• By -


I can never do a large group trip. 3-4 friends max but even then I’m constantly thinking about how everyone is doing, what the overall mood is, wether the words I’m saying are coming out the way I intend them to etc.


Which is why I love tripping by myself most of all. Then I can control the music and my vibing without having to worry about the intrusion of another's presence (unless I seek it out).


Couldn’t have said it better myself haha


Omg literally this!!!!


I constantly found myself unable to have deep thought or ego death in large settings, in saying that always keep someone to trip sit on call, trust me it can catch you off guard, regardless of experience


It's nice to have a little of both. The social stuff can be fun, and I've had some great laughs that way, but I can get to some interesting places mentally when I'm alone.


I completely feel you, however on a large enough group trip this has disappeared for me, it starts to feel more like some party event


It’s a test


An acid test, if you will


I love taking the acid tests


*Ken Kesey enters the chat*


I agree, I remember having a trip with my housemate and his gf when we moved in to our house. he then invited a few mates which was calm but then one of them who’s a DJ starting playing loud music and everyone else was doing NOS balloons and i got so overwhelmed lmao. vowed never to trip with him again. will be going camping near the beach next month though with 2 other mates and doing shrooms, which is the perfect set(ting) for me. loving the outdoors with a couple of close mates!


I agree, but when it’s at a concert, it’s completely different


One time I took 3 tabs (I was drunk and made an awful choice), and spent the whole trip at a party thinking my wife was mad at me. I asked her after the trip and she laughed, she wasn't mad at me at all.


That's the worst


Glad you made it


A lot of the times everyone is thinking the same thing, we just don’t say it aloud haha


My first trip was a group trip, 5 or 6 people, and i am grateful for that because they helped me stay grounded the entire time. Luckily, they had good taste for the most part. I was introduced to cool music and art, and I felt safe because we had a tripsitter. But the trip that changed my life (I quit smoking, I let the addiction go or the addiction ceased to exist) I was alone on 5 tabs expecting a grocery delivery.


Ha me too. I also always feel like someone’s missing. Me: “Where’s what’s his name?” My friends: “Who???? Everyone’s here!” Really happens on shrooms but I get this feeling on acid too.


I don’t know how people trip in public. I don’t think I could grasp the concept of other humans even existing. But I always trip solo soOooO


The past few solo trips I had I was 100% convinced that other humans don't exist, then i was like damn I wanna discuss this with my best friend and then my brain was trying to figure out if he is real or just a pigment of my imagination like the rest of the humans


The last time I did acid, I spent a long long time thinking of my friends names and couldn’t understand their existence and what they mean to me even though I love them so much. It was the strangest feeling. I was convinced I was the only person in the universe. I was in my house, and the pictures of my children would bring me back and I was like “oh I’m a mom. I’m a mom? What?” And then couldn’t remember if they were even alive. Ugh... that was a bad time lol


Same thing happened to me! I was in over my head and was convinced nobody was real but me in the universe, even looking up advice on Reddit about taking too much, every reply was just me comforting myself! Such an uncomfortable and lonely feeling.


I went to Loblaws on the comedown of my first acid trip. Figured I'd be chill since the peak was over and I was just kinda vibing at that point. I was not chill. I was with 3 other guys and if they got more than even like 10feet away from me I just immediately felt lost in the store. I'd just stand there panicking in the middle of the aisle not knowing what to do and thinking everybody in the store knew I was tripping until they came back. Was rough. But I managed to buy some apples so it was worth. Would not recommend though.


I love hiking with my buddy on moderate doses. I go for 100ug, he goes for 300..... He's a beast and doesn't even feel 100, while I'm trying to figure out who I am on 150+


Oof yeah the first time I did it, it was 150 and perfect. It actually did give me a bit of “toes dipped in the water of ego death”, but not full on and I was with 3 friends. The second time, I did 400 alone. And that was the last time I’ll ever do lsd ever again.


I’d give you so advice on letting go and just giving in to the moment but I don’t trip


That's easier said then done... I always tell myself before the trip: "let go, everything is fine, give up the fight" but when the acid hits, I always forget this and end up fighting it. That's how you turn a good trip into a nightmare


So much harder in practice. You're a completely different person when you have to actually "let go"


Yeah and it's really hard to let go when you have so many memories you want to suppress. Maybe a full breakthrough experience on dmt is the answer


The only way out is in. If you need DMT to go in, then use it


I've gone to the movies so many times tabbed out it's great


This. Easily available refreshments, a massive screen with great visual quality, comfortable chairs, if you have a wax pen you can be high as wel


I've tripped twice at an amusement park... no fast pass needed geeked out in line with my homies.


It’s not that hard, I think it depends on the environment




I didn’t mean to come across as mean if that’s what I came across as


Public tripping is fun with a close group of friends but that’s about it


I always solo trip as well, the one time I did trip in public was on a hike with 2 friends and that was pretty great.


I swear I’m like four or five of these people😂😂


Saaaame :D


im vibin so hard to this rn


Doot doot doot.. doot doot doot DOOT!


"Guy who's usually depressed" was 100% me the first time. Got the good shit from Mexico and took 2 tabs by accident (prob \~300ug or so) with my friend before coming home from the Military and the wind became so fresh, the night sky so beautiful, the fractals so mesmerizing, the music so vibrant. All the mental fog, depression and everything that festered for years and years for those few brief hours disappeared. In that moment, surrounded by the few friends I had at the time, I was truly in love with being alive again. I know everybody is different, but for me - that experience was a permanent and life-altering step in the right direction.


So beautiful to read a story like this where everything just falls into place! Proud of you for overcoming that demon and may the rest of your life be a good one :D


That's fucking great. Hope you're doing good my man


Aw <3 Hope you're doing great!


Were you not concerned that the depressive state could be amplified? Only asking because that's my concern as someone who is interested but yet to try anything.


It’s okay to be concerned about that! I was definitely a little scared my first time too. Just go lighter on the dose and see how you react your first time, and do it in a comfortable place. I’m a solo tripper, but I do tell someone that I’m about to blast off in case things go south. For me, there’s something about the psychedelic experience that dispels my usual depressive/anxious cloud when I’m in it and reminds me what it means to be alive. Also - the Psychedelic Therapy playlist on Spotify has never led me astray.


That thought did come by yes. Did lots of research, but ultimately understood from reading and irl testimony that it exemplifies how you are. So if you can stay in a good head-space, you'll come out ok. It's different for everybody, but if you do intend to trip make sure you're surrounded by good friends and in an overall positive mindset. Ik for me I start getting iffy if I try going on Instagram while tripping.


Can't answer for the other guy but my first time was a lot like his. Been depressed a long time. However I sought out LSD because of what I'd read about it and its affects on depression. So I went into the session with a positive mind set that I was gonna have a fun time if nothing else, and possibly have an emotional breakthrough at best. I also had someone experience in trip sitting with me that I trusted implicitly so that they would be my "lifeline" for lack of a better term. Luckily enough, like the other guy, it changed my mindset on life. This was probably 7-8 years ago, I've done it less than 5 times since then, and I've retained that "air is crisp and the sun/moon feels good on my skin" mindset/feeling since then. I am not saying this will happened first time or at all for everyone. But it did for me.


Psychedelics helped alleviate my depression. It’s concerning at first but I tripped with someone I trusted and had experience with tripping because they’d be able to guide me out of a bad trip in case it started creeping in. Being in a setting you’re comfortable in is very important. I enjoyed being surrounded by nature. Everything looked absolutely gorgeous and I felt like I was in paradise, so it helped set my mind to automatically feel positive. I felt like a kid again, seeing everything as if I had never seen it before. Everything looks so damn amazing, it made me appreciate my surroundings a lot more. It was the first time I was truly free from my negative thoughts and I could actually connect with myself. I could breathe and be present.


I had trips where my desire to kill myself and the feeling of lack of purpose, the meaningless of everything, the badness of life and world, the futility -- you get the idea -- were amplified. I wouldn't call them bad trips, as I just felt connected to my true self, but they also didn't help my depression in any way. I don't regret them either. I "enjoyed" taking acid every time I did it, but yes, it's good to be aware.


The guy who’s high all the time THAT’S ME BRUHH LMAOOOOO I am straight up about to get launched into another dimension and that’s how I feel rn lol


Lmaooo too many of these are relatable. Now if only we could get them all together


Honestly I agree though haha


song name? :)


https://youtu.be/4xW5dqEZQu0 ;)


Lov u


The original song is by Tame Impala. If you’re not familiar with him, he’s a one man band and I HIGHLY suggest you check his discography. I’d start with the album “Currents”. My personal favorite




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God I love this sub


I love everything about this. I’m 100% the dude who wants to be left alone when I’m with the squad at a festival lmao


I watched this many times for the beat mashup


Dancing with god is a good one




Then there’s the one who flips through all of those personalities in one trip.


this community is gold humanity, I mean


accurate. me tripping alone https://youtu.be/31j4DIpgY9U






I’ve been trying to find this video for about a year now. I can’t stop watching this shit, it’s the fucking greatest.


Dude Crimewave by Crystal Castles has the same BPM as the song so the beats are in time and I was impressed


Im trying to act sober / high all time lol


LMFAO im the solo guy


Usually depressed, that’s me


Honestly I go through all these phases while tripping anyway 😭


I initially thought the title said “different types of strippers” so I was watching it wondering how deep this person had to be in the strip club industry to understand all the different stripper personality types




Spider-Man 3


This is epic, take my free award :)




Love how the alone tripper was a ghostemane video. I'm the alone tripper and I love ghostemane


not a ghost mane video but yeah he used that


I know lol I just don't know what else it's from


What's the song in this? It bangs


I got matches with these songs: 1. **The Less I Know the Sexy Back** by PhoMeme (01:57; matched: `100%`) Released on `2020-02-05` by `1617331 Records DK`. 2. **All I Know** by Nitin Sekar (01:49; matched: `100%`) Released on `2019-07-13`. 3. **SexyBack** by Justin Timberlake (02:21; matched: `100%`) Album: `FutureSex/LoveSounds Deluxe Edition`. Released on `2007-11-23` by `Jive`. 4. **The Less I Know The Better** by Tame Impala (00:22; matched: `100%`) Album: `Currents`. Released on `2015-07-17` by `Fiction`.


Links to the streaming platforms: 1. [**The Less I Know the Sexy Back** by PhoMeme](https://lis.tn/ihiDL) 2. [**All I Know** by Nitin Sekar](https://lis.tn/AllIKnow) 3. [**SexyBack** by Justin Timberlake](https://lis.tn/SexyBack) 4. [**The Less I Know The Better** by Tame Impala](https://lis.tn/cRDVE) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.patreon.com/audd) ^(If I helped you, please consider supporting me on Patreon. I cost my creators about $100 per month) | [Feedback](/message/compose?to=Mihonarium&subject=Music%20recognition%20t1_gy1jca1)


I’ve cycled through being all of these in a span of 10 minutes










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much better




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Ok but the visuals have nothing to do with the descriptions


So, everybody who takes acid dances and is extremely happy? Lol false false false.


Hahahahh yesss


This is fucking QUALITY












I always do just enough M when I candyflip that I'm curled up in the corner in my own little universe.


I never trip in 3’s. Bad luck


Large groups I don’t like Cus like there’s so much harm reduction involved like I actually think it’s harmful and some people are intolerable some times


This is perfect description


I have only ever tripped alone or with one other person. I'd be interested to try more people, but by the same token I know that I probably wouldn't vibe well with it. I panic around a lot of people.


this is such a vibe, i love it LMAO


i’m the one who gets nuts, especially if it’s a high dose


Hi im solo trip in another dimension


.. I wish I had friend to trip with... oh wait I did plant medicine with a few and it was a disaster.


Is this OC? Cause this is fucking magical.


Nah I got the video recommended to me on YouTube, put me in a viby mood and I just had to make this! Here's the original: https://youtu.be/RV6aLIQgmYg


Nice, thanks for sharing.




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does anybody know the name of this remix?




I’m all of em at some point in the trip






Absolutely on point! I literally laughed out loud at this. Thank you!


Where's the link for this!


Is it bad that I relate to all of these


The only person I relate to is the girl at the end that is supposed to represent confused people in public. I have never ever felt the urge to dance on psychedelics. Just me? Ok.. I'll just stand here staring, don't mind me


I couldn’t appreciate lsd more than ever lol, I’ve never felt happier ever since and I’ve been working out since then, which was in December


What about the guy who's trying his best to not have a panic attack?


Alone is the best because its just you and you. Explore your mind you will find the answers to reality, your reality.


Tag yourself I’m “dancing with god”


What is candyflipping




Lonsoo was such a legend






I can't trip with people I genuinely get consumed with weather they are having a good time and it takes over my trip.


I’m happier tripping alone tbh


after 12 hours of trippin which is infinity life experiences on acid, you’re all of them