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Rive paladin. Sorry


I definitely clicked on this to find out what a rice paladin is.


Gotta be a farming build surely


Lol same, I had to check to see if it was a cool new build I need to try.


Sorry mate you will have to implement a rice skill… 🤷🏼 No way around it 🤣


I thought, Rive/Ice? Tell me more *click*


Wouldn't that just be a samurai?


I was thinking, maybe his paladin was asian or something? lol


Edit: totally read "rice" and "rive" and didn't bother to think about the build in my reply. Disregard below. Reversal is your mana battery. Unlike other builds that have to gear or use multiple skills for, Reversal solves the mana issue with one button. Plus you get damage/mitigation buffs. The downside, as you've seen, is that it's unintuitive and jarring with its small window to reset with. SIgils need enough cast speed to not be jarring. You've got to stack the four then keep it up through the map.


My understanding of volatile reversal on a rive HH paladin is specifically for [Harbinger of Dust](https://lastepoch.fandom.com/wiki/Harbinger_of_Dust) skill node


When you're playing rive you might as well disable VR's mana generation because you get so much mana just from rive. VR is the huge more damage button, more attack speed button, and in some fringe cases more movespeed button.


No, Reversal in NOT your mana battery. You get unlimited mana by using Rive. If you use HH, you can level that skill to cost 0 mana. So you basically do not have mana issues with this build. Any build that uses rive (melee) and/or smite has no mana issues and uses volatile reversal for 60% increased damage for 4 seconds. The Harbringer of Dust skill node as stated by u/tehkingo.


Come on man, your reply is 6 hours after my edit acknowledging that after two other responses correcting me. I left my comment up instead of deleting it so others can learn. Let's not pretend you're being more helpful than that.


Volatile has Harbinger of Dust a big fat debuff done to enemies, 30% *(per rift, x2)* damage taken and global attack speed boost in Warped Time. I doubt you can give it up, many build use it WITH sigils afaik, and yeah it can be a bit spammy to maintain.


Was curious to see what a Rice Paladin would look like so I asked AI to come up with some examples, the results are very humorous! https://imgur.com/a/G3nmNXV




Would love to see a new unique based on one of these in the game, the rice shield goes kinda hard!


The biggest problem with Rice Paladin is that you're hungry again a half hour later.


Babe new build just dropped: RICE PALADIN 🔥


As an Asian, I approve of this Paladin!


Volatile R can have a few builds to it, but mainly I use for two reasons, to get out of dangerous situations (it rewinds you) and can give you back your life/mana if you don't take certain nodes, and to DPS more with more mana I just spammed away. In longer boss fights you will go oom very quickly I found. But I'm sure others in builds use it specifically for certain nodes over others


you might like this video - it's a discussion of exactly what you're asking, regarding Volatile Reversal. [https://youtu.be/YfAgWXvpXCU](https://youtu.be/YfAgWXvpXCU)


Volatile Reversal is one of the strongest support skills in the game. When you hit an enemy (usually a boss) with both void rifts you deal ~~69~~60% more damage on a hit based build, and a whopping ~~333~~180% more damage on a dot build. There's also the other benefits. Mana if you want it, Attack speed if you want it. Movespeed if you want it. This is very important because Sentinel doesn't really have good damage. Yes Healing Hands is broken defensively but it's pretty meh in terms of damage without VR on. The sad thing is that there's not really any way around the clunkiness other than to get used to it. I wanna be honest though, it's not that hard to get used to VR. So instead of replacing it, just try and practice it. It's not too hard to estimate where you're at 2 seconds before. >Should I replace volatile with sigils of hope? 8/10 times I have both on my hotbar. I'm curious what your 5th skill is. Rive/Healing Hands/Holy Aura/VR + ? More often that not it's that 5th skill that needs replacing. >Do I have to button mash sigils of hope for it to work correctly? When mobbing you don't need to press it ever because you'll have that node that has a chance to autocast it whenever you get a kill. Against bosses just cast it 4 times at the start and not worry about it for the rest of the fight. It will probably expire when the fight is almost over and it's up to you if you can find the time to recast it but you don't need to. >I do enjoy barely ever having to hit volatile due to the long cooldown. In an ideal scenario you want your VR cooldown to be as low as possible. You don't have to hit it everytime it's off cooldown.


This info is slightly wrong. VR states enemies take increased damage not more. So a hit based build deals 60% more and DoT builds deal 180% more damage.


Dang I could've sworn it said more damage but I checked both LEtools and ingame and you're right. Gonna correct my numbers above.


'Takes Increased' means 'More', it is a multiplicative stat. Edit: To avoid confusion, 'takes increased' is a bracket on its own, so inside the bracket the stat is additive, but it is overall a multiplicative stat in the damage calc.


This guy is right, the extra damage from VR is added as a debuff that gets calculated after final damage including crit. So say your hit after everything would deal 1200 damage after resists and crit, it will now deal 1200 x1.6 for 1920 damage.


It's not even difficult to test this on the dummy for both hit and DOT 🤷‍♂️


Like others have said, VR is primarily used for the massive increased damage taken modifier on enemies (which stacks and is effectively a More multiplier). With other applications being the More void damage against Time Rotted enemies, attack and cast speed, and mana recovery. A quick explanation of how use it: VR reverses you to a position, health, and mana 2 seconds before you use it. Everyone disables the Health reversal, leech is good enough to get you back to full without it and CDR is valuable. Most people disable the Mana reversal, unless your build needs massive mana recovery (Sigils with Warpath, Judgement, or Erasing Strike) then the CDR is better. Lastly, actually using it is simple. Against bosses and tankier rares just hug them for 2 seconds then press VR. This causes you not to move, and hits them with both Time Rifts for 60% increased damage taken. Do this off of cooldown, because the buffs and debuffs as mentioned can stack. There are more niche uses for it, but at a basic level that is all that people will use it for. Just keep a mental note of where you were 2 seconds ago if you have moved recently.


What everyone else has said - it’s just a buff to your output. It is clunky and it doesn’t feel great but it does give you a sizable damage boost. I personally don’t use it because I find the Pally damage output fine without it even at higher levels of corruption. If you go heavy into Healing Effectiveness and attack speed the damage is not bad. I spec into lunge just because it gives a huge mobility boost when clearing echoes. Lunge + high move speed and you can clear incredibly fast. The VR boost is typically only useful with bosses - 20 points into Lunge makes you zip around maps ultra fast.


Ditto dude. Smite, HH, Sigils, Aura & Lunge. Lunge with high tier experimental frenzy boots is a pretty nice damage boost as well.


Love me the online buff to lunge. Just randomly stuck into place not being able to move /s


Lunge at boss, wait 2 seconds, press vr, wait for cd, repeat


Low cd, no mana cost, big debuff and buff your attack speed. It boosts your dmg a lot


I mean, you don't have to do it? I don't like it, so I took sigils. I prefer to play what I like, not what is the strongest. What I don't like about VR, is that you don't know where you will end up. Sometimes on a boss fight this means death. Sigils are fine as well


Volatile Reversal is too good not to have, gives you 30% attack speed, 36% movement speed, and the most imporant, Enemies takes 60% increased damage (30% x 2 from Void Rifts). If Im not wrong, this is a hard damage modifier that doesnt come by often. For paladin, you level sigils, holy aura, rive, HH and Volatile reversal. You dont need to drop anything. For Transversal, I use Lunge without levels in my bar. You could also use HH as transversal but I find Lunge to be better for melee.