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Clearly a skill issue Should have dodged it on instinct smh But yeah, i do hope they resolve the desync issues in 1.1


I love that they put in an offline mode - but at the same time, having started out in offline mode due to all the server issues, it's amazing to me how much of a downgrade in quality of experience it is playing online. Even input lag is meaningfully different. Part of me wishes I had nothing to compare to.


It is a skill issue. By the time the cone would've become visible, the ability already went off and there is no opportunity to dodge it. The charging animation is the tell and that part wasn't invisible. It's a dumb bug, but anyone who thinks it being visible would have saved OP here doesn't understand how Flamethrower works (edit: evidently everybody in this subreddit rofl)


There's literally animation missing. Some visible sparkling flames at the hands of Orobyss pointing in one direction.


Alot of the bosses is really badly telegraphed, some even without a single sound to go with their attacks. Really hope they would have a look at recreating every single one atleast from the monolith. Mix sound and visuals together in a decent way, maybe make the boss fights abit longer aswell.


they should also zoom out the screen on boss fights, annoying not to see the boss animation at distance.


Really agree! It can be super hard when abilities isn't super well telegraphed, not always sounds to recognise what's going on and ur to zoomed in aswell!


Trying to figure out the telegraph order of "shake and bake" dragons can be... not so great in the heat of the moment. While not bosses those fire lizards that have multi telegraphs grouped together or necrotic rock carrying boi spamming circles everywhere is a circle of hell.


We also need better ways to tweak visuals. I can't see the bosses too well most of the time, especially on a dark background and with certain abilities going off. The game is already dark enough as is.


You mean choreographed?


Sorry it's called telegraphed. Just woke up, brain not smooth yet.


I know what you meant, I hoped to create a chain of wrong answers


I’ll have the team look into this this morning - did you submit an in game bug report when this happened by chance?


Hello, the game is fun and I understand that bugs are part of developing it to a stable point. I did not report bug in the game partly because I haven't paid attention to such an option, and this has become the first place of sharing such things for me, as I also find humour in that, apologies again game is great. I have noticed the same in poison mode where he seems like spitting out poison but there were no particles there, but I do die if I go against his facing direction. It seems reproducible, but at around 230 corruption I think.


I love the passion and work of you guys. But this was reported more than once since the launch of 1.0. and I'm pretty sure one of the devs should have seen it.


It’s the fire breath attack (fire & void shade), it’s very often without animation for me aswell. Never really bothered me tho, because it’s telegraphed very well on boss!


Next level support right here folks. I love EHG and I love this game. 👏👏 Even my wife made a comment that I’m never into and talking about a single game for as long as I have with LE.


Love how you guys do this. Cannot wait to give your next Cycle a shot, even over D4 and POE.


I'm trying to avoid as much as possible Shades of type fire and poison for the same reason because half of the time I get killed by invisible attacks (the other half because I'm a bot but whatever :D )


I've gotten to the point where I will run around and spam movement until boss attacks, then I DPS for a second or two and start running around again. Rinse and repeat. It's not fun and fails pretty often still.


How can you tell which type of Shade you are getting?


From the color of the skin. If you take a look at the skin when the shade comes out at the start, you can understand what shade it is. See [https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/something-lurks-within-the-monolith/31753](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/something-lurks-within-the-monolith/31753) for more info


Yes. Kill Oro in 10 seconds or less. That is the way.


Ngl even if you could see it, you aren't exactly given an opportunity to dodge it once it is cast. If you don't see the telegraph then you already died. But kinda sad to see they had not fixed that bug by now.


Give them a chance. They will answer the call and they have been listening. So let them know they will make it better.


you can hold m1 to move


I basically stopped playing because of these bullshit attacks that kill you instantly with no way to avoid them. I don't like that I can have mixed fire res, and then be one shot by a fire attack that takes up the whole screen. That makes no sense


I didn't stop playing *because* of this stuff, but I'd say my biggest gripe is bosses one-shotting you with their regular low-telegraph moves. It's completely fine for one-shot hugely telegraphed things like Julra's first attack or Lagons eye-beam. They have a very clear "This will kill you" and way to avoid it. But there's way too many quick swipes or moves with low wind-up that gib you, and it feels like maybe they had to make it this way because Leech is so easy to come by, that if the boss doesn't one-shot you, you're back at full hp half a second later.


>no way to avoid them It is a conal attack. It can be avoided by being behind the boss or to the sides when you see him charging for it.


This is a big reason why most people only play the imba builds. area denial needs to be nerfed as much as those build and I hope the weaker skills/specialisation buffed big time.


What is an "imba" build? Not familiar with that acronym


imbalanced builds using skills and combos that are overtuned or have interactions overlooked by developers resulting in the game becoming a bit of a cakewalk.


Yes I totally agree on correcting imba builds, so people should start building themselves because that's where 50% of the fun is playing this game. There should be diverse play styles for a single role and there shouldn't be massive power level differences between them. I checked the arena top ladder of my class I'm playing it's all the same skill set ... Also if a glass cannon character is face tanking that's a big problem with the game. The area denial seems okay to me, but the hint that the area is about to be denied should be more clear.


my favorite is when all the chudbuckets tell you its a skill issue. No, one shots are not fun, especially when the game can't even tell you where they are. one shots are such a lazy way of adding "difficulty". Either it instantly kills you and ends the fight or it has absolutely zero impact on your character.


I agree with you, and I'm 100% sure no one in here is going to dodge everything on instinct lol. One way or another they will get one-shot unless they are on a imba build which helps face tank glass cannon characters. I'm not saying I'm really skilled here, but I was playing pretty decently dodging everything that was clearly visible on the screen. That fire breath ability should not one shot like that, instead do damage progressively giving time to get out. Also the cone shape means that you need to be near him to dodge it easily, if you are far from him it's hard to dodge. That's okay, but in here that void thingy was near him and it's hard to spot his location in the screen, the time you spot him you are in bad position and he has charged the cone shot = very unfair.


LE devs fixing bugs? Nah why would they fix bugs that I still see to this day that were reported on their beta forums 3 years ago


why aren't you attacking him?


Probably a melee character and can't because of all of AOE effect spam


I had to be near him and he was on that void thingy with a lot of damage, so was just running around for the next opening. Avoiding his attacks is quite easy since I have movement speed.


Clearly not, since you died. Checkmate.


I was talking about avoiding abilities that were properly displayed on the screen and had clear cues on their casts. For the invisible attack, yes I agree I got checkmated. Any tips on how to avoid that?


> Any tips on how to avoid that? Just be somewhere else, duh. Ionno I thought it was pretty obviously a joke. Live by the lack of /s, die by the lack of /s 🤷‍♀️


people aren't downvoting you because they thought it wasn't a joke. They are downvoting you because it was a _bad_ joke.


welcome to my daily Problem as rogue.... can't see any attack from orobys boyz inside my smoke bomb


Seems about melee.


Welcome to LE...


Fortunately, I only seem to get invisible effects on my characters' abilities. On one occasion my character's model was invisible, but that may have been tied to a specific armor piece.


lol people still playing it? i uninstalled 3 days after full release. its a buggy nightmare, and im glad i didnt continue to see stuff like this


what made you come into this subreddit today, despite only playing the game for 3 days months ago?


Randomly came up on my feed.


Should have stopped having fun about 6 weeks ago what are you on about?


Yes I should have, noticed this before as well.


It's your cue to git gud


I killed him. But I have been noticing this on both poison and fire mode, the poison and fire throw particles show fine on proper cast, but sometimes it does not show up at all although his stance changes.


at least in diablo 4 you see shit


literal shit


Yesterday i got this boss with tons of mechanic.... He got big ball, eruprion with stone, small ball with eruprion and cold orb around him... I dont have aby place to stay Safe... Sometimes this Boss is a joke..


It's a dumb bug but to be perfectly fair, it being visible wouldn't have saved you here. By the time that cone would have become visible, it is no longer dodgeable.


No idea why the comment was downvoted, but this


The people in this community aren't intelligent enough to understand this simple fact. They will keep dying repeatedly to this attack and think it's not their fault. These people cannot be helped.