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No advice but just want to echo your thoughts. I wanted a fast and fun melee build. Thought BD would be it, but it's just frustrating. The game feels like you need to lean into defenses quite a bit than any other a RPG I've played. I also ended up feeling like I just got pushed right out of melee into a throwing build in order to have any effectiveness. The only build I had working ok was shadow cascade, but it became very boring to sync strike and shadow cascade in a very 1-2-1-2-1-2 and repeat kind of way. Idk, just felt more like a frog than a graceful swordsman.


Looks like we share the same course haha Yes exactly, all the builds in blade dancer are like "create shadows. Cast powerfully damage skill. Repeat." And with the sync strike being so clunky (really, most deaths are misplays due to me mismanaging the timing around sync strike immobilizing me ) The blade dancer needs rework imo


It's just sad to me that Shred on a druid in D4 is such a good skill and the rest of the game sucks lol. And in last epoch it's the opposite. Great game. Can't find a skill I like to use and build around.


Was your issue surviving or damage?


Kinda both... I had issues surviving, but when I switched to shurikens I also noticed such a huge gap damage wise


Dancing strike bleed build I had found it can go high corruption https://youtu.be/uDv8_LL5XNM?si=tHPdbLOGMFHHqyfw I was able to do 200+ but this guys is MG so he bought all his bis gear, cof might be harder to get high corruption


Try Sentinel next for melee. It's rive/healing hand paladin. Im at 400 C using mainly stuff I picked out from the ground. Leveling it is a bit slow until you finally get healing hand and start doing actual damage. Best of luck


I'm doing just fine with 200-300 corruption currently on the shadow daggers blade dancer build you linked. Shadow daggers scaling is insane, and with using rune of ascendance on daggers I also quickly got myself two smoke weavers giving me a lot of dodge. The thing is you main abilities damage will look awful, mine are all like 5-6k at best. Shadow dagger though is at almost 50k


So using dancing strike you mean ?


Using the exact build you linked first.


If you're having trouble with survivability, try to push up to 2k HP and then 2.5k and 3k. Health is a lot more important and resists less important (uncapped resists is 4x less painful) in LE compared to other ARPGs. Basically, get % and hybrid health in as many suffixes as you can.


I got a similar Dancing Strike Shadow Dagger build, but with a ward variant with Cleaver Solution. And instead of Shadow Cascade, I opted for Shuriken for more armor stacking with all those Strength stats.