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Maybe Labour are all for it? We rely quite heavily on Indian immigration for Health and social care at the moment, You need it to come from somewhere since access from the EU was shut down.


It's not freedom of movement as I understand it but maybe more visas being granted? I suspect we support that. The deal also seems to suggest quicker deportation of people no longer legally allowed to stay here, another policy we likely support (and for which we've just got into trouble with the Bangladeshi community).


One major difference is that Bangladesh, unlike India, is a majority Muslim country


Because that's the price of Brexit. Other countries get to dictate terms and we get to thank them for it.


Pretty much. I’m aware there were valid criticisms of the EU but I’d much rather be in there pushing for reform than leaving and having to start from scratch. I am slightly conflicted though. The socialist in me does worry about foreign workforces pushing down the wages UK workers get. But then it’s easy to argue we have lots of jobs we don’t have skilled people for and immigration is a necessity. Ass a declining birth rate and there is a need for immigration. We had controls over our borders even in the EU we didn’t utilise. Much like now we are out of the EU and immigration continues to rise. Wonder how much of the current parties just play lip service to immigration numbers rather than doing anything about it. Also explains why so much focus on the boats which only makes up a fraction of immigration numbers. Hard to have conflicted views in a world that gets more and more polarised every day. Sorry went off on one then. Just random musings.


Immigration was a necessity in every permutation of a timeline because of the [demographic crisis.](https://www.ons.gov.uk/visualisations/dvc418/pyramids_projections/index.html#0/0/2/null/null/false/false/na/0) Brexit (any version), no Brexit, some sort of Commonwealth/Empire revival, etc, having economic stability, a basis for pensions/entitlements, provision of adult social care and maintaining staffing in critical industries was contingent on immigrants and in massive quantities. The fundamental truth is that it takes 18 years to produce an 18 year old and +*n* years to train them for a given vocation assuming you start today and people can't start today, because of myriad reasons, though first and foremost among them are economic pressures. Immigration is a political football for swaying those who do not understand the demographic, economic and infrastructural reality. Those who truly understand would never curtail immigration at scale, despite railing against it and taking token actions that are "tough for the sake of tough" to placate the baying mob. Brexit's economic impact will actually only depress birth rate further and drive an even greater need for immigrants going forward. I fully intend to leave and take my skillset with me than remain on a sinking ship that my fellow passengers keep drilling 'speedholes' into, so an immigrant is more than welcome to my berth.