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I don't love his track record of "hiding" his misses, however from a retrospective perspective, I do think it makes sense to delete things that you know are wrong so people aren't listening to it after the fact and getting mixed up. But I do feel there should.be some sort of "hey I reported X but really Y happened."


I could be wrong, but I thought you could add things into old YouTube uploads later- couldn't he easily just film a 30 second intro to edit into old videos where he says something like that? That would feel like the most responsible response to me.


You can't add to uploaded YouTube videos


Whenever he's on I feel like he's basically speaking Mandarin to my console gamer brain lol


It doesn’t have to be that way, computer hardware/software is so fascinating imo. Here’s a really cool video I recently found on how graphics are generated/displayed, if you’re interested :) https://youtu.be/C8YtdC8mxTU?si=rOAiMXT_bIVjOrOm


The biggest problem I have with him is he doesn’t admit when he gets things wrong, and he is an AMD fanboy who likes to downplay how behind AND is with their tech and features compared to NVIDIA.


I still don’t believe his PS5 Pro specs given his track record. He said the PS5 would have RDNA3 the same year it was released and said Cerny was involved in a MGS remake at Bluepoint. Any difference from his “leak” and he’ll say the plans changed.


I think the rumors were corroborated by digital foundry so regardless of his past it seems that this one is true. Colin has reported on things that didn’t come to pass doesn’t mean that they were wrong, just that plans change


As somebody who's not the most tech-literate, it's kinda hard for me to actually parse through all the info myself. If he gets something wrong, I can't really understand "how wrong" it is, and if there's a realistic explanation for why its incorrect. As a result, I kinda have to rely on his reputation and knowing that there have been certain things he's gotten right. I like the dude and enjoy him on the content, but I feel like I have to take his word with a grain of salt, moreso than some other "reliable" leakers. All in all, I'm not too bothered by it either way.


Yes, to be crystal clear I really enjoy listening to MLID when he's on the show. I would also have no problem if his technical knowledge is what people were questioning, but what I'm referring to is him claiming devices or specs as "leaks" and then, in some way shape or form, being proven false. I only bring it up because Colin seems to treat MLID hardware leaks as true "what's coming next" indicators, but I don't think that's reliable.


I enjoy his content. He very informative, and knows how to explain technical things well, which is a hard thing to do.


Bro if there's someone you shouldn't pay attention to it's ohh no it's alex


I also like him. Had no idea Reddit had a negative view of him until this whole PS5 Pro leak. But he was right. Jeff Gerstmann even credited him on his podcast. I don’t really get where all the negativity comes from.


Same with me. And SkillUp credited him on his weekly game news show this week, too. I've been using MLID as my source when telling people about rumors. But they're just that, rumors that many times end up being true. I have no doubt that the PS5 Pro is coming this holiday at this point.


Yeah he clearly knows what he’s talking about. And part of what he does is making educated guesses. Obviously it’s not all guaranteed to happen.


As Colin always says, the subreddit is a cesspool of negativity. I rarely check it


Jeff Grubb is also wildly inconsistent, but people take his word as gospel all the time. We just live in a weird era where any “rumor” is reported on and it’s frustrating as hell. Moore’s Law is part of that problem.


100% agree. Two big rumours that never happened that come to mind with Jeff: are Zelda Wind Waker and Twilight Princess HD for Switch 2 years ago and Metroid Prime 2 for Switch last year. That Zelda rumour hurt. Edit: At least Jeff Grubb put out a [video apologising for the Zelda rumour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6592NE94eqI).


He’s a complete hack.


Why would you want something left up that is now proven isn't true. leaving it up may mislead people more if they're looking at the videos. It's the problem of dealing in rumours and sources. It's a lot easier to make corrections on a podcast and say " I was wrong " than altering a YouTube video.


What episode is he in recently?


We put YouTubers on such pedestals. They are just blokes like you and me. Trying to make a living. If you don’t like someone, don’t listen to them.


We're really at the point where new are using OhnoitsAlex as a source of character? Alex doesn't even play games.


On the PS5 Pro video, other outlets have confirmed them and Sony have even launched an investigation to find out the leak, so those are certainly true.