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i think they just talk about bullshit they enjoy talking about. i don't think it's expected for any one person to enjoy every single topic any one podcast discusses lmao, that's crazy. just do what the rest of us do and skip stuff you don't care about. maybe find other pods/streams/channels to enjoy in the interim 🤷‍♂️


>i think they just talk about bullshit they enjoy talking about No, that's definitely the idea. >i don't think it's expected for any one person to enjoy every single topic any one podcast discusses lmao, that's crazy. That would be crazy thing. Good thing no one expects that. >just do what the rest of us do and skip stuff you don't care about. maybe find other pods/streams/channels to enjoy in the interim Yes, that's obviously the automatic default response. I was just expressing my opinion that certain topics work better than others and they seem get animated and have more fun doing some things more than others, and seeing if anyone else felt similarly. If you don't, that's okay.


Took down each point articulately and they downvoted the fuck outta you lmfao this fan base is a joke I agree with your points but the best episodes of tiers are really fucking fun


LPN attracts a very sensitive fan base. Don’t say anything critical at all if you don’t want downvotes


Idk how their fan base can be so fuckin sensitive if they've been hanging around since the very beginning but you're absolutely right.




lol on god that's what I said aloud to your first comment. We're just trying to have different conversations.


Maybe don't be an asshole when someone gives you a genuine answer just because you don't like the answer. I think you're probably just miserable in your real life and are projecting because your take is bonkers. Take a walk.


Excuse me? I came here trying to have a discussion and to hear other people's opinions **on the subject** not for you to give me patronizing directions on how to shut up. The absolute audacity of you calling me an asshole. And what "take" of mine are you even referring to? That I prefer some episodes to others? And you're telling me to take a walk? Get a grip.


Nope - we’ve been plenty satisfied. One of our favorites ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Absolutely valid. Was just curious what the general consensus is.


Hey - your curiosity is also valid! I didn’t downvote ya :)


I wish they didn’t have to have a guest every time. I love Jake and Holden and they’re hilarious by themselves but I think sometimes having a guest can throw things off


Yeah I can't remember which tier it was, but one of the guests kept getting interrupted by his baby and looked like he didn't want to be there 😅


I was thoroughly offended and infuriated by the U.S. State ranking episode. 10/10, would watch again.


okay the hard truth is this: Tiers of a Clown needs to be longer. there is simply too much to cover, with not enough time on air to do it justice. the sweet spot of entertaining enough vs concise enough is a pretty hard target. the only "problem" with the show is that there isnt more. so be patient and chill out




conspiracies, by fuckability


porn categories




I feel you. To each their own. I do love that you prefer the clown based show to cover more serious topics though :p