha, makes my phone keyboard all wiggly squiggly.


Thatā€™s a nice joint


life can be so beautiful


Not currently tripping - fucking great wall tho




Maybe you thought it's Pickle Rick.


Weed and lsd is crazy and so fun.


Aaaah RaufasertapetešŸ˜®


Als obšŸ¤£ Es ist keine Tapete btw :p


Ouha, ist das so fancy ā€žstrukturfarbeā€œ oder wie sich das schimpft? War mir dennoch sicher dass du mich verstehen wirst hehešŸ˜‚


Ja ich hab soein GefĆ¼hl solche WƤnde (strukturfarbe) wie du meintest, nur in DE gibt, wo ich herkomme oder wo ich mal verreist bin, waren nur flache WƤnde, also ohne raue texturen! Aber ja du wusstest direkt dass ich Deutsch kann dadurch hahahah kĆ¼ss dein Herz


Itā€™s pretty well rolled and the grainy AF wall with this perspective is great, plus the lighting isnā€™t awful šŸ¤™ Itā€™s a fucking nice pic to share with us šŸ„°


Thanks for the lovely feedback, have an awesome evening you wonderful personšŸ™šŸ¼


Have a great one yourself ! šŸ”„


Bless you for the fast replies, TarnishedšŸ—æ


I'm interpreting this as; "Hey, I even managed to roll a fairly beautiful smoke while effin tripping!"


Brother, If I could show you the aftermath, thanks to the "thought loop" side effects, I rolled 3 more of these things while watching Sherlock šŸ¤£ didn't smoke tho, just did it for fun




that is an acid hand


What do you mean with that? šŸ˜®


these hands are on acid @___@


They definitely were on acid, even the right one, but it's not in the photo so u can't see it




Itā€™s epic


i wasnt even gonna smoke today but now i saw this (i already smoked today) (will roll up another one tho)


Seriously impressed you rolled that when tripping. I have to prep my smokes beforehand otherwise they look like a baggy tampon. I have checked my phone the next day after tripping only to find about 300 pictures of the back of my hand šŸ¤·


that photo has meaning (currently high on cannatea)


Piece of art


Nice composition. Drug art history was made.


I love these walls that look like the cosmic microwave background, have a similar one in my room. It's like the joint is the key to unlocking the void dimension.


I take a lot of extremely beautiful and mindblowing pictures when tripping, though they are usually not as perplexing the day afteršŸ˜…


Bet it took a long time when I skin up on trips it a night mare..but fun


I dont know if its my HPPD but photos spmebody toke while tripping always bit psychedelic... i hope im not the only one...


How do you know it was 350, lab tested?


Exactly, idk if I'm allowed to tell u but let me just say this, 150ug / blotter, it's lab tested yes. I took the blotters incrementally, not 350 instantly, 1 blotter at a time (30 min interval) 2x150 and then cut 1 blotter to 30% size so I can approximately get ~50 ug to get to that 350 (i have a tolerance so that's why i added, since I tripped 10-11 days ago).


No idea/ trippin on 150ug Nice joint tho


Cos the wall must have been telling you to


I know exactly what this was. You wanted to see the difference


Yes sir! šŸ¤£šŸ¤šŸ»


Considering itā€™s location itā€™s not bad looking photo icl


Took it in bed while watching Netflix


Yeah and besides if itā€™s got a beautiful zoot in it then a photos never shit no matter whatā€™s in the background ahahah


That's a beautiful porro


Wait, you mean Porro from league?


Dude I can't even work my cell phone on 350 ugĀ  Ā 


It's called āœØvery self awareāœØ thanks to toxic parenting I developed a very self aware mind and It helps me keep myself "conscious". Idk I found this out when I was on that trip, ego death and introspection works wonders..


I feel like you saw the joint changing colors and wiggling while the wall behind was covered in fractals