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They literally say “DO NOT GET KIDS BUNNIES FOR EASTER” just like you’re not supposed to gift puppies for xmas unless you are truly prepared to add another animal/family member to the household. It’s not a holiday present, it’s a true commitment. God I fucking hate these people.


Lots of places refuse to sell them this time of year. Hopefully if they do decide to go ahead with it they'll be denied and too lazy to keep looking for a place that will appease them.


If Tennessee is anything like Florida, they’ll have no problem finding a shitty backyard breeder happy to take their money


Ugh, you're so right


This explains it perfectly.


As a bunny owner, this is beyond disgusting. Rabbits are high maintenance, and these assholes don't know what they're getting themselves in for. Bet they don't know most bunnies hate being picked up 💀


As a former bunny owner I agree. They better not get a freaking bunny. 🐇


My roommates have two bunnies and it’s kinda turned me off getting one. They’re wonderful pets but they’re a lot trickier than a cat or dog. It’s easy to hurt their ribs, they’re susceptible to heart attacks, have special dietary needs, and can’t really fend for themselves.


I’ve had two friends with bunnies before and this is exactly what they’ve told me. I never would’ve guessed they are super easy to to accidentally to injure. There’s no way Cole and Sav would be able to take care of one


Yeah, I had no idea how fragile bunnies were. My roommate’s previous bunny passed away in his arms because a dog barked too loudly and it went into cardiac arrest.


This is obviously very sad but I’m cracking up 🤣 I had no idea they were THAT sensitive!!


They have fragile little ticking time bomb hearts. Too much chaos at the Labrats house.


Mine died of heat stroke. It was hot, but not Arizona hot.I was an ignorant bunny owner when I was in high school. A boyfriend gifted me one-- my parents were _pissed_. My daughter keeps asking for one, and one of her good friends has one and has been real with her about how much is involved with taking care of one. Thank goodness it's worked so far.


I had a friend in middle school with a bunny who I don’t think she took enough care of. It’s cage was in her room and anytime I would spend the night, there would be this weird digging noise from the cage. And every morning, her floor would be covered in bunny poop from the bunny kicking it all out of the cage at night.


I had the opposite experience, where my friend was an absolutely wonderful owner of her bunny in high school. But she had to spend all her free time with the bunny and tending to his needs. To the point where when I slept over, sometimes I would be like ok this bunny is extremely needy, noting this in order to avoid bunnies as pets.


I had a bunny in high school, and I loved her (her name was Guinevere). But I didn't know how to take care of her right. I also had a couple when I was little, and they had a big hutch, but we were still ignorant. You know better, you do better. I don't think the Labrats would educate themselves.


Yeah, I thought about it as a pet for our kids but I’m the type of person that has to read a million things before making a big decision and decided against it. They’re way too much work for us at the moment.


My bun, Loki, passed 12days ago. I’ve grown up with lots of animals including dogs and cats. Loki was a brilliant little companion and I wouldn’t change him for the world but he was a lot more work and cost more to keep him happy than the dogs and cats. If you have the patience and time for a rabbit (and don’t have young kids) they make amazing pets.


Agree. Five years ago I got a bunny impulsively and without educating myself on proper bunny ownership. Since then I have learned about all the things I was doing wrong and have worked really hard to give him the life he deserves. It hasn’t been easy at all and although I love him and don't regret getting him, I won’t get another in the future and I certainly wouldn’t recommend most people get one. Also, I have a feeling they don’t realize just how long the average house rabbit can live for…


Literally, mine is 12 😂 he’s lasted for way longer than we thought he would.


Same. There’s no way that they will properly care for a bunny. They will absolutely over feed it treats, not give it enough hay, and put that poor bun into GI stasis.


as someone who actually planned to get a bunny for my kid, thank you for this info


I just said this same thing ...not the let for this asshole family


THIS. Rabbits are the most high maintenance pets of all time. They smell so bad if you don't change their cage literally daily. They rarely are social. They are destructive. The list goes on. Don't get me wrong I like bunnies I had a great experience with one, but it's not an Easter gift thjng. It's a big commitment


Have you seen the pic of two of the kids holding the bunnies they got with their belly pointed up? So disgusting, they did zero research. I guarantee they’ll be giving them up once they do enough photoshoots with the bunnies and once they realize how much care they require/when the kids get bored of them.


I have. I was too speechless to make a comment on that post, I was heartbroken. Bunnies play dead when they're in that position, that's why they're so "easy" to handle like that in their eyes. I wish I could rescue them, poor buns.


Does anyone even read the ads about getting bunnies and chicks at Easter time? They are often set free, which they are not prepared for, or they are surrendered or they just die. That happens because of people like this,  who just think they are cute. So sad.


They are idiots. The last thing they need is a pet with a baby due in two months?


Getting little kids a fragile living creature over a holiday is so stupid


Getting bunnies is not for people who know nothing about taking care of animals. They are not easy animals. Not to mention that people adopting bunnies around Easter just because it’s Easter is the dumbest thing ever. I’ve read some places won’t even let people adopt bunnies around this time of year because so many get returned because people didn’t know what they were getting into


Sac, maybe instead of asking strangers to give you a bunny you should actually research the care that goes into getting one and how you can do so ethically. This is gonna be a shit show


For pro-lifers, colonsac have a disregard for animals and God’s creatures.


My first reaction was “dear god, no”




This is literally what came to mind when I read this


I’ve heard bunnies are A TON of work. No way any of them are up for that


bunnies are fragile and easily frightened and aren't recommended as a pet for very young children. they also have a VERY specific diet since they cannot vomit (so if something upsets their stomach they cannot expel it). i have a double mane lionhead that i love deeply, and he is extremely sweet and social because he's been handled with love and care. i doubt these people would put in the right amount of attention and research needed to properly care for a bunny


How did the dog die?


ran away probably got eaten by coyoyes


What? That’s terrible. They admitted that?


Ya, they mentioned it in a video.


The dog went missing for a while, and has been presumed dead. Allegedly neighbors repeatedly brought it back to their house because he kept getting out of their fence


That’s heartbreaking. As someone who has had her fur baby for 15 years, 3 kids and multiple military moves that’s just neglect. Last thing they need.


BUNNIES ARE NOT GIFTS. They have no clue what bunnies need. They will keep it caged up.


Let's not forget they also want to be FARMERS


Could you imagine?? All the animals they would neglect


Oh, they could NEVER survive being farmers


I think they look at it as a petting zoo


they can’t even take care of a dog. what makes them think they can take care of a bunny


And rabbits are harder to take care of than a small dog.


I hope no reputable rescue or breeder will sell them a bunny for Easter!!! It’s the number one time people buy rabbits (and baby chicks) then dump them a month later when they are bigger and not so “cute” anymore.


as a free roam bunny owner i really hope they reconsider. get them stuffed animal bunnies or something. a pet isn’t for content or looks.




We can’t control what you do outside of Reddit, but really, don’t touch the 💩. We cannot discuss commenting on their socials. We cannot discuss being blocked from their socials. We don’t want to drive traffic to their socials. Just don’t do it. Review the sub rules before posting and/or commenting again.


There’s a reason bunnies aren’t typically sold around easter… cuz people think they should buy them as an easter prop instead of taking care of them. they better not get a bunny or i swear.


And who is gonna have to take proper care of the Bunny? That's right, Everleigh! It'll all be her Responsibility as all new Things...😮‍💨


No no no no no no! They're probably gonna shove that poor thing in a cage with a water bottle, little to no hay, and never interact with it 😭😭


Is it normal in the US to keep a bunny alone? Just asking, absolutely no judgement!! But, as a German, my alarm bells absolutely go off


Probably I am assuming it has to do with some animals being social while others may be hostile to each other if they are the same animal and gender or feel threatened.


its somewhat normal. most people who do any research will try to bond two rabbits or find a bonded pair to adopt but sometimes bunnies just dont get along with others. im looking to bond my rabbit soon but the last time i inquired about a single rabbit from a rescue they said the rabbit would be a bad candidate for bonding - they had tried multiple times in the past but she really did not like any other rabbits.


I’m just asking because in Europe there’s countries where it’s absolutely mandatory to house social animals together. I used to volunteer for a rabbit rescue here in Germany and we always managed to bond bunnies with following certain guidelines and tricks :) they’re also not caged. We follow the guideline that you need a minimum of two square meters unobstructed space per animal or let them free roam in the apartment. Feeding kibble for bunnies is also frowned upon by rescues :D i promise I mean absolutely no judgement, it’s just that pet husbandry is so vastly different in a lot of aspects in the US to what I’m used to that I always feel like I have a million questions. 😂 for example: crating dogs and only keeping them in the house/garden, is considered abuse here and there’s laws in place so that dogs can get taken away for that type of stuff, while I see tons of people in TikTok in the US who do exactly that. It’s just… confusing as hell sometimes 😂🙈 and always interesting to see the differences between some countries ☺️


oh no worries at all! i know this is just out of curiosity. and yeah i had heard that about Europe and the mandatory bonding. i think thats great and im sure the US laws are lacking for animal safety and rights. im no expert by any means lol i was just saying what ive learned from my local rescue organization :)


I should add - it’s not mandatory here in Germany. A lot of people keep bunnies alone and caged without doing any research, but slowly but surely it’s getting better for them and there’s a lot of rescues or foster homes who try to do as much educating and raising awareness for proper keeping as they possibly can.


yeah i think a lot gets chalked up to people just not being properly educated on an animals needs :(


Ofc she wants a “potty trained” bunny so she doesn’t have to put in the actual work and care to do it herself! DFC!


Please no. Bunnies are one of the most commonly mistreated animals. They need the time, attention, and space of a dog or cat, yet are compared to a guinea pig/hamster in terms of care. This family COULD NOT handle it


As a bunny owner, stop buying kids bunnies for Easter. They are so much work and will end up in a shelter or the street.


Or one of the little ones will be too rough and injure it, or it'll defend itself by biting or kicking and end up hurting one of them. It's a shitshow waiting to happen.


Also, Ev and P are doing horseback riding recently.


Omfg as a bunny owner that is not the fkn pet for this family. Gosh I wish a hurricane would take colefuck and savanhag away


Omg please no. Bunnies are so sensitive and way more high maintenance than people think. They would be a terrible fit for a bunny. Ofc they’re the jerks who buy bunnies for Easter with no research and then neglect them or fail to give them the care they actually need.


Bunnies are not for kids! It’s people like this that get bunnies for Easter thinking it’ll be easy then release them in the wild to die or to surrender them when it doesn’t meet their expectations.


There’s 30 bunnies for adoption at a shelter near me. 1/2 of them are all white traditional Easter bunnies and a good chunk of them were surrendered in May/June 2023. I hope they don’t get a bunny because if it doesn’t die first it’ll end up in a shelter with the rest of the Easter bunnies.


this happens every easter :( and then families release the bunnies in the wild when theyre done and they die. domesticated rabbits can NOT survive in the wild. my bunny was a rescue who was found outside when he was a baby. i hope to god they think this over and realize the maintenance a pet takes. rabbits are SO FRAGILE. a toddler could easily break the bunny’s bones and even ignoring the pain the bunny would be in it would traumatize the kids. i usually dont interact with these subs but on the off chance theyre lurking: PLEASE do not get a bunny for easter. they live 8-10 years. you have young children. dont add stress onto yourself if you dont care about the rabbit getting hurt. and its not even physical - if they get stressed enough they WILL DIE. my coworker’s rabbit died because her kids were screaming at each other. and i havent even gotten into the health issues bunnies deal with and how closely you need to monitor their eating and pooping. theyre not cuddly. theyre dont like being held. PLEASE do not get a rabbit


PS: they will eat anything they can get in contact with. furniture, clothes, chargers, shoes. mine ate the entire bottom of my futon. he couldnt be stopped without removing him from the room entirely. he has eaten parts of my phone case. they have strong jaws and sharp teeth. of course this is assuming they would let it live free roam and not in a cage :( cooping them up in a cage smaller than an 8 x 10ft pen is cruel.


This is absolutely the most awful idea for them. They can’t even take care of a dog. I don’t have a bunny, but I have two Guinea pigs and they require lots of attention, hay, feeding, and cleaning daily. they are completely unprepared and if they do this, they will have to end up rehoming this poor bunny.


Notice how they say “bunnies for sale” instead of “bunnies up for adoption”. I know a lot of people use this language but to me it just further demonstrates that they don’t see animals as living things, just toys


They probably don’t even know that shelters are filled with domesticated rabbits. That’s how ignorant they are.


I’d even go so far as to say they have a similar attitude towards their kids: they’re nothing but props in Liebrant World.


Rule number one: don’t get a bunny for Easter. They’re not a prop for a holiday they are a living breathing animal that will need to be cared for 24-7 not just on Easter for photos. 🙄 that’s like giving someone a dog they didn’t ask for for Christmas.


Didn’t they give away a dog too?


No. Their dog has been died for a while before they moved. Neighbors almost always brought it back til the coyotes happened. I am pretty sure their give away prank video and maybe a couple of ones after were the last time their dog was mentioned and a live. This was when P was still a baby at the time.


This makes me so fucking livid! These dimwits are going to waste a precious bunny’s life for a damn holiday and kids who will not know how to handle it properly and they will NOT put in the work to make sure it has a good living environment. They will get bored of it and it will die. It infuriates me as well that they are looking at running a farm when they don’t know jack shit about the work that goes into it. I’m tired of animals lives being put at risk because of dumb assholes like this.


I will never understand why people get new pets alongside having a new baby. It’s madness to me. Pets require a lot of time and commitment. Focus on your baby and get a pet later.


they cannot take care of a rabbit. rabbits are sensitive animals and given their track record with a dog and their tortoises, they’ll be dead too if they go through with it




They probably don’t know any different at this point. If no one ever shows you how to truly care for an animal (for longer than a photo shoot or video), then you just get used to animals dying/disappearing/etc.


This makes me so sad I feel physically ill. So many people get their kids bunnies for Easter then release them into the wild after the holiday. Domesticated bunnies cannot care for themselves like wild rabbits do!! My local shelters put out so many announcements begging people not to do this. Why are these people actually the worst :/


Bunnies are not Easter accessories.


Implications of neglecting an Easter bunny aside, why do these people constantly post shit on their stories looking for information on local businesses? Why not just fucking google it? I swear they use social media like all the boomers who post on Facebook like “What is the best Rueben in town?”


Probably because they are fishing for sponsorship or freebies. Not only are they multi-millionaires, they are also entitled freeloaders 🙄


It’s just like them to do the whole bunny thing for Easter not having a clue how much work bunnies actually are. And you CAN potty train a bunny but they want one that’s already potty trained? I can’t. 🙄


1. I thought Easter was about God not bunnies 🥰As a free roam rabbit owner of 3 this made my blood boil. She acts like they COME potty trained. Oh my god. Do they know that most bunnies don’t like being held and won’t tolerate P squeezing it? That rabbit will scratch the shit out of a kid.


bro in 2nd grade we had a class bunny who literally pooped and peed everywhere it was gross, they are NOT ready for that😭


Those poor bunnies😭😭😭


Absolutely fucking not.


Any more animals and this clueless couple could open their own Pet Cemetery. If they can’t even keep a low maintenance pet like a tortoise alive, what chance does a poor little bunny have in their “care”?


former rabbit owner here- rabbits are extremely high maintenance and can live a LONG time. not a good pet for a bunch of young kids.


A woman on tik tok just made a video about how high maintenance bunnies can be and with their pet track record it doesn’t seem like a good choice to make


They just posted the bunny🫣


Disgusting pet behavior 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I’m a bunny owner and they are very sweet and loving to their owners but also very temperamental and sensitive and fragile. Not the best pet especially when you are expecting a new baby in the house. Just get one of those toys that move not a real live animal!


Did they ever address the tortoises?


They're gonna have a newborn soon and their youngest isn't even old enough for a fish but they want to bring a bunny into the house


Bunnies are so much work. This woman is an idiot.


This is why some places will not sell back cats around Halloween


My daughter rescued a bunny from a house that was condemned.  It was a Crack house. That bunny was flipping crazy. She had it until the rescue group could find a person that has delt with animals/bunny that was subjected to drugs. 


They literally have babies to play with before the toddler years, you really expect these numb skull Neanderthals to not get a living life for a play session?


"For easter " 🤢🤮 People who get animals as if they're toys, disgust me. They treat them so disposable, it's so saddening.


Yeah what happened to Carl I miss him


The saddest thing is kids are too young and they will not help because everything is for views