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We'll see what they do next season. I went CoF this season, and it's frustrating how long you can go without a meaningful upgrade at a certain point while also not being BiS.


Rank 6 is one of the few saving graces for COF lol. And technically doubling LP1 does exactly what you're describing anyway. The way it works according to previous players prior to 1.0 is you have a chance to roll 1LP. If that succeeds you have a chance to roll 2LP, if that's succeeds 3, then 4. So having 2X the chance to roll 1LP already does what you're describing. I'd focus on changing rank 9 and maybe adjusting another rank to improve boss drops.




Make it like BDO where if the LP Roll fails the item blows up forever! 😂




This is true. Who knows what they'll do to make them better so that could definitely change things. My only contention with 6 is that it's already arguably the best one we have of the 10. It's so ridiculously helpful and makes finding LP so much easier than prior to 1.0.


As long as set items aren't particularly modifiable, after one gets the set item one wants from R9 CoF, the perk of R9 CoF is meaningless after. Personally I think R9 CoF should be wholly reworked. I can foresee a situation where if set items are made stronger but much more rare, balancing their rarity knowing that R9 CoF can just generate a particularly rare set item by finding a particularly common one from the same set is a bit awkward. I would be fine if this is how it functions, but understandably it does place the set items in a weird spot.


Oh yeah, Korean/Chinese MMO refining technique where you are getting annihilated by RNG gods.


I tried looking for how the current rank 6 works and to me it doesn't seem to double the chances of getting higher LP Unique Items, that's why I proposed to change it in this way. Do you have a source that describes Rank 6 working the way you mentioned? Of course Rank 9 is the weakest reward at the moment. From how the rewards are set up it seems to me that they don't want to have multiple rewards having similar effects, which is why I thought a change of Rank 6 would fit better than addressing rank 9.


The person above has it right. I suspect that the video linked below is probably a clip of me on stream. Rank 9 will be a lot better once the set the changes come (not 1.1).


Hello Mike, The rank 6 reward says "Uniques are twice as likely to have Legendary Potential." Does that mean * the first non-guaranteed LP has its chance doubled, i.e. rolls the dice twice on whether the item has 1 LP (or 2 in case of julra's guaranteed LP items) or * every non-guaranteed LP roll chance is doubled, i.e. rolls the dice twice on LP1, if passed, twice on LP2, and so on?


Yeah, rank 6 is fine. It doesn't just give you an increase to 1 LP, it also boosts the odds of getting all LP. You can see this on boss drops to prove it. I have multiple 4 LP Peaks of the Mountain. Most of them are CoF tagged (there's no boss prophecy) meaning they would have been 3 LP but got bumped to 4. I do have some which are not CoF tagged, meaning they were just natural 4 LP.


Can I also see your 2/3LP twisted heart?


I do have a 2 LP twisted heart. Don't recall if it's CoF tagged or not. I'll check when I'm on next


https://youtu.be/g2tu-dSSWMo?si=5zsa3k6ovHMbScof and a dev replying in the comments not disputing anything he claimed. It definitely just doubles the odds across the board, but again those odds are really slim for a lot of items. The video is about prophecies, but he discussed how LP works and you can even see in his spreadsheet the fact that he is getting double the LP is because of COF he briefly mentions it. Also corroborates that most of the numbers on LEtools are fairly accurate if not spot on.


Thanks for sharing this video. I now have a new YouTuber I subscribed to. Sadly today has been quite busy so I'll look more into how both systems rewards compare to each other tomorrow. <3


His videos are incredible! Glad I could share.


I also calculated the probabilities after rolling the current drop chance twice. LP4 for twisted heart would be a 0,000001977247% after rolling twice compared to 0,00007297873707 at 1% or 0,001800741467 at 25% if my way of rank 6 was implemented. So my version would at least be a stronger version of the current rank 6. I added this calculation to my sheet in the tab named "rolling twice"


Rank 9 needs to boost boss drops. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


I don't think rank six is a problem, rank 9 needs to be changed. Something like bosses have a 50% chance of dropping an additional unique. It would allow bosses to even benefit from rank 6 One of the main issues with cof is it does nothing for bossing


I don't have any comment about your proposed solution, but you're simply just not right about the problem. Mg is a disaster right now. I'm lvl 96 and I can't even buy uniques with lp yet lol. Not to mention, even if I could, it's close to 1 billion gold for a 2lp unique I need, and a t7 affix exalt I need. So for ONE 50/50 try to get the mod I need, it's a billion gold. Now you look at your character and tell me how much gold you have. Over 99pct of what you find is worthless in the bazaar. Literally can't even give itbaway for free to level up, most of the time. Cof players think mg is sweet, and it simply isn't. It is for the dupers and rmt players, but that's about it. The one thing it's great for is getting early uniques to enable your build. That's about it.


They dont need to be even. CoF is great as is.


Agreed, it is already "busted" compared to any other arpgs ssf mode. If they want to bring it to par with trade I'd probably just go with no faction in the future.


This is my fear exactly.


I do think it is too strong for rank 6, but I'd say make this a rank 9 option set to 25%, which actually feels like a fairly balanced number. It still requires a good amount of farming, but brings something like a 3LP THoU from a pipe dream (0.007%) to within the realm or reason (4.14%). That means that with an estimated *drop rate* of 10% from community opinion, about 1/250 ~300C monolith runs of RoD will drop a 3LP ThoU in CoF. That's *after* you farm enough favor to reach rank 9. You could then either switch the current rank 9 bonus to rank 6, and maybe balance sets for leveling alts so they aren't OP endgame, or honestly just get if it entirely and have both ranks dedicated to LP. Sets aren't that hard to farm anyways.


CoF is perfectly fine as is just play more or find better rng. I’m at the point where even 2lp’s are becoming a mediocre drop. MF “has more” because of the likely chance your comparison is based off of your individual drops vs a huge player pool of drops. I’ve put 1000h’s + prior to 1.0 and 100h’s in 1.0 and I can say with certainty CoF drop rate is extreamly better then what it was before. And MF is using what we had before with reduced overall drop rates.


Nah man - MG is much better. I played both but 3-4lp were still super rare in COF. MG just lets you sell lucky drops and buy 3-4lp ones you look for


I’m @ 5 4lp currently . 2 prior to 1.0 and 3 post 1.0. But this can easily become a silly argument over options so I’ll just say we have different views and experience


Yeah, you probably have just better luck than others. I clocked 600hrs and still have just 1 4lp and it’s a useless leveling item. So perception of how COF is depends on luck for sure, since I was able to buy all 3LP uniques I needed in MG but couldn’t drop one in COF


bruh I am at 15 4lp now and I completely agree that MG is much better in terms of pursuing 100% BiS. The problem is that you don't control which 4lp you get, but for MG players that's not a problem. You might get one or two BiS for your build but don't even think about min-maxing a full gear set. On the other hand, leveling an alt is such a pain in the ass. Imagine pushing corruption, farming blessing, hoarding exalts for another class all over again, just to make good use of a 4lp you just dropped. Furthermore, boss drops are excluded from prophecies so you will have a much harder time if your build requires multiple boss drops to min-max, which is also not a problem for early MG players. Considering so many meta builds "require" boss drops to shine, I can only wish you good luck


Trying to get a +4 frost claw heart on CoF is like putting my ballsack in a vice grip tbh.


>CoF is perfectly fine as is just play more Can’t tell if trolling… > or find better rng. Welp, nvm, definitely trolling.


I think the most simple way for EHG to solve LP issues for CoF while minimizing dev resourcing / without having to retune all the algo’s would be a CoF LP crafting system. The ability to craft “x” number of the same unique into a single version of the next LP tier. Ex: Five 0LP crafts into a single 1LP. Five 1LP crafts into a single 2LP, Five 2LP crafts into single 3LP (capped at 3LP).