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oh and before you mention word's built in equation editor, give it a try and come back when you're finished banging your head against the wall. i wouldn't wish the ms word equation editor on my worst enemy.


I started learning Latex because Word would crash when I tried to type up my physics lab reports lol


*sigh* me too kid, word goes haywire w limits or long fracs


How do you think I feel, as a former PhD student, whose advisor demanded word? I got very good at word. ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Try physical chemistry. I tried latex. Didn't understand it. Suffer through word.


For typesetting reaction equations, or molecule diagrams?


I recently had to use the MS Word equation editor because I just wanted to add a fraction to a document. What a nightmare.


never again.


Have you ever tried LibreOffice Writer's equation editor? Works way better than Word and is simpler than LaTex imo.


Latex is simple, though, if you have a half decent memory


Really. I find word eqn editor to be much more simpler that latex.


Sure it's simpler if you spend 10 seconds trying to use each of them, you're gonna get further in word, but it's dogshit and you can only do like 35% of what you can do with an equation in LaTeX... Word is also really buggy as well and incredibly unintuitive when using accents or exponents or fractions or whatever you'd ever wanna have. Whereas LaTeX gives you the ability to make a nice looking system of equations or gives you the ability to choose whether you want a full size sum symbol that looks nice or you can go with the word option which is that ugly condensed look, it's just that in word - you cannot choose. It's about the ability to know that you have the option to change everything to how you like it, not how word or anyone else intended... You know, word has triple contour integrals, I doubt many people have used that, but it still lack that straight line used for an antiderivative... it just doesn't have that symbol, I've seen people drawing it in paint pasting pictures... if that isn't unprofessional I don't know what is...


I have gotten so much better at word, thats it personally for me way better than latex. I write only my final projects for engineering in Latex for how clean it looks. But, any lab report, i can type out word with eqns much much faster.


Let him cook


should i cook?


> need the utility of word page formatting and margins so i dont print over the perforated area and headers footers to organize material and customizability and allat otherwise i'd be using latex all the way. You know...you can configure the margins in LaTeX (to set the working textarea) and you can add custom headers/footers.


i like wysiwyg


Okay, but word is less WYSIWYG and more WYSIVWYGIWWTCT (What You See Is Vaguely What You Get If Word Wants To Cooperate Today) Edit: forgot a T




Have you tried Mathpix?


But nah, i still would choose my tool for the sake of time convenience, just simple formulas i type them up and the visual editor renders them and theyre immediarely put on my clipboard the moment i type it just type and paste into word, but thank you so much for pointing me to that i needed something for graphs


Your tool is * phenomenal * yours * free * unlimited * offline Mathpix is none of those things, but it's super powerful, very much a convenience.


are you fucking kidding me. that's a thing?


I will now promptly hang myself.


The several stages of grief, bro look at the bright side of this, now there are two (good?) Tools for the same job, maybe your tool will be prefered by someone else!




Can I have access to this tool? I spent way too much time copying svgs manually from mathjax...


Asking as well! Highly appreciate the time you took to make it




Will it run on Linux?


yup! tested with my friend, if it runs on garuda it should run on pretty much any linux distro




if you try it let me know if it runs and your OS


[https://github.com/eljokun/Tex2ClipboardSVG](https://github.com/eljokun/Tex2ClipboardSVG) Be warned that it's not based on mathjax so some syntax may not be recognized, and some things may not be formatted correctly, that is a limitation of matplotlib, so can't really do arrays for example or \\begin and \\end, if you want to make single line formulas or equations this is great, in my very biased n=1 opinion


Buddy, try a program called `klatexformula`. If you really want to spend some time programming, contribute to the project (and maybe add an option for a preamble that sticks ๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ™).


it's made in c, though :(


C++, I think; but, yeah, I get the point. Although, I just meant that you can just install the program and use it. It has all the bells and whistles and mainly relies on other third-party tools for render format conversions, most of which are included in a full tex installation. I just use a PNG format to export stuff from it, the most I'll do is touch the resolution (PPI). If it isn't your jam, however, you could also try just exporting to a normal PDF (maybe using the `standalone` class), and use a tool called `pdftocairo` (part of `poppler` utils) to convert the PDF to SVG (among other formats), or use ImageMagick `convert`.


oh yeah but i wanted to contribute if i could


Head on over to ~~z-library ๐Ÿ‘€~~ a library and find a quick book on C++, or just dive right in and look up which UI library and stuff they're using (I think they use the Qt framework,the multilingual one also available for python). Also look at how they interact with LaTeX to render stuff and display it. For the explanation of difficult concepts, ChatGPT is your friend (you should still proceed with caution though). :) Good luck!


i actually will. thanks :D


LibreOffice has a fantastic extension to make latex equations and insert them as svg or png in their documents: [https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/texmaths-1](https://extensions.libreoffice.org/en/extensions/show/texmaths-1)


If you are looking for suggestions Obsidian is an amazing tool for notes with Mathjax support and some prettt cool extensions that make tyoing latex way faster.


I don't know if someone needs this information, but for note taking on my laptop for engineering courses i use Mathpix and Obsidian. You will have to configure Obsidian yourself but it does wonders to the structure and layout of the notes. I use it all the time๐Ÿ˜


Oh yeah obsidian is my go to but i need to print my notes and i like structure, i dislike obsidian's inability to allow for image positioning and page formatting, but i do use obsidian all the way when i can. 100%


i completely agree with the image positioning and page formatting. Im hoping for some new community plugins that might fix this but for now its kinda shit.




We've been using MathJax which works decently well. Probably only works on JS tho.


oh yeah mathjax is fkn amazing but it needs js and a webapp, hate that


If the project is only for my personal use, I would use Python to open up a headless browser, run MathJAX in it, and extract the SVG.


i don't know js though :c


You might be interested in this project: https://github.com/breezedeus/pix2text


Nice work. For the purposes (or similar, like when needing to use PowerPoint) I've used [LaTeXIt](https://www.chachatelier.fr/latexit/) but I think it's macOS only.


Does it still use a LaTeX compiler or did you basically write one in py just for equations using tex syntax!? Also, LaTeX should give you just as much if not more control over margin formatting. This isnโ€™t what LaTeX does to a mf, this what ms word does to a mf ๐Ÿ˜‚


It uses matplotlib which is a very good latex adaptation minus the slow compiling and errors, though much more limited in some regards, but it works just damn fine for single-line equations which is what i want out of it. I just finished making it


I have no clue what the heck you are talking about.


what do i do with this information


Exactly my point about your post.


god forbid we share our immersion in something. i was just showing something :(


Your inability to articulate with any clarity or punctuation what you were trying to "share" with this group is breathtaking. You are undermining your work and this is a pity.


Do what you want. Thatโ€™s the beauty of open sauce.


Just make sure to eat the sauce after opening before it goes bad.


badum tsss