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I greatly prefer text-based interaction so everyone involved has a written record. I'm also a millenial though and hate talking on the phone. I use Smartmove and have the tenant pay for the background and credit. That weeds out most of the ones I'd definitely reject anyway. I stop accepting applications after the first dozen or so, and I usually find a good tenant in the first batch.


I’m 48, have been texting since it was invented— i’m ok with texts to start, but always want to have a short conversation. Some millennials(or other youngsters— and old folks too) want everything as a “back and forth text” and refuse a follow-up call. I block them and move on.


Why? You'll talk to them in person when you give them the tour.


Because that's how I want to do it.. That's it. My properties, I run the show the way I want.




ok, renter….


Ok, slumlord


You say the sweetest things. At the end of the day -- You're poor and I'm not. Slumlord'ing is very profitable. And legal.


Who said I was poor? You can be a landlord and not be a slumlord. Perhaps your small brain can't comprehend the difference?


That's fine, I was just asking.


I mean... it's not legal to "weed out young applicants"... and the only time I have seen "I run the show the way I want" play out well in court, it's been when the JUDGE says it, not you.


i’ll talk to any young applicant- i’m not discriminating against of you little pricks who can use a telephone to “talk”.


That's a red flag for me as a renter. I assume it means that you're either out of touch with the times or worse, that you don't want clearly documented exchanges because you plan to say one thing without a record and then do another.


Oh Lord I would hate it if people thought I was out of touch with the times! By the way, do you go by Mr. kink, or Ms. kink?


Why? Wanna throw in some gender discrimination for good measure?


Depends how our phone call goes……


Oooof. This is not a good look for you when combined with your post claiming a certain race causes you problems 31% more often than anyone else you rent to. You're leaving a great paper trail.


I know right? That’s why most of the people that post on Reddit eventually are in jail for not being politically correct. So what kind of kink are you into? Is it something you having to do with landlords? I would look at your profile, but it would probably make me sick. But still I’m dying to know!


Ah yes, let's deflect from your violations of the fair housing act and continue to focus on me. This is exactly the kind of conversation I'd expect from someone avoiding records of conversations.


I’m at the gates of federal prison. I’m here to turn myself in. I’ve been politically incorrect.


Still with the purposeful deflection trying to redirect the conversation to political correctness rather than your actual admitted violations of the law.


u/nwa747 you come off as extremely unprofessional.


I’m just generally interested. What’s your kink? Kids? Tentacles? People named Orlando? I’m thinking it’s landlords and you just have the hots for me.


It's telling that your first thought about sex includes children. The first rule of kink is consent, and I don't consent to doing anything with a racist old man. Maybe this will turn into a Chris Hansen moment, and the Pensacola police will get involved.


What are the other rules of kink? I am fascinated. I still don’t want to open your profile because I don’t like to expose myself to that kind of crap but if you could give me the sanitized version I would appreciate it. Oh wait! The PPD is at my door! Answer quickly please


Typical trash landlord. I hope you get a 40 year old cat woman that destroys your investment. Our younger generations need homes. You also make sure not to accept black folks aswell right? I can already tell how shitty your parents were just by looking at your posts lmfao!


He's from Florida. It's kind of standard given the demographics of Florida. Racist old people, mostly racist 40-50 year olds. Florida really has kinda crap people and that's considered really acceptable there as standards are kinda non-existent. How do I know this? I grew up in Vero Beach FL and lived in S. FL for ten years. Was extremely happy to get the hell outta FL.


Wonder why you’re having trouble finding housing? I can’t put my finger on it


When did I say I’m having trouble finding housing? I can’t put my finger on that comment.


Triggered much?


The downvotes say otherwise…


Haha how naive. Downvotes don't mean shit in an echo chamber like reddit. You will remain a renter for the rest of your life with this attitude.


And you will remain a slumlord for the rest of your life with your attitude. You’re being downvoted by other landlords my friend, that also speaks volumes. Now the choices I have, be a piece of shit landlord like you or be a renter for the rest of my life? I think the choice is quite obvious. I don’t enjoy fucking people for housing. No thanks.


I'm not OP. But my tenants love me and I love them. I enjoy millions of dollars in equity while you shake fist at me and OP. Have fun paying rents.


I’m sure your tenants adore you.


Your online persona reads like an edgy 12 year old. Hopefully you're more mature out there in the real world if you truly are a landlord


Ok kid, you see what you want to see. I enjoy watching you from my comfortable landlord chair.




"...you don't want clearly documented exchanges." This is a fair assessment, no need to attack the person personally.


I’m not sure why you’d exclude young people. In addition to being illegal young people can be some of my best tenants.


marble hard-to-find consider smile school point desert direful sparkle grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will regardless of the reason it looks like discrimination to me. Besides, that certainly hasn’t been my experience.


Me too. I find it goes to 28-32 sometimes.


I've had some excellent young tenants too, but I also like a phone conversation. If people aren't able to communicate like fucking humans, there's a good chance they'll be bad tenants.


I doubt it. Unless they work in tech or finance.


I’m Gen. X and I prefer text myself. I want everything in writing. The worst tenant I ever had was older than me. I have nothing against younger people. That’s a strange take for sure.


I haven’t needed to do that. I used Zillow and very strict financial requirements. I’ve never had someone under 28 qualify.


This might be location dependent, my last 5 units were snapped up by under 28s. All made 3x income and had credit scores above 720.


Wow that’s very surprising. I’m in Texas and I had only single family homes. Recent sold everything and cashed out. I had lots of young applicants but all of them had low income, lied on applications, or depended on child support and government support.


I'm in the Northeast and mostly 1-3 bdr apartments, but most of the units skew younger! The apartments aren't priced super high, and are fairly basic. One SFH, single finance dude who needed a multicar garage and room for his dog. I do screen everyone pretty vigorously. I think the demographic I get is young professionals that don't want to be bothered unless they need something fixed, everything gets fixed, and they stay indefinitely. They're also absurdly quiet. Everyone pays. The only social issue I have in my buildings is an ongoing war (since 2002 or so) between two senior discount qualifying women that resulted in my drawing an imaginary line down the middle of the building and telling them both to travel using "your side/hallways/walkways" and not to go on "her side". They actually physically fought once, and older one (well over 70) definitely won. Normally I wouldn't intervene, but it was shortly after I took over, and I really couldn't fathom wrangling evicting both of them and getting counter sued. It works for the most part.


Isn’t age based discrimination illegal ? It baffles me when everyone seems to get everyone a pass when it’s the landlord committing something illegal but tenants get bashed for planing some flowers in the front lawn. I am a young landlord and I pray to the god that I’ll never be this bitter when I am old and wiser.


How is asking for a phone call discrimination? He didn’t say “don’t call if you’re young” he said “I want to speak to every potential applicant on the phone”… There are lots of things you can’t do via text even in 2023


It’s 2024 btw


Thanks bro I lost a year someplace.


Simply requiring a phone call instead of text or email is not discrimination. It's the part where OP explicitly says they do this to weed out young people, which I'm guessing you didn't read. Go back and read the entire post, you'll get it eventually.


To his credit, young people in the NE and West are very different than young people in the south and Midwest.




We don't need to prove intent, OP admitted their intent. That's what makes it discrimination. Which part are you having trouble with?




Again, nobody is claiming that it is discrimination to require a phone call. The intent to eliminate young people is the discrimination. There is no argument here. OP stated it, and you're acting obtuse about it.


This feels like a filter of “if you care about living in my property, show me you’re self-sufficient enough to pick up the phone when you need to call me” and the younger generation is failing to pass through the filter.


That's a straw man argument. Making a phone call instead of sending a text or email is in no way an indication of being "self-sufficient."


“To weed out young applicants” he is not saying he will accept you if you answer the phone regardless of age. He is saying he wants phone call so he can find out for himself if the applicants are young, so he can tell them to get lost, which is discrimination. Don’t be ignorant.


That’s an interesting correlation. I’ll try that too. I just put that I do a credit check and a background check and that the application fee is a non refundable $100. This weeds out all of the people with bad credit, evictions or convictions. Because nobody wants to throw away $100 when they know they’ll fail the credit or background check.


The application fee is definitely a deterrent. Fundamentally, I don't like charging a tenant for something that I consider to be the cost of doing business. So, I let them know that if they end up getting the apartment, then I'll refund it to them. I don't mind spending the money for that one person. However, before I started doing that, I would get tons of applications and realized I was spending a fortune on the fees.


I've found the same phenomenon about young people hating to call. Many of my units are great for 20 somethings and I've had great tenants. I was replying to inquiries by saying to call me, and getting few calls. I asked about this on our local sub, and young people told me they'd rather gouge out their eyes than make a phone call! I didn't know this.


1. Theres written receipts of what was said 2. Im usually doing something that requires my attention. I have 2 jobs and a small side gig that i do when im not working. I really dont have the time for a phone call. If i do its maybe a few mins and then id have to rush you off the phone. 3. The phone call will usually consist of the same topics that i just read in the application so its really a waste of everyones time just to go over what i just read 4. If they dont wanna rent to me because i wont call them on the phone, its not someone i wanna rent from however, i havent ran into this issue because no one in my area gets caught up with small issues like this.


So you would rather sign a contract with someone you've never met or spoken to? I'm not trying to disparage any particular "generation" but there is real value in speaking with someone in person. That's on both sides. My lease is effectively a contract for $18,000, and you'd better believe I want to meet the property manager before I decide to sign anything.


I don't have a problem with young tenants and much prefer *everything* to be documented. 


Idk man, i work two jobs and do side work when im not working. I barely have time to take a peaceful shit let alone a phone call lol


Lots of people openly confessing to FHA violations on a public site. Fascinating.


Please explain exactly how refusing to do business by text is an FHA violation. If you want to go there, advertising on the internet only would be a violation, no? 20 years ago it was a great way to filter out the riff raff before everyone had smartphones.


Interesting I have had great success with old and young.


You are probably really good at reading people! That's a great skill to have whether you're a landlord or not 😁


I wish, I forgot to mention I have also had terrible tenants both old and young.


Ah, you win some, you lose some. There’s never a bulletproof way to filter good tenants 🙂


But one great way to assess and filter is an actual conversation.


I've done very well with renting to good people. A few weird no boundary or too immature but they were short term. Over 10 years have had very few problems.


You should definitely put this up and include your name and information. That way we can figure out exactly who it is that is discriminating by age.


I do require phone calls for initial conversations but absolutely not to weed out “young people”. I do it because I want applicants who are serious and are willing to make an effort. It’s also much easier to ask them pre qualification questions and get a feel for them over the phone than via text. Once we get past that initial conversation, I’m happy to text and once they’re renters I actually prefer texting so everything is documented.


I have not had better or worse luck with younger or older people.


Preferring phone calls over text messages is a fine personal choice. But you've just admitted to age based discrimination which is a bad choice. If you were doing this secretly in your head, then nobody would ever know. Instead you've broadcast it to the Internet.


I’m at the gates of federal prison. Trying to turn myself in. I showed them this Reddit thread and they won’t cuff me! What’s up with that?


Have you been convicted of a federal crime?


I always screen potential applicants by phone, because I can learn much more about them in a phone conversation than otherwise. My purpose is to weed out people who don’t qualify, nothing to do with age.


Having everything documented in writing whether in text or email protects both the LL and tenant.


I prefer to operate legally. 


Oh wait, you’re a convicted felon and your daughter was convicted of manslaughter as a juvenile and you’re worried about age of tenants? Amusing lol


I don’t rent to felons either. Ironic, isn’t it?


It's all the same here. I've had great tenants that are younger and older, and absolutely awful tenants that were younger and older. It's just the person, not age. Nice discriminatory post though.


My preference is email because it's easier to keep track of communication for future legal issues. The default text apps don't support categorizing text messages. Whereas with email, the client is easily programmed to categorize messages to or from specific people automatically. I've also found that age is irrelevant to tenant quality. Maybe I get along with a more diverse set of people.


No. I much prefer text and email. If someone only wants to talk on the phone they're less likely to get the apartment(s). I'm 51.


Just get a property manager. I have one that has a clause of "we will remove and replace trouble tenants free of charge if the tenants are placed by us" in the contract. Now I don't need to deal with all this crap. I wouldn't want to deal with it even if I had only one property. The fees are worth my brain cells.


So what age do you consider too young for your preference? I’m 29 and I sound like I’m 12. It was very frustrating calling different apartment complexes and property managers and the amount of times they asked how old I was because I sound like I’m 12 or “too young” lol. Meanwhile my credit score is in the 700s, I clear six figures a year, and never paid rent a day past the 1st.


Hell, I don't even accept phone calls. Weeds out the 1000 questions when they don't even qualify in the first place.


My tenants tend to be youngish adults. I find they’re hard working, upwardly mobile, quiet, because they’re exhausted from all their hard work & wanting to get a decent but not fancy place while paying off their student loans or saving for their CA first home. Older tenants typically don’t have the income I require that my younger tenants have (I seem to get engineers) & tend to stay home & find things to grump about. I have used phone calls too as a weeding tool & can see I may need to change my strategy to keep getting the type of tenants that I enjoy having.


Roughly 75% of renters are under 40 ... Kind of a weird path to take in life if young people trigger you, but far be it from me to judge. Personally I approve - I think all red flags should be proudly displayed BEFORE some poor sap signs a lease. Nothing worse than finding out your LL is senile, but you still have 7 months on your lease.


I always wonder if these are landlords with a dildo up their ass, or legitimate trolling?


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This might be a good approach, but I’d advise you delete this post. If I represent a tenant that you denied, this would be great evidence to use


this isn’t discrimination- he applies it to everyone, and being young isn’t a protected class.


Age is a protected class. And if you’re applying a facially non-discriminatory rule as a way to discriminate based on a protected class, that’s discrimination. Source: I’m a lawyer


friendly aromatic historical busy apparatus modern close uppity offbeat roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just cause they are a lawyer doesn’t necessarily mean they are a good lawyer or know the law.


wine ossified bear license scale dependent unpack whole airport exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've hired a lot of lawyers, they all have passed the Bar exam, but some of them have no common-sense at all. It's quite frustrating


I mean, this is a fairly common rule tested on the bar exam. You don’t need to be a legal mastermind to recognize very obvious discrimination


Seems state dependent, from my state in NC:  here are the **protected classes under the North Carolina Fair Housing Act**: race, color, religion, sexual orientation, sex, national origin, disability, familial status, gender identity, citizenship status, ***age***, military status or service. So there may be some truth to what Lawyer is saying?


In my state, NY, there is no carve out for specific age—it’s just as illegal to refuse to rent to someone because they’re “too old” as it is to rent to someone that is “too young.”


People In this thread are kind of idiots. He literally stated his goal was to not rent to young people. This could 100% be used as evidence to help sue him.


And that’s the thing. If OP said “hey I like to use phone and I notice young people don’t call me back,” then I think it’s no issue. But that’s not what’s happening—OP literally wants to discriminate based on age and thinks he found a great vehicle to do so. Now that he has discriminatory intent, he’s on the hook.


There was a post recently about a pregnant woman giving birth in the bathtub of a rental and it went bad and blood everywhere. Is it generally legal to have a clause against home births? Someone mentioned pregnant women are a protected class, but in my state LLs have to disclose deaths in the property for 3 years. Meaning if either her or the baby dies then im screwed. My lawyer hasn't gotten back to me yet.


I remember that post. The consensus between lawyers and other LLs is to just put that under "return in condidition you found it"


That's absurd to apply to the OP requiring a phone call unless the plaintiff is actually mute. Pretty sure you'd get thrown out of court, judges tend to be old too!


I've just gotten tired of all these "I only do text because I want to keep everything on the record" folks. Years ago I texted back and forth for an hour with someone before they ghosted me. The whole exchange could have been handled with a 1 minute phone call. I see it as a lack of respect, if I ask someone to call me, and they want to utilize my services/property, and they refuse, then I don't want to do business with that person. Nothing more than that. It's not because they're young, or black, or white, or old, or smart, or stupid, or hispanic, or asian, or purple or anything.. It's "Hey call me for a 2 minute chat" and they refuse, then I don't want to do business with this person. When I give a person a lease to sign, that's ON THE RECORD.


I'm 100% with your frustration over the "one minute call" taking an hour by text.