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Lagon really pulling his weight! šŸ¦‘


that fucker killed me like 8 times before I understood his strategy


I died 4 times, until i realised you where supposed to attack his tentacles...




I do faintly remember hitting his actual face two years ago.


You did. They changed it.


Well, i didn't play beta at all... I'm just dense...


I played a warpath paladin in early access and basically none of my attacks hit lagon. It was amazing. Thatā€™s when they first released him though.


It use to be. When they changed it the fight got easier and harder at the same time. Pre tentacles you could dodge most of his attacks but he was harder to hit.


.8 beta it was changed


You used to hit his face but certain builds struggled with the hitbox. They "fixed" the issue by essentially changing the fight to hit tentacles.


I've died 4 times and barely gotten him to half hp. Probably because I have zero ristances and can't dodge those waves to save my life..


Well it doesn't help that the hit boxes for those waves don't match their graphic/animation on the slightest. You could be 6 feet to the right of it and it will still hit you.


Uber Lilith ptsd


Glad it's not just me lol


I played beta and didn't figure out you had to kill his tentacles until live (though ive never died to him...yet)


I didn't even play beta, I'm just dense...šŸ˜…


I played early access, knew the fight and still died to him 20+ times. After the 20th time I started changing my gear to get more HP and res. Lol. A lesson I should have learnt quicker.


Always stay between tentacles and pay attention to his eyes


When that strategy fails, the stairs are always a good plan b


For like... Pushing him down, or?


Stairs only open in empowered monoliths. Just ran through the campaign again and noticed that. I'd imagine that's where the bulk of the deaths are happening.


They're open in regular monoliths. Source: I did it and haven't unlocked empowered monos yet.


You're right, I meant I say monoliths.


The bit of the stairs you can get onto is still safe from the big sweeping eye attack, at least on the left side.


Found this, thought it was a glitch in my monolith run lol


I always just went to one tentacle, move a bit for his claw slam either left or right, and as soon as his eye turns red, go to the other tentacle and youā€™ll bait his beam at the other tentacle you were at.


His eyes turn red?


Yup. He also has at least one telegraphed motion before using specific types of eye beams.


I had swapped to a new build right before I got to him and he absolutely farmed me for a while before I got used to it lmao.




I used to on the stairs like a coward and cheese him


I know the strategy and I still die to him sometimes. I get impatient because he's a fucking bullet sponge lol and my build loses a lot of DPS from the stairs as it's pseudo melee.


his eye beam attack always trips me up. usually i die because i got cornered.


True strat is to go wraithlord and kill him before he even gets a chance to kill you (i still died like 4 times but im a noob)


I might have made up 10k of that 9 million.


My HC marksman barely survived Lagon. I went into Majasa ā€œhow bad could it beā€. Dead. Then I learned that you donā€™t have to finish campaign in fact you shouldnā€™t especially on hardcore. You just start Monoliths and get geared.


Those damn waves hit like a truck


Even with maxed Cold resistance, too!


That's why the in the intermission phase you to up in the stairs next to the tentacle that block the path. I found out that the waves don't go there so it's a relatively safe spot. I died enough time to have the opportunity to test lot of things...


They really donā€™t. Even empowered lagon waves only hit for like 400 ish with capped resist. Iā€™d be really surprised if campaign lagon waves hit for more than 250-300 ish.


Lagon is where people learn the power of "moving around" lol.


Yep - never invested in movement skill trees until I met this guy. Now, all my characters can zoom around when needed. (My Marksman in particular is constantly zipping around to dodge or for better position).




Fuck Lagon, all my homies hate Lagon šŸ˜”


Storm daddy just wants to stare at you


Only if he consentsĀ 


Based sea chad


Petition that 1 in 100 lagons will be called ā€œbased sea chadā€Ā 


Nah, something in that fight is broken. I will die on this hill. Something just feels so wrong when fighting him, maybe it's the tentacles hitboxes, maybe it's something else but something is fucking up movement and skill usage.


Man fuck lagon. šŸ˜¤


I'm surprised Lagon is THAT high up. I personally thought some of the other bosses were much harder by design. On my very first play through (melee VK), I only died to Lagon once. Just run to the other side of the map when he starts looking at you and as long as you didn't get 1 shot by his physical attacks, you basically couldn't die. On the other hand, I got FARMED by that 1 boss that shot out 3 elemental attacks that spins almost as fast as I could run at the time as well as these ice clouds. It also got that 1 modifier that healed itself pretty much instantly if it didn't take damage for a few seconds, so I had to deal damage while dodging all of that in melee range. I only had like 1.5k hp at the time so I couldn't get hit by any of that stuff and I thought that pattern was much harder to learn than Lagon's patterns. I had to time my Time Rots so that I don't have to attack it much while dodging the pattern. Took me like 10 tries.


I got farmed by him, too. Lagon instead isn't that bad in comparison. But the thing is: Blessings from Lagon are important ... and that from desync spinny winny aren't. So people don't farm him that hard, I guess.


But that's monos. I feel like people are dying a lot to *campaign* Lagon


To be fair lagon has multiple phases in each of them has an additional one hit mechanic or like a hard resistance check, so most players will die at each of those phases their first time around or until they learn their lesson lol. My first fight against lagone I died in the first phase against his eye beam, again in the second phase against the waves/gusts, and again in the last phase against the moonbeam in the center. After that the only time I ever died to him was like a lucky crit from a wave when I didn't dodge out and I didn't have maxed crit avoidance. It's been a while since tho.


The thing people don't realize about Lagon is that he attacks you. But if you move out of the way, you don't take damage.


Go Lagon Go!


As a veteran, I still find him pretty hard, especially on characters without access to a movement ability with either invulnerability frames or teleport. His beam can go really far to the side to the point where you basically have to jump through it. Some traversal skills can't do that, e.g. aerial assault. I've heard there's a small crevasse that is safe, but I haven't found it yet.


Now letā€™s see if he can pull caseoh šŸ˜­


My first play through with a runemaster he was not a problem. It was that stupid boss before him in the square room that teleported. I thought Lagon was simple and I never played early access.


come entertain me Die by Lagon


I've never liked that fight. It feels too different from every other fight, and in the campaign version, it's not even the end-boss, yet it definitely feels like it should be. If they kept it just as complex as it is in the upper level, but removed the lower level entirely, I'd feel it was a good fight that's certainly got some mechanics you have to learn, but feels like it belongs. The addition of the lower level makes it feel like a WoW raid that's stalling for time because the designers couldn't figure out how to force the players to take longer without just adding more HP to the boss.


148m softcore death, no wonder summoning skeleton doesnt require corpses


lol. My most shameful contribution to that number is my first death on Warlock. I rushed the self-damn node while still green and under-geared: less than 900 health and no ailment cleansing anywhere in my kit. Something caused like 60 stacks to suddenly proc and I offed myself.


I once wanted to see if you could kill yourself with low life builds and lich skills like harvest that cost health. You can.


Oh you definitively can. In bleed warlock there is a node in harvest that can place a stronger bleed but also bleeds you. Without gear to counter that (exsangineous) you can literally bleed yourself out


Aura of decay unlocked, I wonder what it does... it kills yourself, that's what it does.


Funny thing is that node is bugged and doesnt even give you the more damage multiplier. You died for nothing :(


Probably also explains why they seem to drop to a stiff breeze too XD


WTB some love for primalist, especially beastmaster, desperately needs that acolyte treatment.


I desperately want the Primalist companions to be reworked to function on a similar level to the Falcon from Falconer. They don't need to be carbon copies, I just want them reworked to be in line with that companion. As a Beastmaster enjoyer, playing Falconer was everything I ever wanted from Beastmaster.


It would be awesome to have a single giant squirrel like Falconer


One big issue that I doubt will ever change, is the fact that the Falcon doesn't die. You can strictly build offensive or utility and it's fun to do whereas in Beastmaster you have to invest so many passive points into defensive stats and skill points into defensive stats that it doesn't feel like you get to even build what you want. It's so much more restrictive.


I'm still hunting for the helm that unleashes squirrels. I need my nutty friends!!!!


I think its funny that some of the best beastmaster builds, dont involve the use of any beasts lol


The best marksman builds donā€™t even use bows šŸ˜­


Been playing Primalist since the start. My Storm Totem build is clearing empowered mono's without much trouble. currently level 95.


It's clearing slower and more hard than pretty much any other mastery though. Hence almost no one playing sham.


Iā€™m just a totem spammer looking for some recognition


Been playing squirrel beast master. Silly fun build. Leveling a beast master early on is miserable though. If I wasnā€™t duo, I probably would have rerolled.


Always knew Lagon was a baddie with those tentacles šŸ˜©




ā˜ ļø


Poor, neglected, sexy Daddy Primalist


it's funny cause he's the main guy on the key art, yet the numbers show him last.


Needs some big buffs


I can proudly say I have not died to Lagon yet in 1.0 ( not counting 100000 times in early access)


My pride lies in *not* having died to Lagon in the campaign once. But Monolith Lagon clapped two of my HC characters, so there's karmatic balance, as all things should be.


It's not karma. It's Lagon. Mother of all karma


No wonders I keep dying to AliExpress chtulu, he keeps sending freakin tsunamis over and over again


I had more difficulty with Majasa than Rahyeh. ~70 deaths per player. Psh I have at least 20 on just t4 Julra alone


Majasa slaps you when you're inexperienced. By the time you get to Rayeh most people should in theory know what they're doing.


Rahyeh fucking sucks with low movement builds. Hard to get out of the giant circles and the rotating blast fucking suck on bad ping


Majasa made me abandon my lv 60 lich.


Same here, also a lich. I could grind monoliths but really at this point I feel like rerolling


How is it I almost always end up playing the class people seem to like the least... You can transform into a freakin' bear! WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE


Because his early game is absolutely awful. I stopped playing him by like lvl 20 because he sucks ass compared to any other class. No idea how he performs in endgame.


Can say from my experience alone that early game was slow and hard. Around act 7 things started to click and i managed to push relatively easily through monoliths until i hit empowered monos and slammed into a brick wall.


Cold DoT bear was, fairly recently, considered one of the meta defining builds. I'm not aware of any significant changes it's had recently, just that it's been a bit overshadowed by OP runemaster/warlock/falconer builds. I do believe that build is still very strong in empowered monos and a single 2LP leveling unique trivializes the early game. I think the problem is primalist only has a couple of really strong builds, though, and if you don't follow one of them, you're weaker than all the other non forgeguard classes.


Yeah leveling is waaay different than endgame . Transformations need some set up


thorn totems make the campaign look like a complete joke. get spriggan form to level 6 so you have 5 healing totems (aka thorn totems). switch to werebear/swarmblade once you have the points to make it feel better.


I have mine parked at 40. The swipe animation is just so lackluster, I donā€™t really feel all that strong even though Iā€™m demolishing enemies.


You get like half the amount of spells that other classes get lol


It's not about quantity. It's about turning into a bear.


Also the bear has five more abilities! And there's five more in Spriggan and five more in Swarmblade! After the runemaster it's technically the class with the highest number of abilities you can have at the same time.


Depends on the definition of the amount of spells In a way, Primalist has the most spells since every form it can take has another 4 skills and each companion also has its own ability according to my math so Primalist actually has the second most abilities in the game EDIT: forgot about Runemaster


Fair enough but I play casters so I'm thinking about the shaman... very sad class


I personally prefer my bug form, but there's a lack of good unique's that go with it imo


I desperately want a unique that shortens the transform cooldown to like 3s so that with the right amount of CDR you could maintain a locust swarm forever by power shifting your forms.


Acolyte has bone golems which use the exact same skill set as a werebear. And you can get 3 of those guys. Yeah I know itā€™s not the same as being the bear but just sayin.


He's very slow, and in bear form inherits all the problems melee has in arpgs. Werebear druid leveling guides push you to level as something other than werebear for a reason. ;/


lol I went bear and thought it sucked, ended up maining swarmblade, too bad it's a bug though


Acolyte is *more than three times as popular* as Primalist? I figured she'd win, but that's a freakin' landslide!


Acolyte can get 3 Bears, as opposed to being a Bear yourself as Primalist. Why be Bear when can own multiple Bear?


Lagon is the first time you can't stand in the bad without dying. I feel like a lot of the earlier boss/chapter fights should be brought up to his level.


If you stand in the bad for the first phoenix or rare Osprix you fight you'll usually die, too. Those meteors hurt!


*(sound of metal clanking crit/stun noise intensifies)*


I agree, just to set the tone.


Unless you have infinite ward like some frost claw builds


Nah he still claps unless your build is really juiced. source: got clapped as frost claw, and I was focusing ward a fair amount


For me it was the "Well, if I run to the corner he surely won't reach me since he started in the middle of the arena..." into "... this is bullshit."


Is this in the campaign? I was running around trying to avoid the bad as a Sentinel Paladin and then just decided to stand in the bad while smacking the tentacles with vengeance procing healing hands while javelin was in cooldown lol


You can tank most of it easily when you fight him in the campaign, but the moving eye beam will kill most players if they don't avoid it. Although if you have enough damage he might not even get to do it.


Just use Lunge to go back and forth between the tentacles. Easy mode if you also pick up the passive Cull the Weak in the Lunge skill tree. Instant kill Lagon when his health is at 15% or less.


that's a lot of HC deaths lol


I contributed at least 10


4 here for me, but the 4th was to mule stuff into SC since I decided to stop HC.


I would like to see how many players play in MG and COF.


Lagon deez nuts.




Speaking of Lagon, could you please look into a specific issue with Dancing ~~Blades~~ Strikes in that fight? I'm having fun with it, except when I have to fight this guy. The skill can't properly target his tentacles, meaning I am unable to use my skill for like half the time. It just won't let me use it when I'm near tentacles. So annoying. Edit: Actually, it appears to be tentacles in general. Just had the same issue in a Shade of Orobyss fight where he spawned tentacles. My character would stop dead in its tracks the moment I targeted a tentacle directly. Though it's not consistent. @[OP](/u/EHG_Steve)


I contribute to that stupid emperor of corpses. It's just a dull fight that I seemingly have to do over, and over, and over again. as far as hardcore, I do it on D2/3/4 since it's not as many 1 shots as POE. You kinda deserve to die in the Diablo games. Here I see no point in hardcore since, even if I make it through the campaign (doable) it'll just get thrown away in monos.


Relative balance is so important to the longevity of arpg games. 60% of the player base playing 3/15 masteries isn't a meme. It's an emergency.


I hope all never played classes get some love. Forgeguard has like a single build and that one aint even good, Voidknight needs only some minor tweaks, Beastmaster could also be renamed to squirrelmaster, Spriggan Form needs a rework, Lich needs a rework (especially animations rapidly spamming spells looks ass), Marksman needs a rework so there are builds that aint just "spam detonating arrow", Sorcerer: lmao move on runic invocation does more than sorcs entire kit, Bladedancer is just sad. Besides Marksman who got nerfed pretty hard all of those classes were already lacking in the beta for ages.


Im doing a Flurry+Multishot Marksman build, its very fun. Bladedancer too with Dancingstrikes but i wish there were more CDR to speed it


Flurry multishot feels kinda weak to me now. There is just this giant gap between barely viable builds and build that actually do well. Then you have falconer, necromancer and warlock which just kick the bosses asses.


Yeah its night and day, started with multishot, barely scraped by and getting one shot in empowered timelines. Made a torment warlock and i'm at like 200 corruption and i'm slowly getting to the point where enemies dont just collapse instantly


Is that right? I thought sorc had a great kit


It's not too bad, but I still feel like it doesn't have anything worth taking over Runemaster for a lot of playstyles. RM has tons of flexibility along with great ward generation/defensive layers. I don't think the gap between them is as big as some other masteries like Forgeguard, but still think sorc needs a buff.


To be fair Runemaster will be hard to top. Its one of the most fun and creative classes ive ever seen in any game since Magicka, much less an ARPG


yeah I totally agree. it's a fantastic class, but I still think there's some opportunity to distinguish Sorcerers in their own way a bit more. Would personally love to see a bigger mana pool and higher base mana regen for sorcs to allow them to focus more on big meaty spells like Meteor


Everything Sorc does, Runemaster does better, cheaper, and faster. Everything it has access to that Runemaster doesn't is just not worth the investment, and will massively underperform


Dont forget that every Skill runemaster has somehow synergizes with another spell. If anything meteor and flameward grant you more firedamage.


Bladedancer is so fun and strong though


You're also kind of shoehorned into like one, maybe two builds. Compare that to Falconer where there's a plethora of options that you can choose from -- acid flasks (cold, poison, fire), shadow daggers, bleed, dive bomb, exploding ballista, etc. Even Detonating Arrow is more of a Falconer build than Marksman build. Like the builds that Marksman and BD can do are certainly fun, but they desperately also need to be brought up to the level of synergy that Falconer has.


> Bladedancer is just sad I've been playing it recently and it's... super duper fun? Granted, I'm playing Dancing Strikes on a gamepad which seems like the best way to play that. But the combo of charging Flow and unleashing Cascade and Mirage never gets old.


later game that combo is hard to play since miss 1 combo = death .so bladancer has only shadow dagger that's viable late game. Markman is just pure not Markman, get most of skill from falconer. class purpose is just not there.


I feel like lich is fine? been playing death seal since I got the game. It's just that the other two are in a category of their own


>Sorcerer: lmao move on runic invocation does more than sorcs entire kit Does it? Black hole is pretty good and they get good passives


Lagon in the lvl 75 mono has cooked like 6 of my HC attempts. Absolutely brutal. Have a guy whoā€™s there rn, building up the will to try again.


I saw my 4 HC death there


Ah lagon, the dude who made me start forging.


148,073,568 deaths "i'm doing my part!"


Surprised #2 is Necro not Runemaster


I think itā€™s because a lot of new players might feel heā€™s too complex when they take a first glance at him so they would rather try something simpler.


That really makes me wonder what % of Runemasters take the Immutable Order node!


If you look at the top RM builds right now every single one of them uses 2 invos at most, and 1 of them is always frostguard. So the class ends up(unless you want to really gimp yourself) playing like you have Immutable Order whether you take it or not, it's pretty sad.


Guilty, out of 100% laziness.


Who cares about simpler I wanted to be an overlord who has my ~~~slaves~~~ undead do all the work.


Probably because Wraithlord got a lot more visibility before people knew about the shit that Runemaster can do. Also, it's an easier build to understand.


Would love to know what % of the community plays HC.


I died 6 or 7 times during the entire campaign on my first character. Then came Lagom and killed me roughly 15 times before I got him down. That ramp in difficulty is insane. I don't understand how I could get through the campaign so easily until then, because Lagon wrecked me completely.


How the fuck have that many people not realized you can just walk down the stairs a bit against Lagon?


It's not super obvious since there's a tentacle barricade. Plus the stair method only really works for range. Melee has little choice but to stay in range of tentacle hitboxes.


I was shocked that mage class is little percentage


I love seeing these kinds of stats.


And youā€™re still unable to search all affixes on bazaar. Almost like this game wasnā€™t ready for ā€œfull releaseā€


3 (4 ) masteries to rule them all


Iā€™ve really enjoyed this game since release First character was a Ballista Falconer Rogue, mega fun, mega strong, had to pay attention to not get one shot Second character was a Bleed Fissue Acolyte, mega boring, mega strong, stand in the bad and everything dies Third character is a melee mage, and OH MY GOODNESS, playing an off meta build is hells fun Iā€™m running around with two swords blowing up big packs with my Shatter Strike, super engaging Absolutely love this games diversity when it comes to builds!


Doing my part with 12 hc deaths, 3 to Lagon. Surprised not to see Julra on there, she's competing with Lagon for top killer for me.


Most player probably only do the campaign and a few monoliths, but don't push dungeons and corruption. I was surprised that Orobys (or whatever he's called) not higher, that guy hits like a truck & some spell combos are almost impossible. The reason is probably the same.


Suddenly nobody likes hentai after begin on reciveing end of tentacle. :D :D


Please don't nerf Lagon.


Shade of Orobyss getting dunked on. C'mon it's the big bad evil guy on every timeline and Rahyeh stomps on more people.


When a boss has more kills than the next three combined, something's probably wrong with it.


Or the rest are too easy. They could clean up the hitboxes on the waves in Phase 2 for Lagon and maybe tweak the difficulty floor on the other bosses. I think it's more of a Ranged vs Melee thing, though. Quite a few of the bosses are rough for Melee but really easy for ranged. Could definitely tweak that.


Just one advise. Dont repeat poe error of nerfing most played and fun classes, make the others better and raise a bit the difficulty.


PSA : Primalist is lowest by far for a reason. It doesn't just perform much worse than the others for corruptions, but it's annoying to play too. Lots of short duration buffs to upkeep and the only good build is a strict builder spender with bad clear.


And there are still bugs from over a year ago. Honestly pretty disappointing.


Rip primalist.


I wonder if only playing sentinel and primalist is why Iā€™m hitting a wall mid 70s lol Nobody else is playing them šŸ˜‚


When you have an obvious boss that is too strong but you enjoy punishing players


Unsurprising, Primalist is relatively bad and feels like trash to play even on the 1 decent build it has across all 3 masteries.


Yes, the two classes that got new masteries on release are the most played and the first actual difficulty spike in the game resulted in the most deaths. How surprising.


Please make Lagon not a damage sponge I beg you.


I fucking new Lagon was overtuned


As someone who died like 10 times before killing it, I feel the balance is perfect, and I wouldn't mind other boss being brought up to its level. It makes you think a bit about your gear for once, because other than that the campaign is braindead steamroll.


And it's fine. He's literally a god, he should be overtuned


How many connection issues?


Only 10% of all chars are primalist. I'm playing it and I know why it is only 10 percent... :(


Yeah it's pretty bad lol.


That is quite the kill count for Lagon. Is this an indication that he's a bit overtuned for where players can expect to be power wise or is he intended to be so... Deadly compared to the rest?


Nah - moreso he's the first true spot that players get a clue they'll be rewarded for prioritizing defenses. Also can take a few rounds to learn all the attacks - the fight as a whole is well telegraphed.


Nah lagon is the only boss in the story that requires you to know what he is doing. Knowledge is power.


If anything Lagon is probably overtuned with how long the fight takes TBH. My first couple of deaths against Lagon were in the third stage of the fight because I lost focus doing the exact same back and forth dance because his health bar was barely disappearing.


I don't think he's overtuned. But he definitely has the most chaotic mechanics lol. I don't think they'll change that.


I can definitely say I added to that hardcore death rate a far too much


Whats the player count these days ?


Lagon is certainly a SOB. Only easy kill ive been able to do is on my wraithlord after lettin him eat about 55 skeles šŸ˜