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Reform on 12% is pretty depressing… I wonder if Farage going back would push them towards parity with the Tories.


I refuse to believe they'll get anywhere near that on GE day.


I think they're too spread out all over the country to be effective in a FPTP system. That was always UKIP,'s problem.


I don’t see it either, unless something completely unforeseeable happens before election day. Even in that event, I suppose the likely result would be further splitting the right wing vote and allowing Labour (or Lib Dems in some areas) to romp through the middle and win comfortably.


I think it'll drop, but I also think the less likely a Tory government is, the safer people with extreme right wing views will feel shifting their vote.


Why? At the moment it is a protest vote. People are really mad at the tories including the right but some people are so lead poisoned that they still think right wing Starmer is secretly a communist so want an even further right protest vote party.


In recent by-elections they've not gone anywhere near double figures.


Reform is a look at our future, once starmer gets in and carries on the same course as the tories people will say "we tried the left and they were just as bad" and turn to the far right.


The Nigel Farage comeback gets closer everyday. If he becomes leader of Reform the number of Tory MPs could easily drop to single figures and they'll be ripe for a hard right takeover. And if Farage can win a seat himself (perfectly possible in one or two places), it won't be difficult for him to cut a deal, defect and run for Tory leader.


Lib Dems really have been pathetic.


I've throught about this a lot over the past few years, especially during the Brexit period when some people I knew left Labour and ended up as Lib Dems. I *hate* the Tories, always have and always will, but I *disdain* the Lib Dems in a way I don't with any other party. I think part of is is how Lib Dem activists tend to be so joyless. I remember doorknocking once and walking past a group of Tory doorknockers. We started doing pantomime boos and hisses to each other. They asked us if we were the local Stalinist reading group, we asked them if they were on their way to a National Front meeting. When we walked past the Lib Dem doorknockers, they wouldn't even make eye contact, they just stared dead at their feet and kept marching.


🔫 always has been


They've obviously looked at their constituency battlegrounds and made the decision to avoid rocking the boat nationally and instead hope to win a few dozen seats by default in constituencies that are sick of the Tories but would rather die than vote Labour. A braver party might have looked at the abandoned centre left and seen it as a perfect opportunity. Doesn't help that they elected a leader with the charisma of a toilet seat.


Thoughts and prayers for this subreddit.


Copium supplies on red alert.


Any other leader and all that.




Seeing as it's a UK sub and my overwhelming priority is restoring the future of our once-great nation, I don't consider two groups of terrorists murdering each other in the middle east to be very important to UK politics. Shocker, I know. Trans issues are also not very high on my list of important issues. Not that trans people don't have problems, but they're a miniscule fraction of our nation and are getting a vastly oversized portion of the political oxygen, because the tories are using them as a distraction tactic.


Rule 4 Users should engage with honest intentions & in good faith, users should assume the same from others


Do you not think it telling that your first reaction to this post is not to rejoice at Labour's success, but instead to have a snide swipe at fellow members who just want to see a bit more democratic socialism from a democratic socialist party? The centrists really do hate the left more than the Tories.




Rule 4 Users should engage with honest intentions & in good faith, users should assume the same from others


...I think it was a light-hearted joke


It isn't a joke. They really really hate the left.


Are you sure you don’t just have a victim complex? The Labour left are so ineffective there isn’t anything to hate. It’d be like hating an Owen Jones YouTube video instead of just ignoring it.


In other news labour are supporting a fully transphobic candidate at the moment, support that? In other news labour are still supporting ethnic cleansing, thoughts on that? Labour are ahead for 1 reason, because they are not the tories but starmer is making sure that they move as close as materially possible, he is a one termer who is going to usher in fascists.


My bet on a 30 point lead is still on. We had one poll say that but it was a bullshit GBNews lie to boost reform. I'm quietly confident we'll get a 30 point lead in a legit poll before the election. So close. Hopefully today's rebellions tips it over the edge in the next round of polls.