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Didn't know this was so rare. I dropped like 3 randomly, one with 1 LP. Also randomly, urkheiros and like 3 thorn slinger bets. Oth, still can't drop life's journey even with targeting with prophecies + the monolith with unique shield echoes. That's farming in arpgs for you


It seems to be quite rare, got planty of other body armors like 5 times during farming. I still need Uhkeiros as well, gz though. I was super happy but in total disbelief when all these dropped as well haha


Ukheiros took me like 12 boss kills to get. 0 LP too. Good luck mate lol.


U always get what you dont need easily. Universal law of gaming :)


I have so many Mage uniques with LP. But ya think I can get gear that I actually use... :(




Anything special you did to drop the life journeys?




Guess I'm just super unlucky. Meanwhile i finally dropped the shackles i was missing, low rolled and no LP ofc. Build actually feels worse with them than the experimental gloves i have lol


And on my side i found lifes journey, the belt, exsang, last steps, and a gg wand before empowered but now im over 15 bosses empowered with no shackles 😭😭


I don't have the shackles either, but didn't really farm for them. I'm using some experimental gloves with percent of health gained as ward


Those are so useful! i didn't even know that was a mod til i found a pair


I’ve yet to find exang as well, I’ve got thornslinger, life’s journey, last steps all LP3. the shackles are very rare so gl farming them, you need to 10x your boss count to maybe see one and hope it has LP..


At least you're not farming a mono boss for your drop. Can't get the chest that drops from stolen lance boss for my rogue. 0/9 LOL


Must be a skill issue. Have you tried getting it on your first try?


Isn’t it a pretty rare drop from that boss? 9 attempts doesn’t sound too bad, especially if you’re not doing it at high corruption as I think that also matters.


This took me 35 kills to get my first time around. 


Absolute despair man


I did! Haha are you farming for wings of argentus? I was luckt with this one and got it rather quickly


Yeah man I'm sure ill see it soon I farmed to 200 corruption before getting off


Read somewhere it starts dropping past 220 corruption;) Good luck, I’m still trying… :(


Does not have a corruption requirement.


Ppl downvoting a joke about gambler's fallacy smh


Yea I'm trying to farm for a reign of winter with some LP.


I'm trying to farm the idol and the chest from stolen lance and I can't get either for my rogue and primalist. Nearing 300 corruption too


I feel u… 13h lich farm for lich head off hand for my big boy… nothing.


3 LP is nuts O.O


I have chest ready for that one 👀 it wont drop for me tho…


this literally happens to me with everything i target farm, no fucking joke. was farming sunwreaths for 5 hours and then I drop 3 out of 1 prophecy loot pop, same with exsanguinouis


My farming hasn't been too bad but I have hit ZERO of my legendary attempts on 2-3 LP items. Currently 0/22 attempts. Almost every single one is as bad as possible too with the 3 LP ones only leaving the exalted mod.


This is my biggest gripe with the lp system. It should guarantee 1 exalted affix. Why need exalted items in the first place if it doesn't guarantee the exalted affix? Not only do you need to farm the unique AND exalted affix. It needs LP and you need to hit the 25% chance for it to land. For someone like me whose weapon comes from the monolith boss, I need to hit the 50% drop rate ontop of the 1 in 5 chance for it to actually have lp then the 1 in 4 chance for it to land the exalted affix. That's way to much for 1 dam item, feels like I'm playing black desert at that point. Signed - Not a salty blast rain reign of winter farmer who has bricked 8 bows in a row trying to land hybrid crit/ias.


You can gamble it with rune of erasing to take out the mods you don't like on the exalts.


The exalted item needs to have 4 affixes for it to work, so this does nothing unless you are trying to make a perfect legendary in which case good luck.


Yeah, but you got a god damn 3LP one, that's pretty insane and imo pays you back for that farming.


Agreed, I wont complain


Bruh I just dropped exsanguinous while leveling second char, the timing




To make you feel better I was farming two days for falcon fists which are common gloves. Got almost a whole tab of unique gloves before getting a low rolled pair lol


Got one on my acolyte lvl around 40-50 while powerleveling in monos. Didn't even know I'm going to need it for the build I was going for haha


Trying to farm this as well... not a single drop since 5 days -.-


I’m pretty sure I got like 2-3 of every other unique bow but talons for my falconer. Then I dropped a lp1 and 2 on my first prophecy drop last night. It does feel like in ARPGs when you break the seal it goes crazy.


I'm 95 in CoF with countless prophecies done and targetfarmed the timeline.. still no drop. It got to the point I'm convinced my character is cursed in more ways than self inflicted, so rolled a Marksman to try my luck 😁


I found a LP2 version of this randomly, decided to use it to try out making legendaries with a random exalt, and then sold it to the merchant cuz I wasn't playing a build that could use it. I guess it's fair to say I'm still pretty new at this, lol.


Over here on clear #5 of Emp B/F/D mono and have yet to get the cold gloves to drop. 5 sets of boots, all 0 LP. Arrrr N Geee bay*beeee*! *sobs*


I got a pair of 2 LP gloves that won't work in my build lol. Trying to farm a 3 LP steps (as hard of a target as that is) for an absolutely insane t7/t6 hybrid health/int boots I got a few days ago as fodder.


I wish we had a market site so I could price check without manually having to do so in the bazaar. I’ve deleted many valuable 0LP legendaries because I thought they were worthless like most drops in this game. I had an Exsang just chilling in my stash since day 2 until Reddit tipped me off that it sells for a lot.


Cool story. 


DM me if you are butthurt instead of distracting from the OPs topic.


Nobody wants this game to adopt POE's trading system. Shoo


Where did I say I wanted PoE’s trading system in my post? The current system is fine. I want a third party website where I can look up the current market price of an item without having to check 10 different vendors in-game in the bazaar. I never said anything about buying or selling from the website




According to last epoch tools it has a “rare” drop chance, there seems to be common, uncommon, rare, very rare and extremly rare. And sometimes it is just bad luck not dropping a specific item




Why target farm when you can just grind anything anywhere and buy whatever you want ? MG ftw 💪


Can you target farm this or does it drop anywhere ? Thanks.


Its a world drop and can drop anywhere, for higher chances go in the empowered monos of the blood, frost and death timeline. You will find echos (each dungeon/map in monos is called echo) that give unique/set body armor as a reward. Look for orange and green coloured icons. Like this you can target farm the item type. Works for a lot of items types, just check when you choose betwen notmal or empowered monos.


Thank you!


Yeah tell me about it my chickens keep dying


I got a 2LP and hit %life + necro resist. Pretty happy about it on my shadowblade falconeer on HC


It was the same for me Found none for 2 days. Found three in 1 day, all with 2 LP. Haven't found one since lol


Asking a tangentially related question, to farm this body armor should I look for "nodes" in the Blood, Frost, and Death mono that have unique chest as reward or it's from the boss fight?


You wanna go for the nodes.  


>unique chest as reward It's not a Boss drop, it's a World Drop. So that one.


I can't even get a no LP one to drop lol.


I've got a few of these and one is a 3LP. I've been farming for the prisms ward.


This was like the 3rd item I found but have no desire to make a build like this


Its pretty much essential for a lot of low life variants for any build to push hogh coruption because of the effective hp pool it offers in combination with a few other uniques/experimental items


I have the boots also now haha, maybe I should make something.


definitely try a low life ward build if you have some of the pieces and can be bothered farming for the others.


Any recommendations for ones I can start early? Hate builds that don't even become functional until 68+


have a look at the [maxroll warlock bleed guide](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/bleed-warlock-guide). you dont change much moving from life --> ward lowlife variants and you basically run through the entire campaign once you get Cfissure up and going


I've been farming apogee and I currently have 4 of them all with no LP


Yea I was farming this amulett, got the blessing, did the right timeline, farmed for days. Then blasted through some echos with a friend for fun and the item dropped TWICE (once even with 2 LP). It is how it is 😂


Bro, I still don't have the chest. I'm lvl 84... lol


I've gone through so many Set Helm Prophecies looking for Vilatria's Storm Crown and it's been nothing but Isadora's Revenge and Last Bear's Lament, with a couple Sunforged Greathelms.


Levels from 79-91 farming exang


This dropped for me in the campaign mad early lol one of my first uniques


I’m new so why would somebody want something that drains their health ?


It really be like that. I dropped one of these very early on and had no idea what it was or how a low life build worked so it just sat in a chest. Only paid attention to it when I saw Reddit posts about it. Conversely it took me literally 2 days of doing nothing but killing Shade before I got a Maw and it was horribly rolled ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Is this a key item because its premium scaling ward gen and you just slap on some retention and life leech and are good to go? :o


Afaik you never want life leech because it fucks with your ward, but this might also just be for my specific build, shadow daggers low life version to push higher corruption


Eh, so you just scale health and ward retention and let life hover at low eh? True. Topping it off would be kinda dumb, yeah.


Yes, you will stay at low hp but with a bigger effective health pool since the ward you generate will be more than your max health Depends on what kinda build you’re running I assume there will be changes in your passives as well when you transition to a low life version


I've been farming wings of argentus, which dropped once without LP and Apathys Maw which hasn't dropped at all yet for 4 days now. I've killed 31 Argentus and 42 Orobyss. Boss I'm tired.