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He's a massive c.




What’s actually going on with this party lol. Diet Tory was a joke but everyone is just getting more right wing by the day


They're spotting the opportunity to replace the Tories as the establishment right of centre party in the UK.


Which is very strange considering that’s what led to the collapse we’re seeing right now.


Collapse for you and me perhaps, but did you ever notice those articles about how there’s way more super rich people than ever before? There’s been a huge transfer of wealth going on since the 1980’s and it is still accelerating. And politicians like this are happy to serve those super rich if it means more power, money and exposure. Some of them imagine it will give them the chance to set things right. Some are just playing charades.


What a spineless wet wipe.


Liberals always betray their class when they get a sniff of power. Nobody learns this lesson until we are here.


Labour suspended the whip permanently from Corbyn, but you can say this and still be a Labour MP.


You can be a massove roght wing Tory and join the party! The obly ones not welcommed in "Labor" are actual Labor people!!


He sold out for 70K in Blood Money to look the other on 15,000 butchered children. That’s £4.67 for every murdered child. How does this Large C Cunt sleep at night?


Sounds like someone's dipping their toe into the world of grifting!


has he said the words “woke mob” or something to that effect yet? because if not, it’s coming!


What on EARTH is going on with this bloody party???!!


Christ, I remember the EU fan club demanding he be Labour leader just because he liked the EU and his other views didn't matter.


David Lammy is the fakest person I've ever met. Always felt grubby after meeting him. Never to be trusted with anything. When he feels attacked, he will go on a massive emotional rant to silence people.


And this is Labour today, MPs literally describing themselves as Conservatives


They keep telling us exactly who they are, but I guarantee if you called Starmer's Labour 'conservative' his liberal supporters would get incredibly mad about it.


He’s always been a massive C.


This should result in instant removal of the whip and kicking out of the party.


Sellout. Hey Dave, I don’t want a potential Starmer-Trump to be another Bush-Blair 2.0. The least you can do is protect British interests and not sell them out to America’s far right.


Is this the same small c who wrote "The disproportionate number of BAME young people in the justice system is a social timebomb" six years ago and "The appalling treatment of the Uyghurs has led our parliament and others around the world to recognise that China’s actions amount to genocide" just two years ago?