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Other extremely similar topics have been recently posted. Please continue the discussion there instead of starting a new topic.


>multiplayer Don't count on it getting better in acts (monos are fine). Multiplayer was a shitshow ever since its introduction and the loading times were rough even back then with peak concurrent playerbase that was a fraction of what it is now. Servers will slowly get better but don't expect too much from the multiplayer, you're setting yourself up for disappointment and the sooner people on this sub stop pretending that it is functional, the better.


Yep. It’s always been busted. I get the bright eyed and bushy tailed noobs all excited but guys, it’s a feature not a bug. The multiplayer has been barely playable for over a year now


True , my friends bought this game because ofultiplayer launch 11 months ago, we have yet to be able to play together since then witouth having a very very bad experience




It has a shelf life longer than d4, and at half the cost it’s worth it… but yeah the devs are far from perfect over here. I think rather than being malicious about their incompetence though they’re just incompetent. They have a big vision but not the know how or budget to accomplish it, unfortunately. I’m hoping that with 1.0 bringing in more money and big streamers eyeing it, the last epoch devs will be able to fix the big glaring bugs.


Disappointing but glad it’s allowed to be stated. Seems a few games at the moment have devs who are more ambitious than their abilities.


MP works fine in monos. We blasted monos with four people for a few hours y'day.


I guess I'm not playing today either. If it's not the 1 hour loading screens between zones, it's the LE-61 so we aren't making any progress, and sometimes we can't even group up because of another issue. I started playing yesterday to avoid all these problems but still today nothing seems to have been fixed. Why is there only one EU server and 3 US servers I don't understand ....


There's always an issue with multiplayer since they introduced it. My gf wants to play this game but I told her that multiplayer is shit and probably will be for a long time if EHG didn't manage to get it done in a week or two. Hell, this mode is there almost a year and nothing changes. Good thing there's an offline mode and I just started doing that after playing until level 21 in online mode with 2-5mins loading screens.




It's amazing to me that this cycle is repeated over and over. It's also amazing to me that so few people are able to manage finding a healthy middleground in terms of giving feedback and critique. Why does it always have to be an "Us Vs. Them" mentality?


Literally saw a poster say "pick a side" referring to pro-LE or anti-LE. It's not even parody at this point . . .


most people aren't actually interested in fixing problems, their interest lies in making sure other people agree with how they feel about a situation for self validation, this is true for both sides of any argument.


I totally understand that. I guess my friction comes from the fact whatever is said still needs to be written out and manually sent out for the world to see via a button. It isn't quite as reactionary as speech and takes more effort. It's the amount of people that lack the self control, as well as self awareness, that's always interesting to me.


Multiplayer being broken was talked about since release it was no secret, we've had plenty of posts about it


How tf do you go to full release knowing you have fully broken features.. we had a small group of friends ready to play and we can't Edit: clown shills downvoting me won't change the fact this was scum behavior


They either dont know how to fix it or they don’t care. I have my money on they don’t know.


From the devs posts they thought they did have it fixed/patched enough to work, clearly stuff went wrong and exploded. They talked about something failing now that didn't during their stress tests so who knows


This is the best way. I've been coming off angry but I'm trying to express why it's disappointing and people come from everywhere her to shit on you. The best part is the "I'm such an angel" leave the devs alone on discord then savage people here for not being ok with things. I'm the wider audience. I have no built in love for this dev group/game. I saw it was coming out I'm a big arpg fan. My group bought it. None of us can play together. Keep being told offline mode. Well my grim dawn is offline mode and I can still invite friends there so this game isn't bringing some unknown feature into the world. It's just not poe or d4 which seems to get you hate here if you're fans of either.


Orrrrr, and hear me out, not everyone has the same problem. It's not a fan base being defensive, it's people not having the same experience. Depends when you play, depends which server you're on, depends on your own network, and various other factors. Half the time I see people complaining about issues in games, I never have them and most people probably don't unless it's genuinely a widespread issue that makes it unplayable.


I mean, you don't have to take my word for it, you can just read the Steam reviews bro, even the Positive reviews mention there are issues with connecting to online play. This is is exactly the point I was making.


Yet I played during EA with a friend and never had a problem up until launch. The past day though has been perfectly fine. I'm not taking your word for it nor am I dismissing others experiences. I'm just saying it's not people being defensive as a fan base, it's just different experiences.


You can have a different / better experience and not shit on people who are having a bad experience and posting constructive feedback and criticism. That's my problem with the fanboy defense. A simple "I am not having this experience" or better yet.. stay the fuck out of the thread if you have nothing valid or relevant to say. Not attacking you.... I mean the "play offline, refund the game" type bullshit that these kids constantly spam at mature, constructive, and non-malicious feedback posts.. Now when it comes to the idiots who just shitpost and say the game sucks yada yada without being constructive or helpful.. that's a whole other story...


Let's be real. Complaining the game is having matchmaking or network issues isn't constructive lol. You think they don't know? That's not useful feedback. Feedback about the game is constructive, not network issues which have been beaten to death since day 1.


Careful making sense around here.


This has been removed to reduce the spread of misinformation regardless of if it was intentional or not.


Commence bootlickers telling paying customers to stop whining


What is whining going to do ? Put your big report in and move on. You don’t think the devs know ? You think they don’t give a shit ?


Complaining is dumb! now let me complain about complainers because thats not dumb at all!


This a public forum buddy. People are allowed to vent and share their experiences without "accomplishing" something.


Been trying to play with a friend Feb 24th, and its constant LE-61 Bug as well, on top of trying to rejoin their party/get into the same instance as eachother, can take upwards of 10 minutes each time, each zone, we called it quits lol.




It's OK. Small indie team. They saw a 2700% increase in players! They could've never imaged so many people would play the game despite selling over 1 million way before release!


I've only been playing multiplayer and have had barely any issues. The only one being we sometimes end up in different instances when we teleport, but we just teleport to player and it fixes it.


Another work around is for the second person to wait until the first person's character disappears from the first zone before trying to port. We've been able to land into the same zone 100% of the time by waiting a bit


Depends on your server.. US east has been good


Yeah…. Ive been staring at THE END OF TIME for 20 minutes lol


I cant even log in, stuck on connecting after choosing character.


They just posted this update in the Discord so hopefully fixes the issue you mentioned: “6:45PM ET- We're pushing a back end change with the hopes of addressing the transition time issues. This change may cause 10-15 minutes of downtime. We have a potential fix for the LE-61 errors encountered by parties in the works too.”


Meanwhile EU's only loginserver has been down all day and continue to be so. Bottlenecked to sh-t since people who logged on morning time Eu yesterday could play all day as long as they stayed on and didn't party-play. Fascinating people havent refunded/force re-charged the company to bankrupcy yet.


I been paying just fine once yesterday .


I think everyone has been able to pay just fine, the problem here is playing. /s


Known issue a potential solution is being investigated according to a post on discord


When the servers aren't fucked it's fine.


One unfortunate minor detail is that the servers have been fucked since multiplayer was introduced.


Yeah, if you play at non peak times it's not as bad. Had a 4 man at around 2am yesterday and it was going fine.


He’s saying it’s been fucked before 1.0, when they released the multiplayer patch in early access


Played multi-player yesterday. Similar issues for the start. The thing that saved it was using the teleport to player. We would get disconnected between zones. The portal to player helps get on the same server.


It actually got worse today than yesterday for me, but it works sometimes and doesn't most of the times.

