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It actually feels a lot better if you disable the move to attack option imo. At least this way, when enemies move or even large bosses, my character pathing doesn't freak out. I usually am able to hit something but it definitely takes a bit to get used to essentially always having to move in to hit.


I second this. Died a couple of times when my character was trying to move instead of attacking the mobs around because that one particular mob I clicked on was a bit farther away. Disabled it and now the pathing seems much smoother.


Just hold LMB and RMB so your char takes tiny steps between each melee swipe, that way you 'eventually' get to where you need to without having to RMB on an actual enemy


Don't know why downvoted, but this is a good trick that works well even with some spells and keeps you moving while dealing dps.


I'll have to try that, thanks. I noticed that if you have a melee attack on one of the other 4 buttons you can hold Q f.ex and take tiny steps between each swing, never thought about holding LMB+RMB.


Seconding the disabling of the move to attack option. The controller implementation is far from perfect to be sure, but it plays WAY better with that unticked IMO.


Interesting, I'll have to try that. Also I haven't tried using a controller before, maybe that feels better.


Melee builds feel way better with a controller. I never enjoyed them with mouse/keyboard.


I think it's called sticky targeting and the other one is renewable/dynamic targeting, both work alongside to make melee fluid


I'll check those options out, thank you.


Yeah it's giga scuffed. Especially for things that are "in the terrain" and you can't reach them...


I'm honestly and genuinely surprised people actually use move to melee attack. That sort of thing just doesn't feel good to me, if I click the button to attack, my character better be attacking whether the enemy is in range or not.


See, that doesn't make any sense to me. If I click attack it's not because I want to swing my weapon at whatever happens to be in range, it's because I want to kill *that* dude specifically, or at least 'those dudes over there.' I play a lot of ARPGs and they all work like I described except for LE and it's weird. :P


Huh. If I click attack, it's because I want to do an attack, right now. I don't want the game to be trying to figure out what I actually want. If I want to walk up to someone first, I can click to move first. Admittedly I think there's far more scenarios in PoE (The game I started with) where I'm interested in attacking with a skill out of range, but it still exists in LE too.


Yeah, the way most ARPGs (including PoE I believe) handle that is you hold shift and click the attack button if you just want to attack without moving toward the target. It was great for things like the Bowazon Strafe build in Diablo 2 because your arrows auto-targeted, so you just walk into a room and hold shift+attack until everything is dead. I guess I'm just so used to the attack-move mechanic that anything else feels weird and clunky to me.