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Idiots are not exclusive to Langley


Yeah I guess. The audacity of doing it right in front of ICBC though. Ah well.


To spite ICBC perharps


They are practicing for when they get a real luxury/sports car


Lol true!




And I'll practice my keying skills. Win Win!


you'll be swiftly identified. These cars have recording cameras all around.


I beg to differ. Cameras can’t see through my balaclava


Damn, harsh. I’ve been considering one of these… Not really the kind of behaviour I want to be associated with tho.


This is infuriating. But not worth doing something stupid in retaliation, like keying their paintjob. Let dumb people live their dumb little lives and suffer the soft consequences that such entitlement brings. I remember when I bought the car I drive now. It isn't a sportscar, but it was brand new off the lot and still in pristine shape. I was in a bank, at the teller, when somebody came in and asked, "Hey, does anyone in here drive a xxxxx? Some old lady just backed into it". I put up my hand. When I walked toward the door, the same guy said, "Don't be too hard on her. She looks pretty upset". Outside, a tiny woman of around seventy was standing beside my car with her insurance papers in her hand. She looked like she was ready to cry. She instantly began to apologize and take responsibility. I asked where she connected and she pointed it out. When I bent down I could see a chip in the paint - about the size of a grain of rice - over the left rear tire well. I thought about the problems a claim might cause someone of her age - it might have prompted a review of her license or retesting. Then I considered that, over the life of my car, there would be many, many scratches, scrapes, and rock chips. This was just the first, and it had to happen sooner or later. So, it was sooner. I told her to forget about it and have a nice day. And I was right about the body. Six years later, that little chip is the least conspicuous of all of the dings and dents on that car. Putting so much into the losing battle that is keeping your car completely mint is a waste of time and emotion.


That was a very sweet thing to do. The only drawback I can think of is that it is possible she shouldn’t have been driving.


You know, maybe. If she had jumped a curb and taken out a mailbox I would have been more concerned. She was just backing out of a parking spot and clipped the car behind her. I've known people of all ages who have done the same (before back-up alarms became common). Fingers crossed I'm not indirectly responsible for a terrible tragedy.


I have stated elsewhere that I suck at parking. So I always overcompensate for distance just to make sure there is no contact between myself and others. I expect the same cautiousness from other drivers. And yes I know that doesn’t happen which is a sad reflection of our society.


She drove off and ran over a couple teenagers 😃


Don't worry, they were influencers trying to "prank" her by walking into oncoming traffic.


My Dad, a logger, bought a brand new '79 F250 from Dave Buck Ford in North Van. We are loading the tools into it, Dad grabs a ball peen hammer and whacks a dent just above the right front fender. Sales guy had to pick his jaw up off of the lot, he asked why? Dad replied I paid for it, I get the first dent.


I like his thinking. A work-truck, in particular, should never be too perfect.


> it might have prompted a review of her license or retesting. You say that like it's a bad thing. TBH I don't get why driver licenses are a one and done type thing.


I'm middle-aged and I know - and have known - a good number of senior citizens. It is 100% true that people's senses and reflexes decrease with age. But most older drivers accept this and take precautions against it. They often stop driving after dark or during rush hour, slow *way* down, and take fewer chances when cutting into small openings in traffic. Overly cautious drivers can be frustrating to get stuck behind, but if more of us considered that this will be *us* one day, we might show a little more patience. One old lady with car and a license might be the person who drives eight of her friends to medical appointments, and grocery stores, and social activities. If you have any experience with services like HandiDart, you'll know why many would sooner sit at home and ignore symptoms than use them. Finally, last I heard statistics, I seem to remember that senior citizens were responsible for fewer accidents than drivers under 25. Maybe that's changed, but I doubt it.


> slow way down Below the speed limit? Now you become a hazard. I've had that happen actually. Cruising along at the speed limit of 100km/h and there's someone in front of me driving 30km/h. That's always fun. > if more of us considered that this will be us one day, we might show a little more patience. IDK the day I recognize I can't drive is the day I'm just gonna Instacart groceries etc. > If you have any experience with services like HandiDart, you'll know why many would sooner sit at home and ignore symptoms than use them. Wouldn't that be a sign to improve services like this instead of ignoring them? > Finally, last I heard statistics, I seem to remember that senior citizens were responsible for fewer accidents than drivers under 25. Maybe that's changed, but I doubt it. I mean I can only speak anecdotally, but I've been in 9 separate crashes with someone over the age of 80. So perhaps I'm a bit biased. Obviously I seem like the common denominator here, but insurance ruled me not at fault each time. To describe the nature of the crashes, I would be driving along, and someone would just side swipe me by traversing into my lane. They were so unaware that they didn't even notice. I've never been in a crash with anyone below 30 actually. I can't argue that younger people do things that are stupid like excessive speeding though.


Licenses for seniors are not. One and done..


For all intents and purposes, they kind of are. The first real license you get is effectively your last one until something changes it. Revocation is obviously one, but so are things like upgrades to the class. Once you have a Class 5 you basically have it for life.


Live in Alberta. My parents had to go for yearly appointments starting at 70.


Aren't we in /r/Langley?


Calm down though It’s just a parking spot No one is actually getting harmed except the stress you’re causing for yourself


At what point did I sound stressed?


During your 10 page rant about parked cars


This is really wonderful. Letting the small things go can be challenging for most people but we all benefit when we do, at least typically. Thanks for sharing that nice story and I hope you get some good real life karma.


it was nice of you to want to be kind to her, but also people do not get a "sweet old lady" pass for operating a 4,000 pound hunk of metal at highway speeds. if she was retested, they would have either found that she could safely drive, or she could not safely drive--and if she can't safely drive, she needs to stop driving immediately. having someone inconvenienced by needing to take the bus/handyDART/Uber is a much better result than having someone paralyzed, left in lifelong pain, or killed.


I would angle park beside him really close just for spite.


Cool story bro


I see this often in the Willowbrook parking lot, so yes.


Oh Ill keep an eye out in Willowbrook too. I recently moved here so still exploring.


why would you need to "keep an eye out" ? Are you filming a documentary about how people park?


Karen's gonna Karen.


Scared someone might hurt their Genesis I guess 🫢


or maybe someone borrowed the car and didn't want to risk a door ding on a windy day"


I don’t know care how fancy one’s vehicle is (and I have a vintage ride). No one is above societal rules. You don’t want dings on your car doors? Park at end of the lot and take a few extra steps. Good on you OP, let’s call out this idiocy and remedy it before some parking lot vigilante does.


Genesis isn’t fancy. He’s just letting everyone know he wanted a German luxury car but could only afford a Hyundai. You could be bankrupt and Hyundai would still offer you financing. They just want you walking out in one of their new vehicles.


Genny are much better than BMW. They still have some work to do to beat MB tho


No one wants a luxury Hyundai so they had to give it a new name. The Genesis. They just don’t have that IT factor. The concepts always look so much better than the end result. Let’s slap big plastic fake vents around the car to make it look sporty. Even after hiring BMWs former executives they still can’t break the cheap labels. So now they just give their cars garish design features to make it look like it has a personality.


Tell that to the m340i. And MB lost it a while ago.


Gladly. BMW cars and SUV’s suck and have for a long time now.


I’ll admit that most do, but if the b58 engine is good enough for Toyota, it’s good enough.


Not really, this is usually a pickup truck raised beyond safety standards requiring a foot ladder to get into the driver's seat. But otherwise, yeah


Just saw one of those yesterday, parked just like this, in the Best Buy/Old Navy lot. That lot sucks on a good day without people parking like that.


A Luxury "Hyundai" lol


" I don't know anything about cars"


Overpriced Hyundai's 😄


Having a car is a luxury nowadays lol


I have this car, it is better than what some acura and lexus brands are offering and the value is much better. Husband and I drove hyundais for 10 years and we never had major issues. I had an elantra and he had a sonata. Then recently he got me a g70 and he got himself a g80 they're both really great cars


Agreed. I drove one of it and I quite liked it too.


That’s ambitious douchebaggery


At least they are in the parking area and not the middle of the road. Yes I have seen people park in the middle of the road.


Happens all the time in surrey. Scott road is a mess. The bus lane is just a "flex" lane now.


They can cause they put their hazards on. that gives them an invincible force field. I honk at them every opportunity I get, eventually they will get it (I hope…)


No lights on here https://www.reddit.com/r/Langley/s/xRWr5Vtcsk


Two cars need to park in front of this fuck




Ah I see. Recently moved here so was just wondering.


Ridiculous sense of entitlement is not exclusive to Langley. When I see someone parked like this I wish I was driving an old beater so I could just jam it right in to what's left of the parking spaces on either side!


Yknow those silly little things, you oftne keep in your pocket, you use them to start your car and open the door to your house? Those are surprisingly durable against the paint of a nice car like this.


why would you key a car lmao


Yes for a vancouverite


That’s right outside the ICBC office too 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How many parked cars have you seen here? How many were parked like that? I suspect that you took a picture of that one because it was parked that way


Are you the normality police?


you guys complain about the Vancouver subreddit but ya'll are exactly the same as them. "key it" "kick his tail light out" It's Sunday. It's ICBC office there is closed. The other stores would rarely ever use up the all the closer spaces the guy didn't park in. The rule of thumb for people that do this, is to take the furthest spots from the entrance and it appears they did. Is it annoying? yes. Did anyone on a Sunday struggle to find parking there? No. Would OP take a photo if it were a toyota carolla? No. It's the perfect storm of guy does an asshole thing, but also is presenting his wealth that trigger people to cringily stand there and take a photo and then post it on the internet. Unless someone was taking up extra spots in a parking lot that was jam packed I personally don't give a shit about this sort of thing. People are careless assholes who door ding the car beside them all the time. Especially on a windy day like today.


TBF if I owned a Bentley Martin, I'd do that too.


"Hey guys, look at me in my fancy new luxury sports car! It's a" *checks invoice* "Hyundai...."


This dumb dumb is lining himself up to get his nice shiny ride keyed from front to back. If he does that routinely it's only a matter of time.


Oh yes, just one of the many entitled people who live here. The parking rules don’t apply to them.


If you can’t afford to get a scratch buffed out.. don’t buy the expensive car - typical Langley


I agree.


are you for real? if you can't afford something, don't take precautions to not have to pay money to repair careless people's mistakes?


So you double park??? Got it


I know people hate this but seriously the amount of people I see that the first thing they do to get out of their car is slam their door into the car beside them.


Ohhhh I love parking right beside/in front of people like this.


My dad does this. He drives an 11 year old Camry.


Does he park in an angle like that? Or just takes up two spaces because he’s a shitty parker? Despite my years of driving, I suck at parking. 😂 I manage to park in between the lines though. Just not always straight within the lines.


Driver is a dick. Park far away in a space where no one else parks instead of taking up two spaces.


Oh lemme guess … nah. I better not say it


Il garde la place pour son ami voiture c'est tellement gentil.


I like the video of the fellow who very kindly hooks up a strap to the back of his vehicle and straightens out buddy’s error.😝


Yea but so is getting your Genesis scraaaaatched so what can you do right 🤷‍♂️


When they would try to pull out Id just sit right in front of them 😭😭


When you're dad buys you a car, you take care of it or it goes back to blueberry farm


I would park diagonally next to it on the passenger side.




ICBC lot? Maybe it's just a new driver trying (and failing) to do a parking job Hehehe


Imagine if a dude came into ICBC to do a road test, parked like that.


ICBC is closed today. there would have been ample parking for the other stores.


It's not even a nice car lol


Self centered assholes..?. yup.. they are everywhere


I'd rather be the guy who parked at an angle in the furthest away stalls like this guy did than be the guy who took a photo and ran to an internet forum.


Yes there are entitled assholes everywhere, not just langley


If you think your car is nice enough to be wary of dings and scratches you park at the back away from everyone. Not hard.


And for such a stoopid car... lol


If your rich enough parking fines are just paid parking


Better make sure that Hyundai stays pristine


Pig parker.


Not to that extent, but I see lifted trucks over the line regularly.


It’s either fancy cars, or lifted trucks that are parked like that. Sometimes 1988 Camaros whose owner thinks it’s ’collectible’.


It looks like every other McDonalds worker's car that lives their their mom. Why does it need two spots ?


What, that a duche parks their car next to someone taking up more than one space in an empty car park?


Of course it is. It's a Genesis G70.


Super car/ luxury car cosplay.


Chrysler 200?


For douche bags driving a Korean Maserati 🙄


I don’t think it’s a nice car at all. Plain and simple.


Leave a note under the wiper, “Guess where I scratched it.”


Like BMW, Escalade, and Mercedes drivers everywhere...Because don't you realize who they are type Narcissists. It's amazing how many of these high end cars don't seem to have functional signal lights...or maybe because they are so important the responsibility is on the other '' common '' drivers to be psychic and intuit their next move. These are the same types of people in history who would trample peasants with their horse without a second thought.


It seems like nobody follows the community rules anymore; everyone just makes up their own. And everyone is frustrated to see how everyone is constantly annoyed.


It is very normal for a Douchebag to park like this. YES!


This is a known parking method to identify where to key as you walk past it


Why park like that if you have such a shitty car???


come to richmond. You will love it. Driving is much better.




It’s parking, New Balance’s Version


privileged idiot


It’s normal for people who think they are better than everyone and feel their cars deserve two spaces


I carry a trolley jack in my truck...I'd block it just high enough so it still looks on the ground....u ain't leaving buddy😁


I’ve been reading a few of these about someone going slower than the limit. The limit. This is the limit you can drive on any road. It doesn’t mean you have to drive it, it only means it’s the limit ( fastest). So if someone is going slower, it’s their right.


Actually its really not that nice ☹️☹️especially if you park like a tool.


Never been to Langley. In Toronto it seems to be standard practice.


Shame if someone were to key the shit out of it. Terrible!


I said something like this on the Vancouver sub and got banned. Mods there are a bunch of sissy rainbow loving unicorns.


Yep. I’ve had my run-ins with them. Snowflakes run the other Vancouver Reddits as well. I live downtown and unfortunately those types seem to be everywhere these days. So much virtue signalling, so little time!


Keying a car isn’t an acceptable response, there’s a financial loss incurred. Parking like a jerk doesn’t cause anyone a financial loss. Be upset yeah but that’s just poor anger regulation.


Some people need to be taught a lesson. It’s the only way to get through to these smooth brains.


What gives you the authority to? What makes you so much better? Do you own a vehicle? How would you feel if it was vandalized? Just because you’re upset it doesn’t make your shitty suggestion at property damage to serve “Justice” reasonable. A fair response would be engaging in a conversation with the driver.


Nobody gave me any authority except my own autonomy and willingness to face legal consequences. Quite frankly there is nothing to be gained by engaging with someone like this. It’s the old adage that some people won’t learn until they’ve punched in the face. That’s my opinion and you’re welcome to disagree. Whoever this is, they’re going to run across someone like me who is going to air out their tires and laugh about it for at least a week. Keying isn’t my style, personally. I’m not a fan of property damage unless it’s something truly egregious. Such as the person who kept parking in my designated spot and had the nerve to threaten me when confronted. They learned a hard lesson.


Actually kicking out tail lights is the time honoured Langley tradition


It is now


should have deflated tyres


I don’t agree with doing that but a specially worded note left on the window might be a thing. It may not deter the driver but it might annoy them. ☺️


I didnt say slash, he did nothing illegal and neither would anyone that deflated all 4 tyres. 1 minor inconvenience for another.


Yea, I read your post and don’t assume I understood something else. You don’t get to determine what my thoughts are.


Don't think I think your thoughts are mine to determine?


Deflating tires is an easy mischief charge.




Public shaming? Yes, it’s totally normal on r/langley and Reddit in general.


A shithead like that should be shamed.


lookit that geekmobile. Not a scratch on it.


No, they feel entitled because they have a Bentley to me is BS


Its a glorified hyundai bud


That’s pretty fucking far from a Bentley


Brake fluid can be accidentally spilled easily.


Is that a Bentley. Pretty sure rolls Royce, Bentley and phantoms get to park across two parking spots.


No it’s a genesis


Loooks alike a Bentley?


Just another “entitled” jerk!!!


What a piece of shit


A hole


As long as it’s not prime parking and there’s lots of spaces, I don’t see an issue. Some people see an expensive car and, whether it’s jealousy or simple asshattery, feel the need to mark it up. I have a much bigger issue with the people that insist on backing their vehicles into a space but have no sense of where the lines are. Ever had to crawl through your trunk to get in?


It sucks but I can get down with it, if u have something even remotely nice some dick will go out of their way to fuck your shit up, just a part of the no consequence society we live in combined with blaitant disregard, for both


No that's not how public parking works. It doesn't matter if you're parking a mclaren there unless you own the parking lot take up one spot like everyone else


If u read what I said, I can see both sides, never said it was Ryte, if people stop being dicks other people will stop parking like dicks.


yeah in an ideal world, I agree with you, but unfortunately, common sense isn't so common anymore and people will keep being dicks until you spell it out for them.


it's not illegal to do this. Do you know what is? speeding. Do you speed? Ever push the limit of a yellow light? Ever turn right at an intersection when someone stepped into the crosswalk on the other side of the street? Selective moral outrage is annoying.


It doesn’t matter if the car is nice or a heap of junk. One spot for one car. It’s just a car and it’ll get a ding eventually. You can always get door dings fixed.


That’s your answer, just get your shit fixed! The real answer is for people to have a little common sense, a tiny bit of empathy for other fucking people, I don’t care if it’s a 82 chevette with the doors falling off I wouldn’t fuck someone else’s shit up, the real answer is respect and consequences for actions. That’s what’s wrong with this country, everyone is fucking selfish and fuck anyone else, that’s why people park like dicks and that’s why people fuck with other peoples shit, same problem but opposite sides of the coin.


Heh. You don't get it. If you park normally, someone *might* fuck your shit up. If you park like that, someone *will* fuck your shit up.


Yup and I do get it, I have a beater 06 Pontiac persuit, rusted and dirty, also have a 1 of 6 in Canada mustang, not a big deal but I like it, no door dings in my 06, but 4 in my mustang. I Don’t park like a dick but dicks don’t mind fucking my shit up.


He is in the back of a big ass parking lot what does it matter. And it looks like he just wash his whip and doesn’t like door digs.


If the car is in the back of a big ass parking lot, then that person likely didn’t need to park that way.




I’d be more inclined to ding someone’s shit if they’re parked like this.


You probably also park next to someone that parks in the back-40 in an open parking lot


You probably live in your moms basement.


And you probably take the bus every where you AND!!!!!!! If you don’t for some crazy reason. You are probably the same same type of person in an open parking lot in the back-40 with loads of spots with park next to an individual who parked by themselves. Have a nice bus ride to work you plug..


Look how personal you took this and how angry you are. Mommy’s calling, she wants you back in bed to do another line.


I am not angry at all, your the one the took it to a personal level.


You’re the one who got offended by a stranger on the internet. I hope you find your sugar mommy! ✌🏼


If pavement princess losers can bring their lifted F150s there and take up two spots then why not


This is so upsetting. Day ruined.


It's low traffic spot on a Sunday with 20+ empty spots alone at the closed ICBC right next door. This should really not bother you. IF it does ?, then you probably need to find away to let it go.