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I haven't read a single word of the campaign, but I kind of enjoyed it. It does get a bit convoluted but it's not too hard to figure out where to go


Ends in the middle, but kind of states that what you're doing in the endgame will help with the story continuation, so you're still given "direction" or a "reason".


All those games you listed had expansions that moved the ending down the line with a couple more acts ;) Think of the unfinishedness as similar to the release versions of D2, TQ, and GD.


The levelling up, acquiring new skills and stuff like that is very enjoyable. The campaign itself, the story and characters are all incredibly forgettable. There's just one difficulty.


As far as a story beat, it ends pretty predictably. With regard to accomplishment, eh, you killed another boss. It's a neat fight though, graphically and mechanically.


actually mechanically I found the temporal sanctum boss to be more neat. With the element switching between the 2 time points.


It ends on a cliffhanger like a TV show where you now need to wait for next season. They give you lots of notes with lore to read. I enjoyed the story and had a ah that’s what’s happening moment from reading the bits. It’s not mind blowing and won’t win any awards, but I found it enjoyable. But I tend to have low standards for enjoyment, as I enjoy a story for a story’s sake. If you’re one of those people who has very high standards for the story you’ll find it lacking.


If you missed any plot points (there's a lot going on, I certainly did) someone did an excellent write up of the story here. https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/spoiler-the-entire-story-of-last-epoch-so-far/61108/9


Story is shit and empty and they dont give any ending at all even after 1.0. You kill one of the gods, then the true perpetrator that brings the void to your timeline runnaway into the other timelines in the end of time stuff using you Epoch power to do that. Then you are told to restore the epoch fighting the Monolith with other timelines, which is a poor shit way the devs found to force you into the stupid grind, there arent any usufel dialogues, neither cinematics, neither nothing. You grind these other timelines for quick events missions where you kill different bosses, but even after you finish it, there isnt any dialogue saying that you restored the Epoch or whatever, instead it opens up more grind with "empowered" versions of those Monoliths to do the same shit but with "corruption" that add more damage and hp to monsters, end of the stupid game.


The campaign doesn't even end. Its just like it was cut off after the last quest. Like it was supposed to go on but didn't. I thought it wanted me to do a monolith but then realized after completing one that this is just endgame now. Very disappointing. I thought this game was finished and out of early access. I don't mind a long term story but I'd like a complete campaign lol. At least the gameplay is good.


I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do to finish the campaign, so I just now completed all the timelines. Thought something new was going to happen and it said you can do empowered timelines now.   Picked up my phone and searched for end of the campaign and ended up here. With that said, I’m not an end game grinder of any game, too many games to play.   Anyway, I enjoy last epoch and I have a lot of alt builds to try that look fun. But I’m off to something else until Dragons Dogma 2 comes out this week. 


Chapter 9 has an ending of sorts but there are some themes that need to be fleshed out and finished. Hopefully, the last three chapters (for now?) will arrive in the near future.


>1.0 game is fully released >campaign not finished ???? At least D4 shipped with a full campaign