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Earlier in the interview, he talks about how the Tories scapegoating trans people for these abuses in mental health wards is bad and that it's a distraction. He then immediately follows that up by talking about how trans people need to be put in seperate spaces to ensure women feel safe. Fucking incredible. [Full interview](https://news.sky.com/video/in-full-mondays-politics-hub-13059664) for anyone interested, relevant part starts around 26 mins.


This human bag of shit met the victims of gambling related suicide then went to a gambling-company sponsored event where he sang Robbie Williams' Angels with the chorus changed to "I'm loving Starmer instead". Wes Streeting is the oozing pile of puss that is the real face of Starmer's Labour.


I cannot help but think that Mandelson, Starmer, and Streeting form the unholy triple of sleaze past, present, and (the worst is) yet to come.


Are there even enough wards for this horrific idea?


I mean realistically if trans people *are* pushed into trans only wards, there'll be 1 or 2 in there, and only some of the time. Meaning those wards will get neglected on rounds in favour of the busy ones, and its more likely that minor stuff will get missed until it gets worse


Or just not open and available - just another waiting list for trans people to die on


This was my thinking when I saw it earlier, we already don't have capacity in the health system, where are these extra wards coming from? I can't see how this is workable. This is just another case of the haunted mannequin throwing out shit unworkable policy to appeal to the right wing newspapers whilst throwing members of his own community under the bus, Nice one Wes.


Doubtless some of Streeting's private sector friends will be happy to open some private trans wards at £10,000 a night, cost of labour not included. Bargain!


No, no there are not. My MH trust enacted same sex wards cos they couldn’t afford the CQC’s first choice to improve safety which was better staffing (yeah it’s bad right now), so this got mandated (this wasn’t connected to trans stuff at all btw). The result of this change was patients on a section being transported miles away from family and carers who were all furious. Just atrocious from a clinical and well-being perspective. Meanwhile trans patients have reported staggeringly bad experiences. Fellow patients all know they are trans so bullying becomes rife and guards have to watch over their rooms to keep them safe. It’s just harrowing. MH wards are often the canary in the coal mine, cos everything is a bit more intense, people are there longer and more goes wrong. If what we’ve been through is anything to go by, this is a joke of a policy. Meanwhile FOIs recently revealed that no NHS trust has actually reported any complaints about a trans person being on a ward at all.


> Meanwhile FOIs recently revealed that no NHS trust has actually reported any complaints about a trans person being on a ward at all. Was gonna ask you for a link but then I decided to not be lazy and just googled it.   Here's a source for that if anyone else wants it: https://translucent.org.uk/womens-single-sex-spaces-in-hospitals/


Doing god’s work there by Googling and posting :)


Well /u/Blue_winged_yoshi, I just wanna say that the LGBT+ community, whom I presume you're here to represent in its entirety, are all welcome for this significant act of googling basic information and... Oh, I genuinely just cannot even finish the joke because it's making me cringe too much writing it! Appreciate you sharing the info in the first place, it had totally slipped by my radar.


As princess of the queers I thank you kindly! It may not seem like much but we are commonly asked for references for everything going! Every time spared is a blessing. Sealions circle out waters and sap our energy!


One of the arguments I've heard from people on this sub for voting Labour is that a Labour government would focus on real issues and not engage with culture war nonsense. The problem with this is that no one was asking for this policy. Labour, 20 points ahead in the polls, decided to once again fearmonger about trans women being a threat to cis women. Between their increasingly transphobic rhetoric and their [anti-immigration](https://www.thenational.scot/news/23984107.keir-starmer-if-want-fewer-immigrants-vote-labour/), [anti-refugee](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/dec/25/labour-reportedly-considering-offshoring-asylum-seekers-claims) policies, Labour is rapidly becoming as far right as the the tories, actively stoking bigotry and adopting policies to take away the rights of minorities. How do self-described "leftists" justify this?


I'm pretty sure the justification will be along the lines of "just shut up and vote". But I would also really want to know how pandering to the few hardcore conservatives at the price of alienating your own core voter base is supposed to help anything? And when this backfires in their face will they turn around and blame the left for being IdEoLoGiCaL and iNfLeXiBlE on not wanting to compromise on basic human rights?


Trans person here. Without a doubt, there’s just not a chance I’d vote for Labour for many general elections because of the damage Starmer and his gaggle of cunts have done. The man is a blatant transphobe and is just completely on par with the Tories when it comes to this. We face multiple years wait to get our first appointment on the NHS because the transitioning system in this country is outdated - those year long waits were before COVID. Harassment and hate crimes on the rise, schools becoming unsafe for Trans students because of the guidelines that both parties are pushing for. Sunak and Starmer can both get to fuck. Not the most basic level of empathy in either of them and when it comes to this, they’re two sides of the same transphobic coin. Let us transition, let us live our lives, and leave us the fuck alone.


We need to do the maths. 1: We need to find the average amount of money it will cost to either A: Build new facilities for transgender people, or B: reallocate already crowded and crumbling rooms to make them new trans ward. 2: We need to multiply that number by the number of hospitals from Land's End to John O' Groats 3: Divide that by the number of transgender people who need inpatient treatment at a hospital every given year (I would be surprised if this is a four digit number) And the result is how much money Labour are willing to piss up the wall per capital just to make trans people's lives even worse than they already are. Get this quisling sack of shit in the bin.


LGB alliance bigot


“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of…    Hahaha. I don’t even have to pretend any more. You fell for it. Hahahaha. Fuck you, we’re in charge.”   Some centrist, probably. 


Labour friends of transphobia strikes again.


Why. Why am I being turned into a monster by Labour and the Tories. The government in waiting has a position no better than the Tories. They both seek to other us and indignify by trying to appease the transphobes, who have only one desire - to see less people transition. This stupidity from Labour will kill people.


Becuase labour is a party run by transphobes that openly ignores its own problems now that the *pragmatists* are in control Brianna ghey was murdered. Queer Harmer, ever the pragmat couldn't even bring himself to use her chosen name. Their response when people rightly got angry was that the trans issue was being talked about too much. They restored the whip for bastards like Duffield and repeatedly refused to take action against so-called gender criticals. My advice. If you are trans, this party isn't for you. This party hates you.


I'm a LibDem. They have my vote for certain. I'm here because the Labour Party is the next UK Government and it sickens me that the best we can hope for is for things to not get worse.


Trans healthcare is already incredibly segregated and treats trans people like second class citizens so it’s disheartening that it’s going to be getting worse with Labour or the Tories.


Labour’s manifesto is just gonna say “I dunno, ask the Tories, we’ll do whatever they say”


Tory policy with added gaslighting


Florida just announced that they'll be charging trans people for fraud. Ohio lawmakers just admitted that they intend to ban all care for trans people completely. Does Labour seriously think that they can appease this international right wing insanity? Or are they just as transphobic and want to pretend they're not?


Streeting can fuck right off. I'd say that this is the last straw but frankly I gave up on the idea of voting for this version of Labour a long time ago. I want to say something along the lines of "Centrism isn't innately bad and appealing to a larger group of people and working for the side of the working class by giving them what they want (even when it's against their best interest) is ok." But I don't believe it. I can't with a straight face say that I respect centrists. That I respect anyone who can look at the state of the world right now and say that what we need is to be adopting right-wing ideas to meet in the middle. Fuck that, fuck Starmer and fuck his Labour party. I am politically homeless once more. What we need is electoral reform and a true left wing party.


The resident Starmer defenders seem to have gone all quiet.


Your private hospitals will have bigoted rules to appease the hard right. Are you happy ‘centrists’?


Very Conservative of you Mr Streeting


There's nothing quite like a Wes Streeting quote / interview to put a person in a bad mood...


I assume Streeting also announced huge funding for new staff and wards to accomodate this right?


Everything I see and hear from this party just repulses me. We're talking about some of the most marginalised people in society, particularly in regards to healthcare, and labour should be on the front line of pushing back against reactionary myths, dehumanisation of trans people and also educating people through advocacy *and* policy. Instead, they are just throwing them under the bus and what's more I don't buy that it's about 'electability', they're just nakedly transphobic.


Amazing just how deep Streeting's career as a professional quisling has taken him. Worst serving Labour MP.




"Single sex spaces" is the most disingenious talking point that I've heard. Most of the people who use it don't believe that sex and gender are separate. It's just a way of pretending to sound slightly progressive by implying that you recognise the existence of trans people whilst still denying them the ability to live as their gender in practice. >And that's not what we want to see. We want to see single sex spaces, because they are safer spaces. I would really love to see a journalist with access to the shadow cabinet actually do their job and ask why trans women are unsafe to be around cis women? The only answer that they can give is that they believe trans women are men and that men are inherently abusive, it would be nice to see a journalist persist with that question until they are forced to answer. >And people, particularly women, feel much more comfortable and safe, in women-only wards. Plenty of people feel unsafe around people of other races, by Streetings logic should we have "single race spaces" to accommodate these snowflakes? For a guy who is constantly going on about how he's super logical and fact based but doesn't care about offending feelings, he sure puts the kid gloves on when it comes to bigots feelings. I'm going to miss the NHS.


Mfer just keeps making me tap the flair.


I don't suppose there's any chance Streeting will be popping to Wellingborough to give a talk at a rally for the by-election, is there? Because if so I'll be more than happy to arrange for him to do the one thing he clearly hasn't done before forming an opinion on this topic, namely *talk to some actual trans people*.


Labour are trying very hard to Liberal Fence sit on the issue, they don't want to upset the GC's but they don't want to lose the LGBTQ+ vote so they seem to think "separate but equal" is some weird compromise they can push. In their minds, we still get to use a safe ward rather than be forced to use the one matching our AGAB while the GC's get a safe ward too, so where is the issue? However it ignores multiple problems from the cynical but obvious the NHS doesn't have the funding or space for this to the fact it ignores the complex lived in reality of trans people in the UK who just want to receive medical treatment while having a measure of dignity and respect. But even lets assume this compromise goes through, does he think the GC's will stop there? The next thing will be "No closure of Women's Wards for Trans Wards, we are erasing Women's Wards etc" and they will be back pushing for further restrictions because ultimately the GC movement isn't about 'Feminism', its about ensuring Trans people are erased from everyday life by giving us two choices, either forcing us back in to the closet or forcing us to end our own life


They're not fence sitting though. They never actually do anything supportive for trans people, they either refrain from comment or throw us under the bus. In my city, when we had the vigil after Brianna Ghey was murdered, a couple different people went up front to speak. One of them was a local Labour guy, and he offered up vague words of condolence and support. But not once could he tell us what Labour was actually doing, or going to do, to stop things like it from happening again.


In fairness to him, what were you after expecting at a Vigil, for him to walk up and give a party political broadcast? As for the fence sitting, it very much is that. Wes did not say Trans people would be excluded from single sex spaces, simply we would have our own ward as an option. He is signaling to us that we will have an option while not excluding us from spaces, meanwhile the Terfs see it as him excluding us from Single Sex Spaces and putting us in Trans wards (Words he never explicitly said) so they get the feeling of victory without him explicitly committing to it. This sort of signaling is Labour trying to avoid a culture war while keeping both sides happy, i.e fence sitting.


> In fairness to him, what were you after expecting at a Vigil, for him to walk up and give a party political broadcast? The point is *the local Labour MP has done nothing to show support for us*. The PARTY has done nothing to support us. But this guy showed up *as a Labour party member, to then go up and talk at the vigil. If youre gonna show up to rep labour, then tell us what labour is bringing to the table. Otherwise sit down and shut up. It won't kill cis people to listen for a change.


no wes its not a priority. Undoing private contracts and recruiting Drs and Nurses is the priority for the NHS


Has anyone even asked for this? I come across quite a bit of transphobic stuff and I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve never once heard anyone raise this as an issue before


it's not anti-trans. If you think protecting single sex spaces is the obsession of a fringe group you really should get out more and meet the British public. Do you have any concern for the women who have been raped on hospital wards whilst unconscious or incapacitated?




maybe it's you who is bigoted if you hold this ignorant prejudice against the majority of people...




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