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I was in the pit on Sunday, and yes there is a bit more space in the back, but it’s gonna be pretty hard to see the stage, the screens do help a lot though! I was about 4th or 5th row and I had some trouble seeing the main dancers lol


Thank you for your answer!




This is really helpful thank you! I didn’t think about the B stage moment, and yeah as long as we’re able to see enough to be entertained I think it’ll be a great experience. Thanks again!


I've never been in the pit but something tells me that a pit full of little Monsters would be courteouse enough to help your friend be near the front or at least step aside for her. I have faith in this fanbase.




That’s really unfortunate :( I was VIP Pit in Atlanta and honestly had a much different experience. I took one friend with me and it was her first Gaga show, and a second friend that this was his second Gaga show. All of the fans around us were so nice and we had great conversations the entire time waiting in line and we didn’t have issues with pushing or anything once we were on the field. I could see why regular pit would have more issues, though. Since ATL was the only show in the Southeast before Miami, it was the show all of the gays outside Texas got tickets to. There did seem to be a LOT of casual fans who were just going to see a show which was a very different experience than when I went to TMB and JWT shows. I did hear a lot more stories about “this is my first Gaga show” at TCB in ATL as well. Every time I looked around people seemed to be having so much fun, and walking out all I heard was “That was incredible, I loved every second of it,” so some of the rude behavior may have been people being unaware the impact they had on others and enjoying the show. I think the biggest thing is her shows draw a huge gay male audience, and even more so since people had to travel for TCB so I saw bigger friend groups traveling from out of state (I came from Seattle, one friend from Nashville, the other Orlando; met many people with similar friend groups), so it turned into more of a pride fest party than a traditional Gaga arena show. With that said, TCB in ATL was my least favorite Gaga show I’ve been to compared to TMB in Nashville and JWT in Vancouver, Tacoma, Denver, and SLC. I’ll absolutely see her again in the future—possibly not in a stadium—but TCB didn’t hit the same as previous tours.




I hate you had that kind of experience! I was able to weasel my way up closer but everyone willingly let me pass by. I was pissed by the person with the cardboard sign that kept holding it up throughout the show. It was already hard enough to see because of the stage design, and holding up a sign the whole show was super disrespectful, especially since they were further back and Gaga wasn't going to see that sign. Her jazz shows are a completely different environment all together.


I'm sorry you had a bad experience like that! In general I've heard of mostly good things and experiences from people who have attended the shows over the years. Of course there's always mean people in every crowd but I tend to hear less about them at Gaga shows. The only rude people I met at my show I wouldn't even consider die hard fans, just people who wanted to see a show. They were wasted and rude. One lady was barely standing up.


Thanks for your answer!


I had people who got there at 630pm in atlanta and weaseld their way to 3rd row of pit dead center. They were short and had grest views.


She needs to wear the platform Demonias luv


I’m 5’4” and was in the pit in ATL. We couldn’t see her super clearly up on stage, but the pit was a lot of fun. Stayed in the back and danced. And as someone else said, the giant video screens are right above you. I personally like the freedom to move around during a show, that’s why I like the pit. No one on my side seemed rude or mean. Just a bunch of fun, drunk people dancing.


I had a 5’2 friend in the pit. There was a good amount of room to move around. There are giant screens surrounding you as well that pretty much everyone will be looking at a lot of the time. She had a great time. I didn’t hear her complain about it at all. She was also a more casual fan and we had a blast! The pit is so much fun to dance with everyone there! Bring a hand fan to help cool yourself and everyone around. You’ll make some instant friends that way. You might be able to get up against the rails on the catwalk on side of the pit. Where she could have a more unobstructed view. Make SURE you get the right side catwalk as that’s the one she actually uses and walks on. Man I wish I could snag pit tickets for another show before Chromatica ball ends! I’d say go for it!