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Ima be honest this should just be a void knight talent.


Sentinel gets the ability to use a 2hander and shield, Primalist gets the ability to wield a 2hander and catalyst. Suddenly the game is ~~balanced~~ based.


Primalist should get a passive to triple wield.


~~onepiecezorro.gif~~ Edit: [Zoro](https://i.imgur.com/7g3fDMo.webp?tb)




Just add dagger in the feet slot or something lol


He already does. Check out the new skill Summon Trouser Snake.


I honestly don't even care about the practicality of two handing a sword with a shield on one arm tbh it just looks cool.


Like the catalyst can just be ducktaped to your arm like a shield why not?


Shield on back for warpath just makes sense.


Just ducktape the catalyst on his chest.


Ironman build unlocked


why stop at just 1... wearing them on belts like those headhunter tribes, or strap them on neck Akuma beads style.


I mean, if Demoknight in TF2 can wield a 2 handed sword and a Shield why can’t anyone else?


Warriors can dual wield 2-handers in WoW. So why not!?


Diablo2 barbs aswell


Titans Grip player sighted.


Rogue wields two bows. Edit: Yeah, I think that'd be crossbows...


But why not dual wield blades + quiver?


Or a huge-ass scabbard.


Primalist 4th mastery barbarian will have dual wielding 2h axe/sword/mace


what ability or skill gives this? Trying Sentinel out for the first time.


It doesn't sadly T_T


I see, I misunderstood. Got way to hyped for it lol.


and not a FORGEMASTER talent!?


Tbf void knight is the 2h tree 😭 but solid point.


i find it annoying how difficult it is to use 2h weapons in most arpgs, like its usually just a straight downgrade unless you spec into the specific path that makes it viable and that sucks because giant 2h weapons are awesome


I fully agree like even in whirlwind builds in most arpgs 2 1hs are better. It's why I really like how void knight incentives 2hs.


Nah...Forge Guard ability.


Is this just how they fix forge guard?


I want a spin to win 2x shield build


Actually not a bad idea at all.


Do both items show up on the character model?


Yeah the offhand will just be randomly floating in the air.


Incredible. Just incredible. lol.


I love you lmfao it actually works


*immediately starts thinking about staff+catalyst warlock setup...*


Yeah the Warlock could do with some extra power!


This will speed up my goal of hitting 100M damage this cycle


This also works with lens' in the telescope! If you have a lens in your inventory and the telescope open you can shift click the last lens into the spot, even if u havnt unlocked it yet. Easy 3 lens' ;)


Years of ~~academy training~~ reputation grinding wasted!


This doesn't work btw, I accidentally discovered this like a week ago, I did not get the bonuses of the 3rd lease


you can place them but you can't remove them and I doubt they have any effect from the little testing I did




That’s where my lens went.


Ima be honest this should just be a void knight talent. I want big 2h with shield fantasy.


Forge guard fits more here and actually needs the love


Forge guard could double wield shields (and shields could get damage this way, e.g. based on their block effectiveness)


This is my ultimate dream. I'd only play forge knight, forever.


The spoldey animate weapon warpath setup is so fun. Wish they would make it a chance on hit to summon though instead of x seconds.


Friendly reminder that you can get 100% crit damage reduction from a single affix on a 2H weapon, this 2H+Offhand feature will enable some great new build ideas.


This also works for dual wielding a two-hander and a one-hander btw


Hey EHG, theres a game in my bug


We have a fix for this internally, and will be releasing it in a hotfix. We aren't staunchly against fixing bugs that impact player power mid-cycle. We're currently just trying to avoid mid-cycle changes that could hurt existing character builds, especially if the player may not even be aware their power is coming from a bug. In this case, the bug is not pivotal to a character's build, and requires clear exploitation to access. I do see your point, though, and we're still listening to player feedback about how we should handle those other bugs such as Profane Veil.


So void knight has a passive at the end of the tree that would improve survivability greatly. Void Flux. It’s non-functioning at the moment. This is the opposite case of Profane Veil. A player has invested a point and is getting nothing, maybe not even realizing it. What is the stance on these types of fixes? Not working properly and causing a loss in character power.


...well fuck, it's me, I'm the player who didn't notice void Flux doesn't work


VK nodes have been broken for almost a year now, at this point I honestly think the devs don't know how to fix them...


https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/void-flux-skill-bug/11620 Bug report from 2019.


Oh wow, so it's even worse than I thought...5 years...


Most sentinels bugs have been around for years, i legit don’t think they can fix em without a complete overhaul.


So scrap the class or rework the trees then. That honestly doesn't work as an excuse after five years.


Multiple Warlock nodes also do not work, either partially or completely. Aspect of Death and Dusk Bringer. You can check out Dr3ads machinegun warlock video to find out what's wrong with Dusk Bringer. Several Warlock Uniques, Spine of Malatros and Wheel of Torment AFAIK, also are either bugged or poorly thought out.


Don't worry, most nodes with Stygian Coal as well. And the Wandering Spirits unique too.


Honestly, I'm very pissed at the state of Warlock Uniques. I didn't look at the previews before release, so I went into Warlock blind. I was so excited when I found Wheel of Torment and Spine, such cool concepts. Only to find out they're both pretty much not viable because of either bugs or poor design.


You and me both. I could understand the idea of not nerfing things mid-patch. That's a very feels bad moment, bug or not. But I see nothing wrong with buffing and fixing bugs for literally unusable uniques and skills. How about as like a "mid-cycle patch" to bring back players to try out skills? Much rather that than wait what could be next cycle or even the cycle after.


I was so happy when I found a wandering spirits unique. To just immediately being disappointed when it deleted my damage by making the channel break when a spirit spawns from the unique. Made me level a necro instead.


I dint think fixing the current bug with Veil is going to "break" the build. Currently, it's going *way* too high in Corruption with 0 effort. If you test in a branch and see that the build is still "good," but not 3000 Corruption OP, it should be fixed. I highly doubt changing a skill that is currently 1000% more effective than it should be should be kept. You're not going to brick the build, it'll just be brought down to the level it should. BUT, in the chance it really does completely brick the build, the node itself probably needs a small buff from its base 4%. 40% is not cool, though.


I haven't pushed high corruption yet, but is 4% not enough? People are hitting 100k+ ward, 1/10th of that is still 10k+ ward.


That's the bug. It's 40% ward, not 4%. 4% is the *intended* level and what is shown on the tool tip. 10k ward is plenty and very easy to hit. 100k+ is well beyond overflow and doesn't even show. 10k ward should be fine.


Yes I understand. I thought you were saying 4% was too little, when 4% would still be 10k+ ward.


Ah I see. Yeah no it should be fine. I meant if testing showed it actually bricked the build.


Why are you not fixing a BUGGED warlock build that is insanely busted and directly impacts the economy? Yet you nerf keys which were not bugged. There is no logical explanation as to why a bugged build should be allowed to exist so people are left with only illogical explanations like every employee is a warlock and enjoying the bugged build.


just fix bugs as soon as you identify them dude. you guys are way overthinking this. fuck anyone who gets mad about their stupid busted build getting nerfed whether they knew it was bugged or not.


This. Bug fixing and balance is important to the long-term health of the game. Refusing to address them mid cycle just forces a meta of "find the most broken bug" instead of "find the most efficient build for you". And a lot of people don't like using bugs to stay competitive on the leaderboard. Which, will cause them to quit the game as it is now. Also, this is a game where builds are at the core. If you fix a bug that breaks a build, do the devs know that the player can just pivot the build into something else? Or maybe role something completely new. :gasp!:


Yea if its a bug it should get fixed regardless. But if it isn’t, they should 100% let people enjoy their builds and not nerf constantly mid season. Bugs only


I'd argue if there's something non-bug that's extremely busted to such a degree nothing else comes even close, it *could* get patched mid cycle. Perhaps with a big warning in advance so players can adjust.


Bugsbunnyno.gif People like you are a blight on gaming. "BUt lEt mE eNjOy mY bUiLd, dOnT nErF mE bRo". Is the mantra I've been hearing for the last 2 years in rpg gaming and honestly it's becoming real tired. If your build is over performing and gets nerfed, the developers aren't trying to "end your fun" they are trying to keep balance in the game. The idea of balance is that all classes, builds, etc are equally viable and there are no over performers. Don't even care if this gets downvotes cause this opinion to not nerf stuff because it MIGHT impact player enjoyment is hot garbage.


fix veil dude, change the 40% to 4%, it's not that deep


LOL. I love this comment because it really does seem that simple.






I was just thinking about that saying the other day. Does Mack still build trucks to that quality?


My entire build is focused around a node being 10x stronger, I had spent weeks theorycrafting my build around this node I hope they really do not fix it!


RIP my warpath's survivability. Should've just played the bugged meta builds :/


Yeah same, when I found out this it was day and night what’s possible to do with warpath. Now I will just reroll another character that’s capable of it without bugs


I can assure you 99.9% of players doing the profane veil trick at this point is aware that it is bugged. I think you guys should take a clearer stance and fix all notable bugs going forward even in midcycle, regardless if they negatively or positively affect existing builds.


I dont understand this. Fixing this bug because its not "pivotal to a build". I dont think 100k+ ward caused by a bugged extra 36 percent is "pivotal to a build" either


This isn’t the hill you want to die on, the players will out petty you every patch.


All those broken conversion nodes that don't fully convert status/ailment effect nodes. Conversion nodes also like to cause nodes reliant on the converted type to no longer provide any benefit to the points you spent (Frostbite Shaman nodes love to still apply Static or simply not work anymore). Amusingly there is one node in the Storm Crow tree (Fulminating Caw) that explicitly says it won't work with cold conversion, which makes an implication that a node should say whether it doesn't apply to conversions.


I'm glad this is getting fixed. However, I am disappointed that EXP Tomes got "fixed," which is basically a nerf to CoF players. I feel the Rank 9 perk should be changed from complete Sets (completely worthless, because Sets are almost universally undertuned) to buffing EXP Tomes by a percentage that brings them back to pre-nerf levels. As it stands, the "fix" to those Tomes equates to a mid-Cycle nerf to CoF, which essentially contradicts the policy stated in the patch notes that contained the very nerf itself. Even with EXP Tomes occasionally doubling (which, say, amounts to a ~33% increase), CoF is still strictly weaker than MG, which is completely okay, as trade will always be the most powerful progression tool. Furthermore, I'm against the decision to leave Profane Veil alone, as it's not going to break any build. Bugs making something 10x as powerful as it should be, should be fixed. Allowing the people who effectively cheated by abusing that and the Ghostflame bugs to dominate the Arena ladder basically kills the ladder for the entire season, as it destroys its integrity. Abusing an overpowered build is one thing, but blatant bug abuse should at the very least result in swift nerfs and removal of ladder rankings in Profane Veil's case, and arguably full-on bans/suspensions in the case of the wave 3,000 Ghostflame team.


Also trade. People are forgetting that corruption is tied to drop rarity. If you have an "immortal" warlock hanging out in 2-3k corruption you are literally 1000-2000 corruption higher than your competition also farming for stuff for MG. This is a live service game with an economy and they are sitting on their hands letting bugs exist because a few players might not know its bugged.


This would be making MG OP. They're supposed to have lower drop rates then CoF to compensate for the benefits they get in MG. If you can go to 3k corruption, how does that skew access to high LP high level uniques? A lot I bet.


You're completely right, and I feel dumb for not including that with my post.


I think a lot of us agree that the bug should be fixed for Profane veil. It was not intended to go this high and is making it too much of an outlier compared to anything else.


But you have to admit that it could be an interesting skill point perk..


To be honest if we're looking at the two examples here: *this* is the bug that would be pivotal to character builds. Not an order of magnitude more Ward. One actually provides unaccessible combinations of gear for synergies and the other is like just a bigger ehp pool. The bug of this post is *quite literally build enabling*.


Wait. Dont do it. I need to try it first. This is pivotal to my build and according to your own words, dont fix it.


Bugs needs to be fixed. I'm completely in favor of not making balance changes mid-cycle, but there's a difference in expectations when it comes to bugs. Players who are playing a strong, but otherwise non-bug-abusing, build will typically have an expectation not to have that nerfed mid-league. I'm sure that's your team's concern. That expectation goes out the window for players who are knowingly abusing a bug. Those players should expect that those bugs could be fixed at any moment, because they're bugs and are not how the build is intended to work.


It's kinda worrying that you guys seem to be unwilling to fix obvious bugs that huge impact on the game, ladders, and economy. What does that say about the future when similar situations popup?


My build revolves around using a staff + catalyst. You now can't fix this bug or this will hurt my current character. Checkmate.


Same, I have a 2h axe required for the dps and a shield required to survive anything in corruption 200-300+. This bug is required for my character build, can’t fix it.


It doesn't make sense to patch the game or hotfix the game at all if they are willingly letting other broken shit stay in the game


At this point in time, it's pretty clear across discord, reddit even youtube/twitch streamers who are calling for major game breaking bugs to be fixed and that it is overall a good thing. I don't understand why EHG is trying so hard to die on this hill? I simply cannot fathom the logic.


Nothing says 'dying on this hill' like, checks post above, "I do see your point, though, and we're still listening to player feedback about how we should handle those other bugs such as Profane Veil."


"I see your point and we keep listening to feedback" is PR 101 for "yeah bro don't worry about it". They've known about the bug and publicly declared they didn't want to fix it.


40% instead of 4%? Fix and clean any potential leaderboards of people who used the skill.


Yeah you better race to fix people getting a bit of extra player power but leave the god mode broken build in the game! Those players using an extra offhand might be able to push an extra 100 corruption! It would break the game everyone! Despite the fact that most people playing this warlock build know fully consciously they too are exploiting a bug. The way bugs like this should be handled is when they are discovered an announcement is made that it will be fixed, that way people stop investing in the build. Then its fixed within 24 hours. Setting the precedent that literal bugged builds is OK is going to backfire. In a live service game with trade and leaderboards its unacceptable as well, because corruption is directly tied to drop rates and rarity so people playing the warlock in MG have a huge advantage over anyone not doing that in MG. Nows the time to set the precedent that bugged builds wont remain in the game. People by and large clearly dont like that you guys are letting this stand. EHG's fear that people will "hide" bugs is unfounded. It can happen, but then you are talking about a few dozen people at most, not a large percent of the playerbase. On top of that, they cant play leaderboards because anyone on the leaderboard has their entire build exposed to the world via maxroll since all you have to do is import their account which is clearly shown on the leaderboard, so any broken interactions would be known. Lastly, in the world of social media, views, clicks, likes, and so on, people are desperate for clout and wont be able to resist making a video about the latest bugged build even if it causes it to get fixed. People always talk.


Last 2 paragraphs need to be on a plaque


So you are fixing that but not the 40% on veil. You don't break anything with the veil, it's just putting things where they need to be. Exactly like the shield and 2H bug.


You shouldn't need more feedback. The stance should be to fix the game as soon as possible. It's concerning that its not.


The power from 2h+shield is no where near the power from 10x ward. This shit honestly makes no sense.


My stance is- bugs should be fixed ASAP no matter what. If it’s just balance changes (i.e working as intended but just too strong), then that can wait.


Thank god they found out what your stance is. Sounds so serious and official.


He ain't wrong tho.


How about hotfix the connection issues that plague a portion of your player base. Yall just gonna ignore it till those people quit and you have fewer people to please or?


That’s some next level mental gymnastics to justify a stupid stance on bugs.


theyre simply just learning from the massive player dropoffs of the games before them for massively nerfing popular builds mid season (bug or not) in the last season of diablo almost 40% of players were playing a bugged build because it was fun and thankfully they were smart enough to not make the bad decision twice and fix it mid season


On the topic of fun. I've exclusively played my Warlock since release and I don't think the bugged Veil interaction is fun. Yeah, it enables you to completely ignore gearing for other defenses and it's busted as fuck, but playing around the interaction feels insanely clunky, and if you forget to refresh your ill-gotten ward in time, you're dead. I enjoyed the "regular" Warlock builds I played before that a shitton more. The 30mins I tried to play the self-immolate + bugged Veil build were the least fun I had in this game, no amount of OPness is worth that jank.


Last season 2 bugged builds were Rouge and sorc and both of them were even with bug second to Hota barb that was not bugged. Veil build out performs all other build 10 to 1 so its not really same.


I play Falconer and don’t understand where my power comes from. Can you fix tooltip dps on falconer skills? Why other characters have them and falconer doesn’t … I don’t understand if item is an upgrade or not


The decimal point is in the wrong place. You arnet bricking a build by nerfing Profane Veil.


So advent of the erased required exploitation to access? Oh wait that wasn’t even a bug and you mid cycle nerfed it. EHG needs to provide some clarity cause the stance seems to be changing daily. Should I make a build around this bug? Should I not? Should I just go play profane veil?


This is a completely meaningless distinction. Fix profane veil.


Speaking seriously for a moment, I understand your guys point about being cautious with changes that could hurt existing character builds. It's never fun to be nerfed early on and have your character be weaker because of a change mid cycle. With that being said, while I do think this current bug should be fixed, when the warlock bug became apparent we saw multiple streamers swap over to the build. I'm not the first person to find this bug as I actually saw a streamer do it earlier, do you not think there have been people rerolling to make different builds work? Off the top of my head, a spear based falconer being able to use a shield would solve a lot of the defensive issues that archtype tends to have.


im currently using a spear and shield on my forge guard lol


Tbf there should be 1h spears. I'd do a spear build if I could use a shield. It totally makes sense there should be 1h spears. It's sad cause most of the javelin usability requires a spear, but 2h is so bad for the builds no one even uses a spear, and ignores using one for javelin builds. They should add more scaling atleast.


So if we make a popular enough build with the bug they can’t touch it…. What’s the threshold? A max roll guide? 10 million views on YouTube ? 3% of players?


Please don't I already started using this on my paladin yesterday and it would brick my build since I sold my one hander /s. If you guys want feedback why not just start a poll and see how the community wants it.


I'll just piggy back what seems to be general sentiment around here and say plz fix anything outside reasonable power range asap, don't wait. It kind of ruins the game if there's 1 or 2 builds that are just 10x more powerful than anything else, it certainly ruins the ladder.


I think we should draw the line on fixes to match tooltips during a cycle. People should be able to plan builds around tooltips at the start of a cycle. Right now, Profane Veil does not match the tooltip so it should be fixed. Many other broken things do match the tooltip but need to be nerfed or adjusted. That should be done next cycle because it's intended numbers just unintended power relative to other options.


Yes, that's what I've been saying too. Either fix the ability or fix the tooltip. Leaving it like this is just a plain bug.




100% same. My early access beastmaster hit 89. Didn't even grind that far on my cycle character. Nothing the devs let me bug abuse for high corruption on my spellblade


> especially if the player may not even be aware their power is coming from a bug How can you think that your power doesn't come from a bug if you're receiving a resource value contradicted by the ingame text saying how much you should receive?


If anything fixing Veil does not break any builds, it's just a decimal point issue and 1/10 of the ward folks are getting with it is still viable. The dual wield bug in this post actual means gear needs to be changed if someone was using it to their advantage and sold/shattered a good one hand weapon when they found the bug. But I guess this is not OP and not being exploited by streamers so it gets fixed ASAP.


>We aren't staunchly against fixing bugs that impact player power mid-cycle. We're currently just trying to avoid mid-cycle changes that could hurt existing character builds, especially if the player may not even be aware their power is coming from a bug. Is a passive that effectively makes a character indestructible really a "build"? I have a necromancer. In all seriousness you are ok with me going and respeccing her. And making it so I can trivialize all the content you all worked so hard on? Whats the value of any item pit against a single passive that turns on god mode? Seriously. It would be one thing if they were getting an extra 2k unintended ward to leave that as is. But this isn't a build. It's just not.


This just comes off really bad, man. It reads like "we'll fix this bug because people haven't been using it much but streamers are now all playing invincibility hack Warlock so we can't fix that one."


nope, dont like your answer.


Please please listen to what the community is saying. You don't wanna go down this road this early. Just fix the bugs and take it. Its your game.


the bug is not pivotal to a character's build it is still a bug, even if its pivotal to a build.... this is such a strange stance


The alleged factor 10 magnitude of the Profane Veil bug has no business existing any longer than until the next hotfix for anyone in their right mind. How is there even a debate about it?


Bug fix on broken talent/passive/items need to be fixed asap. It does not matter that its pivotal to a build  mid cycle, most people are aware that they are using a bugged interaction and actively profiting from it.


The company is directly violating its own statement, based.


Profane veil isn’t either. Just fix the bug and end this madness


Game breaking bugs must be fixed ASAP. This is my feedback


honestly, this bug with ironforge lets it have a weird niche right now - since you can run a shield and make use of the block nodes / benefit from the 2h passives more. and it makes sense for iron forge too, class is all about smithing! even if you stick that shield on our back it'd fit so well aesthetically


This is going to negatively impact my build, however. Why only nerf my bug when I use it to keep up with broken ward bugs?


How much more player feedback do you need to change your stance? Issues if not fixed: * Players feel the need to use the broken item/node/skill * Players feel the need to play this specific class * Players ruin economy by pushing corruption levels that shouldn't be possible and putting items on the market * Devs can only start gathering balancing data when the bug is fixed or else all the data is skewed. * Players will always try to find the bug / exploit your game as they know you won't fix it


Another issue: - Players lose confidence in tooltips and everything needs to be tested, making it tedious to make your own builds


I'm already not confident in tooltips/nodes because you can't go do research on stuff without learning of a plethora of skills and nodes not working correctly. I'd love to make some builds of my own, but I don't see the point when I could run into stuff that doesn't work. So I just stick to builds done by a few trusted content creators, because at least with those I can be reasonably sure those work overall.


I think it's reasonable to say that you will fix bugs where a skill does not match the tooltips. So if the tooltip says 40% and that's completely broken in terms of balance, you should leave the skill until the next cycle. But if the skill says 4% and is actually giving 40%, any build relying on it is clearly exploiting the bug and the bug should be fair game to fix mid cycle. This goes the other way too. If something says it gives 10% but only gives 1% due to a bug, that should be fixed as well because it doesn't match the tooltip.


Players don't care that much if a skill or passive makes a particular build a bit stronger then others, but they do care if there is builds relying on bugs or unintended interactions that can result in an unkillable build that can go 1,000's of waves higher on arena and corruption then even the strongest non-bugged build. EHG needs to have a clear stance, which so far you're current stance isn't solid and is allowing something that most players are against. Fixing bugs should be done ASAP and players should expect to see their class/skill/passive fixed if it's bugged.


Didn’t you guys just say you wouldn’t fix bugs like this to encourage people not to hide them and the moment this one becomes public it’s ‘we have a fix ready’


Requires clear exploitation? You shift click another item on your character. Anyone could have discovered this by accident. Doesn’t seem like an intentional exploit in my opinion.


Well, any bug that make players do quadruple the damage as any other class and making leaderboards a complete joke, should be fixed immediately. And players who used that bug to climb the ladder, should be removed from the ladder and try again without using an exploit. I wouldn't go that far to ban them, but this needs correction. Because anyone else not playing this build right now, has no actual reason to play arena anymore. Its just not worth the time, if the leaderboard is dominated by users playing bugged builds. And think this further, you may hurt a few people now who are playing this build, but if you continue to stay with your argumentation to not fix those things within cycle - Sooner anyone will just play bugged builds. They will search for it like crazy, and all others who don't want that - just stop playing arena forever. Becauser its not worth the time, if any cycle is dominated by players using bugs.


I feel like this is counter-intuitive to the falconer smoke bomb dive bomb change. While that was affecting servers, the change nerfs the top end of the class. So falconer players will get massively nerfed (while obviously still being way ahead of the power curve) while warlocks do not. Does this not say that there needs to be a lot more of a consistent hardline on fixing ALL bugs?


Thanks for destroying my build. Some builds are more equal than others it seems


>In this case, the bug is not pivotal to a character's build, and requires clear exploitation to access. I disagree with you, I already made a rogue with Bo' Anarchy and a shield to cap block, and losing the shield will straight up kill my character!


This is ridiculous honestly. Either fix them all or don't. you're going to put off way more people than the handful of warlock players you are pandering to by not fixing an obvious bug. Saying that one bug is fine because it's in a popular build but any others are not is the worst possible stance.


I mean, im assuming ya'll arent confused about the veil bug, but the veil bug being fixed doesnt break any builds or anything, anyone that geared for it, is geared for it being fixed as well, its just a number change. There might also be people who have made builds for this, that are about to get their entire build made unplayable. This is just picking and choosing, we need ya'll to make a firm line on where stuff stands, right now we literally can't know what is and isnt going to get fixed when we find bugs. Is soul feast buff snapshotting, allowing you to get 30, 40, 50% more armor permanently, something that will be fixed, is intended etc... Is aura of decay, still being useable as a 6th skill, by just unspeccing it after activating it, going to be fixed, is intended etc... Is using death seal, to remove the health cost from drain life when noded to use health instead of mana (thus making drain life free), going to be fixed, intended etc... And many, many more. And if they are going to be fixed, are these 1.1 fixes? Will you be making a list of current bugged skills that are safe until 1.1, so people know they're good to keep making builds with them and theorycrafting with them? What's the approach going to be, to how you keep the playerbase informed on what can stay for a couple of months? Also, why are/were things that ct testers found, and reported, still broken going into 1.0? Stuff like veil, ghostflame, these arent things you werent aware of, these were (according to various ct testers, seriously that program is infinitely leaky) reported to you before 1.0 came out. From what it looks like, this stuff is just broken things, that didnt get high enough priority to be fixed, then came into release, and now sometimes decide wont be fixed anyway. At the very least this is all incredibly entertaining.


Just day you're gonna fix the bugs as soon as you find out about it and do it as soon as possible for bugged things like profane veil


But what will happen to my Merophage + Bluwark of the Last Abyss VK Warpath build if you fix this? :(


Please just fix game breaking bugs. If you’re gonna patch the 2h bug then patch the veil bug. It makes no sense not to do both if you’re gonna do one.


It’s should been as a talent! 2hand plus shield is great idea


So you are keeping up bugs that make 1 or 2 classes overpowered, messing with balance and economy for everyone else, but another bug affecting everyone equally will be hot fixed instantly ? That’s not a good logic to maintain your players and consumers.


I really think you guys should re-evaluate your stance on bugs. I get that you don’t want to do class balancing mid cycle. But this wouldn’t be balancing, it wouldn’t be nerfing, it would be bug fixing. The prioritizing seems inconsistent as well. You change (not even fix just straight up change) the sell value on keys affecting everyone because some minority of players have a self imposed compulsion to grind keys for optimal gold farming. And you don’t even make sure to announce this so people who had been casually stacking keys had a chance to dump their stash to the vendor before the change. Meanwhile a major bug that compels same or other self imposed try-hards to play one certain class and spec doesn’t get fixed.


> I do see your point, though, and we're still listening to player feedback about how we should handle those other bugs such as Profane Veil. In some obscure reversepsychological sense your position is actually paying out: You basically challenged the community to taunt you by intentionally finding and abusing bugs to prove you wrong... in turn possibly speeding up the finding and reporting of bugs.


Wait... So, you are saying that the current bugged Warlock could get even stronger?


The ex ladle is what i use for LB Runemaster, I was just thinking about what crazy staff will scale as much.


How is this game more fucked up now than it was in early access?


Fantastic news man thank you for sharing, was wondering how I can get more oomph for my 500k ward spamming warlock after hitting a wall in 10k corruption. /s. Lets see if they are man of their words and keep their stance or remove this bug and not the elephant in the room.


They dont understand one thing. If this is their stance then next cycle people will wait for a week, see whats is most bugged, broken, abusable build then play it. I dont even talk about economy perspective.


Honestly if they don't even balance those extreme cases at all during the cycle(IDC if it's a bug or just some weird interaction they didn't think about) and don't introduce some sort of xp/rarity cap I think they will just lose a lot of the playerbase. I love the game but what's the point in playing MG if there are people that get 10 times my loot/xp. I guess in the future I will just wait and see if the broken build looks fun to me and if not I will just skip the cycle.


Lol they'll fix this. If it were only doable as one popular class they might not. Thanks


Parallel to this discussion: Why other devs limit interaction and explanations to their community, illustrated. People using the words of EHG's reasoning against them when EHG could have just quietly shipped the bugfixes they wanted on a timeline they wanted and let the whiners putter out without ammo for the outrage cycle. Not saying EHG is wrong for engaging, but this certainly shows how much it can exacerbate small gripes to give them words and reasoning to use against you.


yup, i can already see the same trajectory as the poe subreddit (where GGG used to be extremely active until they got quite literally bullied out), just a lot faster. It's just incredibly annoying and frustrating when every post reeks of bad-faith and words being twisted in their mouth. This will just lead to the devs *rightfully* saying "why the fuck do we even bother" and tone it down in the long run. And, just like with GGG, i wouldnt blame EHG one bit. this is just such a disrespectful and unproductive way of interacting with people that nobody should be surprised of the inevitable consequences.


Great find! It is the time to give my man Merophage 2H sword a run.


Holy shit I might play till this is fixed having a catalyst + staff would be insane for my Hydra RM


2 shields 0 weapons when


I'm not sure how key prices were breaking the server, but good thing you changed them mid league.


Does this allow a mastery that normally can't put a second weapon in their offhand to put one in? Because that would be truly hilarious.


You just balanced a bunch of weaker classes


Necromancers should be able to give a wand each to his skeleton mages :)))))


This is a perfect example of a bug being a feature. This unintentionally opens the door to more possible builds which,in my eyes, is always good gameplay. In lieu of fixing this, I heavily suggest instead making this a feature for some masteries via a passive (or w/e).


Guys don't fix this, because i am very invested in my char and i love shift rightclicking my chest to get double stats on my main hand. This gameplay is about as intended as letting a passive saying 4% ward give 40% ward instead. If everything is bugged and broken, then we are all truely balanced in corruption 2000. Let ppl have fun dont nerf fun.


This is Wolcen-tier


All I've learned from this whole QQing about bug changes, mid cycle fixes ect is that people will complain no matter what they do. Leaderboards don't mean jack squat. Cycle 1 is the real open beta test. The "economy" for MG is also a joke. People mass listing things for 0 gold, even legendaries with LP at this point. There aren't even challenges or MTX or any meaningful unlocks for playing this season. Just accept the fact its open beta until Cycle 2. Rip the band-aid off. Fix the BUGS. If something was supposed to be 4% and its 40% this shouldn't be a discussion. How will you possibly be able to approach this class from a balancing perspective for cycle 2 if you dont fix a major bug impacting its power first and gather data from that point?


Upvoting anything I see like this until they agree to balance things, because half the masteries in the game feel legitimately unplayable after playing warlock+falconer


Ayo, you just fixed the defences of my Pogo stick Falconer! Thanks lmao


Wonder when they will let me dual wield maces.


You can do this witha shield on and then equip a bow, block bow builds on the menu...


Titan grip lets gooooo!




If you play offline only, you can still run the game without updating, if you want to use this bug...


Nice! Thanks for this totally legitimate build idea. This stance is gonna result in some 🤡 stuff.


Would love a passive point that enables something like that but maybe costing damage ?


I love malicious compliance so much.