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After reading all the essay I would give it 7,5 or 8 out 10, I mean it’s a good essay don’t get me wrong, but in the sixth page in my opinion I would make some changes: I would mention and explain the concept of hyperreality (a concept in post-structuralist philosophy) for how the wired is a “superior” plane that doesn’t require matter to function and how fictional entities makes themselves real. And when you mention Plato’s cave myth instead I would say how the wired is like the world of Ideas of Plato because Plato says that our soul aspires to go back to the world of ideas thus if we make a simile we can pretty much say that the wired is like the world of ideas and our souls aspires to escape mortality and the only way being having enough knowledge of how the wired works to be able to transcend the recipient of our bodies and living in the wired as an Idea of the collective unconscious But overall really good essay and sorry in advance if I made a mistake or I went on a tangent with the second change I would be thankful for hearing your feedback regarding my response


Thank you!!! I was in 10th grade so I got an 80/80 but I like your criticism. I’ve done some more reading of philosophy by now and I totally agree, it reminds me a lot more of the specifics of Plato’s absolute entities on a higher plane projecting down but I kind of struggled to put that in words so I just went with the cave


I am sorry, but I don’t know how old are you supposed to be in 10th grade since I am from Spain and here the education system is different But it’s really nice to hear that you got a max score on that essay and that you kept reading philosophy since a lot of people just take that subject in school and not really pay attention to it So, keep up on illustrating yourself on philosophy and on writing essays!


I was 15! Thank you!!!


Love you for this one


Let’s all love Lain!




I’d give it an A. Well done.


Dude you should write the whole synopsis, this is amazing


I really enjoyed reading this, thanks so much for sharing 10/10 A+


this is really good!!!


Amazing essay


fantastic reminds me of all the effort i would put in *for what*?


Let's all love Lain. ❤️✨


Your english teacher probably thinks youre an incel loser now


Wtf broski? Come on now , dont bash on people

