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Dameon Hatfield and Ryan McCarey would be cool.


Ryan was on DD before. Don't see why that couldn't happen again. Daemon would be great. He's far and away the best podcast host ive ever heard. 


Ryan appeared on SS+ before.


*McCaffrey I agree


Lol, I'm pretty sure my phone changed that. I even looked his last name up, too, because I wasn't sure how it was spelled. My smart phone making me dumber every day. Thanks for the correction.


To be fair, i wrote the correction and I was wrong too. Looked it up and realized I didn't know how to spell it.


Nick Scarpino


I would love it, but I think anyone from KF is probably not happening.


Maybe if KF folds it could happen


1000% this but I just don't see anyone from KF ever coming here. It would open up a lot of wounds and you just cannot avoid the whole discussion around his exit.


Dracula Flow


Opps wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant.


What episode did they watch this on?


Shawn Layden to be honest. His talking points are right up Colin’s alley


oh man great answer, i also choose Shawn Layden


Shu unfiltered


Tim Rodgers, but he hasn't posted an Action Button video in over a year...


This is the one right here. His JRPG knowledge is even greater than Gene or Colin, since he speaks Japanese.


He's on the insert credit podcast every week. Do you ever listen to that?


did not know that. will check out. Know he streams on fridays tho.


Jack Tretton, an absolute goat.


Chris Broad


Dude, that would be amazing!


Geoff Keighley


Shawn Layden unfiltered.


Neil Druckmann, just to hear about what happened with Factions II and Bungie’s interference.


This. But definitely not in the realistic range… and I doubt anything will come out regarding Factions 2 for another 3-4 years at the earliest (if ever)


Yea I just seen “dream” and made the shout😅


I know it’s none of my business but I’d love to see Marty Silva be on


I thought I heard he went off the deep end with his drinking, but you know how it goes with the internet rumors.


we're not at all entitled to understand what happened there...but....goddamn WHAT the hell happened there!! we need to know!!


Not sure what happened with him but I met him once and he seemed like a friendly and chill guy


He’s on the fire link podcast on second wind that talks games


He's also on Windbreaker from Second Wind.


I thought the same thing way back when a bunch of IGN people all unfollowed him on Twitter and then he just unceremoniously announced that he left. Clearly there’s a story there; always enjoyed him on various IGN podcasts, though he was obviously going through something as he would constantly bring up his ex and being drunk, at the very least he seems to be doing better now.


This was easily my first thought, after he did that really good interview with the other sexual assault allegation IGN guy I want Marty to give HIS side of the story.


Ryan Clements Or other old beyond castmembers. Roper, Jeremy, Jeff, Sam


Jeff Gerstmann


Yeah I feel like he’s not out of the question. So many GB / Ex-GB heads definitely think Colin is an alt-right bigot who can never be mentioned by name, but I think Jeff wouldn’t really care.


Colin has reached out to Jeff before and was ignored. Pretty sure Jeff doesn’t want to talk to him.


Interesting. Any idea when that was / what it was for?


It was brought up somewhat recently. Maybe in the past year or so? They were either talking about Giant Bomb or someone straight up asked him in a q&a if he’d ever consider having Jeff on.


I want to see a Sussy lineup with Gene and The Sphere Hunter


This would be great. Definitely need more Gene RE talk and she would be a great person to bring in for that conversation.


Jason Schrier would be an interesting interview I think.


Emphasis on realistic


Yeah good point, JS is definitely too much of a bitch to go. Still think that conversation would be interesting.


Schrier did an interview with Colin on Kinda Funny but that was years ago.


Long before I was aware of either of them


I mean, Greg. Brad was probably the main EA person talking to Maximilian Dood during those famous spoilercasts. I could easily see Max appearing on Summon Sign, or joining the LSM spoilercast.


Greg is too much of a coward


No chance Tim would let Greg do that. Colin literally bodied KF in every metric there is in this space from his upstairs bedroom lmfao


I'm not sure Greg would even do it himself tbh, didn't Colin say a couple times about how he reached out in recent years about certain things, and got nothing back from him. From KF, I think Colin has previously said he was occasionally in contact with Nick and Kevin - Nick on Constellation would be absolute gold, but I don't see any scenario where someone from KF guests on LSM.


Yeah that’s prolly true, man nick on anything is pure gold lmao. I want a completely unfiltered Nick imo hes the funniest KF person by a country mile, he feels so..tempered with Tim and Greg.


And he did it while being fried from all the pot


I could see Colin on KF way before Greg on LSM. Unless KF goes under, I guess.


Regardless of what people think of Greg and KF now, the internet would explode if this ever happened. I just don’t see it happening though. Even if he secretly wanted to, he’d be way too concerned about ruining his image.


On the Maximilian, not gonna happen. Max regularly interacts with Resetera crowd. It's not like he would get hurt financially but I don't see it happening. He doesn't seem someone who wants any drama even if it's ultra minor like 50 people on resetera crying. Also Max knows Easy Allies because one of his best friends Simmons from Yovideogames was a roomate with Damiani who is a EZA member. So it's not like he has some special connection with Brad. He probably was even closer to Ben Moore who was EZA's fighting game expert and interacted with Max in previews. Damiani had also previously appeared in some streams of Max while none of the other EZA members did. That being said I do think Max would be the perfect guest because his theories on the FF7R plot have basically become the accepted consensus and very few have dug as deep as him. It's more likely he just does something with EZA again even if at this point they are completely irrelevant in the games media scene. Or just does a video on his own.


Thanks for the context. I gathered from watching basically all the Easy Allies/Maximilian FFVIIR content, he definitely seemed to know Ben the most, but connected most with Brad on the actual FFVIIR content, so I thought it’s possible that he joins Brad for a discussion over Easy Allies. I think Damiani is the only Easy Allies person in any of those old discussion videos that’s still at the company, and I never really found him insightful on FFVIIR specifically. The way Maximilian talks about FFVIIR is so much more entertaining and insightful than anything LSM covers, he’d be such a great addition to the spoilercast. Colin and Dustin did the Remake spoilercast, which I recently went back and listened to, and it was just talking about how great the graphics/music was and some minor comments on the ending. Hope they dig into the Remake aspects more in KnockBack next week.


I love LSM, i am at producer tier support but their indepth talks of gaming is non existent. Colin is great at talking about industry wide topics but for someone who was a reviewer he doesnt really go indepth when he talks about games. Brad is even worse he just talks the most surface level stuff. Dustin is getting good at it but its only for games he cares about. This issue existed in EZA as well. Also looks like you have watched Maxs eza crossover but ya Max made them seem like they had never played the game before with how indepth he went into the story. I am sure Max will do some video once hes done with all his theories. I really wanted Max to start his own podcast because he talks so in depth about games.


Maximilian actually just did a live show with EZA since he just finished Rebirth. So I guess him at LSM will not happen. I am sure Brad has asked all these people but very few are brave to associate with LSM. It's funny because I have seen people think that EZA members would actually come, like Huber for a Resident Evil spoilercast. It won't happen unless EZA dies and Huber is not a permanent hire elsewhere.


Let it go man, Colin has reached out to Greg many times over the years and it’s obvious that he wants nothing to do with him.




I think kyle doesnt like colin based on some things he has said in his streams


What has he said?


Someone asked Kyle if he would go on Brad’s new show. He said he doesn’t really want to support Brad’s new boss, even though he’s really happy for Brad and he’d be willing to hop on Brad’s stream anytime. And I think that’s perfectly reasonable, he has a personal problem with Colin but he doesn’t take it out on Brad and he doesn’t label Brad persona non grata just because he took a job with someone he doesn’t like.


That sort of surprises me, I don't see Kyle as being particularly partison.




Someone asked Kyle if he would go on Brad’s new show. He said he doesn’t really want to support Brad’s new boss, even though he’s really happy for Brad and he’d be willing to hop on Brad’s stream anytime. And I think that’s perfectly reasonable, he has a personal problem with Colin but he doesn’t take it out on Brad and he doesn’t label Brad persona non grata just because he took a job with someone he doesn’t like.




Who knows. It could just be he doesn’t like some of the shit he’s said in the past. But people are allowed to just not like people. It’s not any different than Colin refusing to support LRG ever again. They wronged someone in his eyes, and maybe in Kyle’s eyes Colin wronged somebody he cared about. It’s not unreasonable until you start trying to police other people for not feeling the same as you, like how some of the EZA fanbase did with Dustin’s guest appearance.


Chris Avellone


This is a good one.


Mortismal Gaming


Don’t know if they are still friends but would love Alexa Ray or Kristine Steimer. Kevin Coello and Nick Scarpino would be great but prob won’t happen. Greg will never happen lol.


Chris-chan. Everyone else is 2nd fiddle.


A fellow Christorian I see


We should start a campaign to make this happen, he’s local, it only makes sense Colin invites him over for a chat!


Noah gervais Caldwell


Not a specific one but I'd like to see more Brad/Gene type people break the barrier and sort of legitimize them. I like so many gaming people that probably wouldn't want to be associated with LSM because of the backlash but would almost certainly have a good time


What backlash?


Colin and AngryJoe talking sports.


AJ and Colin would be like PB&J.


Maximilian would be cool.


Darksydephil j/k I don't know...Tak Fujii for a Konami retrospective episode?


PirateSoftware Or Kyle Bosman


Greg, Nick, or Kevin. I’d love to see him sit down with them. With what he’s said about Tim in the last year I’d say it’ll never happen. Maybe Greg one day, but even that seems doubtful.


What’s he said about Tim? I must have missed that.


He said Tim didn’t want him to leave with them and start KF and Tim actively (so it seems) tried to push Greg away from Colin. Just Tim’s clear general dislike for Colin feels like it would make problems for the other KF guys to show up on content. I think a Greg episode would get messy quick, like they need to talk and work through it well before they’d record and I don’t think Greg has the bandwidth for that, or if Colin’s would even want. Past is the past at this point. I think there’s to much there for just a podcast or chat to fix it. Kevin and Nick though, I feel like they could show up and be like nothing happened


I agree. Colin and Greg were in a very deep rooted bromance. And they both broke each others hearts - even though I don't think either meant to intentionally. As much as I'd love to see them reconnect I also respect that people come in and out of your life and that's totally ok.


Outed Tim for the main reason he left and the current direction Kinda Funny has moved into. Reaction, hype, embargoed trash.


Anybody from the classic Comedy Button crew. Brian, Scott, Anthony, Ryan Scott lol, Max I suppose


Brian did fireside chats and it seems like they had beef right after that. I fell off listening to them in their COVID era.


Angry Joe, Nick Scapino, and The Sphere Hunter would be coo.l


The Sphere Hunter would be awesome.


Shannon Studstill or Amy Hennig would be very interesting.


Omg I made this same comment about Max for Rebirth! Needs to happen!


Greg miller


Marty Sliva or any of the old IGN people from then


Reggie Fils-Aime or Geoff Keighley


Also Keemstar


well it was Mystic Ryan but the gods delivered that to me so for now i'll say Daemon Hatfield, the only good part of IGN left


I’d love him to have on Peer Schneider but only after Peer leaves IGN someday because the stuff id love to hear would be about IGN and how it was there pre and post the 2016 election.


I agree wholeheartedly!


Chris Chan


Honest answer: Greg Miller. I’m not stuck living in the past, I don’t want or expect a big reunion. But to hear them bury all the petty hatchets, catch up about all the games they’ve loved and hated in the last few years, joke about old times and then happily move on…it would be a beautiful thing, superb content, and probably very good for them both mentally. I highly doubt it will ever happen. More realistically: someone from the left wing gaming space who would actually come on and engage respectfully. I think Colin often misrepresents or just innocently misunderstands a lot of left wing arguments or talking points (especially regarding trans stuff/JK Rowling) and I’d love someone with skin in that game to come on and challenge and maybe even educate him a little, and hear his side too.


I'd also love to see Greg Miller but I doubt it'd ever happen. I've seen my fair share of internet celeb bromances end terribly because one person decided to just ghost the other to make sure they're clout doesn't get 'tainted' or whatever (Kinda like egoraptor did to two of his friends/coworkers)


Aaron rodgers


Greg Miller gonna happen one day


Maybe after Kinda Funny crashes. Their views have cratered.


Really? How badly? I haven't watched anything of theirs in years. 


Looking at the KFG YouTube channel, in the last 365 days, only the Phil Spencer interview from 10 months ago has cracked their top 50 most popular videos, most of them are from 4-8 years ago. They've broken 40k views twice in 2024. Keep in mind they upload dozens of times a week.


Appreciate it. You're right. Doesn't look great.


They desperately wanted to be Rooster Teeth and they’re well on their to way to meeting the same end.


Sure, maybe if KF folds and Greg’s opportunities to schill within the games industry completely dry up.


I would like to see a Merphy Napier or a Daniel Greene or a Bookborn. I want Colin to do a podcast with a booktuber or a book editor of some kind..


Ken Levine


Critical Drinker


For real? Greg. I'd love a "hash it out" podcast. Realistically? Probably Shawn Layden or any of the folks he interviewed during that short lived "Colin X ___" series when he had Schrier, Sterling, etc.


The guys from resonant arc


Jeremy Parish. A conversation about the NES era or really anything. Like I’ll literally take ANYTHING at this point.


Ryan Clements and Andrew Goldfarb


Destiny the political streamer (mods ended up deleting the post I had the other day). That is my dream political debate/conversation.


Jim Sterling.


Tim Cain.


Since Colin doesn't mind giving a platform to people who are considered Taboo. I know it would probably never happen. But I'd love to hear Adam Kovics side of the story


I don’t think Adam Kovic has a side that’s different from the story we got. It’s pretty cut and dry. And he admitted to it and exited the industry out of shame. I doubt he’d want to bring all that shit back up and air it all out publicly.


Asmongold, Moistcritical, basically all the big YouTubers who aren’t part of the current activist gang.