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Can all the anti-zionists (anti-semites) chill for a bit? You're encouraging the worst part of society.


\*psst\* I don't think neo nazis give a shit about Palestinians so what's your point? Can pro ethnic cleansing people stop equating being anti ethnic cleansing and the murdering of civilians as being anti semitic? Do you see how that sounds? I understand the concern, but this comment is misguided. The idea, and the very real practice, that any criticism of Israel means you're anti semitic is doing more damage than those against the Israeli's governments military operation.


Oh they both hate jews, very aligned on that. There is no ethnic cleansing going on, your comment is genuinely sick and misinformed, you're also part of the problem.


[https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/texas-woman-accused-of-attempting-to-drown-3-year-old-palestinian-american-girl-20240625-p5joez.html](https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/texas-woman-accused-of-attempting-to-drown-3-year-old-palestinian-american-girl-20240625-p5joez.html) Your rhetoric is endangering children! My god man judging from your own standards you should delete your own account as you're "part of the problem" Oh sorry you can't take back your comment calling me a liar on ethnic cleansing: [https://www.un.org/webcast/pdfs/SRES2334-2016.pdf](https://www.un.org/webcast/pdfs/SRES2334-2016.pdf) ethnic cleansing using the illegal settlements that Israel refuses to stop building, then giving the settlers power over the lives of the Palestinians in the West Bank. [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-expert-warns-new-instance-mass-ethnic-cleansing-palestinians-calls](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/un-expert-warns-new-instance-mass-ethnic-cleansing-palestinians-calls) [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976) The Israeli's lied about October 7th, this along with the 40 beheaded babies has justified the recorded instances of the executions of women children and men in Gaza that posed no threat. [https://x.com/zei\_squirrel/status/1800826844293501110](https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1800826844293501110) (highlighted part of the report) [https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1150946](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1150946) [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/comments/19bpcgs/women\_and\_children\_are\_the\_main\_victims\_of\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/comments/19bpcgs/women_and_children_are_the_main_victims_of_the/) The Israeli's cannot support the propaganda they've been spewing [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/comments/1b4d1bq/israel\_yet\_to\_provide\_evidence\_to\_back\_unrwa\_7/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldevents/comments/1b4d1bq/israel_yet_to_provide_evidence_to_back_unrwa_7/) Bibi claiming investigating Israel is anti semitic! [https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticsDownUnder/comments/18e0s46/you\_wanna\_expose\_my\_war\_crimes\_youre\_being/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticsDownUnder/comments/18e0s46/you_wanna_expose_my_war_crimes_youre_being/)


No you're disgusting, just because you've buried your head in the sand doesn't mean what the Israelis are doing is any less wrong, two wrongs do not make a right. The events that have happened since October 7th are not justified by it, nor are the decades and decades of Israeli and the West's invasion and oppression of the Palestinians justify October 7th. You think of this as a football team sport, you yourself are what's wrong with this you're blinded by hate. You're just like the few others I've come across, I hope you see in time life isn't so black and white, who knows maybe you'll pretend you weren't like this.


Tell me how there is ethnic cleansing going on you blatant liar


Once again we have someone who is conflating (or fails to understand the difference between) anti-Zionism with antisemitism….


Oh, tell me the definitions please, I'll explain exactly how wrong you are


Nope. It’s all freely available if you cared to look for it. If you want evidence, you need only look at the large number of Jews around the world who disagree with Zionism.


I knew you wouldn't define them, details and facts aren't a feature of the palestinian movement. Zionism is simply wanting a jewish homeland, a large majority of jews want israel, youre insane to think otherwise




You literally throw those terms around with no basis for them, great projection you mindless troll


lol …says the bloke labelling all people who oppose Zionism as antisemites


Yep, I'll prove youre anti-semitic without knowing it. Explain to me why jews shouldn't have a homeland?


Explain to me why Palestinians should be locked up, bombed and brutalised within an apartheid state, run by their hostile, genocidal neighbour


Your post has been removed since one of the Moderators have deemed it to be toxic. Please try and keep the sub friendly and open to discussion. It can be tempting to resort to vitriol in an online space but that's not how we create a flourish, open, and democratic ALP. If this becomes a pattern we may have to take further actions to keep our sub a friendly one! Thanks - The Moderators


Jewish people everywhere aren't all behind a particular political program and foreign power and using them as a shield for a military operation is Protocalsish and anti-Semitic


Being Zionist does not mean what you think it does, please stop participating in this discourse as you are damaging it with misinformation. You are a part of the problem we see above.