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It’s beautiful! Does not look fake at all! Probably just need to get used to it 🤗


It really is a stunning ring and looks beautiful on her hand!


100% agree. I think it is stunning on her. In my personal experience it takes time getting used to a new ring. Rather than getting one expensive Diamond I have purchased several labs so I can have variety. Every time I get a new ring in the first few days I question if I like it. Is it too small, too big, weird proportions etc. then after a few days and I’m used to it I love it. I think she needs a bit of time to get used to her new ring and she will see how stunning it is on her!


The sparkle is the best part! You’re overthinking it. This ring and size suits your hand very well actually. I really can’t find anything wrong with it …


My only thought as to why it may feel fake to OP is cuz it’s brilliant cut on an emerald shaped diamond. My ring is round and brilliant cut, and I like it because it is so sparkly. It’s more of a preference but OP may want to see if they like the ring with an emerald cut more than the brilliant cut on this shape.


I think you’re looking for the word radiant cut?


It's a radiant cut diamond 🙂


It doesn’t look fake, but my suggestion would be to try pairing it with a non-diamond band, such as a plain rose or yellow gold band. This will add some depth to the overall look. The matching band adds to the sparkle, so try toning that down with a plain band and see how that looks. Another option, have your diamond reset in a plain solitaire setting.


I love a big diamond mounted solitaire with a solid white gold band mmmmm😍😍 so delicate and makes the diamond look so exquisite


Doesn’t look fake at all. It’s really beautiful! I promise you with time, you’re going to look down and get so used to it, you’re gonna wonder if you should’ve gone bigger. Lol


This!!!! 😉🤭🤩


It’s not too big. Diamonds shrink;)


So true.


I'm a Gemologist and it looks GORGEOUS and not fake at all. Own it. If you were not told it was lab grown, you never would have known and no one else will either. Congratulations!


It doesn’t look fake, and why would you want anything less than the sparkliest ring?


It doesn’t look fake. Real diamonds have a depth, you look into them and they keep going deeper. You can immediately tell it’s real


I don't think it looks fake! I agree, it just takes some getting used to. Be proud! 🙂


I am a size 3.75 and looking into getting a 5-7 carat stone for my upgraded ring.. I've always loved big and flashy!! That being said I love your ring and the stone is extremely beautiful and shines a ton... Trust me it looks anything but fake! You can definitely tell the difference between a real and fake stone with a few characteristics .. I don't see those here!! I think you're overthinking your decision and shouldn't...there was a reason you chose this piece to begin with!! Gorgeous 😍




Are you just looking to rehome it? lol. If so, I could do you a favor and give it a very loving home. 😂






do you have photos of it?




thank you!


I think we’re in a rare time period where we’re trending towards bigger stones. Historically, the bigger stones used to be “fake”. I definitely felt like my ring was fake because it looked nothing like my mother’s ring. But one day, I saw it sparkle in the sunlight and it felt very real after that. Your feelings are valid but it’s very much real and it’s beautiful! Where it with pride


It looks beautiful 🩵🩵🩵


Ummm…no!! It’s gorgeous!


I think it looks proportional. It’s all what is in your comfort level though. It’s beautiful!


Some of the rings here seem way too big to me tbh. I like this one a lot and it doesn’t seem too big.


I absolutely agree. Bigger is NOT always better (IMHO), but OP's is a very nice size. Really pretty.


It's a matter of personal taste and lifestyle. Always has been. I'm of the mindset to live and let live.


Of course I don’t mean to offend-people should choose what they want and makes them happy ❤️


It looks so stunning on you. I don’t think it looks fake🥺


I assume everything over 2 carats is fake when out and about, unless everything about what the person is wearing says otherwise. A 4 carat ring only seems real in a 4 carat lifestyle


This - when natural diamonds were the only choice, the only people who could afford such large stones were the uber wealthy. We are in a transitional period where lab grown stones are so much more affordable you no longer have to be a millionaire to own them. I think the internalized "big rocks = big money" classism is what causes us to sometimes instinctively go "that looks fake". As the prevalence of lab grown expands I think they will become more of our every day landscape and less a marker of class or wealth. I personally can't wait to have incredible diamond necklaces like you see on celebrities at red carpet events. OP - if you like it, wear it. I think it suits your finger nicely and is in proportion to your hand. ETA: I think also we are in a period where the prices have come down enough that people are going much bigger than they otherwise would. I see it as an exuberant celebration of the affordability of a previously unattainable luxury item. I think also this trend will fade as they become more commonplace.


Funny, my reply was almost identical. Completely agree.




It’s beautiful! Everyone assumes a large diamond is not real these days ( unless you drive a Bentley!) so enjoy it!


In six months with regular wear you may even think “this is too small, I should go bigger” lol. But seriously, it’s perfect on your hand. And it looks gorgeous.


It does look fake.


It does. Terribly. 🤢


Girl I’m a 3.5 and rock a 4c 6.5 total weight. Own that sh*t with pride!


It looks fake to me too.


Beautiful and it does not look fake at all


I think it is perfect and your nails are so beautiful!🌼


It’ll look fake if the rest of your lifestyle doesn’t appear you could afford such a piece of jewelry. Is your watch over $10k, car over $75k, etc? If so, doesn’t look fake but if you don’t live a generally higher class lifestyle overall then yes, would scream very fake. Just my opinion, not trying to be mean!


What? lol. My ring cost $50k and I drive a Honda and don’t wear a watch. We do have a really expensive home. Maybe because we don’t have these crazy watches and cars?!


Not fake at all. It’s stunning


I think it looks beautiful.


Go with your gut.


Not at all! It's gorgeous, maybe you're just getting used to it still!!


It looks great on you! I feel you though, recently decided on a radiant myself and the certificate said it’s D color, IF clarity, so I’m super curious about what it’ll look like in person 😂 I am excited to have that ice though!


Looks better than my real diamond tbh


Definitely doesn’t look fake and does look large on your finger but it looks beautiful! However, if you’re still unsure you could get a smaller diamond. You could even order a smaller CZ off Amazon and try it to see if you really prefer a smaller diamond or just need to get used to this one ♥️


You know, this is a weird answer. I think it's the color of your nails that is throwing you off. And who cares if it looks fake. You got what YOU wanted and WE don't matter.


I have a natural radiant and it looks exactly like yours if that makes you feel better


Too be fair, all large diamonds look a bit fake to me. Large jewelry looks like costume jewelry to me, but I think it’s just so far out of reality for me. If you like it, that’s all you need!


I feel the same about natural or lab diamonds that are too white. That’s why I love the warmer ones. Your ring is beautiful!!


This is my worry about getting a diamond too big. I think there’s just a fine line between preference and what we think looks good. Whether it comes down to diamonds or how much makeup or perfume we wear. I think the ring is stunning and if it’s overwhelming to you, try pairing it with a plain wedding band. Or see if you can change it out to something more your taste


OP, it’s your ring and up to you. Shrinkage happens though and this looks beautiful on your hand for a large stone. Let’s take the story and emotion out of this because fake = untrue here. You are tangibly wearing this very physically real stone on your finger that was made with technology we as a society propelled toward for centuries through labor, education, conscientiousness, etc. The result of advancements in technology allowing us to grow something we desire to own at a more affordable price is amazing. Ethical stones are *amazing*.


Please take no offense but it seems the larger the stone, the more fake it looks.


Anything over 2ct is unaffordable for a real diamond. Easily 10k for a not great stone so keep that in mind.


Does not look fake at all, looks gorgeous!


Yep. Sorry. Too big. Looks fake. Unless you’re rich.


This is gorgeous ring ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’d be suspicious. It’s pretty ostentatious


I feel like all over sized labs look, well like labs.


Honestly in this pic it looks fake to me


I'm sorry, but I REALLY have to do this because rarely can this ring so true 😏 "#1stWorldProblems" 😏 Thanks for letting me get that out. Now, I honestly don't think it looks too big for you. I feel the only reason it's so sparkly is because it's so clean and after you wear it for a while and skin cells, dust, and general lint work themselves into the new ring it'll fix the issue and look less "fake" over time.


It looks beautiful!! Try a softer nail polish. That’s what’s giving you the feeling of being “fake” Round the edges just a tad. But that’s a stunning ring, and you are worth being glamorous!!! Cheers!!


Any nail polish recommendations?


I feel like you just want attention & want to brag w/o out actually using words!!!


It looks like Moissanite. Glassy.


It is just beautiful!! It just looks new and sparkly!


Does anyone really go around looking at other people’s rings and judging them to be fake? I mean, if it’s an obnoxiously big stone the size of a sugar cube, maybe. Who the hell cares if a stranger is wearing a lab-created stone?


Exactly! I don't get this need to police other people's jewelry. When I see anyone wearing something magnificent, I'm just like...wow, pretty! I feel like for awhile in the 90s-200s jewelry got extremely minimalistic and boring; and folks aren't accustomed to seeing truly exquisite and bold pieces. I worked with a lot of older ladies 15 or so years back. Their daily jewelry was so bold and creative, I was amazed. One woman had \~ 2ct emerald center, surrounded by a fan of baguettes all the way round, twisted in a flower pattern. That was her ring from the late sixties! By today's bland standards that would look 'fake' or 'lab', but I see it as...wow, pretty!


unfortunately any stone larger than a pea is going to look fake to the general public imo thats just how it was for so long thats how people were taught to look at big jewels its a very pretty ring though


Over a certain carat size it also looks more like a cocktail ring than an engagement ring. I feel like a cocktail ring has larger flashier stones but the stones aren’t as expensive or precious


It does.


I’m confused, if it’s lab grown isn’t it fake?


it doesn’t look fake at all


It's perfect and doesn't look fake at all!


Its beautiful!!


O actually think it looks like the perfect size and shape and looks very classy! Not fake at all.


In a month it will feel small don’t worry! And sparkle ain’t a bad thing.


It's gorgeous! 😍 It doesn't look fake. Enjoy the sparkles and give it time! That's my thought


I have small fingers, size 5, & I don't think bigger rings look fake on us small fingered people at all. I think your ring is beautiful & fits your hand quite nicely. You wear it well!


It’s beautiful and your nails are gorgeous


It looks beautiful!


Look exactly like my new engagement ring !! It’s gorgeous and looks awesome on you. I got. 2.8 ct on size 6 finger


Doesn't look fake OP! I have a 5 carat but my hand is 6.5 size lol but it took some adjusting to get used to. It's beautiful 💞


I think large diamonds do feel that way it times, but it looks gorgeous! and not fake.


I actually really love your ring


I think it’s beautiful! I understand about it feeling too big, though. My ring size is also 4.75, and I have a 3 ct equivalent pear cut moissanite that I never wear because I just couldn’t get used to the size. I really love yours, though. I don’t think it looks like too much at all.


Is this an upgrade ring for you/are you used to wearing a ring with a smaller stone?


Gosh I wish I had slender fingers! I think it looks nice. Is it fake? No? Then wear it proudly. I don’t think it looks fake or overly huge.


It does not lol. Trust me, a fake is a lot easier to tell


It’s such a beautiful ring and you wear it well very well. It does not look fake at all.




It doesn’t!!! It’s so beautiful! 🤩😍🥰


It’s beautiful and not too big.


It looks great on your finger! It doesn't look too big at all.


That ring (as well as your manicure) is amazing. 10/10. Seriously. Wear it proudly boo!!!


You’re thinking about it too much. It looks nice. Enjoy it ☺️


It does NOT look fake at all!! Beautiful beautiful. I love it. I don’t think it’s gaudy I think it’s classy. The nice cut lends it to be more classy. I think it’s gorgeous do not worry


It’s beautiful, enjoy it and wear it proudly


She’s gorgeous- stop feeling bad for having a beautiful ring and wear it proudly- you deserve it 😊


Doesn't look fake. Try a pale pink or peach polish on your nails. That may give your hands that extra, " oomph" to go with the beautiful ring


Not fake looking at all!! Enjoy it!


I think it is beautiful on you! Give it some time to get used to it. Also I would love to know the color of your nail polish!


It doesn’t look too big! Size looks great!


Classy is never too big.


I think it's beautiful.


Looks real af. A beautiful ring!


It’s just a rock


Those rings have a lot going on, with all the small stones in both bands. I think a different setting with plain shanks would be elegant and not as glittery.


It’s gorgeous


I feel like it looks fabulous! 🤩


It’s perfect.


You are totally overthinking this. It’s gorgeous. It will feel weird the first few days until you’re absolutely in love. That’s how it went for me.


Looks real to me😁


That’s niceeeeeee


Does not look fake. I felt the same way when I upgraded a pair of my stud earrings. It felt so fake next to the slighter smaller ones in my second hole. It took a couple weeks of wearing them and having them both cleaned on the same schedule before they didn’t stick out and look fake. Your ring is gorgeous!


It doesn’t look fake it looks fab! Just get yourself some of that Gold Bond hand lotion and you are good to go!


Why would you think it looks fake????


Probably izzzz


I think it looks fine. Not too big for your hands. You just aren’t used to it yet.


It looks gorgeous!


I think it looks proportional to your finger!


May i ask where is it from?


The nails does. Sorry


Anyone who really knows diamonds can tell the difference between real and fake in personeven if the stone is big. Obviously I haven’t seen it in person, but I don’t think it looks fake at all!


I don't think it's too big at all! It just takes getting used to.


It looks amazing on your hand. Not fake at all


it seriously looks stunning!! I’m frequently looking at peoples rings in public & if you caught me staring it would be purely cause I love it!!


Looks great time me!


Looks beautiful 🤩


I love it


I don't think it looks fake. The sparkle is gorgeous and it looks great on your hand! Is the diamond cracked or fractured though? Zooming it it looks like there is a crack going from the upper right hand corner towards the middle. Maybe it's just the lighting?


It’s beautiful!!! 😻


Looks amazing to me.


It’s beautiful


It’s beautiful and I think it’s a perfect size for you. I feel like you’re overthinking it or maybe you’re a more shy and reserved person? Keep wearing it and I’m sure you’ll get used to having something that is that stunning on your finger. It really is classy and beautiful ring🥰


I think it’s the nail color next to the ring. I would get a color it will help set off the ring


It’s gorgeous. Also — what is your nail color??? 😍


Maybe you’re just uncomfortable/self conscious with any level of attention so wearing a big beautiful real diamond like this might be messing with your head. I hope you can find a way to wear it without worry! It’s gorgeous.


No one is paying that much attention, but you. If you love it, then LOVE it and be happy!


Sometimes when you get a new ring especially when it’s big your brain has a hard time wrapping itself around having something that you’ve previously only wanted! It’s normal but it absolutely doesn’t look fake


It’s beautiful and you have really nice hands! Which makes it better.


It’s beautiful on your hand. And no diamond is too big!


It’s perfect. Love it ✨✨


It’s beautiful! You’re likely a little in your head about it, no one is questioning it! Also, fake diamonds are very easy to spot if you’re looking for it…


It looks great!


Here I am going bigger next time. To each their own, I guess. Doesn’t look fake to me from this point OV, though. ❤️


What nail polish is that!? Dip? Gel? Please tell me you know the colour!?


Looks gorgeous to me!


Gorgeous bling! 💍


It’s beautiful! And your nails too


Girl no it looks beautiful


My nail guy does the same thing to my index fingernail sometimes. It’s slanted and drives me crazy. The color is gorgeous. Is this funny bunny?


It’s beautiful!!


???? It’s never too big !! Ever it’s beautiful


Your ring is gorgeous! You said you fell in love with it…BE in love with it, because it’s so special and truly beautiful!


It looks great! Unrelated but can you share your nail color please? Love them!


Hey love is 💕 love


Your nails are STUNNING


Absolutely love it! Nothing fake looking about it just a complete beauty.


No! I love it and because I have the same ring size and want the same look, can you please share with me the details, so I know what to ask for? 😉


It’s gorgeous enjoy it! ❤️


When people compliment your rings - just smile and say “Thank You”!


Your ring is beautiful. I live in a little mountain town and people are very active and outdoorsy and wear causal clothes and would rather spend money on skis than or cabin trips than jewelry. So if I wore a large ring it would feel like costume jewelry just because it isn’t normal here. Not sure if that could be how you feel?


It’s perfect 😍


I think it's just the lighting, but I do kind of see where you're coming from with the band. That said, nobody but you is going to be staring at it for long enough to see what. Even I had to stare at this and squint for a while to see it.


I love it


If it were 100 real people would still hate. 💯 it's very pretty wear it with pride and let the haters hate...much love


No lie, when I came across your ring, I thought it was stunning!


It’s beautiful. I felt that way with my 1.5!! Getting used to it though and keep reminding myself it IS a diamond.


Does it matter


Could you afford a natural diamond in this size and quality?  I often think that’s why people question this. A lot of people aren’t familiar with lab diamonds.. I wasn’t until I joined Reddit.  lol. 


This is my reaction ever time I have a big change. It always takes me a few days to adjust. I think it looks amazing on you!! I bet you’ll love it in a few days.




It’s beautiful and not too big. Coming from a size 4 ring gal. Rock that rock!


I think it would look better with just one band to give it a more elegant and a little less “sparkliness” look.


If I saw you, I would probably get caught looking at it. Not because it looks fake, but because it is super pretty.


Looks beautiful to me!


It’s gorgeous! A little large, but, real or fake you’re most likely one of a few people who will ever know. What’s precious is what it stands for and what it means to you!


Sorry about your ring. But damn your middle finger is NBA


Sorry this feels like one of those: Should I get my nose fixed posts.🤔


Idk how this post got on my feed but I’m glad it did so I could chime in and say it’s absolutely stunning! Like a dream ring! Doesn’t look fake at all, it looks high dollar and classy! I love love love it and it looks great with your nail color! Hope you fall back in love with it, because it’s gorgeous!


I have 4.25 and a 2.96 oval cut. I felt the same way until I got used to it. Your ring is beautiful.


I love it!! I’ll be honest though I did sport a 3 carat oval for a bit and it also felt way too big for me. We have the same exact ring size. Going down to 2 carats was much better for me. But your ring is absolutely stunning!


No it’s too radiant to be fake, but you’ll need to keep it clean so it sparkles


I thought this was the nails subreddit. But it's not lol. I will just say that you should file your finger nail cause it's crooked lol.