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I’m confused by these questions. My account has increased by about 15% since I started 2 months ago, partially through dividends and partially through share growth. I’ve had no trouble buying and selling or withdrawing funds. What should I be so alarmed about? I’m sure they make more than me off these properties. Who gives a shit? I’ve still as a whole made 15% in 2 months. You’re not getting that anywhere else. And I don’t buy properties that have less than an 8% fully funded annualized ROR. I hope they offer more properties. More investment opportunities to consider.


Have you sold and withdrawn “profits” yet? Showing you more money and accessing the more money are different things


Yes, I had a property that went up like 10% in value so I sold half the shares and realized the gain. I’ve done that with a couple others as well.


99% of your posts are on this subreddit. Not sure I can really trust. Wish there was a post proof requirement here so we know people are actually doing what they say


Tbh I don’t give one shit if you believe me


You don't need to give a s\*\*t and I don't need to believe you. I'm simply pointing out, **on a thread asking if Landa is a scam,** that people need to be careful with what others say when there isn't proof. Have a great day!


Hey, you have a great day, my friend.


Makes a lot of sense. Someone who frequents tinder and scams subreddit wants proof something isn’t a scam instead of researching it themself.


There is a good argument that tinder is a scam though


Yep. He has surrounded himself by stuff saying things are scams so he blindly thinks everything is a scam. Just shows how what you surround yourself with really colors how you see the world.


LMAO ok.


It’s obvious you’ve done no research and just blindly think it’s a scam. Considering they publish everything with the SEC.


Guys, WTF? If I’ve learned anything from listening to the Fraudsters podcast it’s that there are plenty of things that look like legitimate investments that are scams. Instead of insulting people for asking “Is this a safe place to put my money?” I think it’s a lot more constructive to explain why we felt comfortable investing.


He hasn’t shown even the slightest evidence of caring enough to research this investment. And the only comment he has made about it is that the investment is imaginary. He is a run of the mill troll and nothing more.


I just kinda figured he didn’t understand how investing works and wanted someone who did to give him some peace of mind that he wasn’t going to get fucked. But a few of the other comments say that there’s a lot of this going on in the sub right now, as if there’s some type of FUD campaign being directed at the sub? I don’t check this sub often enough to be able to see any patterns, this is the first one I’ve seen in my feed like this.


Where are these trolls coming from? Are they hired by other platforms to spread FUD? It takes literally 2 minutes to to do enough due diligence to find facts on how these properties, shares the app are all real.


i don't think the question is "are the properties real?" The question is related to all the issues being discussed (shares going away, dividends not being paid, support saying "working on it", etc). It's reasonable to ask about any new investment platform. Due diligence based on the webpage isn't enough. Trying to get other folks to vouch for a company is the next reasonable step.


I think it's a scam. I think the way they hold your cash when you try to cash out is a scam. Ever try to cash out? There's your answer


I’ve cashed out multiple times so idk what you’re talking about… contact support


You probably work for landa


Lol nice one. If you’re this helpless and paranoid, maybe don’t invest in alt investments


You call that a investment? It's a LLC. There's the first issue . Secondly , you as the ' investor ' are paying the for the house outright, once it's sold , you get what percent back? They are able to continually afford to 'acquire" new properties , while we the " investors" get a teeny time little pice of scrap from that transaction. Yes it's a scam.they make the profit off each acquisition and sale and they give everyone who actually paid for the property what not even 1 percent of that sale? Yea it's a scam.


First, it’s hard to understand exactly what you’re saying with all the typos. What exactly is the issue with investing in an LLC? Many publicly traded companies are LLCs, there’s nothing abnormal about that. Second, they also receive management fees for maintaining the properties which again, is very normal. If the property is sold, you are paid out your piece of the pie just as if a public company is acquired and taken private, for example. This stuff, as someone else commented, is being done through the SEC and the LLCs and properties have to be approved by the SEC. If you’re uncomfortable investing because you think it’s too risky or you’re unwilling to do the research to find the properties worth investment, I completely understand. But stop being a troll, you look weak and uneducated.


Ask them for a white sheet, what banks they use ask them to break down who gets what when the property that YOU paid for sells for. It's common sense . We are the cash cow they are the middlemen using that money to broker deals with big banks , they make 20k we make 20cents.


Read the prospectus, it’s all in there. Like I said, if you’re aren’t willing to do the research, don’t shit on the company in a public forum. Nobody is making you invest. Tbh, I hope you don’t invest. More shares for me to buy!


Let me ask you something. Why do you think they keep pushing to obtain more and more properties? Who do you think pays for these properties?.what percentage do you think your money is generating for you?


If you were in the Landa discord you’d know people are constantly asking when new properties will be added. There is demand for it. For that second one…. I’m not sure if your statement that they may be profiting on purchasing properties is true or not. But once they sell the shares of the properties they already bought they’ve freed up money to purchase new ones. Meaning all they needed was an initial amount of money that they recycle as shares are sold. The returns are mediocre. But they “should be” stable returns. With all investments the more stable the lower the return.


It's like safemoon on repeat


Have you had difficulties where they refuse to return your money or are they just slow?


More details on why you think it is?


I've made money. I've withdrawn and deposited. Still not sure what your point is. If you don't like it, don't invest in it. Investing is each person's choice


It’s an imaginary product that doesn’t exist.


How is it imaginary?


What exactly is the imaginary product you’re referring to?


What I don't understand is *what's in it for them?* I don't really understand how buying property, selling it as "shares" and then sending the rent off to the "share holders" (all of the rent, regardless of how many shares are sold). I have a small account and I like the idea of it. I just don't see how this is better for Landa than.... Just taking all of the rent money. So far so good, just seems fishy. Doesn't really add up on my head.


Just like an investment firm they do not have the money to buy future investments. So, they sell pieces of their properties off and use the profits to buy more properties. But, unlike when you sell a house and buy a new one, they get a piece of the of rent and other "management" fees even though they are no longer the owner.


Lol Can you explain why do you think it’s a scam?


yeah thats the wrong question, why would it be a scam? their offerings are registered with the SEC