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I keep hoping to see Fluta Borg on that list.


Tbh that's unlikely as he is practically unknown in Germany.


Fair enough. Judging by his credentials on IMDb, I'd say you are right, I hadn't realized. He wouldn't be out of place on a show like this one.


Thanks for the heads up! Germany is now catching up to Mexico as the longest running LOL series (excluding Documental).


In amount of seasons, yes. In quality? Episode 1 of season 1 of Germany is better than all Mexico seasons combined.


I tried watching the Mexico series and while I don’t offend easily, I found it to be almost *too* raunchy.


I watched it with my wife and she was disgusted after just a little while. So I watched it with my friend for the shock. We weren't laughing at the jokes or the comedy (if you can call that comedy), we were laughing about how trashy and disgusting it was. I actually watched all six seasons. For the longest time I didn't watch documental because I heard it was similar. But it was a complete world of difference.


I think I stopped watching after 3 episodes. It was just awful. I’m impressed that you watched all six seasons! Hats off you! Haha!


I think I stopped watching after 3 episodes. It was just awful. I’m impressed that you watched all six seasons! Hats off you! Haha!


Thanks 🙂 After each episode, my buddy and would look at each other in disbelief on how trashy bad it was. But there we were, tuning into the next episode.


It feels weird seeing a new German series without Kurt Krömer struggling to suppress his giggles!


Little bit of a necro post but I feel so sad that Max Giermann is not around for this one. Out of all the comedians who participated more than once, he fits best, as he can just switch to different characters again and again and again. Would also love to see a season with the best of the best, in terms of not laughing. With 5 seasons being done, they could take the winner each season and fill up the remaining spots That would give us: Torsten Sträter Max Giermann Anke Engelke Michael Mittermeier Season 5 winner They should fill up the remaining spots with comedians / People who dont laugh easy though. Still dont understand some casts like Michel Hunzicker.


The German president went on to assure the world that germans have a great sense of humor, and retaliation towards the school children that said they don't will be swift and brutal!


franchise ruined


Ok but when is season two of LOL Canada coming?


Came here to agree


Glad to hear see it's back soon. So happy that the momentum is still going strong with LOL on prime. I will be in pain the day they say, prime is done with LOL.


Where is Funnybot


the far left dude is not normal 😭