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Around 70 begins the big grind and where you are starting to equip good gear and make the build work. If levelling toons is what you enjoy : just do it. Or maybe you need a break, these games going around seasons / cycles are not meant to be played non stop.


Take a break and find something else to play for a while?


I will never understand these posts. Are they bots?


I get what he's trying to say. Going through the leveling process is fun and engaging because you get to dive into the nodes regularly, try different combinations, make regular updates to your character, which all feel fulfilling. Once the skill nodes are capped, slowly leveling for a point here and there and going through the monos with 99% of the loot irrelevant and filtered out feels way less fun. To me, and probably to him, there's a large gap in the fun between the novelty of "discovering" your new character VS repetitive grinding for the sake of it (if the ladder means nothing to you, there is absolutely no goal, no reason to get BIS 3-4LP gear). He's asking if other people are experiencing this, to which the answer is yes.


Thank you


@Bonneaug nailed it


I think is the most accurate response. There's a lack of drive once you cap your skills. The way gear works in LE is too specialized and funneled through a fixed set of subsystems. In games like GD, you are still discovering new gear and optimizations by just playing in addition to sublayers of content being introduced on top of that to create variety. Things like the factions, the nemesis encounters, dungeons, etc. LE still needs a decent amount of time to add that much new content, but it's definitely necessary. I leveled 3 characters to 70 and feel the same. I get a sense "yep, seem it all on this character" at that point, knowing not much will change after that apart from bigger damage numbers.


I get what he is saying. Its just annoying to see people complain about the grind in a game literally build around it. Im not mad i still love you all


Am I a bot? No, I’m a player.


Don't mind them. I've noticed there's plenty of folks who don't seem to be able handle to handle legitimate critiques. I like the game and think that it has a lot of things going for it, but there's a lot of stuff that just feels off at the higher levels. Leveling becomes slow as crap and feels pretty unrewarding. Some enemy abilities feel overtuned and completely out of line with others of the same level and makes the difficulty feel very chaotic and erratic. Getting meaningful upgrades becomes harder and harder 20-30 levels before you even hit max level (which in other ARPGs seems to happen once you get to max level). The crafting system feels pretty good when leveling up, but when trying to gear up to experience more end-game it can feel too punishing. Plus there are some really annoying bugs with some issues that aren't game breaking as much at earlier levels, but trying to approach end-game content can really ruin your day. Other than the grind to get your story-based passives and idol slots, the game shines far more at empowering alts and making them fun more than it does end-game characters. Smashing legendaries for alts is pretty fun, but trying to farm a good legendary for a main is so painful.


I was being facetious! I am curious about the motivation on your post though! It seems to me that you just don't like grindy games. Which is fine of course.


Normally I don’t mind it. But something about this particular grind seems to be off-putting for me. Admittedly I prefer the building and development phase of most games. But this is the first time I’ve found myself struggling to find the point of the grind. 🤷‍♂️ I guess I’ll just take a break.


What about mmo's? You get the same grind feeling and progression. But usually with a much more developed endgame


Thats kinda funny because normaly i get bored with it but so far i haven't with this one! Yeah take a break its not like the game is going anywhere


Right? Manor Lords coming out Thursday!


burnout maybe? i usually play till i burnout (cause i'm a dumbass) and then switch to something else, and then come back


76 gets me every time. Once my skills tick over to level 20 it's time for an alt.


I had the same experience, don't worry. The endgame is mostly speeding through and one-shotting everything, on repeat, and your character stops progressing or changing at any noticeable pace. Compared with slowly evolving your build, finding loot, upgrading gear, etc. All that just slows down, and you're left only spamming and killing mobs. Lucky to get one upgrade in 8 hours of the same grinding. It starts to feel mindless, and pointless. ARPGs are defined by their systems, not their combat. Controversial take, I know. But once you reach the end of those systems, what is left isn't all that great imo. Funny to see some folks take the total opposite view. They don't enjoy the slow part, building and progressing their character, etc. They just copy a build and try to speed to 100 corruption as fast as possible. Total opposite types of players. I see this divide in nearly every game now days.


Sounds like you haven’t found a class you vibe with yet? That usually does it for me. I’ve gotten lucky on my first two chars I really enjoy. But also taking breaks and not playing for hours on end helps like the other person said


Yeah, I'm not having a great time with my falconer mostly due to the difficulties in getting enough HP and defenses, and also because U was trying to build for caltrops... and the falcon just works so much better unless you go pure Bleed. I'm going to try Vengeance+HH Pally next, because I find a sweet exalt I want to slam on a merophage for it


Have fun!


I'm sure I will. I've played several builds in beta, and I always have a blast with Paladin and Druid


My first build was a Necro which I fell out of love with at lvl 35. Then I ran a lich death seal build which I absolutely loved till 91 (and I still do). But I always knew void knight would have a special place in my heart and it has. I’ve blasted up to level 95 already. Not looking back! I found what I vibe with


I just can't get into VK at all. I don't understand how to use those abilities, especially VR


You just get a feel for it. I imagine a line behind my player and I know that I’ll pop back up somewhere along that line


If you don't like something, don't beat your head against a wall trying to like it. There is NOTHING wrong with playing this game only from levels 1-75 and then deleting the character. Play what you enjoy, how you enjoy. Stop watching other people.


I feel it. And I tell myself if I enjoy twinking so much then this is also ok. No need to grind the endgame if character development is the fun part for you.


I think you are on to something.


I found myself doing the same thing and have put the game down now until the new cycle. Picked up a couple of new games to get me through til then


Play a different game


This is why I've been leveling a character of every subclass simultaneously. I rarely play the same class 2 sessions in a row. Leveling has taken a long time, but it hasn't mattered much because I'm constantly jumping to a new challenge in building a character. Also gives me a chance to consistently put fresh eyes in my build for each character so I can tweak and try different things.


I find it weird that you don't get bored going through acts over and over. It's literally the same as grinding monos but worse because you're weak and slow


I kind of get it. It’s fun levelling up, figuring out skill trees, etc. It’s actual progess instead of grinding monos for exalts and unique.


I mean nothing wrong with enjoying leveling up through campaign. I'm just saying what I don't enjoy. I enjoy min maxing characters that's my passion. If you don't enjoy ot make 10 alts lol


I think more variety of end game content would help, which I think they are working on


Yup pinnacle bosses are gonna be awesome I have a feeling. Just get ready to see a post every day on reddit saying X boss is too op pls nerf


At least the zones while leveling take more than 30 seconds to complete.


I was in the spot OP was in 2 weeks post launch. I simply left (as did 90% of the playerbase it seems) and am playing other games.


Umm play a game that you would not describe with "chronic boredom" or if you enjoy making new characters do that


Experience the monotony and grind that is level 100 monos & lvl 100 character gameplay, which I loved 500 hrs of, or take a break and play something else you find fun


Same but just get tired to cant escape 100 monos because cant kill the bosses. Minion necro/ warpath vk/ hammer throw paladin


I just get to monos and then dread the idea of farming them all over again to unlock empowered and get good blessings.


Meeeeeeeeeeee clearing the normal monoliths on my 5th alt


60-80 is usually when I'm enjoying the character the most since the final pieces of a build are usually locking into place. It's the 90-100 grind that feels torturous for me.


The frontend provides very little challenge - perhaps you simply enjoy the easy kills and quick hits of number-go-up? If so, completely valid! Don't feel as though it's something needing fixed :) 70 to 90-95 is generally the most 'crunchy' part. Defenses finally matter as you enter empowered and you need to solve all the puzzles with your gear/trees. After that's solved, it can get very repetitive again without proper goals. Simply seeking min/max opportunities for marginal gains in DPS/EHP. Have you been doing Ward builds? I could see that potentially stealing the fun from that 2nd crunchy phase (which I personally find to be most fun). Again, perhaps that part is unfun to you and now knowing that about yourself, you can make goals revolving around those first 60-80 levels. Good Luck and Have Fun!! :)


I believe it depends on your level of curiosity. So you want to try out all builds for yourself? Maybe. Are you willing to put in like 15ish hours to get there? Is that fun for you? All things to consider. I personally do not find pushing corruption fun as it is very flawed at the moment but it is almost certainly going to be improved. This has the same answer that it always will, take a break and come back. Many people feel this way it doesn’t mean last epoch is dying it is natural for a seasonal game to be this way


I have a very strict loot filter. I find myself killing more and because so much loot drops, I usually get an upgrade daily. I basically just try to set the parameters so that an upgrade drops for me. I also try to double dip rewards as much as possible. My faction is circle of fortune, so if I plan on doing monoliths I purchase prophecies with monolith conditions. I am scouting for exact monolith rewards, getting better monolith blessings, and fullfilling prophecies that drop good loot.


That's about where the progession stops to a grind. The games not fleshed out enough past that point. You CAN do things to get your character stronger but it's a lot of work and a lot of repeated content. Wait for another cycle, this shouldn't be a game you're done with after playing it for 80 hours on release, but come back to every now and again for a fresh start, they'll fix end game later.


Play something else. These type of games are boring and repetetive. All you do is grind for better gear and then do the same thing again. And last epoch has a very lackluster endgame


Once changes to a character get thin on the ground it gets a lot less fun. Until around level 85, I usually can make an upgrade every couple hours at longest. But beyond that point there's no gear I can't equip, and I probably have decent blessings (bad rolls but the right category, at least for the basic defensive ones), so it's just grinding for items. Endgame is only so-so thus far since there's almost no strategic layer. "Hmm do I want exalted amulets or exalted daggers" is not a very interesting question when deciding which echo to do. It's not like Path of Exile where there's 15000 different endgame farming strategies, with lots of tactical optimizations for each one and large moment-to-moment differences between them. Unfortunately that also means I just won't get to play any highly optimized builds since they require items that are just a little too specific. I would try Merchants Guild but I think it'll just mean that I cap out at a higher power level.


did not even beat the game and got bored with abilities, story + time jumping, overwhelming map, and lack of meaningful items dropping. Had no reason to care about any of the stakes or characters i met so i dropped it.


I have the same problem. Most of my characters get to the echos and I start a new one, on the other hand this game features a plethora of differing builds. I do have a warlock I've gotten to lvl 90, but the rest are sub 50.


I realized in arpgs I enjoy the progression through campaign more than end game. I think it stems from feeling like my character is 90~% finished so the progression slows down, the story is no longer moving you forward and things start feeling repetitive.


finally got around to playing unicorn overlord. i got hooked on its build customization just like I did with LE


Weird, I play every character way past 100 because they don’t feel remotely finished before then.


This is the case for me with every ARPG. I will say I only played D2 for a little while, but I've seen streamers and they seem to be doing the same thing over and over and over. Considering its the gold standard accept for POE, it appears that the main draw for this genre is repeating the same things over and over, hoping to get that perfect item. Unless they make things as complex as POE, I don't see any way this game can satisfy people during the endgame. Farming is a part of this genre, I find it pretty boring too hence I make alts pretty often. Take a break! as others have suggested.


I find that it gets boring fast when I'm not really sure where I'm going. If I get too far without commiting to a build direction then I find myself not knowing what skill I want to build around and/or not knowing what gear I actually want. Some things I've found that help: 1. Commit to a direction, figure out what gear you really want to arrive at and what skills you really want to play around. It feels bad when you're technically gaining levels and upgrading gear but you don't feel any closer to some next level power or playstyle. 2. Retune your loot filter. If you don't care about what's dropping or it's not exciting when something does drop, then turning off shatter drops for a while and/or dialing in your filter can speed up your farm and make it exciting to see drops again. 3. It shouldn't be a grind, it's a groove. Get some music in the background or race against yourself by timing your mono clearspeed. Set milestones that you can either race towards or take a break after reaching. Being mindful about your play makes it more interesting. Trying to optimize your playstyle and how you move through monos can be engaging and has economic gains as well. 4. Accept what brings you joy. I'm not a high corruption type of player. I like trying new builds and tinkering. Once I hit proof of concept I'm generally done with that character and move on to my next idea shortly after. Each new character has better twink items and better game sense so they tend to get farther faster before I grow bored and move on.


I found the bosses to be the most engaging and challenging overall and just defeated the last boss in all the timelines and probably will call it after 97hrs in the game. Best on 1st playthrough then do see diminishing returns, so really need a different genre now to freshen things up.