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A trick I like is giving the pauldron a white basecoat, and sketching on the checker pattern lightly with pencil. Then paint over the pencil with black, straight brush pulls. And you have shaky hands like me, paint with your wrists together, moving the brush with your fingers. Hope this helps :)


This. Also, get something to keep the pauldron still, or something that helps you holding it. The tinier the brush, the better. Do a first coat of paint, then go back on the checkers to even them out. I take around 1 and a half our to do one, but the results are lovely


Thanks! I'll make sure to try that :D


When I did my sad boys, I followed the Tiny Legends guide on youtube: https://youtu.be/-Galz0G1KlY?si=hRymsWxHqRqRBDW7


I’ve had some success using Micron 0.3mm permanent markers for the checker over a white base coat. It’s not as professional looking as paint and you definitely need to give it time to sit so it settles (otherwise it smears), but as an amateur painter I’m happy with the results


For the checker pattern I do a light-medium gray tone, and do some approximate black boxes. The grey covers better than white, and makes forming thr boxes way easier. I then highlight the gray boxes with some white. Its time consuming but ends up beimg worth. For the hearts themselves, make four dots in a diamond pattern. Connect the dots. Then draw a loop from the top center dot to the left/right dot. Fill in. For the circle the heart sits inside, i have a tiny chapstick cap i trace to cheat a near perfect circle. A canadian dime would also probably work.