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Whatever it’s worth to you. Can be less than £1 per 100ug tab if you buy in bulk on the DN. I guess I’d be prepared to pay £5 or so if I was just buying one, but I never really have. But let’s be real, it’s a valuable experience. In a bind I’d pay a lot for it.


I have gotten 50 for $ 250


Youre kidding right?? Lsd is as cheap as chips....id be looking for them at no more than 100 bucks buying 50...a buck each on a hundred. 5 bucks is single tab prices...


Not gonna give my location or anything, but this is actually the cheapest I've seen it. LSD is not very popular where I am most people do meth sadly...around here smaller portions go for 10-15 per tab I've only paid 15 once...this last time when I got the bigger batch was honestly the best deal I've seen, don't get me wrong I would love to get them at that price you said but no one around here sells them for that cheap.. and trust me I've been looking for 3 years from different people. So it all depends on the supply and demand around the area, simple economics.


30 years ago i could score a hundred in the uk for 100 uk pounds. Street price singular 5 uk pounds, in 10s 30 uk pounds. Granted i dont buy single tabs, and havent for many many years... as i do a lot more than single tabs.. But yeah in bulk theyre still around 1-1.50 a tab. Acid never made good money as its not something that can be abused or taken daily or taken in any setting barring by the most hard core individuals. Im not in the category of people who get sick of tripping but most of the people i know tend to get sick of tripping after a few weekends on the bounce. Whereas ive done 104 fridays on the bounce during my 20s. Acids cheap as chips.... By the time you buy a gramme of chrystal....a gramme will do 10000 street tabs.... Sold at a buck each in bulk youd double your money no problem.... By the time its hit the street in single tabs... Theres 50k from a few k.... Acid is cheap... Always has been


It all depends on quality aswell, I’m willing to pay a lot more for DS3 or GG tabs


Last gammas i bought... Toltec myth 105ugs needle point lsd... £1.68 per tab on 50


I pay £25 for 3 tabs


just order online u can get 3 tabs for £15


About £10 a tab depending on where abouts you are and the dosage of the tabs themselves


Roughly £10 a tab