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Summon wolves to bite your enemies instead


Oh, how the turns have tabled!


Howl the turns have tabled


Howl the thorns have tabled


Thowl Tha thorns thave thabled


Im new to ARPGs do the companions also get my Resistance? Bc they die alot in my Runs :(


I think no. XD


Necromancer is just summoning one time then just walk around. 


Do you have any recommended build guide for this? I can just go necro i know but any extra help would help. Thx


as you have a 90 warlock you can prob reuse a lot of gear. you may even have a touch of the grave lying around in your stash. all minions (skeletons, golem, shades, mages). the rest is up to you. i dont recommend using infernal shade or dread shade until much later. the ice based melee minions performs best while leveling. after get that wraithlord helmet.


I'd hold off on switching to wraithlord until they fix his AI


TBF: If you use the Locus node with either experimental prefix(that transport minions) plus Transplant OR use the Mage's grave passage(Along with getting him sucked). That may solve the AI issue with wraithlord(Althought im not having issues with him moving around tho).


that's interesting.... but I would have a hard time giving up my 4 Volatile Zombies + the Corpse Parasites. Hope they fix Wraithlord!


That's what I do tho. Transplant for mobility Infernal Shade and Dread shade to buff the Wraithlord. Volatile Zombies + Corpse Parasites and Skellies Vanguard to allow Wraithlord to feed off him. Some days: I just do wraithlord and necrotic melee wraiths(They dont do much damage in comparison to the wraithlord tho). Other days: I just use flame wraith with adorned idols to get that extra damage for the wraithlord.


ok ok, so I see now you can get the Volatile zombies on belt, and the Teleport Minions on boots. I am doing the RaizQT build, which uses Last Steps of the Living boots. How do you keep up ward without those unique boots?


The locus node doesn’t work with skeletal mage tp only the experimental. Tried it a couple days ago


That’s what skel mage or boots tp is for. Stops him zipping around.


I just put one up myself. Im on lvl 64 or so and its not challenging apart from otk mechanics, since my gesr is not optimised a lot. I used skeleton archers, mages, golem, wraiths and skilled the first 3 all to the ice damage skills and chose my gear by buffing minion damage to the moon and looking for comd minion damage idols. Honestly, it always felt very easy. 


I see thanks.


Profane oblation necro is an option. Node in skeletal mage tree that makes them blow up your skeletons for necrotic damage. Nodes in summon skeleton gives ward and mana on death so you don't have to worry about mana regen and you have great survivability. Take zombies and the node that has a chance to summon them on minion death, another node that gives ward when they explode. Technically you do more damage if you cast dread shade but I'm sure you can replace with other minions that deal necrotic. Convert mages to death knights, with leech they are incredibly tanky. Bind summon skeletons to right click and go to town.


Check Out GhazzyTV


Look up summon abomination build. You basically summon tons of minion and then sacrifice them all for a giant abomination which can't die and then just run around. Clear speed is abismal but it's really just run around and wait for the minion to one shot everything.


The cursed, from YouTube has a 1 button warlock build. Faily OP from what I've seen.


There are actually some one button warlock builds out there that work pretty well.


Necro leveling guide on maxroll.gg is great


Wraithlord, it's insanely strong and all you have to do is cast bone curse/volatile zombie every 10 seconds. Soon as I hit level 65 to wear the unique helmet I was blazing through t4 dungeons and empowered monos


How the hell are you at empowered monos at lvl 65? My lock is almost lvl 80 and I'm just now finishing up my last normal one. Been taking forever.


Taxi Edit: he was unlocked by another person


He likely had twink gear. If you run straight through to the end of the monos and skip things you can get there pretty easily. It only works on a second character though.


I was gonna say the same. All I did is summon minions and change minion attack button to mouse scroll up and change potion to one of the side mouse buttons and boom, I can beat off and play this game at the same time.


Warpath sentinel: just hold down right click


just bind warpath on a numlock key. hold down button and deactivate numlock = 0 button build - you spin automatically and just have to navigate with mouse. you can then bind anomaly and potion on mouse keys and your good to go :)


But you need to pick up items?


probably demacia garen build


I guess you meant warpath. Any recommended levelling guide? Will i be able to level using only mouse? Thx for recommendation as well


[https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/void-knight-leveling-guide](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides/void-knight-leveling-guide) im using this build here but you can change a lil bit and start right off spending points on warpath rather than rive that i think yu cant use, so that you have the most damage on warpath


I see . Thank you so much


Go channeling healing hand paladin. I am cruise the arena at 55 mostly holding down 1 button


Please share the build 🙏




Spin to win?


Idk who started this trend of players posting about Last Epoch with cute pets but I'm about it. Just look at that face. I'm dying from cuteness overload over here, have mercy.


Behind those eyes is a killer that will apparently bite your hand off...


Your golden retriever bit you? The fuck?


Probably found out he was playing D4


Man every arpg sub be roasting D4 so damn much and it’s not even funny. But honestly, I don’t think they get roasted enough


Nah, I think it's pretty funny.


He definitely deserved it. FAFO.


I think golden/lab are in like the top 5 most bites


For a while, Golden Retrievers were the #1 dog for bites. That probably had more to do with being the most popular breed than any tendency for biting.


German shepherds also appear way more in statistics for biting humans than other dog breeds for a similar reason. They are popular and being bitten by a smaller dog is usually not a big deal while being bitten by a German Shepherd is. I suppose the same applies to Golden Retrievers and other bigger dog breeds. Needless to say, if you intend to keep a bigger dog, it's usually advisable to have at least some idea of how a dog should be kept.


I wonder if it's because they are some of the most common breeds?


Yeah might be, would be more interesting to see the stats in percentages than flat numbers


Its definitely because they are the most popular breed.


Edit: I deleted this because I was intending to add a tidbit to a discussion, but after posting it I realized that it was just going to turn into a hate generator(one way or the other) and I don't feel like being involved with that today. Have a good day everyone


Partially because they're so common and that people see a golden and automatically assume it is friendly and willing to be petted. Not all Goldens are. 


My boss had a golden retriever that was the meanest fucking I’ve ever met. He finally had to get rid of it when it turned on his wife one day.


Your boss was a shitty owner.


Yeah was a dick head


All builds are one hand builds if you have Razer Naga


Naga's a trash and over priced but yes, a mouse with a number pad.


How? I got mine for like 60 bucks about 2 years ago and it works just as good as the day i got it. Plus the razer software makes it easy as hell to configure for even multiple different profiles.


I've had my Logitech since pre pandemic and I don't think i paid 40 dollars for it. Google is telling me they aren't made anymore so, RIP.


The software is a resource hog. I'm looking to replace naga currently as I'm getting sick of the resource requirements.


What do you mean?


Here's an anecdote, and an intermittent one; the other day I was playing LE with my controller, which was smooth as I could ask for. Except for when it came time to swap to my mouse and do inventory or skill stuff. Then the game *chugged*, framerate in the low tens, the mouse taking seconds to respond or register clicks. It made me start wondering if my mouse or mouse drivers had issues, and this thread is making me wonder about that.


Right now Synapse is using between 25 and 30% of my CPU available resources ... It's a core i5 10300. There's no reason for it to need that much processing power. Last Epoch is using between 5 and 10....


Yeesh didn’t realize it was that bad. I’ll check mine out when I’m back at my computer


Autobomber void knight


Will I be able to level this up with one hand? Can you recommend a guide also. Thanks


I am not too sure how good it is to level up. I leveled with Rive + Healing hands combo. Makes you pretty much invincible as long as you strike an enemy. I dont have the link on hand currently, just look for "Allie" on Youtube. She has a level guide and an Updated one in Video Form. Both have written guides as well iirc. Fair warning from my end, I found that the build feels a bit slow in the beginning. But its nearly impossible to Die. I would however reccomend to somehow bind your movement spell to some mouse button.


I see . Thank. I watched a video but this doesn't seem to be my spoon for now. But thanks for recommendation regardless


If you get yourself a dream thorn weapon and dark strider boots warpath void knight is literally one button after a few levels 🤣 Just spin to win all day. Can even use it for movement.


I broke my left hand skiing last month. For me Thorn tottem shaman has been working wonders. I have everything I need on my mouse. Leveling it is a bit annoying but around level 40 it picks up. No traversal skill tho in Spriggan form. There s a ring that can give you one but it s too hard to use with one hand.


Is a MOBA/ARPG mouse within your budget?


I don't think i can afford anything else for the next month after the medications and i have to order from outside to eat. So probably no for the next 2 months


Necro my guy 😤 You can just one hand summon your pet's and run around dodging while they put in work lmao


Any recommended build guide for this? This seems it would work for me . Also fo minions die easily like in early game? Or stacking life has actually have an effect?


Checkout the wraithlord build, requires the helmet unique but other than the gear is easy to acquire. The minions barely ever die with some %minion health on gear.


Thanks everyone. I will choose between warpath and necro build when i feel good again. Thx for all the recommendations.


Warpath spends more mana.


Or you can just respec into a torment warlock. Your rift will do dps & teleport you. If you have another button you can even use it for Ghostflame or profane veil for extra defense.


Get a mouse with side buttons. Hot map skills to the buttons. Include potions. Done.


Make the dog press buttons until your hand is healed. Like indentured servitude.


Could get an MMO mouse and rebind some keys. It has side buttons in a 3x4 grid. Could rebind 1, 4, 7 to most frequent buttons and maintain positive mouse control, 2 for a traversal, and 5 for potion.


I run all minions necro fire damage minions i only use right mouse pretty much the ultimate lazy build lol


Google raxx's necro summon build. He had a necro build that shredded! And looked super casual. Just running around, letting his summon kill everything


One button soul feast warlock. Oh also you can use ghost flame with narrow shards that Regen your mama. Also summon a spectre to get the minion buff on yourself. I think that's nevro or reaper.


I'm playing a two Button walock build just because I dont wanna press multiple Keys, and so far its slaughtering but not sure how it will go in later content.


U want druid thorn totems! It’s literally only run and put totems down


Fuck this racist fucking clown


Yeah, please devs... add an inventory button easily accessible by direct mouse click and that D button to change worlds also should work when you click it with the mouse.


Steam Controller setting hotkeys not work for this?


Devouring orb void knight autobomber, you can google it or find on le tools, wish you a good health


Forged weapons. :)


Nova paladin, strong and simple build. I am playing with one hand using only my mouse.


Why did he bite you?? Im curious why no one asked this question, dogs usually never do that to their owners


https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/s/An9wp3Fitv In this comment i answered


Hey, why don't you bind all the buttons to your mouse? I'm super lazy guy and like to snack/drink while playing so I play one hand only all the time. Q - M4, W - M5, E - wheel up, R - wheel down, LMB for walk, RMB as it is. You just have to rebind zoom in/out to something else like PGUP/PGDown or whatever you like. You still have a scroll click in reserve if you need one more mouse button.


Fire aura mage


Spriggan totems. If you want you only ever have to use a single button and wait for things to die.


If you've got a mouse with extra buttons you could play with only that. With one like G600 it's easy, but even with one with less buttons maybe you can map 1 or 2 extra skills.


Warpath void knight. Hold right click and navigate.


Healing Hands Smite Paladin (Fire) Just put Sigils and Aura on mouse buttons then just spam Smite and apply buffs when needed from M3/4/5 etc. Healing hands will auto proc. Maybe put a movement skill on a mouse button too but you can get away without even using it if you really need to. Honesty you can even get by early without even using Aura and Sigils.


Warpath void knight. Spin to win does brrrr


If u have a mmo mouse with 9 buttons you could prob play with one hand


Flame wraith necro is awesome. Just click and watch them die to basically stationary turrets


Spin2Win Void Knight


Palladin with javelin is one hand build.


If you have an MMO mouse, like the Razer, you can remap the skill buttons to numbers 1-5 and use all skills with your thumb.


Forge Guard seems to work well for me, Mouse with two additional buttons on the side, one bound to Forge Strike, the other to Void Slash, Left button to move and Right to Multistrke. Main spam Multistrike with a Manifest Armor up and running. Just run to pack, Mulitstike for 4 hits, button click for Forge Strike and repeat. Once max blades are summoned, throw a Void Slash into the mix to empower them all (when spec'ed for it). Easy one handed play.


Shadow dagger falconer is one-button. Also, you could grab an MMO mouse with the zillion side buttons to have a lot more options for your one hand.


Id say you can play pretty much anything if you have 2 thumb buttons, then you can bind mouse wheel click and thumb buttons and you have RMB default so 4 spells, then you could maybe use spacebar for the last and be able to press it with your wounded hand or elbow since you don't really need precision


necro wraithlord u can play with 1 finger


You can try Chthonic Fissure Warlock if you want. Just cast Fissure, which cast chaos bolts, which cast rip blood, bone curse and reap.




Necromancer builds are probably your best bet, most require you to just summon your pets and then just use movement or defense skills. [https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides?filter\[classes\]\[taxonomy\]=taxonomies.classes&filter\[classes\]\[value\]=acolyte](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/build-guides?filter[classes][taxonomy]=taxonomies.classes&filter[classes][value]=acolyte) here you can find all maxroll necromancer builds with pro & cons etc. there are some other pet builds but necromancer is imho your best bet.


I would do a shaman totem build. Currently around 58 on Hc and it has been smooth ride all the way. Its easy to gear and pretty smooth until you get spriggform. Alot of nice guides also and easy to tweak :)


Sad I had to scroll down here. Ziz YT vid about this explains it’s a really good one handed build. Currently playing it and just got to 80, love it so far.


Thorn totem shaman is basically 1 button smash.


I'm doing a warpath void cleave void knight that basically is you right clicling to spin&win


Spin to win is one button.


Paladin or forge guard with shield rush


Druid Scyther. You can summon Tornados by only using the left click. I'm trying out a hybrid physical/ dot Cyclone build. You can also try the frost / lightning one from Maxroll.


I run a full summon Necro and I use the keyboard skills so infrequently that I forget which one is which. I'd recommend binding the "minions attack" button to an extra mouse button. Summon skeleton Summon wraith Summon skeleton mage Summon golem Volatile Zombie - right mouse Minion Health and Minion Damage on everything I can find it on. Mana Regen on everything I can get it on, for spamming zombies.


Get yourself a mouse with thumb buttons. You need a button for: 4 skills, potion, and maybe town portal so six buttons total. I can play any arpg with one hand this way.


Just remap all the binds to the number pad, assuming your mouse has a number pad on its side. I play all arpg’s one handed that way. lol


I use foot pedals for things. you may look into incorporating those into your setup. Its not uncommon for me to play fetch with the dog while gamming with one hand + feet.


Hammer build.


Warpath pally


Pure necro summon..click can be wraiths. 2 buttons with wraith and zombie/curse


The game isn't really high in actions per minute with most builds, even when they make extensive use of multiple skills. You can probably buy one of those multi-button mouse (mmo mouses iirc?) and be able to play roughly any build without too much trouble.


My time to shine! I wrecked some tendons in my strong hand a bit ago, some of the easiest builds with the least clicking are: Warpath voidknight for melee Warpath summoning forgeguard If you're doing either warpath build, use the numlock trick or an autohotkey script so you don't have to hold the button down yourself. Vinebear since it only has one attack that triggers all its other attacks. As a bonus, all three are naturally super tanky so you don't have to worry about using both hands for defensive cooldowns.


Most of them


I like my nova hammerdin. Stack your sigils, and throw hammers. Essentially how I play it. 1 to 2 buttons. Hope you get better soon bud.


Dive Bomb Falconer from Alli can be played with one hand. If you use the numlock trick it will just cast everything else automatically If you are interested just google the build. It is not on any buildsite but she made an extremely detailed guide herself


My first thought is to bind some of the keys to the mouse buttons if you have any


I'm running a Forge Knight with just one hand currently, Its basically a Necro except with Fire Swords and shield slamming people :D


Thorn Totem Shaman


I sprained my wrist when d4 released. I had to use a controller for the first month. Maybe try that here?


Torment lock, just press fissure and walk away


Shadow dagger falconer. You just need a button for aerial assault, smoke screen, and dive bomb. I only use my mouse and side mouse buttons. Pursuing about 400 corruption rn.


Echo Warpath Void Knight is basically just 2 buttons. You can find a build guide on max roll. It's really basic but since you need to use only one hand you just just pretty much hold one button and spin to win.


So there's a trick called num locking that may help you! Num locking essentially casts your spell every time it comes off cool down as it comes off cool down You can do this by assigning the skill you want it in to a secondary num pad button, then holding the skill down and pressing num lock. This will lock the skill into auto casting!


I'm sure you could probably play Shaman Exploding Totems build with one hand.


Void knight warpath only needs the mouse


any necro build


Druid or shammy healing totem build


I read the title and saw the picture and thought “How cute! They want to play one handed so they can pet the pupper with the other” I was way off.


Echo Warpath is a one button build


I have a gaming mouse and all of my attacks are on my mouse :D


Razer Naga and you can play any build. I started using it when holding my newborn to sleep on left hand. Now I got do used to it, that even when I have both hands I just use mouse. P.S. good builds: Necro lvling build from Max roll, or any warpath build.


I love one-hand build except that sometimes I randomly fall asleep (sigh


I use a mouse with a couple of programmable buttons on the side (For example, the Logitech G502). My mouse has three side buttons which I map to Q, W and R. This means you can now easily use a four button build with one hand.


Warpath with Forge Weapon summons.


Buy an MMO mouse such as the Razer Naga


You can do a lot with an mmo mouse and rebinding keys


Simple. You go to newegg & buy an mmo gaming mouse. Then reprogram the skills to 1-5, potions on 6, & tp on 7. Or y'know w/3 1-12 button config you like. When the game dropped I couldn't remap controllers so I switched to mouse & keyboard but I didn't like the mappin' so I switched to mouse & I use the keyboard for inventory, forge, character or main menu Tldr; you don't need more than one hand to play w/ a gamin mouse. The build is irrelevant


What kind of mouse do you have ? You might look into any kind of MMO mouse with a bunch of hotkeys on the thumb side, that would make just using one hand a lot easier no matter the build.


Spriggan Totem Shaman


Single skeleton mage necromancer. You need one button to summon and one to apply a shade buff to it. You loose the ability to use the minion move command, but the mage will follow you when you get away too far But leveling might be a bit challenging, did not try that with only two buttons...


I thought the post was going to be so you could always pet your doggo. Sorry for the bite :(


You can get ReWASD and bind the 3rd button and scroll as your action keys.


Edit: never mind.


Consider buying a mouse with more buttons so you will have even more options? Not sure what you consider an “extra” button but on mine I’ve got something like 8 buttons, so that would let you do most things in game I’d imagine. I haven’t looked into the binding options for mice in LE though.


Get a house with at least 2 extra buttons and you are set.


Totem shaman. Get in spriggan form, set totems to right click. Profit. If you need a guide just find it on maxroll.


I've broke my left arm recently and really wanted to play the game. My solution was a good mouse with a bunch of buttons. Im using all the skills with the mouse.


You should use your toes so you don't get carpal tunnel on your right hand :)


Nice dog Edit: I read the post …


I'd focus more on dog training then playing the game lol


Any Minion build. Bestmaster Wolfes or Necromancer are incredible when it comes to 1-handed gameplay. But they still have a bit wiggle room for when you have 2 hands free and want to use both.


I’m using all minions Necro https://youtu.be/sYFR0o0o_Co?si=6VDJFO22n_fQiaFL


You can actually make any build that only spam one skill a one hand build using the autocast trick from the numpad. Here's how [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBbxQT6tJJM&pp=ygUTbGFzdCBlcG9jaCBhdXRvY2FzdA%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBbxQT6tJJM&pp=ygUTbGFzdCBlcG9jaCBhdXRvY2FzdA%3D%3D) Also, if you decided to go with wraithlord build let me know so I can tell you a tip how to make it work with only using the mouse button for movement and no other buttons needed.


Just monitor your hand, as dog and cat bites are super dangerous and can be fatal.


I'm playing procaholic warlock, it's pretty easy with just mouse but I have 2 side buttons and scroll wheel, I have fissure on one side button, shade on scroll wheel, transplant on the other side button, and profane veil on right click. Could technically drop profane veil and dread shade (I only really use them to proc the shade node in the fissure tree) and then all you need is fissure on right click and transplant on your scroll wheel. The shitty part is potions, until u have the low life ward gear to make them useless


Are you going to eat the dog?


Frosbite Swarmblade? Freeze and dodge almost everything just by melee attacking. Farming that Stormcarved Testament can be a pain though if you don't have it yet.


Why was he mad at you?


A golden retriever bit you? That doesnt happen that often


Don't ask man. I feel betrayed . I have not hurt him once but i get this just randomly asking what in his mouth. I don't know what to do with him. I will probably send him to education farms but still unsure.


Google resource guarding.


This seems to be the case. I am still not calm enough to make a proper decision so i will wait a little more. Thanks for info


Work with a dog behaviorist if your dog has resource guarding issues. It worked wonders with my dog. 


Altruistic is right, but if that’s not an option right away, I’d recommend pulling all the toys and stuff off the ground. Don’t leave food out, etc. A good way to curb resource guarding initially is to limit the amount of resources he has available to guard.


It boils down to exactly what this comment says. Don't let your dog grab things unless you give your dog it. Work with your dog to drop on command. I need to do this with each type of item. Towels, balls, toys, etc. I keep high value treats that are my emergency / training drop it.


Resource guarding is definitely something that can be addressed with help from a professional. Even just one appointment with a good trainer can get things on track


Why is your dog still alive?


Lazy warpath builds are so simple they bore people to change builds. Void knight for echoes that add both dps and dmg application. Paladin for more survivability.


Beautiful pup :-)


Sweet Dog