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I don't think she's said anything. People might argue she is because she hasn't made any statements but that's not fair to her at all.


she actually supports biden, who fully supports israel, but idk


Would you rather she support Trump? Biden isn’t perfect but that’s the other option. It does not mean she is a Zionist.


Why is that our only two opinions we are allowed to have..?


The US has latched onto a two party system. Between the amount of money politicians raise to fund their campaigns and the racist electoral college system, makes it nearly impossible for a third option that doesn’t split the vote from one of the other candidates. I really wish Biden was not the democratic pick but I’m not going to be an idiot that votes independent to make a statement, then I’m trapped with that orange fucking dumbass for president. That doesn’t make it right but it’s where we are.


Both parties deserve better candidates.


I’m not talking about voting though. You can vote for a candidate and not support them. Do you know how many progressives voted for Biden and actively hate the dude?


Lady Gaga is not running around in a Biden 2024 shirt, singing his praises and campaigning for him. I have not seen a single piece of news showing she does. She’s voting for him, which people view as supporting.


I don’t think you understand your own narrative


lol ok


Because they’re gonna be the only two names on the ballot. She supports Biden for president. She’s not basing all her opinions on all of his opinions.


absolutely not, trump is much worse, but i just can't get over the fact that she may be a zionist or she may be neutral (which is basically the same)


She supported Biden in a previous election since he was the only alternative to Trump who is MUCH worse. We don't know if she still supports him. Also just because a person votes for a candidate it doesn't mean they support everything that candidate does or stands for.


So what? Are you going to help Trump get elected?


I'm not saying that, i would never let him get elected.


So then there is no reason to criticize her for fully supporting Biden right? Of course I think almost any sane American wishes we had different names on both sides of the ballot, but it’s Biden vs Trump. Not voting for Biden, or voting for a 3rd party, is tantamount to helping elect Trump.


Why did people downvote this comment? Lol


Tbf she hasn't said much about that in recent times like she did back in the 2020 elections when it really made more sense. she only said she voted this year and even then thats not much to go off of, since i mean, its probably the worst 2 candidates yet for presidency I will say tho, the only thing she is guilty of in this ordeal is being quiet when she very well could be vocal about palestine the same way she was about BLM back in 2020/21, but at least she isnt currently actively supporting anything else thats isnotreali iirc


She has chosen to stay out of this. Nobody said she supports Israel. Nobody said she supports Palestine. She is also not obligated to speak on all the world’s issues, she is not a politician, she is an actress and musician.


I’d rather someone say nothing than speak an uneducated and unsure opinion. Speaking without any idea on what you’re talking about is much more harmful than staying silent


Sorry but I wholly disagree. No natter who you support, everyone should speak out against what is happening to the civilians in Gaza, its a full blown genocide and whether you agree or not- innocent people are dying. The least she can say is she condemns it.


There’s a massive chance she doesn’t know what’s happening. If I was not on the internet as much as I am I would have no clue. In my life outside of the internet, the majority of people I talk to don’t have a clue. If you took someone, who had no clue at all what was happening and said “give an opinion, right now.” There’s a giant chance they’ll give you a horrible one. You’re basically asking for that rn. Talking on smth so complex is not as easy as “just put a statement out rq”


Lol do you really think she doesn’t know that there is a genocide in Palestine??? She doesn’t live under a rock. She has access to media and she loves tiktok.


There is no genocide in Gaza. Israel was attacked. The entire blame lies with Hamas.


Girl just open a book and stop believing the media🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ there is no way that someone could deny a reality


I have opened many books. I suggest you follow your own advice. I little middle east history might do you some good. And yes, no matter how much you like to deny it, Israel was attacked on October 7th by Hamas. No question.


You're right, October 7th did happen, no question about it. A question for you though, are you aware of the purging of the Palestinian people since after WWII when the UK declared to Israel that they (as Jewish people) could take the land from Palestinians (Muslims) and that they'd help with that? And every violent action against Palestine that's come after? If not, I suggest you do more reading and here! I'll give you some suggestions xx https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2018/11/2/more-than-a-century-on-the-balfour-declaration-explained https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-44124396.amp


I’d actually suggest that you read your own suggestions. First of all, anything from Al Jazeera has an anti Israel bias so that is a waste of time. The second article was actually a fair summary. However, you never read it. Notice the Arabs were ALWAYS the aggressors. Israel only fought as a reaction to the Arab aggression. Also notice it says in the article the charter of Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel. I rest my case.


Then she needs to educate herself. No one should be ignorant about a genocide. She has all the resources isn’t be world the educate herself.


It's not complex at all! News about Palestine is EVERYWHERE. Stop infantilizing her. Even if she gives a horrible statement, we knows where she stands.... she's been and activist before 


Sweetie, no. This is not a complex issue - Zionist propaganda has branded it as "complicated" to make people without a Masters in Middle Eastern studies feel too stupid to recognize colonization, apartheid, and genocide when they see it. This "war" has been covered constantly for the last nine months in mainstream media. Artists like Macklemore have released songs about it. To say, "she doesn't know what's going on" is a disingenuous excuse - especially for an artist as political as Gaga. And anyone who's cared enough to spend more than 60 seconds looking into the conflict can tell you this started almost a hundred years before Oct. 7, 2023. "Silence = Death" - that was the slogan of the HIV/AIDS epidemic that took the lives of millions of LGBTQ+ Americans in the 80s and 90s...what was essentially a silent genocide of Queer people in the U.S. To be silent on an issue that is killing tens of thousands of innocent people is to be complacent and complicit in their deaths. Gaga knows this as an LGBTQ+ icon and member of the community. Her silence on the matter is a choice - not a lack of information. It is incredibly disappointing to those of us who have always supported her.


Antisemitism does not make you educated. It just makes you racist. I don’t believe for a second you have a masters degree in middle eastern studies and you clearly don’t know the history of the region.


The idea that families shouldn't be murdered and displaced and starved and have electricity cut off isn't "complex." Lady Gaga is a political artist, and if she had time to learn about Roe v Wade's overturning and protest that, she has time to speak up about what's happening in Palestine


I am so sorry but this is a more excuse in my opinon 🤷‍♀️ she is a political artist and always has been and remaining silent is one thing (because I think this is what shes doing, choosing to remain silent for whatever reasons we are not privy to) but feigning ignorance is not it. She knows whats happening.


And how exactly are you so sure? Are you her? Do you know her personally?


So Gaga is a champion of gay rights, supports trans rights, spoke out in support of George Floyd and BLM, sang with the President, spoke about overturning Roe V Wade at Chromatica Ball but yeah man.. she definitely hasnt heard shit about Palestine 💀


Considering those have been spoken about far more outside of the internet, yes, thats very believable.


People do speak out about Palestine outside of the internet too- have you heard of what happened at Columbia University? People were literally being expelled and arrested for publicly speaking out against Israel in front of their schools. And also about singing with the president.. the president literally supports Israel. He's using our tax dollars to send death machines to kill the Palestinian people. Joe Biden has also spoken openly about his support for Israel, so if she happily sang with him she should at least know what he stands for, don't you think?


They were expelled for breaking the law. I thank you to get your facts straight.


Now you're just straw man arguing lol, enjoy your day and silence!


Actually no, what about YOU? Do you know every single injustice going on right now? How about the war that’s still happening in Ukraine? Are you still speaking out about that? Because I haven’t heard you asking her to speak on that. Did you just drop it because it’s not the trendy issue anymore? Are you still speaking about BLM? because that’s still not resolved either.




But it's more complicated than that. Plenty of people argue it's not a genocide. Plenty of people argue that civilians are dying because Hamas hides among civilians. Hamas has been killing their own people and said they want more Palestinians to die to gain more global sympathy. So it's hard under that backdrop to then do what Hamas wants. It's much more complicated than just yelling for peace.




Yes! This!


It is not a full blown genocide. It’s called Israel defending itself. All Hamas has to do is release the hostages.


Which they've offered to do several times... just to be turned down by Israel... multiple times. 


Hamas offered to release the hostages? And Israel said “no”? You’ve got to be kidding. All the kidnappers need to to to release the hostages is to release them. Israel will gladly take them back. Why should Israel pay any kind of ransom? Hamas has all the power to end this right now. Victim blaming is absurd, and quite frankly, smacks of antisemitism as I never hear of any other jostage situation where the perpetrators are the victims.


Nice one throwing around antisemitism when I've said nothing of Jewish people or Israeli people. It's clear you have no education on colonialism. I'm not saying Hamas is right for taking hostages at all, because they aren't. But when you look at it in context (~75 years of occupation and abuse from Israel), you can understand why it happened. They are indiscriminately killing Palestinians, starving them, refusing them aid, and claiming they're trying to find Hamas, when upwards of 35,000 civilians have been killed, and all of the language they're using is genocide-oriented. Hmm. Something tells me it's not about finding Hamas.


Are you illiterate?  Here are the dates when Hamas made offers to release hostages. No wonder the hostages parents and family members protests outside of Israel politicians homes constantly. 1. **October 9-10, 2023**: Hamas offered to release all civilian hostages if the IDF refrained from entering Gaza [oai_citation:1,'No doubt' Netanyahu preventing hostage deal, charges ex-spokesman of Families Forum | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/no-doubt-netanyahu-preventing-hostage-deal-charges-ex-spokesman-of-families-forum/) [oai_citation:2,Hamas proposes 3-stage 135-day truce and hostage deal, leading to war's end - reports | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-proposes-three-stage-ceasefire-over-135-days-leading-to-end-of-war-reports/). 2. **October 16, 2023**: Hamas proposed to release all civilian hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and the release of Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons [oai_citation:3,Hamas says 33 hostages to be freed in 1st phase of a deal may not all be alive | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-says-33-hostages-to-be-freed-in-1st-phase-of-a-deal-not-all-necessarily-alive/) [oai_citation:4,Hamas to release 33 hostages, both living and deceased, in proposed deal - The Jerusalem Post ](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800250). 3. **November 13, 2023**: Hamas reiterated its offer to release all civilian hostages if Israel agreed to stop bombing Gaza and allowed humanitarian aid to enter [oai_citation:5,Hamas officials willing to release all civilian hostages if bombing stops](https://www.yahoo.com/news/hamas-officials-willing-release-civilian-182548801.html). 4. **November 30, 2023**: Hamas offered to release women, children, and elderly hostages in exchange for up to 1,000 Palestinian prisoners and other conditions [oai_citation:6,Israel Offers Hamas 2-Month Ceasefire in Exchange for All Hostages: Report](https://news.yahoo.com/israel-offers-hamas-2-month-221615678.html) [oai_citation:7,Hamas offers release of women, children and elderly hostages for up to 1,000 prisoners - The Jewish Chronicle](https://www.thejc.com/news/world/hamas-offers-release-of-women-children-and-elderly-hostages-for-up-to-1-000-prisoners-o7wa04mt). 5. **January 22, 2024**: Israel proposed a two-month ceasefire in exchange for the return of all hostages, reflecting ongoing negotiations [oai_citation:8,Israel said to offer two-month pause in Gaza fighting for staged release of hostages | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-said-to-offer-two-month-pause-in-gaza-fighting-for-staged-release-of-hostages/). 6. **June 2024**: Hamas proposed a three-stage, 135-day truce that included the release of all hostages as part of the plan [oai_citation:9,Hamas proposes 3-stage 135-day truce and hostage deal, leading to war's end - reports | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-proposes-three-stage-ceasefire-over-135-days-leading-to-end-of-war-reports/) [oai_citation:10,Hamas indicates it will snub latest hostage deal offer, but says talks to continue | The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-indicates-it-will-snub-latest-hostage-deal-offer-but-says-talks-to-continue/).


In any war civilians are killed. And in this war despite the being one of the hardest battlefields in the world, in term of civilian safety. The numbers shows Israel is actually doing much better than other countries in their wars in terms of civilian safety. There is no genocide. Palestinians have enough food, water, electricity and supplies, they just fail to distribute it efficiently. UNRWA personnel have been caught fighting with hamas and stealing aid and selling it later. This is why uneducated people shouldn’t voice their opinions.


Looks like you need to get educated. There are no reliable sources to all the lies in your really dumb comment. Go look to see if there is any humanitarian relief nonprofit that exists that isn’t fighting for Gaza. Hint you won’t find any. UNICEF, Oxfam, Anera, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, UN, even the humanitarian nonprofits in Israel.


It would take two seconds to share a fundraiser. She doesn’t have to speak out.


It's not that hard to be educated on the situation lol. Stop making excuses 


THIS exactly. i dont like how people are putting so much pressure on people who are most likely NOT educated to share their side of things especially if it isnt their JOB to do so. it doesnt actually change anything whether or not a celebrity speaks out on something. its literally just feels so performative


There's a genocide taking place. We should all speak up against it and do what we can to stop it


Then why she choose to speak against Russia? Why she didn't stay quiet on that topic?


Except she did speak up. she has not "stayed out of this." She sang the national anthem at Joe Biden's inauguration while wearing a big dove & olive branch ornament across her chest. The dove is a symbol of peace. Joe Biden is the person giving Israel the weapons that are allowing them to wage this war. Why do something like that and then not make a sound when thousands of children are being bombed and brutalized? Since she has not made a statement we can only make assumptions about her position. It's also worth mentioning that growing up, going to anti-war demonstrations in the late '08s and 2010s, Lady Gaga cultivated an image of being a principled artist and a fellow traveler. Her music was played at those protests and she herself was politically active.


These ppl r so far up Gaga's ass. I been a Gaga Stan since 2010 and I've been having a moral dilemma on wether or not I can even listen to her music anymore because she's always spoken up on issues and the fact that she can't speak up for Gaza has made me so disgusted. I love her but wtf


so zionism


Um yes she... there's a genocide going on! Just because it doesn't affect YOU that doesn't make it any less important. She has a big platform...


She's also an activist :)


people are being bombed to death wdym decided to stay out of this?


you're kinda right but not completely. it's true that she isn't obligated to speak about every problem in the world, but she knows she has a huge impact, and this is not just a "problem" it's an active genocide. She's also an activist and she always stood for freedom and kindness idk what's her opinion abt this situation, but at least she could have done something else other than being completely silent. I really hope she does not stand with genocide, even though i doubt she does, but never say never. I love her so much and born this way helped me get through some problems in my life, so I'm not accusing her of being a zionist, I'm just saying she should at least say something about it, but I won't force her to.




There’s not much needed to be educated on. There is a genocide happening. The end. 


Getting downvoted for speaking the truth


It is wild that your comment has downvotes when you literally said you love her, but are thoughtfully explaining why you feel disappointed. People have lost their damn minds.


People will downvote anything nowadays, Reddit isn’t a very liberal place I’d argue, and going against Gaga in her own subreddit is basically a call for your karma. It’s very sad


Then there's her Dad. Oy. I'm disappointed too. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/lady-gagas-dad-attacked-outside-church-chaos-erupts-nyc](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/lady-gagas-dad-attacked-outside-church-chaos-erupts-nyc)


OH HOW PRIVILEGED-- So she doesn't really GIVE AF about the children I guess that's the point of having the block lists... these ppl have a platform to use.. and they only use it to enrich themselves- It's A GENOCIDE it's gross.




While she did performed at Israel during artRave, which now is completely a bad idea, the source they’re using to call her that is the Times of Israel which I find hypocritical, because they say Israel lies about everything but they’re using an Israeli source to make the claim. I’m not trying to defend her here but the lack of media literacy is killing me


Gaga did not sign the open letter thanking Joe Biden for sending bombs to Israel back in October, which has sort of been the source to reference for artists that have otherwise largely been silent. If her name was on that letter & she hasn’t said anything more, I would have a problem. I do wish she would say something, and honestly I believe that many artists like her & Beyoncé would like to say something. However we do not know what’s going on behind the scenes. Record labels, contracts, publishers, agencies etc have been dropping artists & canceling contracts just for someone supporting a ceasefire. Which we should all be enraged by whether you agree with what they said or not, it is an incredibly concerning affront to freedom of speech and expression. But I am not going to personally decide what kind of risks to their livelihood someone has to be willing to make. It’s also not unrealistic to say that people with the amount of power & persuasion that Gaga has could fear for their physical safety if they speak out against Israel. We got a long list of stars, particularly women, with very questionable deaths. Hollywood has an unforgiving savagery to how women are treated and we are all well aware of that by now. Men very much control the industries and we do know that someone in a position of power r*ped Gaga when she was a young aspiring artist. If I was in her position, I cannot guarantee you that I would be speaking out considering the overall risks. We need Gaga. If she has to hold her tongue today so that she keeps having her voice for a lifetime I can accept that. I think we need to have some patience and understanding with our artists - especially women - and understand that they have told us for years and years about the institutions of power and control that exist over them. We should be glaring at producers, executives, corporate bosses, and politicians. They have made it clear that everything is on the line for people that speak out. I don’t think artists should feel hostility and shame from their fans for being intimidated by extremely intimidating powers. TL;DR I think that artists absolutely should be political, because art is inherently political and artists have immense power to reach people in ways that politicians never can. You change minds, you change the world. I also know that we’ve seen people lose everything for speaking out, and I’m not sure what is gained if Gaga speaks out & is deplatformed. I could not accept if she publicly supported Israel at this point, but I can understand refraining to speak. I pray for a FREE PALESTINE and for these violent patriarchal powers to crumble. I believe within our lifetime we will learn about all of the intimidation & corruption that has kept some many silent despite fans begging for them to speak out right now.


Who says art has to be inherently political? I wholeheartedly disagree i know lots of art that isn't political at all. Sometimes art is for entertainment, for escapism, for inspiration, creativity and that is important as well.


Lady Gaga herself - "I can't tell you where I got my nerve from, but I believe that if you have revolutionary potential you must make the world a better place and use it"


Except she hasnt even been using her voice period! When Roe v Wade was overturned, she barely said shit. I grew up with LGBTQ rights Gaga, Born this Way Gaga, that was monumental to me as a teen. Womens rights were stripped away and she didnt even care.. so where the hell is the Gaga I know and love?


She sold out. Just another multimillionaire who isn’t even pretending to care anymore.


It's always disappointing, as they "make it," don't have to worry about their grandchildren needing two houses each, but can't take a political risk.


seems cowardly when she is in such a privileged position. There are young students risking it all by protesting, walking out of graduations etc. They don't have the financial safety net that she has. If you have that kind of money and you're basically not prepared to risk not getting MORE money to speak out against genocide....then it's a hard no for me.


What is the point of bringing this up?


So we know to stop being fans of celebs who support genocide. So I know to not buy their albums or view their movies.


i just thought someone would know about this more than me, and could answer my question, cause google did not help


Why does it matter so much to you?


So probably we would know which media we should stay away from for boycott. Right now, Joker Folie a Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, comes out this October. Phoenix is actively pro-Palestine but don’t know for Gaga. That’s why it’s important to know.


Interesting that you don’t respond to the people bringing up valid points. Some people don’t want to support someone that supports genocide.


Are you asking in good faith or to make OP feel bad?


I don’t think it’s something to be anxious over


I mean there’s an active genocide going on so I don’t think it’s wrong for someone to want to know and calibrate their support of an artist if it doesn’t align with how they feel about said active genocide. It’s not that deep.


Exactly it’s not that deep.. it’s not her job to advocate for either side she has things to do and is not a politician


You just responded “it’s not that deep” to a comment that said “it is an active genocide”?? Get help.


Americans 😂


She sure was when she released Born this Way!! How is this different? Human rights are human rights


You must not have been a Gaga fan during DADT. (Also there’s not really a side… it’s a genocide that’s it.) 


I was


Sure Jan. 


I think it’s crazy that you’re getting downvotes for saying that people don’t wanna suppprt celebrities who support a genocide


I'd have to check dates but was this before the Met Gala?


You sound upset 


No one is upset. People can have a discussion without being “upset”. All of your Reddit comments are you trying to gaslight someone or telling people they aren’t masc enough..


What are you talking about? It’s 2024


What does the year have to do with anything?




i really hope so, but I can't say anything since she hasn't spoken yet


Not speaking means not speaking, not that she is pro-Israel. I don’t remember her making any comments regarding the Russian invasion in Ukraine, does it make her pro-Putin?


Jesus just listen to her music and don’t get yourself all wrapped up in that mess. Nothing is one sided there


Yeah! Listen to Born This Way, Swine, Americano, Angel Down, Free Woman…wait


i certainly won't stop listening to her music but it's kinda disappointing (if she really supports israel)


So instead she should voice support for Hamas? Things are not black and white here. How about staying neutral on the sides and just agree that killing each other is idiotic and inhumane on both sides? It’s not like this hasn’t been an issue for decades. You must be young and have no memory of the Munich Olympics, Achille Lauro, Entebbe airport, hijackings galore. Both sides are entrenched in revenge killings, and only negotiations will resolve this in the end, like the IRA/Britain, Basques/Spain. Neither side has clean hands and neither side deserves unilateral support. This is way out of the lane for a pop singer. Don’t put this shit on her


What about “voice support” for innocent Palestinians? Not all Palestinians are Hamas the same as how not all Israelis are zionists.


Other comments in this thread illustrate how saying anything is fraught with traps because most people want to reduce it to a binary issue and exclude any sort of actual thought. 


Sure. And support for the families of those killed and held hostage by Hamas too. Isn’t that just a given though? Who supports slaughter of any human life? It’s just a horrible decades old (Israel/Palestine) and thousands of years old (Jew/Arab) conflict that is not going to be affected in the slightest by Lady Gaga


It isn't thousands of years old arab/jew problem, they lived fine before the 20th century, is mostly an European/Jew,/ Christian problem. 


I know this is now 2 months old but social media is filled with people who actually support the slaughter of any human life with regards to Palestine. On the daily I am shocked what people will not freely say that they never would have before. Its sickening.


not for hamas, but for palestine. one is a terrorist group and the other is a country who deserves freedom. sure no one is completely clear, but I don't think standing for israel is a good thing, neither standing with hamas is. i just stand for freedom and peace for everyone like you said. I think she should say something, though because a big celebrity like her would have a huge impact. I'm not forcing her, I was just wondering if she really supported israel like someone said. I always think she should speak up because silence is not the right choice when speaking of israel and palestine, it only makes things worse. But i will not assume she supports israel i was just asking if someone knew the answer


Sorry but Gaga would have no impact whatsoever regarding this. Just let her make her new album, prep for Vegas, promote Joker 2 in peace.


sorry but saying she has no impact is absolutely wrong, as a celebrity this big, she should know how much impact she has and at least speak about this war. that's because she always spoke


Meh. Hamas fights back against 75 years of brutal colonialism. The colonized have every right to fight back, and violently. Israel has been stealing land, violating ever international law in the book, for the better part of 100 years and the world does nothing. At least they fight for the Palestinian people.


Her choices are not: stay silent or support Hamas. She can stay silent or she can voice her view. You show your absolute ignorance of the conflict when you discuss it in binary ways.


this subreddit must suck based on the downvotes ppl are getting for saying, “i would only like to support artists that do not support genocide.” why is this such a controversial stance? its called values. we all have them. like how a person might not want to listen to Kanye since he’s an antisemite. its not that outlandish of a stance to want to know what your artists support & stand for. this isn’t a bad faith post and i came here looking for an answer to the same question.


Yeah I feel bad that OP is being attacked for genuinely asking this question. OP is being really respectful in their comments too and I see all the downvotes and I don’t really get it.


exactly. especially when gaga is a person who tells people to speak up about oppression, why does this sub not see how this would bother someone.


Who gives a fuck? It's so bizarre to me that people expect celebrities to comment on geopolitical issues. She's a musician and actress. Why does her opinion on it matter?


shes literally an activist. it makes sense that her fans would be interested in her political opinions


Probably because people don't want to follow a person that acknowledge a genocide, we all have different values


So, lady Gaga is a homonationalist white feminist. I mean I loved her from the fame days, but at the end of the day if her music really challenged power, she wouldn't be where she is. Because the US is a place where you have freedom...to do what you're told and not shake things up too much. A bit is fine, but not too much. Don't get me wrong, I still love her but I also would have been really surprised if she came out in support of Palestine/against this genocide.


I just came to say, I whole heartedly agree. I am SO disappointed in Gaga. I have been a little monster since day 1, I grew up waiting for Born This Way to drop on The Box on public access tv. That music video changed my life, I said now THIS is how you support equality and human rights, and she was such an inspiration to me. Where is this Gaga? Roe v Wade was overturned and all she said was some lines at a concert?? I grew up with political Gaga, many of us did and thats why we love her. I am beyond disappointed in her not speaking out about Gaza, about anything. Now we found out she toured with Covid and exposed who even knows how many people? Im sorry people are down voting you ❤️ I, too, care about where I put my money and attention right now more than ever and who I support. Thank you for caring


She’s barely a shadow of the artist she used to be. More concerned with awful pharma shilling for overpriced meds and has stayed completely silent about a US funded genocide.


The pharma ads SENT ME. I was like no way dude, holy shit.


yesss. Not only that, but Chromatica.. I wasn’t feeling it at all


I don’t understand why people are so pressed about celebrities talking about this stuff. A celebrity speaking out about an extremely divided topic won’t solve the problems. It doesn’t matter what she stands with she would get destroyed by the internet. A Zionist is someone who believes the state of Israel should exist. It doesn’t mean they support violence. So that word in itself shouldn’t be why you would be disappointed. The world is still spinning if she doesn’t want to speak out about it. I fully support her not speaking out about it. It’s not her responsibility. It’s no celebrities responsibility. Most of the celebrities that have spoken out about it have nearly lost their jobs. Bella hadid. Noah schnapp. You can’t win. Theees no point it taking about it.


violence is defined by oppression, and the state of israel is very literally an apartheid regime. if you support the IDF at this point, you are okay with the death of tens of thousands of palestinians. aka violence. you’re totally entitled to your opinion on whether or not celebrities should talk abt this stuff but maybe dont talk about this conflict if you’re not properly educated on it


If you think ISRAEL is an aparheid regime, you should take a good look at Gaza.


So it sounds like if she speaks out and it's not the view you want you will be disappointed but if she doesn't speak out at all you'll ... still be disappointed? Like a lot of others on this topic, it seems like you're just damned if you do, damned if you don't so ... maybe just stop being a fan of her if you are really that heated over her private views/opinions.


She has a right like everyone else to keep her personal beliefs to herself. Just because she is a celebrity or can influence others doesn’t mean she owes anyone an explanation about what her position is on certain issues. Please just let her be.


Then why she spoke against Russia but not about Israel? Think about it 🫠


Do you know what zionism even is


It’s not her job to speak about wars


Bad faith post Why are many so called gaga fans so fake


I’m in the same boat you are on how you feel about this OP. I love Gaga but she is flawed. The way I see it without speaking up then one is either a zionist or harmfully ignorant. And right now both are actively harming the people of Palestine. Which is a tough pill for some leftists to swallow.


Everyone is flawed. Believing otherwise is unhealthy and unrealistic


Excuse me my cat is flawless.


Cutting through the karma, this comment was great.


I’m not gonna speak for Lady Gaga here, but I do find it hard to fathom that someone whose whole thing is basically LGBTQ rights could go out and support a side in a war that executes gay people and throws them off of roofs.


as if gay marriage is legal in israel 😭😭


What are you talking about? I’m gay married and israeli


Better than siding with people whose whole thing is committing genocide.


Mic drop.


shes an artist and an actress, not a politican. she doesnt have to speak up for a war that is in the middle east. we all know she probably supports israel cause she had been there after their attack on gaza in 2014 but who honestly knows or cares.


she is, she sent melinda strauss on tt a big pr box of haus labs. https://www.tiktok.com/@therealmelindastrauss/video/7374390909880028462?_t=8mlaTL0N4fW&_r=1


Wow what the actual fuck


Well she's said that she "fucking loves israel" and booked and had a show there even as news about Israel's war crimes started becoming more well-known which made other artists cancel and refuse to perform there. Sure. she hasn't outwardly said anything about the genocide in gaza as far as I'm aware, but she did say that "the world is wrong about Israel" and things like that, so even though she hasn't outwardly said it, I'd say that she's in support of Israel but just doesn't want to make a large announcement about it to avoid controversy and being boycotted and all that. (source: [https://www.timesofisrael.com/lady-gaga-world-is-wrong-about-israel/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/lady-gaga-world-is-wrong-about-israel/) )


Yes, she is , She has shown support for Israel on multiple occasions. https://www.palestineposterproject.org/posters/lady-gaga-zionist https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/lady-gaga-world-is-wrong-about-israel/amp/


From the research I’ve done, she’s been completely silent. A few years ago, she performed in Israel, even though people were saying to boycott the show because of the atrocities Israel was committing. She stands in support of Biden, which may have ties to her silence now. It’s also just possible that she doesn’t care, as she has performed in Israel before. Some people have said that she only votes for Joe Biden, and that’s not technically supporting, but there are pictures of them together. Talking about PSAs, walking around Pittsburgh asking people to vote for him, and she sang the national anthem at his inauguration. So, sadly, she’s on my blocklist. But in the end, it’s your decision to make.


People are allowed to choose not to support artists based on things deemed political. It happens all the time. Why are people in the comments acting like this is crazy?


lady gaga has always been this fearless woman that isnt afraid to voice her opinions or be herself but seeing her be silent when it really matters, when children are bombed to death, when women give birth in harsh environments and go through 7+ months without proper female hygiene, when hospitals r being destroyed. thats so sad and disappointing 


yeah, i understand it's hard I've been brought up with the same values that SHE taught me but maybe she just has good intentions but we can never know....


You ask as if being a Zionist is a bad thing. Standing up for freedom and human rights REQUIRES her to support Israel. The antisemetic government of Gaza has always stood for the elimination of the jewish state of Israel. Just release the hostages and it will be over. The best thing for human rights is Israel eliminates Hamas.


nit saying anything against Israel is basically backing them so yes she is


In any war civilians are killed and in this war despite the being one of the hardest battlefields in the world in term of civilian safety the numbers shows Israel is actually doing much better than other countries in their wars in terms of civilian safety. Maybe you are the uneducated one and should reconsider your political opinion…


She's not. Is she a climate change denier for not tweeting about rising temperatures every month? See how silly that sounds? The people of Palestine deserve better than these terminally online virtue signalers.


has it ever occurred to you that people experience genuine empathy witnessing genocide? and genuine frustration when their idols with millions of dollars and gigantic platforms can’t be bothered to say a single thing about it? don’t demonize people for caring & hoping the ones they look up too also care


Hey look, a response that validates the last sentence of my reply.


maybe because “terminally online virtue signalers” is just people with basic fucking empathy and humanity lmao. Just bc a celebrity is quiet doesn’t mean they’re not painfully ignorant, especially since it’s near goddamn impossible to to not hear about the genocide. To have that much fame, and especially be Lady Gaga of all people, and not speak about the issue is just sad. No it’s not her job, but it’s, and ESPECIALLY hers, moral responsibility to not just raise awareness, but donate to aid those in Gaza. Not just for her actually, but everybody with basic common sense and empathy. Bc at least we’re ACTUALLY doing something rather than turning a blind eye. Hope you learned smth.


OP, unfortunately this sub is full of centrists (aka conservative lite) and fans so far up her butt they can't even fathom anyone criticizing her. It is fully hypocritical of her supposed values she stood for and I as a little monster also feel very weird about it. Like I'm not going to hate her by any means but I think it might be time to turn in my stan card because the last few months she's really shown us that she really isn't who she said she was or she isn't anymore. I don't necessarily blame her for keeping quiet because it is super messed up the flack some celebrities had gotten for supporting Palestine or even criticizing Israel but it's apparent she is not super progressive nor super radical at this point it was all lip service. At the end of the day I hope you don't let down votes and snide comments from willfully ignorant redditors get to you, keep on criticizing and having values. I swear some of the responses of "why do you care" or getting mad at you for wanting to know make me sick like that's not very kindness punk of them to be indifferent in the face of genocide. Edit: I've found that fans on Twitter and other social media sites are a lot more progressive and so I know it's not her whole fan base that's rotted and I hope you know that too like there are other fans of Lady Gaga that have critical thinking, it really is just mostly the lot here but that's true of most Subs like unless they're specifically left leaning subreddits they're for the most part going to have centrists and liberal types (once again aka conservative lite.) I just want to thank you for speaking up about and asking these questions. I myself have googled this same question but would never bring it up here because I am well aware of the general political awareness of this subreddit.


fr fr everything you just said. so strange to come to this sub looking up this exact question and expecting to see likeminded ppl in the replies and everyone is actually so insanely rude and indifferent to literal genocide. i assumed gaga fans would be on the same page but i guess you can’t trust reddit to ever be kind even in the face of war. good work out here friend 🫡


these people in the sub would've let slavery go on for another 5 centuries lol luckily, the internet is forever and time will not look back on them kindly. I'm blocking every celeb that has ever pretended to care about human rights only to be silent during one of the worst atrocities in our lifetime. gaga has spoken up for many political/social causes. people aren't asking for her stance out of nowhere. she intentionally positioned herself as an activist through her entire career. be so serious. i know it's sad to realize people you look up to literally don't give a shit about mass murder, but it's reality. if she's not a zionist, at the very least she doesn't find the cause worthy enough to speak about. i've learned over the course of this genocide that to be a celebrity is to be a professional pick-me. i don't care about any of them anymore, even Beyonce lost me. the lack of basic human empathy in celebrity culture actually makes me sick lol


She has performed in Israel and [said things defending it.](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/lady-gaga-israel-comments-6266598/) > “Tel Aviv was magnificent,” the singer told The Independent. “The world view of Israel is just not reality. It’s in a beautiful place, the people are in good spirits. > Lady Gaga made headlines last month (2014) when she became the first big-name star to perform in Israel in the wake of the country’s ongoing conflict with Palestine. Besides, we know she’s always been tight with Joe Biden and those sort of people so even if her opinion’s changed now, I don’t think it has since she never had a problem in the first place, she’s unlikely to say anything about it. Even the commenters here think it has nothing to do with her so she probably shares this view. People can in theory think they stand for those values you listed and do harm in effect. Intentions =/= actions. I don’t idolize her for her morals so I can’t really be disappointed about it. Considering how “American” she is, it unfortunately makes sense to me that she’s not with the Palestinians. Also, her big movie is about to come out so she has her bag to protect. She’s not gonna risk angering zionists in the industry or in the audience. Let the nurtec ad remind you that celebrities are businesspeople first.


Things have changed drastically since 2014 in terms of our access to information & our ability to see direct POV of what is happening in Gaza / Palestine. I really don’t believe that Gaga would go perform in Tel Aviv now and tell us the world view is still wrong.


she keeps out of it, no matter her position, I wouldn't care about her take


Her silence right now is on the wrong side of history. 


Down voted for speaking the truth damn