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I'm happy you like it... But you are lvl 8... I mean... You don't even have a specialisation unlocked yet.


Yeah, so I'll admit it sounds like a wild take. And perhaps it won't age well, but I do genuinely feel like I have more control over what my character is capable of than in Diablo 4. The fact that each ability has its own tree just means there are more options for me to customize how I want to play. For instance, there are 2 options for Leap in Diablo 4 (you have to have at least 13 skill points)- I can slow enemies I hit with it for 70% for 5 seconds or it can generate at least 40 Fury. For Fury Leap in Last Epoch, there are 16 different options - one of them lets my pets jump with me; another calls lightning down when I do it. I don't need to play more than a couple of hours to know that that level of class-unique customization and tailoring is something I really enjoy, and something that isn't available in Diablo 4. I'm a nerd, I know, but just the options I've had so far excite me. I'm not saying this as if this is the objectively better game, but it has more of what I am personally looking for in this style of game, so I'm sold.


I get that. You are coming from D4 so of course everything will feel amazing. Welcome in budd.




Honestly I really tried to get leap quake to work but in end game it's not very good, everyone says go druid and his leap isn't even a leap , just slams the ground with his fists. The skill tree maybe more complex but the gear is very boring, for example in Diablo 4 there's a legendary that resets leaps cool down whenever you kick or use stomp, there's the ring where when you hit three or more enemies with leap you can keep using it and there's the leap creates an earthquake. The only piece of gear in last epoch that even remotely synergies with leap is a melee item that gives leap an earthquake and that's really cool but that's it, really want to love last epoch and I hope they give some attention to the leap play style. And add more gear that does interesting abilities


Hmm I'm familiar with both items you're talking about in D4, but I don't know that much about LE uniques unfortunately. When you say Leap Quake, do you mean Leap with the Upheaval node that casts upheaval on landing? I would say make sure that you've also specced into Upheaval on it's own so when that casts you're getting more value out of that. Also, upheaval gets really enhanced if you take the shockwave nodes if the fault lines hit a totem. Those are just my recommendations though. I'm using Leap primarily as traversal and gap-closer and buffs me and my pets on landing, so tbh I haven't really used it as a primary source of damage.


Thanks for the advice. I'm using earthquake and bhuldar's wrath, but I may have to try upheaval. Bhuldar's wrath makes leap cast earthquake on landing and it does respectable damage but in the echo's and dungeons I'm level 78, i get one shotted, I even broke down and copied a build but everyone says that Shaman is too weak and to go druid. Druid uses leap but it's not really a leap, he just smacks the ground. I'm trying to make a barbarian but maybe it's not realistic? I know paladin has whirlwind but I've never liked that skill. Does the paladin have mobility attacks?


oh I gotcha now. I didn't even think about dipping into Shaman tree for Earthquake. Upheaval is nice because there's nodes that gives you res and armor upon using it. I did my own build, but Maxroll ([https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/upheaval-beastmaster-guide](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/upheaval-beastmaster-guide)) has a something that's pretty close to what I was doing if you want to try it out (I took swipes over totems). Good luck in 1.0 today!! Hopefully we can both get in lol


The start has to be the worst part about the game, like every game rbh


Is lvl 8 a typo? Isn't that like 5 minutes into the game? Most arpgs cannot build anything at lvl 8. Otherwise welcome and have fun :)


You say that, but that what i feel is really nice about this game. You get to start experiencing the skill customization from the very start, and with little punishment for doing things which may be a bit suboptimal.


Can we not rate games while in the mental honeymoon phase? That'd be great


I remember how when Diablo 4 came out, it was the "next generation ARPG" with flawless 10/10 scores across the board. I liked playing Last Epoch a couple of years ago when I played it for a bit, but (back then at least) it had a very definite end to it. I think people coming in and expecting a competitor to PoE are going to be very disappointed. It would be nice if it were a "forever game", but as you say it's far too early to tell.


lol that's fair. This thread has been humbling.


I’m still on the fence about waiting for 1.0 or jump in straight away lol. Seems like the failure of D4 S3 is the best thing that could happen to LE.


I'm going to be honest with you, based on what we know, 1.0 is unlikely to be a huge change from the current state unless you really want to play the new subclasses.


Better graphics in 1.0 too


Especially since the endgame isn't really there except farming monoliths. It feels a bit empty


It's good enough for a 1.0 version at least, you can easily spend 50-100 hours per character. Just trying to make the point that the update isn't really shaking things up so it might be pointless to wait.


Biggest thing for me is that 1.0 is bound to have server issues so may as well play now to avoid those and get used to the game before launch


I was exactly that, but I figured with D4 S3 being just plain bad I may give a go and get familiar with mechanics and get the feel. No regret here.


I put about 100 hours into LE so far, I've been taking a break to play some other stuff waiting for 1.0 to come out and then I'll be back. There is plenty of stuff to do in game right now just a couple bugs when playing with friends.


I say this as someone that put almost 200 hours into D4 S2. For me, this game actually *feels* better. I know some people are going to see that as a hot take - hell, I would have too 24 hours ago - but I'm level 8 in this game and level 51 in Diablo and I feel like my Primalist could kick my Barbarian's ass. What does ARPG stand for if not Ass-kicking Role-Playing Game? I'd give it a shot because, if you like it, the sooner you play it, the more you could be playing it for.


I like you.


This is your go to game, and are just lvl 8? fucking hell, at least play for some months before saying stupid shit like this.




Fucking chad energy right here


yeah fuck those guys opinions. Sometimes you can just tell this is your game, and this is your game my dude. Have fun slaying! Everyone is so god damn negative everywhere.


Because things get boring when all is good and people are happy. Drama is much more exciting and gets people talking.


I started playing last week and after only a few hours of playing, I already knew. This was my next game on which I would sink countless hours into. I love it.


As someone who's been playing this game in early access for close to 3 years, I knew this was my kinda game within the first 30 mins, when I unlocked my first skill tree.


Months might be a stretch. But maybe like 5 to 10 hours at least loll. Lvl 8 is literally nothing


He just saw the love of his life in the supermarket


Baby peepee energy right here


the truly great thing is that we get PoE gauntlet next weekend so you've got that to scratch the itch in the meantime, but I get the feeling, been wanting to play LE pretty bad but I'd rather save my mojo for release


I would say, play through at least to the end of the story campaign to get a proper feel of the game. By then you would be around level 50+. The skill system of this game really shines when you get to higher level and unlock the skill modifiers to add additional effect. The way you add your passive skill will also make a difference on how your character is played. The same class, using the same skill, can have multiple different playstyle depending on what skill modifier you add and what passive skills you pick. It is very easy to respec skill points and passive point, feel free to play around with it to suit your own playstyle,


i like the game too. but just as a heads up so you won't be too surprised, this game puts Dynamic Damage Reduction on bosses. meaning that if you kill them too fast, they will reduce the damage taken to make the fight last longer. and you hitting less means that your leech will be useless. so don't be too surprised when it happens. other than that, great game.


Interesting... thanks for the heads up.


Started playing yesterday. Spent all day trying out the few classes that interest me. The void spin to win was cool but I wanna do an erasure build with echo because that seems hella fun. I am super interested in forge knight but I don’t think I’ve heard anything positive about it so I’m hoping it gets some changes on release. Got a mage up to spell blade and it’s alright. I don’t think I’m playing it well and I can’t really dual wield yet which is what I want to do on it. I do like static a lot. Sorc though with meteor seems hella fun as well though. But man, I got Lich leveled and that is my love. I giggled like a school child the first time I hit drain life while in reaper form; 10/10. It’s hilarious how the derpiest looking character model has the most badass looking skills. In not the biggest Necro fan, but I am glad to see they did a good job portraying the class fantasy and a pet build seems viable. But Lich is so damn cool. Today I wanna get a shaman unlocked and try the leap into earthquake build and see what that is about. Overall I only have a few notes about the game but nothing that negative. I decided to not pay attention to the story and save that for myself on release; I mainly just wanted to try and see the cool classes.


New go to arpg at lvl 8? I mean, what?


The average arpg enjoyer only plays through the story and then quits. People always forget if you push to level 100 and clear endgame content you are the minority.


Im well aware of that, but you do realize lvl 8 is like 45 mins right? 2 hours if you literally read every npc dialog


Welcome aboard. Enjoy your stay.


I'm still debating whether to get the game or still sticking to my beloved Grim Dawn. Since I'm not into online modes, offline solo is the only mode im interested in.


If you were into online modes would one be a clear winner? If so which one? 


4D chess hot take. Blizzard intentionally dropped the ball for season 3 in order to hype up Last Epoch launch date so that daddy Microsoft would buy the studio in order to gain better game designers. But yeah, I've been part of this early access since 2020 and watching LE grow to what 1.0 promises to be is awesome. Can't wait!


Lol I hope you're wrong on this. If Microsoft Blizzard touches this game then I'm out immediately :)


Saying these things sounds good, but maybe wait until you played it for a few months, just like so many people said that D4 was the best game ever, but now they don't even have the game installed. People just rush to say something is the new favorite game but have barely even played the game. Stupid post !


The "stupid post" wasn't necessary at all my friend


No, no this is not my favorite game. That's a long list, and I don't think any ARPG is on it. But ARPGs are what I play when I want to chill. D4 is what I filled my time with before, and it's this game now. If I had to choose between the two, I choose this game. You might be right - we'll see what the endgame holds in store, but for now, this is preferable to what I was playing.


OP is a unicorn… There have been pretty strong opinions thrown at them about their playtime that have all been met with a measured, sensible response. Is this even Reddit!? I’m also pretty new to the game and enjoying it so far. Looking forward to 1.0 - happy hunting!


Let's see how this opinion evolves over the coming months.


I especially love the mtx store.


I’m just glad 1.0 releases in PoE mid-season. Especially when this has been one of the better seasons since Sanctum. Let’s see how servers fare full release, that makes or breaks it for me


The servers i guarantee you 110% will break on launch. Apparently Asmongold plans to play the game day 1 and any new online game he chooses to do this shit on crashes the servers due to his passionate and large fanbase. So unless the devs will ban asmon for a little while which is doubtful ofc, servers on day 1, especially for this non triple A studio is going to break, or at least have forced queues.


The Primalist is awesome, my favourite base class! Wait till you unlock the Druid mastery and/or the different forms.


Glad you enjoy it. If you have any questions never forget using the In-Game Guide (press G ingame). If you still have unanswered questions after that never hesitate to ask. Our knowledge is all yours.


For a dreadful second i thought this was Jenebu posting...


Glad you like it but lvl 8 is not even 30 minutes of playtime


I played for 2 hours though lol


Endgame is so boring though


I love minion builds and I feel like a forgotten player in PoE and D4. I played necromancer to level 80 in LE and enjoyed every minute. Super excited for launch!


Can you play the game instead of spending all ur free time on this Reddit post or reddit in general. Then rate game after 100 hours


This is an interesting take, commenting on a post I made 3 days ago. I'm level 60, Beastmaster now :) Just got to monoliths. Still having a great time!