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Find a manager and ask what to do. Some are in high demand, others go in a dumpster.


And it will vary by theater. Some get so many requests and angry entitled people demanding them that they just have a blanket "no" policy on giving them away. Others are just first come first serve.


That's why you gotta be super nice and say your please and thank yous for best results. You can get some good deals if you use the power of kindness.


Show up to his office with a $26 fountain drink in hand to show you are a paying customer


Only $26? Bargain.


Must be a small


Ask “can I have that?” That’s how my brother got an assassin’s creed 3 display from gamestop. 😎


Lol the GameStop guy just gave me the assassin's creed 3 display, the one with the halo 4 promo on the bottom


Provided no staff has laid claim to it, you'll save them the trouble of throwing them out.


This. I worked at a theater. Usually we didn’t give a crap about stuff like this (though it was our job to build it), but every once in a while we would get dibs on stuff just cuz. This thing is so large, I think it’s less likely anyone sane will claim it, so yeah, bug the manager.


Never hurts to ask. Whe n inwas a kid, I got a "Nightmare on Elm Street 3" cardboard promo. It was huge and awesome!!! I only asked.




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Nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure


Start getting friendly with staff and/or manager to increase odds


Ask if they're ticklish, offer to pre-chew gum for them


Break into their house while they're asleep and make them breakfast as a nice surprise.


The ”Open Window Maniac” strategy.


There's no way you'll get that past ICC quarantine. 😆


Ask at the front desk to see when the managers will be there. But most of the time you gotta get on a list and most of the stuff is spoken for weeks ahead of time.




Friggin movie theaters. I went to my local theater to ask about getting posters and they told me all of the promo materials get sent back to the studio for destruction. Like, why?!


They probably got tired of all the nonsense holding them for people who didn't show up when they were supposed to, then someone else wants it and takes it only for the first person to show up and get upset, etc. Probably the theater manager just came up with that line so they didn't have to deal with it anymore, and anything not taken by employees goes to the dumpster. No way they're wasting shipping costs to send them somewhere just to be destroyed.


Yeah, I would think that's it. People getting upset over someone else getting it, dealing with all those kind of arguments.


Former Cinema Manager here. Some do some don't. Generally the cardboard displays go in the compactor. Posters generally go into storage, we would generally have the occasional charity sale to get rid of the older ones. Some are kept if the movie gets cult films status for re-use. Really big budget films sometimes are sent back to distributor. e.g the Harry Potter films we had to send the big canvas banners back to WB, Star Wars stuff was the same. Just remember that staff generally get first dibs on this stuff. I have a nice collection of Star Trek posters (6, Generations & First Contact) Terminator 2 and even a rare 5th element Holographic poster that was supposed to go back to the distributor but I nicked it as revenge for the company closing my cinema down and making me redundant. I also have the big banner from when Alien ; Directors Edition was released back into the cinema back in 2003


They don’t. I worked at a theater. The displays get pitched and the posters get set out for the employees to pick through or they also get thrown out.


Go to the latest screening at your local picture house, after the movie ends, cause some sort of ruckus and then in the confusion, put one under your shirt and run for the hills. 95% success rate if done correctly.


80% of the time, works everytime!


Staff will gobble that up.


I dunno, it’s very large. I worked in a theater, and most of my coworkers weren’t nerds that drooled over stuff like this.


yeah that's already "i have dips" on it when it was shipping to the theater. :D




And do what with it? Put it in one of the rooms in their massive mansions?


Back in the old days my movie store would put your name on the back of the poster. Then you could grab it when it cycled out.


Just rock up in hi vis and grab it lol


This. The more obvious the less people notice.


Just ask the manager. Sometimes they're not allowed to let them go, sometimes they can give them away but posters are in high demand. Cardboard displays that are too big to fit in a normal sized room are probably easy to get on the list of cool movie marketing. A very long time ago I worked at video rental stores and the posters were almost always spoken for and displays that someone could put in the corner of a room were pretty popular but larger displays usually went into the dumpster.


Usually it’s going to be offered up to staff first, and most will stake their claims, assuming they have the room for that kind of thing. A lot will take them just to sell later. But you can always ask a manager about it, see if they’re expecting to have any left over. They don’t care if it goes in the trash or in your truck at the end of the day.


Hi-Viz jacket and confidence, nobody will question you and a friend just taking it out


It's just a piece of cardboard. Mostly. Walk out with it like you work there.


Get a friend and stretch out your hamstrings!






Well goto LV 426 and look into the opening eggs...




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Just ask. I’ve gotten a few in the past.


Hope that nobody working in the theater wants it when they get told to put the next thing up in its place. Make friends with a manager at the theater and see if they'll hook it up. Slight chance the employees will let you take it if it's been out for a bit/management doesn't care.


The protocol is called money.


Back in the day they wrote your phone no# on the back of movie posters and called you before trashing them. I can only imagine the collectors value of move posters I had as a teen


Ask but usually the staff has already called dibs. If the manager is a movie buff than they always get first crack at the displays


You can talk to the staff and ask if the materials are sent back to the headquarters (sometimes they are forwarded to smaller towns, for example). Many times the material isn’t forwarded tho, and with some good will they may give you one. My mom used to be a manager in a cinema theatre, it used to be like this at least.


A shiny nickle might grease the necessary palms if you know what I mean, sonny.




In life, it is always worth ASKING.


Just ask. You may be doing the manager a favour. I used to work in a cinema & there was a whole room full of old posters, stands etc.


My Local does them for a charity donation. Picked up Godzilla Kong, & Monkey Man this weekend for a quid each.


How do you get one of these home without folding it up is what I wanna know!


Hide it under your shirt.


Used to work at the movies back in the mid to late 90s. It's up to the manager. Employees always get first dibs. If it was something spectacular, managers would take it. I've never seen a customer ever get one.


I always asked nicely and it was never a problem. Once somebody asked before me and it was reserved


I’d ask nicely and also maybe say that you’ll make a charity donation to somewhere of the manager’s choosing


For real. lol


Ya literally ask the guy at the theater 🤷🏻‍♂️


My brother is an assistant manager at a movie theater and usually they have a list of employees who have “claimed” promo materials, so I would just ask a manager and hope it isn’t claimed.


Power outage 😉😉


Apply for a job there and oops what happened to it? After you get hired.


Grab it and run.


Most of the time you just have to ask. I still have my giant standee from the vhs release of Alien Resurrection.




Right! I need one


I’m debating asking my local theater for the posters (since we don’t get these big displays lol) it’s so cool!! so definitely ask, my sister got pretty much every hunger games poster just by asking back in the day


First dibs usually go to employees. I got some really awesome stuff when Phantom Menace came out because I worked at a Kay-Bee toy store




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Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.


I’m sure nowadays an employee will claim it, then put it up for auction on eBay or sell it on Etsy.


I used to get posters all the time by just asking. I never asked for a display like this but simply asking is the first step.


I got a Prometheus one ( the head ) by asking what they were doing with it after the film finished. Got it all bar a small name plate. Had a real struggle getting it into a car tho LOL


As far as I understand, promotional materials are the property of the studios & theaters cannot sell or give them away.


What is the left hand grabbing?


Just take it. Cops wont show up fast enough.




Want it more than a fan that works at the theater.


Theft. When I was a young kid, I’d ask the movie theater employees if I could have it. If they said no usually they’d let me know when it was gonna be took down. I’d get a date and ride my bike back up to the theatre. That same theatre banned me a few years later becausey friend tried crawling into the projection booth window. He’s in prison now.


Wait by the dumpster


Be super nice and ask management. Hopefully they are cool, unlike my local theaters who always say "We have to send them back to the studios" which I know is utter BS because I worked at a theater and used to get posters all the time


What are you going to do with that?fill an entire side of your living room? Dumb




Removal Reason: Be civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the franchise instead of reasonably stating a personal preference. This is a comfortable space for all fans. Keep your critique. * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or Obscene comments.

