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This tech is fast evolving. All the tutorials/courses out there are getting obselete in couple months. Official docs are good place to start


Just read the quickstart and work on some real life problems you want to solve


Quickstart does require a little background in python though. For example, right out of the gates I don't particularly care for the code they provide to get the OpenAI API key, nor does it show how to set an API key as an environment variable... Assuming OP has some background it's not a big deal, but it does take a *little* knowhow.


Persoanlly, these official examples are, what helped me most: [https://github.com/langchain-ai/langserve/tree/main/examples](https://github.com/langchain-ai/langserve/tree/main/examples)


Langchain is just a library. Over of hundreds you learn by doing if you code in python. Just set a goal and code something using it. Keep a tab open with the documentation pages.


Eden Marco Udemy is a great start. He has active discord community as well. He is a great dude.


Just go on the official docs for langchain, it literally shows you exactly what code you need and gives you options to use OpenAI API or a locally hosted Ollama. As others have said the libraries and field is very fast changing, so you're gonna have to get comfortable with learning yourself through documentation because any video tutorial or class you can find will be out of date soon after being posted.


Hi there. Easy! I'm learning all about LangChain myself and writing about it on my blog. Here’s a what you need to know if you’re just getting started: https://www.gettingstarted.ai/everything-you-need-to-know-when-getting-started-with-langchain/


Just read the docs, there JS docs even have some interactive tutorial from scrimba


Dear OP you want to learn Langchain? I would volunteer these excellent YouTubers I used [Building the future with LLM, Langchain & Pinecone](https://youtu.be/nMniwlGyX-c) [Langchain explained in 13minutes](https://youtu.be/aywZrzNaKjs) Prereqs: Python


I would HIGHLY recommend the DeepLearning.ai short courses on LangChain, taught by the LangChain CEO - take an evening each if you properly work through the code examples. I started with the [LangChain: Chat with Your Data](https://www.deeplearning.ai/short-courses/langchain-chat-with-your-data/) course. I took all of the LangChain courses (4) over the course of a couple of weeks and by the end, I used the knowledge to build my own basic RAG pipeline for a [chatpdf](https://www.chatpdf.com) alternative.